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Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program for Skilled Workers (MPNP)



The MPNP form Settlement Plan Part 2 must be completed by the Manitoba Supporter of the applicant.
The form has two parts: Section A is the questionnaire; Section B is declaration, documents and signature.
1. Complete Section A on a computer. Type answers to all questions and save changes to your form using Adobe Reader or other PDF software.
2. Section B must be first printed. Complete the page and sign in handwriting, place documents then scan and save the page as a separate file.


MPNP correspondence will go to this address. Provide full name: surname is last name (family name); given names are first and middle names.
Name of Manitoba Supporter

SURNAME Given name(s)

Date of birth Street address

Apt/Unit, Number, Street

City/town Province/state Country Postal code

Telephone number E-mail address

Include area code

Eligibility: Do you meet all the following conditions to be a Manitoba Supporter? Yes No
The Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) is not a sponsorship program. As Manitoba Supporter you are supporting the applicant’s plan to settle and
economically establish in the Province of Manitoba as a permanent resident (along with his or her family, if applicable).
Accordingly, you must be able to demonstrate:
• sufficiently close ties to the applicant and to Manitoba
• that any applications previously supported resulted in successful, permanent economic establishment in Manitoba
• that you are able to support the applicant’s Settlement Plan
Friend or distant relative: You must not be currently supporting the settlement of another MPNP applicant, nominee or person under another Canadian
immigration program. (This applies to household; ex: if you are supporting an application, your spouse cannot be Manitoba Supporter of another application.)
Close relative: You may support more than one applicant at a time − provided you demonstrates the ability to do so.
To be the Manitoba Supporter of an MPNP applicant you must:
• be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
• have been living in Manitoba continuously for at least one year
• provide documented proof of Manitoba residence (follow instructions in Section B)
• Close relatives must also provide document proof of their familial relationship to the applicant (or to the applicant’s spouse)

Name of Applicant Date of birth MPNP file number

Surname Given name(s)

How long have you know the applicant? (number of years) Have you met the applicant? Yes No

How did you meet the applicant?

List the names of applicant’s spouse or legal partner and all dependent children.

Identify specific type of relationship you have with the applicant (ex: “my spouse’s sister”) and describe the nature of your personal relationship.

Settlement Plan: You have reviewed the Settlement Plan prepared by the applicant describing his or her goals and plan
of action for employment and establishment in Manitoba (including family) and you endorse the plan? Yes No

How will you help applicant put into effect and achieve his/her Settlement Plan?

How will you help applicant as s/he prepares to move to Manitoba?

How will you help applicant meet daily needs upon arrival in Manitoba?

How will you help applicant find suitable housing?

How will you help applicant connect with settlement and employment services for immigrants and general public services in Manitoba?

Previous support: Have you or a member of your household previously supported applicant(s) to the MPNP? Yes No
Enter information below if you checked Yes to previous support.
Full name of previous applicant MPNP file number

Result of application Date of Landing Full street address of previous applicant

City/town Province/state Country Postal code

Telephone number E-mail

Include area code

Full name of previous applicant MPNP file number

Result of application Date of Landing Full street address of previous applicant

City/town Province/state Country Postal code

Telephone number E-mail

Include area code

Full name of previous applicant MPNP file number

Result of application Date of Landing Full street address of previous applicant

City/town Province/state Country Postal code

Telephone number E-mail

Include area code

Use this extra space if needed for any question in this form.

Print this page. Write in date and signature. Place identification in space provided. Scan completed page and attached to e-mail with Section A.

Supporter name Applicant name

I hereby declare that:

I am a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada currently residing in Manitoba and have been continuously residing in the province for at least one year.
As a close relative of the applicant or his/her spouse, I have included proof of my relationship to my close relative. (Proof of relationship not required when Settlement
Plan is endorsed by a friend or distant relative of the applicant.)
I clearly understand that the applicant has made a formal declaration of their intention to live and work in Manitoba. I will not knowingly support the application of
individuals who do not intend to live in Manitoba, and I understand that I will be prohibited from supporting the MPNP applications of other relatives or friends in the
future if the present applicant and/or his/her dependants do not settle successfully and permanently in Manitoba.
I am satisfied that the applicant has the ability to meet basic needs, including but not limited to shelter, food, clothing and other goods and services necessary for daily
living in Manitoba, for him/herself and spouse and dependants, if applicable.
I have not received nor have I been promised payment or any other consideration for signing this Settlement Plan Part 2.
I understand that the provision of any false statements or concealment of any material fact may result in refusal to approve this or any future support, refusal to grant
or withdrawal of the applicant’s Letter of Approval or any other enforcement action.
I understand that the Government of Manitoba may contact me directly for any matter related to this application.
I agree to the release to the applicant of this Settlement Plan Part 2 and all supporting documents.
The information provided by me is true, complete and accurate.
I understand and am prepared to comply with all the commitments and obligations contained in this Settlement Plan, and I have asked for and received explanation
for every point about which I may have been uncertain.
I swear/affirm this commitment to be bona fide.

Date: _________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________

Before scanning this page: Place in the spaces provided below on your printed and signed page the requested identification (ID) documents (or
similar, ex: instead of permanent resident card use Canadian birth certificate or citizenship card in its place).
Close relative: Scan separately ID document(s) proving you’re related to applicant (ex: birth or marriage certificate) and attach file to your e-mail.
E-mail attachment(s) must total less than 2 MB. For scanning tips visit MPNP website.


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