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Third Periodical Examination

Science 9

Name: ____________________________________ Remarks: __________

Year and Section: ___________________ Date: ___________

When God is y0ur reas0n to live, you will never have a reas0n to quit 

General Direction:
 Read directions carefully before proceeding to the statements/questions.
 Read and analyze each statement/question before answering.
 Avoid erasures to make your answer sheet neat and clean.

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.

1. A type of volcano with broad, gentle slopes and built by the eruption of fluid basalt lava is called
a. cinder cone b. shield volcano c. stratovolcano d. submarine volcano
2. When ash, cinders, and bombs build up in a steep pile around a volcano’s vent, the result is a __________.
a. cinder cone b. composite volcano c. dormant volcano d. shield volcano
3. The most common type of volcano in the “Ring of Fire” is __________.
a. active volcanoes c. potentially active volcanoes
b. inactive volcanoes d. none of the above
4. What is the largest volcano in the world?
a. Mauna Loa b. Mt. Fuji c. Mt. Krakatoa d. Mt. Paricutin
5. What type of volcano is not found in the Philippines?
a. active b. cinder c. composite d. shield
6. The tallest volcano on Earth is __________.
a. Mt. Kea b. Mayon Volcano c. Mt. Everest d. Mt. Vesuvius
7. Tall, cone-shaped mountains in which layers of lava alternate with layers of ash are called __________.
a. cinder cone b. composite volcanoes c. lava plateaus d. shield volcanoes
8. The smallest known active volcano in the Philippines is __________.
a. Mt. Apo b. Mt. Mayon c. Mt. Pinatubo d. Mt. Taal
9. Which of the following statements clearly differentiates active and inactive volcanoes?
a. An active volcano ejects lava, while an inactive volcano is young.
b. An active volcano is old, while an inactive volcano emits ash.
c. An inactive volcano erupted several times in history but had ceased to show signs of eruption in recent
years, while an active volcano has recently erupted.
d. An inactive volcano has no recorded history of eruption and shows no sign of possible eruption in the
future, while an active volcano has erupted within the last 10, 000 years.
10. A volcano that may erupt again at some time in the distant future is __________.
a. active b. dormant c. explosive d. extinct
11. A volcano that is erupting or has erupted recently:
a. active b. dormant c. extinct d. explosive
12. Which characteristic of magma mainly determines its explosiveness?
a. age b. location c. shape d. size
13. If a volcano’s magma is high in silica, the volcano will probably
a. erupt explosively c. produce dark-colored lava
b. erupt quietly d. remain dormant
14. How does the release of trapped gases in magma cause a volcano to erupt?
a. Lava will pour out the sides of the mountain.
b. Magma starts to accumulate around the mountain.
c. Solid rock on Earth’s crust starts to melt.
d. Under tremendous pressure, magma is forced to the surface of Earth’s crust, causing an explosion.
15. The main hazard from a quiet volcanic eruption is __________.
a. geyser b. lava flows c. pyroclastic flow d. volcanic gases
16. The most violent type of volcanic eruption is __________.
a. Hawaiian b. Plinian c. Strombolian d. Vulcanian
17. Which of the following factors associated with huge volcanic eruptions may cause the decrease in the
Earth’s average temperature for a few years?
a. acid rain b. heat c. light d. volcanic ash
18. If geologists detect many small earthquakes in the area near a volcano, what can they infer about the
a. It is dormant. c. It is probably about to erupt.
b. It is extinct. d. It has lots of magma underneath.
19. A composite volcano that erupts continuously for two hours is accompanied by a tropical storm. What
would likely happen in the scenario?
a. Lahar will form and will flood the areas surrounding the volcano.
b. Lava will react to water producing sulfuric acid, affecting the ozone layer.
c. The tropical storm will become stronger and flood will occur.
d. The volcano will continue to spew out cinders and ash in larger volume.
20. Geothermal energy is a clean and renewable source of energy that can be used by harnessing heated water
from within the Earth and converting it to steam so that it can move turbines and generate __________.
a. electricity b. ice c. potable water d. rain
21. When groundwater heated by magma rises to the surface and collects in a natural pool, it is called a
a. geyser b. hot spring c. pyroclastic flow d. vent
22. In general, as altitude increases, __________.
a. air pressure increases c. temperature decreases
b. plant life increases d. temperature increases
23. Precipitation usually falls on the side of the mountain.
a. eastward c. westward
b. leeward d. windward
24. Two major factors used to identify climate are __________.
a. latitude and temperature c. temperature and humidity
b. longitude and latitude d. temperature and precipitation
25. During summer, many people visit Baguio because of the cold weather. What do you think makes Baguio
a. air mass c. ocean current
b. altitude d. precipitation
26. Ocean currents that move toward the poles are __________.
a. cold c. cold in the Northern Hemisphere and warm in the Southern Hemisphere
b. warm d. warm in the Northern Hemisphere and cold in the Southern Hemisphere
27. What is true about an ocean current that is moving toward the equator?
a. It is cold. c. It is slow.
b. It is fast. d. It is warm.
28. What happens to the intensity of solar energy as latitude increases?
a. It decreases. b. It doubles. c. It increases. d. It stays the same.
29. Why does the equator experience high temperatures year round?
a. It has high latitude. c. The sun’s rays hit it at a lesser angle.
b. It has no large bodies of water. d. The sun’s rays hit it directly.
30. Warm water current which flows from west to east across the Pacific Ocean near the equator is the
a. El Niño phenomenon c. ocean current
b. global wind d. prevailing wind
31. If the amount of gases in the atmosphere will continue to increase, the effect would be __________.
a. cooler climate c. precipitation
b. global warming d. prevailing winds
32. Earth’s natural heating process is called _________.
a. an ice age b. global warming c. the greenhouse effect d. the Milankovitch theory
33. Which of the following is an indication of global warming?
a. coastal erosion c. rising of sea level
b. decrease of global temperature d. strong waves in the ocean
34. Stars appear to move in the sky because __________.
a. Earth is rotating on its axis c. the sky is rotating
b. galaxies are forming d. the universe is expanding
35. A supernova is a/an __________.
a. Black hole b. constellation c. exploding dying star d. large star
36. What elements are stars made up of?
a. Calcium and Hydrogen c. Helium and Iron
b. Hydrogen and Helium d. Iron and Calcium
37. The color of stars reveals information about its __________.
a. composition b. diameter c. mass d. surface temperature
38. What do you call the actual brightness of a star?
a. absolute magnitude c. first magnitude
b. apparent magnitude d. sixth magnitude
39. The color of the hottest stars is __________.
a. blue b. pink c. red d. yellow
40. What is a light-year?
a. The distance to the sun c. the distance light travels in a year
b. The speed of light in a year d. the time it takes to travel to a star
41. A star’s brightness as it appears from Earth is its __________.
a. absolute magnitude c. luminosity
b. apparent magnitude d. parallax
42. Which of the following stars is most helpful to travelers?
a. Albireo b. Betelgeuse c. Merak d. Polaris
43. Which of these stars is the coolest?
a. blue b. orange c. red d. yellow
44. Which among the following is an example of circumpolar constellation?
a. Canis Major b. Cygnus c. Orion c. Ursa Major
45. The Big Dipper is an asterism of __________.
a. Cassiopeia b. Centaurus c. Pegasus d. Ursa Major
46. These constellations are seen in the Northern Hemisphere except __________.
a. Cassiopeia b. Crux c. Ursa Major d. Ursa Minor
47. The North Star or Polaris is located in the __________ constellations.
a. Crux b. Cygnus c. Ursa Major d. Ursa Minor
48. This constellation is visible in the Southern Hemisphere.
a. Crux b. Cygnus c. Ursa Major d. Ursa Minor
49. Which constellation is prominently seen during winter and is known as the “great hunter”?
a. Hecules b. Orion c. Pegasus d. Virgo
50. Stars can be found in large groups throughout the universe. What are these groups called?
a. asteroids b. comets c. constellations d. solar system


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