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Research Plan

Project Title:​ GARLIC (​Allium sativum​) AND LEMON (​Citrus limon)​ EXTRACT AS
COCKROACH (​Periplaneta ​americana) SPRAY

Question or Problem:
Cockroaches are in class insecta order Blattodea and in a Playlum of arthropoda. About 30
cockroaches species out of 4600 are associated with human habitats. About four species are well
known as pests. This study aims to test if garlic and lemon extract are effective at killing species
of cockroaches that are considered as pests that is mostly found at human homes/houses. With
this study, it will lessen the population of pest cockroaches that lices in human houses/homes that
arent beneficial to the natural environment. The kind of cockroach that is mostly seen in the
Philippines is the American cockroach (​Periplaneta americana) ​and that is the cockroach we'll
be experimenting on.

Research Goal or Expected Outcome:

This study object to know the effectiveness of garlic and lemon extract through a rate
procedure with regards on killing cockroaches.

Specifically, this study aimed to:

1. Determine what will happen to the cockroach before and after the application of minced
Garlic ​(Allium Sativum​) in 5 grams and lemon (​Citrus Limon​) extract in 3 ml amount of
extract in the experimental group;
2. Determine what will happen to the cockroach in the lemon set-up
3. Determine the effectiveness of garlic and lemon extract to kill the cockroach.

Null Hypothesis:
There is no significant effect of the cockroach spray that contains garlic (A​llium sativum) ​and
lemon (​Citrus limon) e​ xtract on killing the cockroach.

There will be 2 groups the control group and the experimental group. We'll be using 6
cockroaches similar in size, kind, and condition. At control they will be hiven commercial
cockroach killer; at experimental group they will be given the cockroach spray by putting the
cockroach in a container and spray it ten(10) times with the homemade cockroach killer.
There will be six(6) different transparent plastic containers. The first container will be labeled
as A1, the second container will be labeled as A2 and the third container will be labeled as A3
and these containers are for the experimental group. For the fourth container it will be labeled as
B1, the fifth container will be labeled as B2 and the sixth container will be labeled as B3. The
letters A & B represent the two different groups; A for the experimental group while B for the
control group. The numbers 1,2, and 3 represents the number of trials; 1 for trial one; 2 for trial
two; and 3 for trial 3. With that there are three (3) trials in each group.
The preparation of garlic and lemon extract would be; first, with the use of a knife cut 3
pieces of garlic in any size into very small pieces then with a beam balance, measure the minced
garlic, it should be 5 grams; second, for the lemon extract cut the lemon in half. Then get a bowl
and lay a strainer over the bowl. And with the use of strainer you'll get a lenon extract without its
seeds. Now that you have both of the ingredients as it is needed to be, prepare an empty small
spray container and wash it that there shouldn't be any liquid or substances left that can be seen
in the eye. Lastly, put the minced garlic and pour the lemon extract carefully in the container.
You can spray this to any cockroaches you see in your house to make them dizzy until they die.

Data Analysis:
The expected result of this experiment is that the cockroach will be dead after spraying the
garlic and lemon extract.


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