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doi: 10.1111/j.1751-3928.2008.00063.x Resource Geology Vol. 58, No.

3: 301–312

Thematic Article

Myojin Rift, Izu–Bonin Arc as the Modern Analog of

Hokuroku Basin, Northeast Japan: Geotectonic Significance
of the New Hydrothermal Deposit in the Back-Arc Rift

Michio Tanahashi1, Kantaro Fujioka2 and Shiki Machida3

1Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan, 2Japan Agency for Marine-Earth
Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokohama Institute for Earth Science, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan and 3Ocean Research
Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

A huge hydrothermal field, named the “Hakurei Sulfide Deposit” (HSD) was discovered in the North Myojin
Rift (NMR), Izu–Bonin Back-Arc Rift (BAR) during the 2003 survey cruise of R/V Hakurei-maru No.2. This
paper investigates the geotectonic features and the tectonic setting of ore deposits between the NMR and the
Hokuroku Basin, which is representative of kuroko fields in Japan. The topographic features of the NMR and
the Hokuroku Basin are similar. Both have a clear ring structure surrounded by faults and the east–west width
is almost the same. Many kuroko deposits were formed on the extrusion centers of the five pre-mineral acidic
volcanic complexes, located in a loop inside the Hokuroku Basin. In the case of the NMR, seven submarine
volcanoes are also located in a loop, and the HSD formed inside the summit caldera of Bayonnaise Knoll,
which is one of the seven volcanoes. These topographic similarities highlight that the NMR is a modern analog
of the Hokuroku Basin. Identifying such similarities is extremely useful when prospecting kuroko deposits on
land equivalents as well as on the other segments of the Izu–Bonin BAR. The probability of finding kuroko
deposits on land is expected to increase when the following are identified: (i) location of back-arc rift and the
volcanic front; (ii) direction of the arc–trench system and intra-rift faults (and/or fracture zone); (iii) position
of submarine volcanoes surrounding a back-arc rift; and (iv) intersections of a caldera fault and intra-rift fault
(and/or fracture zone) inside the summit caldera of submarine volcanoes. Within these aforementioned points
a ring structure, acidic volcanic complexes that circle the circuit and submarine calderas along the volcanic
front, are an important indication of submarine hydrothermal deposits.
Keywords: back-arc rift, Bayonnaise Knoll, Hokuroku Basin, Izu–Bonin Arc, kuroko deposit, Myojin Rift,
sulfide chimney, sulfide deposit, volcanic front.

1. Introduction Knoll caldera, Izu–Bonin Back-Arc Rift (BAR). The

program was a great success and resulted in the first
In April 2003 Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National discovery of a huge sulfide deposit in the BAR (Iizasa
Corporation (JOGMEC) conducted a survey program et al., 2004; Tanahashi et al., 2006). The survey was con-
for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) ducted using the R/V Hakurei-maru No.2, which was
on sea-floor hydrothermal deposits in the Bayonnaise subcontracted to Deep Ocean Resources Development

Received 4 April 2007. Accepted for publication 7 January 2008.

Corresponding author: M. TANAHASHI, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), 1310 Omiya-Cho, Saiwai-Ku,
Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-8554, Japan. Email:

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(DORD). The hydrothermal deposit was informally zone (volcanic front side) and the back-arc knolls zone
named “Hakurei Sulfide Deposit” (HSD). The discovery (rear arc side) (Honza & Tamaki, 1985; Fig. 2). The former
of the HSD, which is comparable in size to the Sunrise corresponds to the BAR. The BAR consists of six rift ba-
Deposit in the Myojin Knoll caldera, Izu–Bonin volca- sins (or depressions), namely, Hachijo Rift, Aogashima
nic front (Iizasa et al., 1999), indicates the potential for Rift, Sumisu Rift, Torishima Rift, Sofu Rift, and Nishi-
hydrothermal deposits to exist in the Izu–Bonin BAR. noshima Rift, from north to south (Honza & Tamaki,
These hydrothermal deposits are presumed to be of 1985; Taylor, 1992). Murakami (1996) has subsequently
the kuroko type, but thus far the specific relationship identified the northern part of the Sumisu Rift as the
between the formation of these kuroko-type deposits Myojin Rift, which is located at 31°30 –32°00 N, with a
in the Izu–Bonin Arc and of kuroko deposits in the size of approximately 25 km east–west and approximately
Hokuroku Basin, representative of a kuroko field in 65 km north–south (Fig. 3).
Japan, remains uncertain (Glasby, 2000). In the Sumisu Rift, several geological investigations,
This paper discusses the geotectonic similarities such as using US submersible ALVIN (Hochstaedter
between the northern Myojin Rift and the Hokuroku et al., 1990a, b; Fryer et al., 1990; Taylor et al., 1990) and
Basin and proposes a new idea about prospecting for ocean drilling (Ocean Drilling Program [ODP] Leg 126)
kuroko deposits on land equivalents as well as on the (e.g. Fujioka et al., 1992; Gill et al., 1992; Taylor, 1992),
Izu–Bonin BAR. have been conducted. Furthermore, geochemical fea-
tures of volcanic rocks from the back-arc knolls zone
and the other back-arc rifts have also been reported
2. Geological setting (Ikeda & Yuasa, 1989; Ikeda et al., 1992; Hochstaedter
et al., 2000; Hochstaedter et al., 2001). These studies
2.1. Tectonic and volcanic overviews of the mainly defined that (i) rifting volcanism is character-
Izu–Bonin Arc and back-arc rift ized by the bimodal activity of mafic and felsic magma;
The Izu–Bonin Arc, situated on the eastern edge of the and (ii) enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (E-MORB)
Philippine Sea Plate, is a north–south-trending island source-like enriched mantle components contribute to
arc extending approximately 1200 km from central magma genesis.
Japan to Iwojima (Fig. 1), and has grown due to accre- Volcanism on the volcanic front in the Izu–Bonin Arc
tion of volcanic materials by subduction of the Pacific was reactivated in 17 Ma, slightly pre-dating the end
Plate since 48 Ma (Taylor, 1992; Ishizuka et al., 2006). of the Shikoku Basin (back-arc basin) spreading (e.g.
The Izu–Bonin Arc consists of three large-scale tectonic Taylor et al., 1992). Furthermore, recent age determin-
segments (northern, central, and southern) separated ations of the volcanic rocks from the back-arc knolls
by two tectonic lines, namely Aogashima and Sofugan zone and the BAR (Ishizuka et al., 2002) have shown
Tectonic Lines (Yuasa, 1985; Fujioka & Kido, 2004; that back-arc rifting volcanism occurred since 2.5 Ma,
Fig. 1). Fujioka and Kido (2004) showed that water that is, just after the back-arc volcanism along the cross-
depth increases from the northern segment through chains ended (17–2.5 Ma; Ishizuka et al., 2003b). From
the central segment to the southern segment, and sug- this time the back-arc knolls zone overprinted the east-
gested that such observation corresponds to the thin- ern part of the cross-chains (Honza & Tamaki, 1985).
ning of the crust thickness. Thus volcanic activity occurred recently in the BAR.
According to Honza and Tamaki (1985) and Taylor This means that hydrothermal activities will be
(1992), the northern segment of the Izu–Bonin arc– observed both in the volcanic front and the BAR. Thus,
trench system is divided into six tectonic provinces the BAR is characterized by rifting accompanied with
including trench; outer arc high; fore-arc basin; frontal volcanic activity.
arc high; active arc; and BAR (Fig. 2). Furthermore, to
the west of the BAR there are several en echelon
seamount chains (cross-chains) that trend obliquely 2.2. Hakurei Sulfide Deposit
(ENE-WSW) across the arc with a length of approximately The HSD is located between the inner caldera wall and
150 km (Hochstaedter et al., 2000; Hochstaedter et al., 2001; the caldera floor of the Bayonnaise Knoll (Figs 3, 4).
Ishizuka et al., 2003a, b; Machida and Ishii, 2003; Machida Dacitic and andesitic rocks were dredged from the
et al., 2008). In the region between the volcanic front and southeastern caldera walls (Tanahashi et al., 2006).
back-arc cross-chains, a north–south-trending rift zone is According to observation done using a deep-towed
located. This rift zone is divided into the active rift TV camera system, the horizontal size of the HSD is

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Myojin Rift and Hokuroku Basin

Fig. 1 Tectonic setting of the Izu–Bonin Arc. ATL, Aogashima Tectonic Line proposed by Fujioka and Kido (2004); STL,
Sofugan Tectonic Line proposed by Yuasa (1985). A, Aogashima; C, Chichijima; Ha, Hahajima; Hc, Hachijojima; I, Iwojima;
K, Kozushima; Mk, Mikurajima; My, Miyakejima; Ni, Niijima; Ns, Nishinoshima; O, Oshima; So, Sofugan; Su, Sumisujima;
T, Torishima. Black dots and numbers indicate location of deep sea drilling by DSDP Leg 58, ODP Legs 125, 126, 185, and
190. Bathymetric data are from JTOPO30 (MIRC: Marine Information Research Center,

approximately 700 × 500 m. This is as large as the Sun- ranging from 680–820 m on the south-eastern caldera
rise Deposit in the Myojin Knoll caldera, which is the wall of the Bayonnaise knoll. Thus this deposit is con-
largest one ever found in the Izu–Bonin volcanic front sidered to be the shallowest large-scale hydrothermal
(Iizasa et al., 1999). The HSD is located at water depths deposit in the world (Tanahashi et al., 2006). The HSD

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Quaternary Volcanic Front

(active arc)
Back-arc en echelon
Seamounts Frontal Arc High
(Cross-chain) Outer Arc High
Fig. 2 Schematic topographic
Serpentine cross-section of the Izu–Bonin
Seamount arc showing tectonic and vol-
Knolls Zone
canic provinces from trench
Basin to rear arc. Structural features
Active Rift Zone
(Back-arc Rift) and name of province are
illustrated on the basis of
Honza and Tamaki (1985) and
Taylor (1992).

is composed of a forest of sulfide chimneys (Iizasa Knoll, where the HSD is located, is the intersection of
et al., 2004; Tanahashi et al., 2006). The mineral assem- the steep caldera wall and the knoll chain of NNW–SSE
blage of the chimneys from the HSD is very similar to direction (Fig. 5) (Iizasa et al., 2004; Tanahashi et al.,
that of the kuroko ores from the Hokuroku Basin 2006). On the basis of the topographic features, Tanahashi
(Iizasa et al., 2004; Tanahashi et al., 2006). The south- et al. (2006) proposed that the HSD was formed at the in-
eastern part of the inner caldera wall of the Bayonnaise tersection of the inferred caldera fault and the intra-rift

Fig. 3 Bathymetric shaded-relief

map for the survey area. The
northern part of Myojin Rift is
defined as the North Myojin
Rift. The Bayonnaise Knoll
(and its summit caldera) is lo-
cated on the northern bound-
ary of the North Myojin Rift.
ESC, Empo Seamount Chain;
VF, volcanic front.

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Myojin Rift and Hokuroku Basin

Fig. 4 Bathymetry of the North

Myojin Rift (NMR). The NMR is
surrounded by the Bayonnaise
Knoll and six knolls. Line A-A’
and B-B’ are topographic cross-
sections (see Fig. 7).

fault (and/or fracture zone), which was parallel to the (Terakado, 2001). Numerous investigations have been
Izu–Bonin Arc. conducted to survey and exploit the kuroko deposits in
the Hokuroku Basin (Hashimoto et al., 1962; Sakazaki
et al., 1965; Otagaki, 1966; Toraiwa & Hashiguchi, 1967;
2.3. Hokuroku Basin and the kuroko deposits Suzuki et al., 1971; Suga et al., 1972; Ishikawa &
According to Sato et al. (2004), two rift systems recog- Yanagisawa, 1974; Ito et al., 1974; Ohtagaki et al., 1974;
nized in the northern Honshu arc at the late Cenozoic Oshima et al., 1974; Sato et al., 1974; Takahashi & Suga,
age include the Yamato basin rift system along the east- 1974; Tanaka et al., 1974; Tanimura et al., 1974; Kanbara
ern part of the Sea of Japan and the northern Honshu et al., 1983; Yamada et al., 1988). According to these in-
rift system in the western part of northern Honshu arc. vestigations, kuroko deposits in the Hokuroku Basin
Yamada and Yoshida (2004) summarized the tectonic are composite polymetallic sulfide-sulfate deposits of
evolution of the north-eastern Honshu arc as follows: (i) strata-bound upper half (composed of black ore, yel-
back-arc opening of the Sea of Japan starting at ca 25 or low ore, and gypsum ore) and stockwork lower half
26 Ma; (ii) ocean floor spreading of the Yamato basin (composed of siliceous ore) (e.g. Sato, 1974). The black
(21–18 Ma); (iii) rifting of the northern Honshu rift (19– ore consists mainly of sphalerite, galena, and barite ac-
13.5 Ma); and (iv) island-arc uplifting of the western half companied by tetrahedrite and tennantite. The yellow
of the northern Honshu rift and the forearc range at that ore consists mainly of pyrite and chalcopyrite. The sili-
time (after 13.5 Ma). Kuroko deposits were formed ceous ore consists of pyrite and chalcopyrite. It has
at the last stage of the northern Honshu rift (14.3 Ma) been presumed that the Hokuroku Basin is a caldera

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Fig. 5 Structure controlled model for

the Hakurei Sulfide Deposit
(HSD). A number of N–S-trending
knoll chains are formed on the
eastern boundary of the North
Myojin Rift (NMR). The western
knoll chain crosses the summit
caldera of Bayonnaise Knoll. The
HSD is located at the intersection
of an inferred caldera fault and
N–S-trending knoll chain that is
assumed to be an intra-rift fault
(and/or fracture zone).

and/or cauldron (Kouda & Koide, 1978; Ohmoto, 1978; kuroko deposit including the Doyashiki, Matsumine-
Horikoshi, 1983; Ohmoto and Takahashi, 1983). Cathles Shakanai, Ezuri, Fukazawa, Uchinotai, Motoyama,
et al. (1983), however, have proposed that the Hokuroku Ainai, and Furutobe as well as the closely related lava
Basin was a part of the failed rift. Takahashi (1983) dome were located on the extrusion center of the pre-
summarized geological data on the Hokuroku Region kuroko acidic volcanic complexes (Fig. 6). Subsequently,
obtained by mining companies and the former MMAJ, Koga and Takahashi (1985) have noted that the kuroko
and considered the volcanic stratigraphy and geotec- deposits in the Kosaka Area were located in a small
tonic characteristics of the Hokuroku Basin. According caldera 3 km wide east–west and 5 km north–south.
to Takahashi (1983), the formation process of the ku- Nakajima (1993) took another look at the drill cores in
roko deposits in the Hokuroku Basin are as follows: (i) the Hokuroku Basin collected by the former Metal Min-
ring-shaped faulting occurred just before the activity of ing Agency of Japan (MMAJ) and at the drilling data
pre-kuroko acidic volcanic complexes; these volcanic released by mining companies. Accordingly, Nakajima
complexes were isolated, nearly ellipsoidal volcanoes recommended that all the representative kuroko de-
and were distributed in a loop adjacent to the faults; (ii) posits were located inside the depressions of the pre-
as a result, inner subsidence of the fault family caused Neogene basement, in particular most of the large
the Hokuroku volcano-tectonic depression; (iii) each kuroko deposits were located inside the small calderas

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Myojin Rift and Hokuroku Basin

Fig. 6 Distribution of kuroko deposits, pre-mineral acidic volcanic complexes and faults (dot lines) in the Hokuroku Basin
(Takahashi, 1983). Each kuroko deposit formed in the center of the acidic volcanic complex, which circles the Hokuroku
Basin. Major kuroko deposits such as the Doyashiki and Matsumine-Shakanai in Hanaoka area and Motoyama-Uchinotai
in Kosaka area are located along the principal fault structures.

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(a) 0
is a remarkable characteristic. The height of these knolls
-500 A
A' from the base is 500–1000 m, and the diameter of each
knoll is 6–8 km. There exist north–south-trending ridge-
North Myojin Rift
-1000 like structures in and around the NMR (Figs 4, 8).
0 5 km
139.58 139.63 139.68 139.73 139.78 139.83 º E 4. Discussion
Depth (m)

4.1. NMR and Hokuroku basin
(b) 0
The Sunrise Deposit in the Myojin Knoll caldera
-500 B
belongs to the Izu–Bonin volcanic front, located
-1000 North Myojin Rift approximately 20 km northeast of the Bayonnaise
Bayonnaise Knoll. The HSD and the Bayonnaise Knoll belong to
the NMR, Izu–Bonin BAR. Ishihara (1974) noted the
0 5 km
-2000 possibility of the existence of kuroko-type deposits in
31.78 31.83 31.88 31.93 31.98 ºN
the Izu–Mariana and Ryukyu Arc. Subsequently, Ueda
Latitude (1983) noted that the Mariana Trough might be a con-
Fig. 7 Topographic cross-sections of the North Myojin Rift temporary version of the kuroko field in northeast Japan.
Section A-A’ is perpendicular to the island arc. The slope Fujioka (1983) found remarkable similarities between
of the rift boundary is gentle at the back-arc side but is the east–west morphotectonic configurations and pa-
steep at the fore-arc side. The vertical displacement of the leoenvironment of north-east Japan, Nishikurosawa
rift is approximately 500 m at the fore-arc side. Section
stage, middle Miocene and the present geotectonic fea-
B-B’ is along the island arc. The Hakurei Sulfide Deposit
(HSD) is on this cross-section. The vertical displacement tures of the Izu–Bonin BAR, and proposed a hypothesis
between the HSD and the rift floor is approximately that the Izu–Bonin BAR was a modern analog of the
700 m. See locations of these sections in Figure 4. Inoue (1969) “Kuroko Belt”, which was a north–
south-trending tectonic depression of kuroko field in
north-east Japan. Until now, only barite silica chim-
or craters 2–3 km in diameter, and were formed on the neys from the Sumisu Rift, Izu–Bonin BAR have been
summit or flank of the submarine volcanoes. reported (Taylor et al., 1990; Urabe & Kusakabe, 1990).
Therefore the discovery of the HSD is the first proof
3. Topographic features of the North of the aforementioned Fujioka hypothesis (Tanahashi
Myojin Rift et al., 2006). This poses the question as to what the
specific similarities are between the formation field
On the basis of the topographic features around the of the HSD and the kuroko deposits in the Hokuroku
Myojin Rift, Tanahashi et al. (2006) proposed that the Basin.
Myojin Rift was divided into northern and southern Considering the geotectonic features of NMR and
parts by the east–west-trending ridge along 31°47 N, Hokuroku Basin mentioned here, we can confirm many
and that the northern part must be a separate BAR similarities between them (Table 1; Figs 6, 8). First
(Figs 3, 4). Therefore, we informally named the north- of all, the plane-view size and shape of NMR and
ern part of the Myojin Rift the “North Myojin Rift” Hokuroku Basin, and the location of each fault system
(NMR). According to the division, the HSD and Bayon- is almost the same. The next remarkable similarity is
naise Knoll belong to the NMR. The NMR is approxi- that the kuroko deposits in the Hokuroku Basin and
mately 20 km across perpendicular to the axis of the HSD in the NMR are formed on the submarine volca-
Izu–Bonin Arc, and is approximately 30 km across from noes, which are located in a loop. In the case of the
north to south (Tanahashi et al., 2006) (Fig. 4). The floor Hokuroku Basin, the kuroko deposits of Furutobe-
of the NMR is smooth and flat, but the eastern and Ainai, Motoyama-Uchinotai, Fukazawa, Ezuri, and
southern boundaries are steep (Figs 4, 7). The south- Doyashiki-Matsumine-Shakanai were located in the
eastern half of the NMR is bordered polygonally by center of five pre-kuroko acidic volcanic complexes
scarps. The NMR is surrounded by seven knolls, which (Fig. 6) (Takahashi, 1983). These acidic volcanic com-
include the Bayonnaise Knoll (Tanahashi et al., 2006) plexes were distributed in a loop within the Hokuroku
(Fig. 4). This ring-shaped arrangement of seven knolls Basin (Takahashi, 1983). In contrast, seven submarine

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Myojin Rift and Hokuroku Basin

B ayonnaise



North Myojin Rift

Fig. 8 Schematic geotectonic map

of the North Myojin Rift (NMR).
The Bayonnaise Knoll and six 0 10 km
knolls circle the NMR. A number
of inferred intra-rift faults are fault caldera
recognized along the eastern (inferred)
boundary of NMR. The width of
submarine N-S trending
NMR perpendicular to the island
arc is approximately 20 km. volcano small ridge

volcanoes are also located circularly within the NMR, deposits, considering the different tectonic setting of
and the HSD is formed inside the summit caldera of the volcanic front and the back-arc rift.
Bayonnaise Knoll, which is one of these volcanoes
(Fig. 8). It is possible to regard the striking similarities as Volcanic front
specific evidence that suggests that the NMR is a mod- In the case of the Izu–Bonin volcanic front, there is
ern analog of the Hokuroku Basin. Furthermore, this the possibility that kuroko deposits form between the
means that the Hokuroku Basin must be not a caldera inner caldera wall and caldera floor of submarine
or cauldron but a BAR (“Paleo Hokuroku Rift”) in the volcanoes. The representative example is the Sunrise
Nishikurosawa stage, middle Miocene. These similari- Deposit in the Myojin knoll caldera.
ties suggest a high potential for kuroko-type hydrother-
mal deposits in the NMR. Back-arc rifts
In discovering an ore deposit, it is important to recog-
4.2. Prospecting for kuroko deposits nize submarine volcanoes that rim the BAR in a circu-
The discovery of the HSD indicates that a hydrother- lar fashion, as shown in Figure 8. Particularly promising
mal deposit was formed within not only the volcanic targets include the intersections of caldera fault and
front but also the BAR of the Izu–Bonin Arc. The sul- knoll chain (inferred fault and/or fracture zone).
fide chimneys from the HSD are considered to be
kuroko-type ores because of almost the same mineral Land
assembly and ore chemistry as those of kuroko depos- Additionally, in order to improve the probability
its on land (Iizasa et al., 2004). This means that the of finding kuroko deposits on land, it is important
kuroko deposits are distributed in a vast area between to consider the tectonic setting and structure control
the volcanic front and the BAR of the Izu–Bonin Arc. of seafloor kuroko deposits as mentioned here: (i)
We propose the following hypotheses for the kuroko the location of back-arc rifts and the volcanic front;

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Table 1 Similarities between the North Myojin Rift and the Hokuroku basin
Characteristics North Myojin Rift Hokuroku Basin (note 1)
 Configuration Ellipse Ellipse
 Spatial distribution (km) E–W ± 20, N–S ± 20 E–W 17–20 km, N–S ± 25
 Water depth of rift floor (m) 1300–1400 1000–1500
 Vertical displacement (m) 300–500 100–300
 Distribution of faults Eastern and southern boundary Eastern, western and southern
Volcanic activity
 Distribution of volcanoes Ring-shaped Ring-shaped
 No. volcanoes/volcanic complexes Seven Five
 Size of each volcano (km) ±5 ±5
 Distinctive landform Caldera, lava dome and Caldera and crater
knoll chain (Nakajima, 1993)
 Size of caldera (km) ±3 2–3 (Nakajima, 1993)
 Volcanic rocks Dacite, andesite Dacite, rhyolite
Hydrothermal activity
 Ore type Kuroko-type Kuroko
 Water depth (m) 680–820 1000–1500
 Ore-forming field Caldera, especially intersection Caldera and/or crater
of caldera fault and intra-rift fault (Nakajima, 1993)
Center of pre-kuroko acidic volcanic
complexes and Kosaka caldera
 Tectonic setting Back-arc rift Back-arc depression (Fujioka, 1983)
The characteristics without citation are based on Takahashi (1983).

(ii) direction of the arc–trench system and intra-rift in the Nishikurosawa stage, middle Miocene. Almost
faults (and/or fracture zones); (iii) position of subma- all the large-scale kuroko deposits in the Hokuroku
rine volcanoes surrounding back-arc rifts in a loop; Basin are presumed to be formed at the intersections
and (iv) the intersections of inferred caldera fault and of caldera faults and intra-rift faults (and/or fracture
intra-rift faults (and/or fracture zones). zones). By undertaking the following estimations the
This is the first attempt to prospect for kuroko depos- probability of striking kuroko deposits on land can be
its in the Izu–Bonin Arc. Our information about the improved: (i) location of BAR and the volcanic front;
HSD is still extremely limited, so it is necessary to con- (ii) direction of the arc–trench system and intra-rift
duct synthetic research on the HSD. The next significant faults (and/or fracture zones); (iii) position of subma-
assignment is to study the characteristics of the HSD rine volcanoes surrounding a BAR in a loop; and (iv)
precisely and to clarify the differences (and/or similari- intersections of caldera faults and intra-rift faults (and/
ties) between the HSD and the Sunrise Deposit. or fracture zones). It is useful to apply the same sce-
nario to the Izu–Bonin BAR and the volcanic front for
prospecting unknown kuroko-type deposits. The inner
5. Conclusions caldera wall and caldera floor of submarine volcanoes
This paper has considered the geotectonic similarities are the most promising targets.
of the ore deposits between the NMR and the Hokuroku
Basin. Many striking features have been described. It Acknowledgments
can be inferred that the relationship between the
pre-kuroko acidic volcanic complexes and the kuroko We would like to thank the members of the investiga-
deposits in the Hokuroku Basin correspond to the rela- tory commission of DORD, the captain, crew of R/V
tionship between the Bayonnaise Knoll and the HSD in Hakurei-maru No.2 and the supporting members for
the NMR. These similarities suggest that the NMR their cooperation. We also thank METI for allowing us
must be a modern analog of the Hokuroku Basin, and, to refer to the survey data. We thank Mrs S. Shiokawa,
in other words, the Hokuroku Basin must not be a H. Hishida and N. Ishikawa (JOGMEC) for their help-
caldera or cauldron but a BAR (“Paleo Hokuroku Rift”) ful comments. We thank Drs M. Yuasa and O. Ishizuka

© 2008 The Authors

310 Journal compilation © 2008 The Society of Resource Geology
Myojin Rift and Hokuroku Basin

(AIST) for giving us useful suggestions to improve the Koyama, S. (1999) A Kuroko-type polymetallic sulfide deposit
contents. Finally, we would like to thank the mining in a submarine silicic caldera. Science, 283, 975–977.
Iizasa, K., Sasaki, M., Matsumoto, K., Shiokawa, S., Tanahashi, M.
geologists who engaged in exploration for kuroko de-
and on-board scientists (2004) A first extensive hydrothermal
posits in the Hokuroku Basin for their brilliant results field associated with Kuroko-type deposit in a silicic sub-
and beneficial papers on kuroko deposits. marine caldera in a nascent rift zone, Izu-Ogasawara (Bonin)
Arc, Japan. Proceedings of Oceans ‘04 MTS/IEEE Techno –
Oceans ’04. Kobe, Japan, 991–996.
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