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Topic Title Electricity

Grade Level Grade 7

Time Allotment 60 inutes
Learning Competencies and Objectives:
At the end of the class, the students should be able to:
1. Describe the different types of charging process
2. Identify how charges react with similarly charged particles
3. Participate actively during classroom activities and discussion.
Instructional Material:
 Improvised Homemade Electroscope
ELICIT Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
At the start of the lesson, the teacher will The students will observe as the teacher do
demonstrate how charging is formed in the demonstration
ENGAGE 1. What do you guys see 1. The foil is moving!
2. Charges! I don’t
2. Why do you think this is know.
EXPLORE Activty: Electroscope The students will go to their respective
groups and work with their activity.
The teacher will divide the class into
groups. The students will explain how
electroscope used in the activity.

 What particles exist

within an atom in electroscope?
 What happened when
a charged object was near the
 What do you know
about how charges
react with similarly
charged particles?
 Is it possible to tell
what type of charge is
building up on the
electroscope? Why or
why not?
EXPLAIN Reporting: The leader of the group or any
The teacher will let each group to representative from the group will explain
present their work in class. their output in front of the class

ELABORATE Whole Class Lecture:

“Now , let us find out more about
Electricity and it types”

“What is Electricity?” “Electricity is a form of energy that carried

through wires and is used to operate
machines, lights, etc.

“Right, electricity is a form of energy that

carried through wires and used in
machine or lights. It is also called an
electric current or power.
So that is what Electricity means. Now
who can tell us what are the different
types of charges ”

“Positive charge and negative charge”

“Very good. It is positive charge and

negative charge. Now we are going to
tackle about our material that used in our
activity. It is about Electroscope.”
Who can explain electroscope?”
“A various instruments for detecting the
presence of an electric charge on a body, for
determining whether the charge is positive
or negative, or for indicating and measuring
intensity of radiation”

That’s right! Electroscope is a various

instrument that detecting the presence
of electric charge. It contains two types “Positive charge and negative charge”
of charges, and it is?”
“Alright! In other word what is the
positive charge? The negative charge? “Proton and electron”

“That’s right! It is called proton and

What is electron?”

“Electron is a very small particle of matter

that has a negative charge of electricity and
And what is proton? that travels around the nucleus of an atom”

“A very small particle of matter that is part

of the nucleus of an atom and has positive
electrical charge”
Ok, now you know what are the different
types of charges that contain the
Let’s proceed on how the two charges is
present in electroscope and how to find
the charging polarity. Any suggestion?.

“Okay, proton is a positively charge that “None, ma’am”

is present in a copper wire and the
negatively charge is in the bottle that had
been rub in the hair. When you rub one
material to another, they are charged by
friction. Material losing electron is
positively charged and material gaining
electron is negatively charged. Amount of
gained and lost electron is equal to each
other. In other words, we can say that
charges of the system are confused.”
Ok, so do you understand what is the
purpose of electroscope in electricity? “Yes, ma’am”

“Any question?” “None, ma’am”

Ok If none, please get one fourth sheet of

pad paper.
EVALUATE Short Quiz: The teacher will give an Answer:
Identification type of test.

1. It is a form of energy that carried 1. Electricity

through wires and is used to
operate machines, lights, etc.

2. A very small particle of matter

that is part of the nucleus of an 2. Proton
atom and has positive electrical

3. It is a very small particle of matter

that has a negative charge of 3. Electroscope
electricity and that travels around
the nucleus of an atom

4. It is also called an “electron” 4. Positive charge

5. A various instruments for

detecting the presence of an
electric charge on a body, for
determining whether the charge 5. Aluminum foil
is positive or negative, or for
indicating and measuring intensity
of radiation

6. It also called a “proton”

7. It is the act of rubbing one thing 6. Negative charge

against another
7. Copper wire
8. A reddish metallic element that is
ductile and malleable and is one
of the best conductors of heat
and electricity
8. Electron
9. A thin silver metal that is light
trivalent malleable element

10. A glass or plastic container that

has a narrow neck and usually has 9. Friction
no handle.
10. Jar/Bottle

EXTEND Assignment:
(15 With your group made your own
minutes) improvised electroscope.

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