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“Wasting food is like stealing from the poor”. Every three seconds, a person dies of hunger.

wastage seems to have become a culture among Malaysians, especially during festive seasons in the
country. Based on the report from Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Corporation
(SWCorp) for 2018, tonnes of food that was wasted daily could feed about half of the Malaysia's
population for three times.

We are all food wasters too. Every day, I see people throwing their meals away. At restaurants. At
school. At home. I see people scraping full plates of food into bins or throwing away half-eaten
apples, apples which millions of people would have killed for.

The consequences of food wastage are completely and utterly atrocious. Food loss and waste are
large contributors to world hunger, because there is not enough food for everybody.

Every long journey begins with small steps, we still have a chance to solve this devastating problem
and save millions of people. But if we want to do this, we have to do it now


1. Prepare a list of meals throughout the week, then review what ingredients you have in your
kitchen and which ones are not, and go to the supermarket to buy only those that are
needed . In this way, it is avoided to buy on excessive food that after a while no longer want
and end up wasting. It is better to make the daily purchase , every two or three days, or the
week. Fresh products, such as meat and, of course, fish, should not be in the refrigerator for
more than those days. So, if you buy every seven days, you have to end up throwing food

2. Many things like vegetables and bread can be frozen to stay longer, because many times we
throw food is because it is slightly oxidized or, as in the case of bread, hardened, things that
freezing prevents from happening. When cooking rice, it is best to refrigerate it just after
cooking it , to prevent the bacteria from multiplying when leaving the leftovers too long at
room temperature, and to end up throwing it out for fear that it feels bad to us. If you left
leftovers from the previous day and you know you will not consume them soon, store them
in the freezer. Before preparing your next meal, notice what you left frozen and so you will
be also taking care of your pocket.

3. Things like rice or bread can be reused, in case they are not spoiled but you no longer want
to eat them like that. You can both use them, for example, to wrap some delicious pancakes
with eggs. The same can be done with fruits and vegetables, using them in smoothies and
desserts, like jams. You can even use the bread in desserts

As Conclusion, I ask all of you now after hearing this speech to realize that wasting food isn’t fair to
the people who are in need of it and help by limiting what you throw away into the trash can like if
you have a sandwich and aren’t hungry, give it to a friend or save it for later.

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