Investigatory Project

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Investigatory Project

The Potential of Kiapo (Pistia Stratiotes) Leaves as an Alternative

Chicken Feed

Roi A. De La Cueva
Madilyn Manipol
Xycca Valdez
Kzuzvan Kay E. Casabal
Rocky Leus
Julianne Marie B. Barbadillo
Kiapo, also known as water lettuce, is an aquatic plant, floating on lakes, streams, stagnant
water and in fishponds. It has thick soft leaves that form a rosette. The leaves can be up to 12 cm long and
has no stem. They are light green, with parallel veins, wavy margins and are covered in short hairs which
forms basket-like structure that trap air bubbles, increasing the plants' buoyancy.

The whole plant is used for medical treatments. It is considered as Antiseptic, Antitubercular
and Antidysentic. The leaves are rich in vitamin A, C and B and it also contains potassium, sodium,
magnesium and lime while its roots are used externally to treat burns because it is emollient, laxative and

Kiapo is abundant in the Philippines but it is known as pests in fishponds since it reproduce
fast and might cause oxygen depletion. The flowers are hidden in the middle of the plant amongst the
leaves. Small green berries forms after successful fertilization. The plant is can also undergo asexual
reproduction. Mother and daughter plants are connected by a short stolon.

Chicken is one of the most in-demand poultry meat in our market and not to mention
that most eggs we use in cooking are chicken eggs. Because of these, there are many poultry
farms in the Philippines and one factor that affects the chicken is the food it eats. When you
select a commercialized chicken feed, you'll find different types of feed available such as chick
starter and grow pullet. Each brand name of feed may have slightly different ingredients as far as
protein and other nutrient content goes.
Chapter 1
A. Statement of the Problem
General Problem:

To determine the effectiveness of a chicken feed made out of Kiapo leaves in making the chick grows
faster and healthier.

Specific Problem:
Is it possible to make an alternative chicken feed made from Kiapo leaves?
Does kiapo leaves have any components that can be used to produce a chicken feed?
Is there any advantage of Kiapo from commercialized chicken feeds?

B. Hypothesis
 There is a significant difference between the effectiveness of dried Kiapo leaves as
chicken feed and commercialized one.

C. Null Hypothesis

 There is no significant difference between the effectiveness of dried Kiapo leaves as

chicken feed and commercialized one.

D. Objective

This study aims to make an effective chicken feed made out of Kiapo.

Specific Objectives:
 The Kiapo leaves are effective in making an alternative chicken feed.
 There are many components of Kiapo leaves to be used in producing chicken feed.
 Chicken feed made from Kiapo leaves is more affordable than the commercialized one.

E. Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output
Kiapo Leaves Drying of Kiapo Leaves Alterative Chicken Feeds
Pounding of Dried Kiapo
Molding of Pounded Kiapo

F. Significance of the Study

This study will help to find out the use of Kiapo plant, instead of being pest in fishponds.
The poultry farmer will also get benefit from this study by having more affordable and
more natural chicken feed. Moreover, this may also provide extra income to the fishers
who can sell the Kiapo plants found at their fishponds.

G. Scope and Limitations

We all know that commercialized cicken feed are getting more expensive. Because
of this, we focused on making an alternative chicken feeds out of Kiapo leaves.
This research is limited only on proving if Kiapo can be used as an alternative chicken feed
that may help the chicks to grow faster and healthier.

H. Definition of Key Terms

Kiapo- an aquatic plant that floats on lake and fishponds.

Fishponds- a pond which live fishes are kept.

Chickenfeed- food especially made for chickens which contain protein, fiber and calcium.

Kiapo- its leaves are used to make an alternative chicken feed.

Fishpond- a good sanctuary for kiapo.

Chicken feed- the product made after drying the kiapo leaves.

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