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#######Free chars##

In the Intial Query run Free chars are not displayed in the output, they are
displayed in status pannel whr we can apply drilldown, drill across(Column).

Free chars improves the Query perfromance since it can display the data as and when

Using this we can control the output of the query.Thr r 2 types of Restrictions
Include---will display only included values data
Exclude--Except exclude remaining values data is displayed.

Restrictions can be changed by the user in the output pannel.

include always improves the query perfromance.

####Filters:-it is similar to restriction, restriction can be changed by the user

whr as Filters cant be changed by the user in the output acts as a global
controler of the is neither displayed in status not can be changed in the
output pannel

Uisng this we can execute a query with some condition like topn, Bottom n, equal
to, Not equal to, Less than, greater than
in a single query we can design many conditions but thr shuld not be any
Condition can be applied on single char or combination of the chars or wrt all the

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