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Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space provided before the


___1. The percentage of Filipino who eat rice is

a. 70% b. 75% c. 80% d. 85%
___2. There are three important factors that affect rice yield, which factor in this list does not belong to the group?
a. soil b. climate c. location d. direction
___3. The following are characteristics of a high-yielding rice variety except one.
a. early maturing and non-seasonal c. Nitrogen responsive
b. lodging resistance d. poor eating quality
___4. Seed that are stored for a long period of time requires a moisture content of
a. 13 percent b. 15 percent c. 14 percent or more d. 14 percent
___ 5. The purest seed of a rice variety is called
a. foundation seed b. registered seed c. breeder seed d. certified seed
___6. The capacity of seed to grow normally is called
a. viability b. fertility c. vitality d. adoptability
___7. The result o f assed germination test showed that of 120 seeds used in the test, 98 were found capable of germinating. The
percentage of germination is
a. 68.71% b. 76.18% c. 81.67% d. 87.76%
___8. Given the following data; percentage germination is 70% and seedling rate is 55 kg/hectare, how much adjusted amount of
seeds will you sow in one hectare?
a. 42.86 kgs b. 64.2 kgs c. 82.46 kgs d. 78.57 kgs
___9. Mang Pedro wants his one hectare lot to be planted with a variety of rice seed which has an unknown percentage of
germination. The first step that he must do to compute for is the
a. seeding rate b. moisture rate c. seed viability d. purity of composition
___10. The percentage of seed viability that the international standard requirement is
a. 80% b. 85% c. 90% d. 95%
___11. The following methods are used in raising seedling in the Philippines except one
a. Dapog method b. wet-bed method c. dry-bed method d. seed-box method
___12. The recommended soaking time for seeds is
a. 30 hours b. 24 hours c. 36 hours d. 48 hours
___13. The transplanting age of rice seedling early maturing variety is from
a. 12 to 15 days b. 16 to 18 days c. 19 to 20 days d. 20 to 50 days
___14. Seedling raised in the Dapog method are transplanted after how many days
a. 7 to 14 days b. 16 to 18 days c. 18 to 20 days d. 20 to 25 days
___15. What is the average rate of transplanting seedling per hill is
a. 2 to 3 seedling b. 3 to 4 seedling c. 4 to 5 seedling d. 6 to 11 seedling
___16. The loss of irrigation water through its downward flow
a. evaporation b. transpiration c. percolation d. seepage
___17. Water with in the plant is evaporated from the leaf surface to the atmosphere, this process is called
a. transpiration b. evaporation c. percolation d. seepage
___18. Weeds grown in the rice field can be best be controlled by
a. herbicide b. insecticide c. flooding the field d. hand weeding
___19. Weeds, if not controlled in the rice field can reduce the rice yield of how many percent?
a. 10% to 30% b. 20% to 35% c. 24% to 48% d. 30% to 50%
___20. Bayakibok is a weed belonging to the type called
a. grasses b. sedges c. broadleaves d. narrow leaves
___21. The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) concept gives emphasis to the application of
a. cultural methods of pest control c. genetic and physical cropping
b. biological pest control d. chemical control only when necessary
___22. The most destructive group of pest insect in the Philippines
a. rice bug b. leaf folder c. stem borer d. leaf hopper
___23. Curling of the youngest leaf of a rice plant is a sign of
a. micronutrient deficiency c. transpiration process
b. water deficiency d. macronutrient deficiency
___24. Stem borer moth lay their eggs on the
a. under surface of leaves c. tip of the leaves
b. upper surface of leaves d. upper and under surface of leaves
___25. Holes in the rice stem indicates that
a. moths has already oviposited b. larvae have bored inside
___26. Young rice tillers which have dried up and died after a borer has cut off the base of the plants are called
a. dried up b. dead hearts c. white head d. base cut off
___27. Empty, whitish rice panicles which show that borers have attacked to the plant at the flowering stage are called
a. dead heart b. unfilled grains c. white heads d. dead panicles
___28. The method of controlling pest by adopting a system of crop rotation and farm sanitation is called
a. Genetic control b. chemical control c. biological control d. cultural control
___29. When a farmer allows the existence of natural enemies of insect pest in his farm, he is applying the
a. Genetic control b. chemical control c. biological control d. cultural control
___30. A collective term that refers to all the chemical materials used to control, destroy or reduce pest is
a. insecticide b. pesticide c. herbicide d. fungicide
___31. In the study of plant disease, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes are collectively called as
a. disease factor b. spreading factor c. symptom factor d. casual organism
___32. Tungro, yellow dwarf, orange leaf, and grassy stunt disease in rice are classified as
a. bacterial diseases b. fungal diseases c. psychological disease d. viral disease
___33. The only physiological disease common in the Philippines that is found in the rice field
a. bronzing b. white heat c. tungro d. leaf blight
___34. The best time to harvest rice is on sunny day especially about
a. 10 to 20 days after heading c. 30 to 35 days after heading
b. 20 to 25 days after heading d. 40 to 45 days after heading
___35. Cleaning the palay to separate grain from the chaff with the aid of the wind is called
a. chaffing b. winnowing c. purifying d. winding
___36. Proper drying of palay is done to prevent spoilage during
a. flushing b. milling c. polishing d. storing
___37. The highest temperature recommended for a grain dries
a. 39°C b. 40°C c. 44°C d. 54°C
___38. The following are characteristics of a wise farmer except
a. having reserved cash c. having good storage
b. having an up to date price information d. having right to sell crops anytime he wants
___39. Water supply is an important factor in rice production because it directly affects the
a. photosynthesis activity of the plants c. frequency of planting
b. physical characteristics of the rice plants d. population of common pest and diseases
___40. When a rice paddy is drained, water must be
a. allowed to flow out of the field c. removed quickly to avoid slow release
b. saved for other uses d. channeled to other paddies
___41. In preparing herbicides, remember always that
a. apply herbicides before the water c. never apply herbicide ahead of the water
b. apply herbicides and water at the same time d. use sticks to mix herbicides and water
___42. The rice disease which characterized by a symptom showing yellow, undulate lesion along the upper portion of the leaf
blade is
a. leaf streak b. leaf spot c. leaf blight d. sheath blight
___43. A material containing no fertilizer element and is added to complete the weight of mixed fertilizers
a. fertilizers recommendation b. fertilizer formula c. fertilizer ratio d. filler
___44. If refers to the relative percentage of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in a fertilizer grade
a. fertilizers recommendation b. fertilizer formula c. fertilizer ratio d. filler
___45. Which of the following mode of physiological action of insecticide where in the chemical must enter through the
alimentary canal of the body of an insect to kill
a. stomach poison b. contact poison c. fumigants d. systemic poison
___46. To obtain the seeds you need, go to any of the following certified seed outlet except one
a. Bureau of Animal Industry c. Agricultural Productivity Commission
b. Bureau of Plant Industry d. Institute of Plant Seeding
___47. Rice is a grass family and scientifically called
a. Zea Mais b. Oryza Sativa c. Cocusnu Cifira d. Ipomoea Batatas
___48. Which of the following brand of chemical used to kill insect pest?
a. Sofit b. Shell 2-4-d c. Karate d. Nominee


Prepared by: Mrs. Sonia Pinalba

Subject Teacher

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