Lesson Plan For Teaching Demonstration I. Objectives: at The End of The 60 Minutes, Students Will Be Able To

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March 13, 2018

Lesson Plan for Teaching Demonstration

I. Objectives:
At the end of the 60 minutes, students will be able to:
1. Identify the different types of money
2. Perform a role playing activity that shows a buying transaction using particular type of
3. Value the importance of money as medium of exchange

II. Subject Matter:

Different Types of Money

References: The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time
Strategy: Learning cooperative
Materials: pictures, Manila paper, marker, paper strips , purse
Values Integrated: Value the important of money as the medium of exchange in everyday
transaction of every society.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Pre – Activity:

1. Greetings “Good morning ma’am!”

Good Morning Class!

2. Opening Prayer
May I ask the class president to please lead the (A student will lead the opening prayer.)
opening prayer?
Thank you.

3. Orderliness and Cleanliness

Before you take your seats, kindly check if (the students will arrange the chairs and
there are pieces of paper under your chairs, pick up the pieces of paper)
pick it up and arrange your chairs properly.

4. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent from Group 1. How “Ma’am, there is no absent in our group”
about from group 2? Group 3? Group 4? Group
Ok, very good.

5. Review
Let us have a brief review about our Some students will give a recap of the
previous discussion. previous lesson which is about the supply and
That’s great! Do you have any questions
regarding our last topic? If none, let’s proceed
to our next topic.
6. Motivation

“To begin our discussion for this day, let’s have

a simple activity.”

Activity 1.
The teacher will show the class some pictures The class will describe/identify the pictures
of different kinds of money. shown by the teacher.

“Can you identify this picture”. “That is a 10-peso coin”

“That’s correct. What about this one”.

“That is a cow”

(The teacher will show all pictures one by one) (The students will describe/identify each of
the remaining pictures)

The pictures will be posted on the board after

it has been described or identified by the

After the activity the teacher will ask the

following questions:
The things that are shown in the pictures are
What characteristics are common among these things that you can use to purchase
pictures that I have shown you? something that you want to buy?
What do you call these things that you can use These things are what you call money.
as a medium of exchange? .

That’s right; it is what you call money.

“Based from the pictures of money that I have Ma’am the five types of money are:
shown you, can you identify what are the types Commodity money
of money?” Metallic Money
Paper Money
Credit Money

“Ok. Let us check if you answered it correctly.”

“I have here a purse that contains the names of
the different kinds of money. See whether your
answer can be found in the purse.”

The teacher will reveal what’s inside the purse

and post in on the board.

Paper Money
Commodity money
Metallic Money
Credit Money

Activity II: Sorting the pictures according to

types of money.

“I am going to divide you into four groups, and

each group should sort out the pictures
according to the types of money. After
selecting the types of money assigned to you,
you have to post it below the corresponding
type of money posted on the board.”

“Group 1 will select all the paper money.” Each group will take turns in selecting the
“Group 2 will select all the commodity money.” pictures of the money assigned to them and
“Group 3 is assigned to choose all the metallic they will post it under the name of that
money.” money posted on the board.
“Group 4 should gather all the credit money.”

Very good. Now you know the five types of

money. Can you enumerate again the types of

Well done.

Let us now proceed to our next activity.

B. Lesson Proper:
Activity 2
Instruction: The teacher will group the class Each group will discuss the types of money
into 4 groups. Each group will be given a manila assigned to them.
paper, marker and an information sheet which
contains the definition, characteristics, 1. Commodity Money - it can be anything,
advantages or disadvantages of each money. objects that have value in themselves as well
Each group will make a visual aid using the data as for use as money. The chosen commodity
coming from the information sheet. Each group depends on factors like location of the
will also choose a representative that will community, climate, cultural and economic
report their topic. development. Example: communities living by
the sea selected shells and fishes as the
medium of exchange, skin and fur was used in
the cold countries and feathers in tropical

Disadvantages of commodity money:

1. Some commodity money were bulky and
2. It is perishable
3. It is difficult to store especially animals and
4. Lack of uniformity
5. Some are difficult to transport

2. Metallic Money – made of some precious

metals like gold, silver, copper, iron, bronze,
silver and etc.
Uncoined Metal money - made of
different sizes and shapes of some precious
metals. The commonly used metals are gold
and silver due to their scarcity.
Disadvantages of metallic money:
1. Necessary to carry in bulk in case of large
2. Had to be split up at every stage of
3. Difficult to assess the value of metals.

Coined Metals – is a piece of metal of

a given size, shape, weight and fineness
whose value is certified by the state. They
had different designs and seals of the rulers
stamped on one side and value on the other.
Advantages of metallic money:
1. It is durable
2. It could be stored
3. Subdivision is possible
4. It had a high and stable value.

3. Paper Money - originally came as paper

receipt against metallic money issued by
Goldsmiths. It is now made of paper
consisting of government notes and

Advantages of paper money

1. Economical
2. Convenient
3. Stable Value
4. Easy to store
5. Easy to count

Disadvantages of paper money

1. Limited life span of paper
2. Risk of theft
3. Possibility of damage of paper
4. No value outside the country

4. Bank money/credit money it is the most

superior and reliable mode of payment in the
modern world as it is easy to carry,
convenient for making exact payment, for
providing receipts in the form for
counterfoils, and on account of being safe
against being stolen or misplaced.

Advantages of bank money or credit money

1. Substitutes for cash money
2. Safe, convenient and an ideal means of
3. There is no need for counting and
accounting of receipts and payment as these
functions are, performed by banks free of
4. Exact payment is possible.
5. Banking system has contributed to a large
extent to the development of trade and
commerce both in the internal as well as
international market.

 What are the different types of money? “The different types of money are commodity
money, metallic money, credit money and
paper money.”

 Why it is that commodity money is not “Commodity money is not usually used today
usually used today? because people find it more convenient to
use other forms of money like metallic
money, paper money and credit money.”

Students will give their opinion about what

 In your opinion which of the types of they think is the money that is most
money is the most convenient to use? convenient to use.
“If commodity money is still being used
 What will happen if commodity money today, we will find it hard to store these
is still being used by our society? commodities especially those that are
perishable. Also other buyer will find it hard
to pay the exact amount because most of the
commodity is not divisible.”

 What do you think is the reason why “Societies came up with different types of
societies come up with the different money in search for the most convenient
types of money? medium of exchange?


What have you learned from our lesson? “I learned different types of money and gain
knowledge about their advantage and

Who can summarize our lesson for today? Some students will summarize their lesson.

Why do we need to learn about the different The student will share their opinions about
types of money? the importance of learning the different types
of money.

Using the same group as in Activity 1. Each
group will perform a simple activity Role
Playing that shows a buying transaction using Each group will conduct a role playing activity
particular types of money. using the following rubrics.
 Group 1 – Commodity Money
 Group 2 – Metallic Money
 Group 3 - Paper Money
 Group 4 – Credit Money

IV. Evaluation
On a one half sheet of Paper, answer this
1. When a consumer wants to compare the 1. B) Unit of account
price of one product with another, money is 2. C) Money reduces the complications of
being used primarily for which function? barter
A) store of value. 3. C) 2,4,6
B) unit of account. 4. C) It is legal tender and is generally
C) checkable deposit. acceptable in exchange for goods and service.
D) medium of exchange. 5. B) money can never be destroyed

2. Which of the following is the most

important advantage of the medium of
exchange function of
A) money transfers purchasing power from the
present to the future.
B) money measures the relative worth of
C) money reduces the complications of barter.
D) money allows people use credit cards
instead of currency

Use the following to answer question 3:

1. Agricultural
2. Savings deposits
3. Gold
4. Currency
5. Credit Cards
6. Checkable
3. Refer to the above list. Which of the choices
from below from the list would be considered
money in the Philippine economy?
A) 1, 3, 4
B) 2, 5, 6
C) 2, 4, 6
D) Only 4

4. Where does the value of Philippine currency

come from?

A) It is legal tender and is backed by the gold

and silver of the Federal government.
B) It is generally acceptable in exchange for
goods or services and is backed by the gold and
silver of
the Federal government
C) It is legal tender and is generally acceptable
in exchange for goods and services.
D) It is legal tender and maintains the exact
same value over time.
5. What is not a reason for the replacement of
barter in the Philippine economy with the use
of money?
A) money is easily divisible
B) money can never be destroyed
C) money eliminates the need for a coincidence
of wants
D) money allows for greater economic

V - Assignment
Search about the different Philippine money.

Demo Teacher

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