Unit3 Type B

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University of Pune, Online Examination System, Question Bank


Question For the two dimensional flow, the stream function is given by ψ =
2xy. The velocity at a point (3, 4) is
A 6 m/sec
B 8 m/sec
C 10 m/sec
D 12 m/sec
Answer C
Marks 2
Unit III –B3
Question The flow in a river during the period of heavy rainfall is :
A steady ,uniform, two-dimensional
B unsteady ,uniform, three-dimensional
C unsteady ,non-uniform and three –dimensional
D steady, non-uniform and three dimensional
Answer C
Marks 2
Unit III –B3
Question A water supply pipeline changes its alignment through a bend .
when the flow in the pipeline is increases by operating a valve ,
the flow in the bend is classified as
A unsteady, uniform flow
B unsteady ,non-uniform flow
C steady ,uniform flow
D steady, non-uniform flow
Answer B
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Which one of the following velocity fields represents a possible
fluid flow?
A u=x, v=y
B u=x2 , v = y2
C u= xy , v = x2y2
D u=x , v= -y
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Two flow patterns are represented by their stream functions Ψ1
and Ψ2 as 1 = x2+y2 and Ψ2 = 2xy. If these two patterns are
superposed on one another , the resulting streamline pattern can
be represented by one of the following
A A family of parallel streamlines
B A family of circles
C A family of parabolas
D A family of hyperbolas
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question In a compressible flow, the area of flow, the velocity of flow and
the mass density are denoted by a,v and m respectively. At a
particular section, the differential form of the continuity equation
A da/a = dv/v +dm/m
B da/a = dv/v -dm/m
C da/a =- dv/v +dm/m
D da/a =- dv/v -dm/m
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Consider the following parameters related to fluid flow
1 Vorticity
2 Velocity potential
3 Stream function
Among these , those which exist both in rotational flows and
Irrotational flows would include
A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 1 and 3
D 1,2 and 3
Answer C
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question An inert tracer is injected continuously from a point in an
unsteady flow field. The locus of locations of all the tracer
particles at an instance of time represents
A streamline
B Path line
C stream tube
D streak line
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The rate of rotation of a fluid particle is given
A ωy = 0 , ωz = - y/2h
B ωy = 0 , ωz = y/2h
C ωy = y/h , ωz = y/h
D none of these
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Which of the following conditions will be satisfied by steady
Irrotational flow?
1 ∂u/∂y+∂v/∂x =0
2 - ∂u/∂y+∂v/∂x =0
3 ∂u/∂x+∂v/∂y =0
select the correct answer using the codes given below codes
A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 1 and 3
D 1,2 and 3
Answer B
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The relation that must hold for the flow to be Irrotational
A ∂u/∂ y –∂ v /∂ x = 0
B ∂ u/∂ x –∂ v /∂ y = 0
C ∂2 u/∂ x2 +∂2 v /∂y2 =0
D ∂u/∂ y +∂v /∂ x = 0
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The following stream function ψ = x3/3 –x2 –xy2 +y2 will
represent /satisfy
A rotational flow and Laplace equation
B Irrotational flow and Laplace equation
C Irrotational flow and equation of continuity
D Irrotational flow ,Laplace equation and equation of continuity
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Consider the following statements
1.In Lagrangian method of describing the motion of fluid , an
observer concentrates on a point in the fluid system .
2. The components of acceleration of the fluid particle are v
∂v/∂s and ∂v/∂s
3. A particle moving in a curved path will always have a
normal acceleration v2/r towards the centre of the curved
Which of these statements are
A 1,2 and 3
B 1 and 2
C 1 and 3
D 2 and 3
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Acceleration in the normal direction to a stream line is represented
by (symbols have usual meanings)
A ∂Vn/∂t + Vs2/r
B ∂Vs/∂t + Vn2/r
C ∂Vn/∂t + ∂Vs /∂t
D ∂Vs/∂t + ∂Vs /∂ t
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question A two dimensional flow is described by velocity components u=
2x and v =-2y . The discharge between points (1,1) and (2,2 ) is
equal to
A 9 units
B 8 units
C 7 units
D 6 units
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The pressure gradient in the direction of flow is equal to the
A shear gradient parallel to the direction of flow
B shear gradient normal to the direction of flow
C velocity gradient parallel to the direction of flow
D velocity gradient normal to the direction of flow
Answer B
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question A velocity field with no components in the y and z directions is
given by, v = 6 + 2xy + t2The acceleration along the x-direction at
a point (3, 1,2) at time 2, is
A 36 units
B 8 units
C 16 units
D 46 units
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Velocity field in fluid V = 4x3i - 10 x2yj + 2 tk. The velocity of
particle at (2, 3, 1) and t = 2 sec. is,
A 124 m/s
B 12 m/s
C 24 m/s
D 111 m/s
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The velocity potential function for 2D flow is Φ= x(2y -1). At
point P(1,1), the velocity is,
A √5 unit
B √15 unit
C √1.5 unit
D √2.5 unit
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Which aspect is not true in the context of a flow-net?
A is applicable to Irrational fluid flow
B the bounding surface forms streamlines and the equipotential lines
intersect the boundaries at right angles
C spacing between streamlines as well as that between equipotential
lines is inversely proportional to local velocities
D for prescribed bounding surface, the flow net changes with
reversal in the flow direction.
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Questio The component of velocity u and v along x and y directions in a
n 2D incompressible fluid are
A u=x2 cos y ; v=2x siny
B u= x+2; v=1-y
C u=xyt; v=x3 – y2 t/2
D U= ln x+ y; v= xy – y/x
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The head loss in case of hot water flow through a pipe compared
to cold water will be
A same
B more
C less
D More or less depending on temperature
Answer C
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question For a flow through a horizontal pipe,the pressure gradient in the
flow direction is
A +ve
B 1
C zero
D -ve
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The differential manometer connected to pitot static tube used for
measuring fluid velocity gives
A Static pressure
B Total pressure
C Dynamic pressure
D Difference between total and dynamic pressure
Answer C
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The realization of velocity potential in fluid flow indicates that
A Flow must be irrotational
B Circulation around any close curve must have a finite value
C Flow is rotational and and satisfy the contunity equation
D Vorticity must be non zero
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question In a 2-D flow in a x-y plane, if ∂u/∂y =∂v/∂x then fluid element
will undergo
A Translation only
B Translation and rotation
C Translation and deformation
D Rotation and deformation
Answer A
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question Path line can cross the stream line at right angles when flow is
A rotational
B Irrotational and unsteady
C Irrotational and steady
D Unsteady
Answer D
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The following are the practical examples of contunity equation
A For one dimensional flow-if mean velocity at one section is
known,the mean velocity at any other section can be found out
B For two dimensional flow-if any one velocity componenet is
known,its perpendicular component at that point can be computed
C Both A & B
D None of the above
Answer C
Marks 2
Unit III-B3
Question The method of drawing flow net by graphical method
A Velocity potential lines are drawn first
B Streamlines are drawn first
C Velocity potential lines and stream lines are drawn
D None of the above
Answer B
Marks 2
Unit III-B3

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