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Now a day people are using smart phones so our study is about the applications that are installed
in these phones which are gaming applications, utility applications & social applications .so here
by, we will check the customer satisfaction in terms of experience, loyalty and .and in this
research we are going to take students as a sample. We will check that customers are satisfied
using mobile phone applications because it is not checked anywhere so it is our gap also.
Literature Review
Customer satisfaction is an evaluation of difference between prior expectations about product
and its actual performance. Customer satisfaction is how customers react towards the state of
satisfaction, and how customers judge the satisfaction level (Hanif, Hafez & Riaz, 2010).
Customer satisfaction is the reaction of customer toward state of the fulfillment and judgment of
customer about that fulfilled state (Khayyat & Heshmati,2012).
Customer satisfaction is the expectation before consuming a product regarding quality or it is a
pre-consumption judgment or expectation(bae,2012).
Satisfaction is an outcome of purchase in which consumer compare cost and rewards with the
anticipated consiquences(Maxham,2001).
There is always a positive relationship between customer satisfaction and profit maximization of
an organization(bowen&chen,2001).No one is important than customers and their satisfaction is
the ultimate objective through improvement in services in terms of competitiveness and it saves
future revenue plus it becomes the cause of cost reduction in future(Yuan Hu, Ching-Chan&
Cheng, Hong,2010).Customer satisfaction is the perceived feeling of a customer for which he or
she has set standards if his expectations match with the standard he is satisfied(Eggert&
Ulaga,2002).There are number of imperial studies on specific relationship of employees
satisfaction.Often the quality of the relationship is called satisfaction mirror which gives an idea
that success of business is from satisfaction of employee which is reflected in term of the
customer satisfaction.Service quality is derived from employee satisfaction for example if
employees are satisfied it has direct effect on both customer satisfaction and service

There is a significant effect of customer satisfaction on the performance of business and through
customer satisfaction returns of shareholders can be increased and value of any business can be

Customer satisfaction with offices is resolved by specialized execution, as well as by a many-

sided set of trade procedures, for example, compelling correspondence and administration of
desires. (Campbell&Finch,2004).

Customer satisfaction have antecedent, mediated and moderated effect on personal connections
and enjoyable interactions(Fatima&Razzaque,2013).

Customer satisfaction with offices is resolved not just by specialized execution, additionally by a
multifaceted set of trade methodologies, for example, powerful correspondence and
administration of desires.(Campbell&Finch,2004)

The exceptional dissemination of portable administrations has beaten the masters'

desires.Telecommunication has turned into a heading segment, giving commoditized
administrations. Accordingly, the infiltration of cellular telephones is very nearly twice as high
as that of personal computers(Turel&Serenko,2013).

The portable Internet guaranteed equilent adaptability and expense productivity to the typical
web. In any case, encounters show that the improvement of portable web requisitions needs to
think about uncommon tests in the zones of convenience, advancement proficiency.

As interest obliges that more provisions be re-wrote for versatile arrangements, organizations
may think that it is important to upgrade information offering and substance conveyance systems
to backing the portable stage.(Devi,Ramzan&Shander,2012).

Mobile applications and administrations progressively help us in our everyday life

circumstances, satisfying our needs for data, correspondence,diversion or relaxation

Regardless of the reputation of flexible demands, their execution likewise imperativeness

bottlenecks remain stowed away due to a non-attendance of detectable quality into the advantage
constrained conveyable execution environment with possibly intricate affiliation with the
procurement behavior(Qian,Wang,Gerbar,Mao,San,Spatscheck,2011).

Cell phones and tablets are converting the way individuals digest news, take after games, and sit
in front of the TV and films. Individuals are basically strolling around with a worldwide
newsroom, a games enclosure, widescreen HD TV, and film theater in their pocket or tote.
Furthermore as a rule nowadays, clients have a decision by they way they need to get to the data
and captivate with the substance(Anderson,2013)

It is evident that clients are vital stakeholders in associations and their fulfillment is a necessity
to administration. Client fulfillment has been a subject of incredible enthusiasm to associations
and specialists indistinguishable.(Agbor,2011).

Theoretical framework:

Relationship of:

Mobile phone
Customer satisfaction: applications:
-Experience using -Gaming applications
-Percieved value
-Utility applications
-Social applications

Here in this research we will check the relationship between the two variables which customer
satisfaction and mobile application where customer satisfaction is dependent variable whose
constructs experience, perceived value & loyality and mobile applications are independent
variable.According to the definitions of customer satisfaction and mobile phone applications got
from the literature review we can check the existence of relationship amongst them and we can
also check intensity .

Here customer satisfaction is dependent variable because it is depending on the mobile

applications which means that how much a customer is sastisfied using mobile phone

Problem statement:

According to(Hanif , Hafeez & Riaz)

Customer satisfaction is an evaluation between prior expectations about product and its actual

And According to (Anderson,2013)

Cell phones and tablets are converting the way individuals digest news, take after games, and sit
in front of the TV and films. Individuals are basically strolling around with a worldwide
newsroom, a games enclosure, widescreen HD TV, and film theater in their pocket or tote.
Furthermore as a rule nowadays, clients have a decision by they way they need to get to the data
and captivate with the substance.

These are the two definitions of our variables which are customer satisfaction and mobile phone
applictaions. According to these definitions people are at ease now to gather information from e-
newspapers can watch movies on mobile and can play games but the relationship of their
satisfaction with the usage of mobile applications is not checked anywhere so here in this paper
we will check though customers use these applications but are they satisfied with them or
it is also our gap that the relationship of these two variables is not checked so our problem
statement is;

“Customers are satisfied using mobile phone applications or not.”


H0:Customers are satisfied using mobile phone applications.

H1: Customers are not satisfied using mobile phone applications.



Hanif ,M. , Hafeez ,A. & Riaz , A.(2010) journal name(factors affecting customer

khayyat,N,T.& Heshmati, a(2012) journal name(Determinants Of Mobile Phone Customer

Satisfaction In The Kurdistan Region)p3

Bae, Y,H.(2012) journal name(Three essays on the customer satisfaction-customer

loyalty association)p23

Maxham,J , G. (2001) journal name(Service recovery’s influence on consumer satisfaction,

positive word-of-mouth, and purchase intentions)p1

Bowen,J,T.& Chen,S,L.(2001) journal name(The relationship between customer loyalty and

customer satisfaction)p1

Hu,H,Y.,Cheng,C,C.,Chiu,S,I.,Hong,F,I.(2011) journal name(A study of customer satisfaction,

customer loyalty and quality attributes in Taiwan’s medical service industry)p1(187)

Egger,A. & Ulaga,W.(2002) journal name(Customer perceived value:a substitute for satisfaction
in business markets)P2,17(2/3)

Maddaren,H. ,Maul,R,S.,Smart,P,A.&Baker,P.(2005) journal name(Customer satisfaction and

service quality in uk financial services)p3&5

O’SULLIVAN,D.&McCalling,J.(2010) journal name(Customer satisfaction, earnings

and firm value)p1

Campbell,L.& Finch,E.(2004) journal name(Customer satisfaction and organisational


Fatima,j,k. & Razzaque,A,U.(2013) journal name(Roles of customer involvement

in rapport and satisfaction)p1

Turel ,O.& Sarenkoa, A.(2006) journal name(Satisfaction with mobile services in Canada:
An empirical investigation)p314

Spriestersbach,A & Springer,T. (2005) journal name(Quality Attributes in mobile Web

Application Development)P1

Devi,S.,Rizwan,M.&Chander,S.(2012) journal name(Mobile Applications & its implications in


Wac,K.,Ickin,S., Hong,J,H.,Janowski,L.,Fiedler,M.&Dey A,K.(2011) journal name(Studying the

Experience of Mobile Applications Used inDifferent Contexts of Daily Life)P1

Qian,F.,Wang,Z.,Gerber,A.,Mao,Z,M.,Sen,S.,Spatscheck,O.(2011) journal name(Profiling

Resource Usage for Mobile Applications:A Cross-layer Approach)P1

ANDERSON,J.(2013) journal name(Stream on foresee mobile satisfaction index media and


Agbor,J,M. (2011) journal name(The Relationship between Customer Satisfactionand Service

Quality: a study of three Service sectors in Umeå.)P2.

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