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၂ ၂ ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂ ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂ ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂


Sat/Sun ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂ ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂ ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂

Sr သသသသသသသ
Day / Time Level သသသသသသသသသသ သသသသသသသသသသသ
No. သသသသသသသသ

1 Sat/Sun Elementary to Pre- 18.5.2019 3 Months 70,000 Ks.

(7:00 to 8:30 AM) Intermediate (Part (24 Days)
2 Sat/Sun Elementary to Pre- 18.5.2019 3 Months 70,000 Ks.
(9:00 to 10:30 Intermediate (Part (24 Days)
AM) 1)
3 Sat/Sun Elementary to Pre- 18.5.2019 3 Months 70,000 Ks.
(2:00 to 3:30 PM) Intermediate (Part (24 Days)
4 Sat/Sun Elementary to Pre- 18.5.2019 3 Months 70,000 Ks.
(3:00 to 5:00 PM) Intermediate (Part (24 Days)

၂၂၂၂၂၂၂ (Mon / Tue / Wed ) ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂

Sr သသသသသသသ
Day / Time Level သသသသသသသသသသ သသသသသသသသသသသ
No. သသသသသသသသ

1 Mon/Tue/Wed Elementary to Pre- 20.5.2019 2 Months 70,000 Ks.

(7:00 to 8:30 AM) Intermediate (Part (24 Days)
2 Mon/Tue/Wed Elementary to Pre- 20.2.2019 2 Months 70,000 Ks.
(9:00 to 10:30 Intermediate (Part (24 Days)
AM) 1)
3 Mon/Tue/Wed Elementary to Pre- 20.2.2019 2 Months 70,000 Ks.
(2:00 to 3:30 PM) Intermediate (Part (24 Days)
4 Mon/Tue/Wed Elementary to Pre- 20.2.2019 2 Months 70,000 Ks.
(5:00 to 6:30 PM) Intermediate (Part (24 Days)

သသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသ သသသသသသသသသသ (သသ)သသသသသသသသ

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(၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂ ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂)
 Academy Education Center
သသသသသ(18)သ သသသသသသသသ သသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသ
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သသသသသ 0978 667 2003သ 0978 667 2006


 Cambridge Courses ၂၂၂၂၂၂ ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂

Level ၂၂၂၂၂၂ ၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂၂
A1 = Elementary Level (Part-1)
A1 = Elementary Level (Part-2)
A2 = Pre-Intermediate (Part-1)
A2 = Pre-Intermediate (Part-2)
B1 = Intermediate Level (Part-1)
B1 = Intermediate Level (Part-2)
B1+ = Upper Intermediate Level (Part-1)
B1+ = Upper Intermediate Level (Part-2)
C1 = Advanced Level (Part-1)
C1 = Advanced Level (Part-2)

သသသသသသသသသသသသသသသ သသသသသသသသသသသသသသ သသသသသသသသသသသသသ

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သသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသ Pair Works, Group Works, Group Discussions သသသ Talk
Shows သသသသသသ သသသသသသသသသသသသသသ သသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသသ


With Best Regards,

Academy Education Center

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