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Chemistry IA topics

What is the carbon dioxide levels of different soft drinks?

Carbon dioxide is usually pumped in cans of soft drinks to give the fizziness. The amount of carbon
dioxide in drinks will influence the carbonic acid as the can is opened, which has many negative
effects on teeth as it is slightly acidic.

Germ cleaning of different soaps.

Testing the effectiveness of soap will be interesting, especially for the products that claim to kil
99.9% of bacteria.

Caffeine of different coffee beans.

Determining the amount of caffeine in coffee from different brands of coffee and different types
such as expression and decaf.

Determining the amount of calcium in different types of milk.

This will determine which milks are richer in calcium. Milks include almond, oat, rice, goat and cow

Determining levels of calcium in water different brands of water

Finding which water has the higher calcium levels as calcium is an essential mineral to the body.
From this experiment, I will determine which water brands are the most calcium rich.

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