Material Sobre ICF (Em Inglês)

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ICF Inspection and Termites

by Nick Gromicko and Ethan Ward

Insulating concrete forms (ICFs) are rigid, plastic foam forms that hold
foundation and structural concrete in place while it cures, and then stay
in place afterward to
insulation. ICFs
provide some
advantages over
more traditional
materials and
methods, including
improved durability,
and protection from
fire and natural
disasters, as well as
added energy
efficiency. However,
a major problem associated with ICFs is termite infestation. Because
of this, some states where termite infestation is common have banned
ICFs from underground use for basements and
foundations. Inspectors who examine foundations in regions where
termites are a known problem can benefit from understanding the
difficulties of identifying infestations in ICFs. Consumers planning a
new build will want to be aware of strategies for preventing such

Termite Types
There are three main kinds of termites found in North
America: dampwood, drywood and subterranean. Dampwood
termites are found mostly in the Pacific Northwest and coastal British
Columbia. These pests attack decaying wood and can usually be
controlled by removing their moisture source, unlike drywood termites,
which do not require a significant moisture supply.
Drywood termites are often found in the southernmost parts of the
continent, including Hawaii and Mexico. They can fly directly into
buildings and begin colonies in dry wood. The use of treated wood is
generally effective for controlling infestations of this type. Dampwood
and drywood termites are not the
biggest concerns in relation to
Subterranean termites are the real
worry with ICFs, and they cause
the most damage to building
structures. These termites live in
the soil in order to avoid being
affected by extreme temperatures
while maintaining access to essential moisture. They attack any
source of cellulose within foraging distance of their colony, such as dry
wood. In addition to wood, they feed on cardboard, paper and
fiberboard that are in contact with or close to the ground.
The Formosan termite, which is a type of subterranean termite, is the
most aggressive and destructive. Although typically smaller than most
other species, its colonies can cause damage faster than other
termites due to the sheer numbers they travel in.
Damage to Structures
It may seem strange that termites could be a concern for structures
that are, by definition, mostly concrete, since they would not seem to
provide an obvious food source for the bugs. The confusion often
comes up because it is assumed that termites need direct access to
their food in order to begin causing damage. However, the resourceful
subterranean termites have found ways to actually use ICFs to their
advantage when looking for food.
When a source of food is not directly in contact with the soil,
subterranean termites will build tunnels to get to it. The tunnels, called
shelter tubes, can go through cracks in concrete foundations and
slabs, as well as through spaces around utility pipes.
The problem with ICFs is that, while the EPS insulation on the outside
does not provide the termites with a source of food, the termites can
tunnel through it to their food sources virtually undetected. In one of
many reported cases, there were no outward signs of
infestation. Meanwhile, termites had tunneled inside the EPS all the
way to the roof and were feasting. By the time the wood components
of the house had begun to show signs of infestation, significant
damage had already been done. The cover that EPS insulation on the
outside of ICFs provides for termites, allowing them to tunnel toward
food undetected, is the main concern in states that have restricted the
use of ICFs.
Protecting ICFs from Termite Infestation
Solutions for protecting ICF structures from termites have been
implemented successfully throughout the U.S., and it is not difficult to
adapt or modify existing means of control to work compatibly with
ICFs. The following are some means for preventing and controlling
termite problems that have been used successfully with ICFs.

Depending on the locality, some of these strategies may be required

by code for ICFs that extend below ground.

 Waterproofing and barrier systems, such as Polyguard 650 XT,

have been designed specifically for use with ICFs. These
membranes accomplish the dual purpose of waterproofing the
foundation while simultaneously protecting it from termites.

 Chemical treatment of soils around foundations using a

termiticide has proven helpful in controlling termites near
traditional wood buildings, and is also helpful around structures
using ICFs. However, the use of these treatments is banned in
some areas where chemical agents could seep through soils
with high water-table levels, potentially resulting in groundwater
and soil contamination.

 Metal shields with properly sealed joints attached over

foundation walls force termites to try to build their tunnels on the
outside of the shield, where the termites are more easily
detected and can be dealt with accordingly. This helps prevent
the hidden tunneling that they can do through EPS insulation.

 Particle-size barriers made of granules of rock are also

useful. The rocks are small enough that, when compacted
together, leave spaces between them that are too small for
termites to get through. These barriers can be used effectively
under slabs, around plumbing, and around ICF foundations to
create a physical barrier to termites.

 Steel wire mesh is also available for creating a physical barrier

that can be installed with ICF foundations. The most popular
wire mesh is called Termimesh® and is constructed so that the
holes in the mesh are too small for termites to fit through. Proper
installation of this mesh is critical for it to be effective, and it must
be installed by a professional trained by the manufacturer.
 If termite problems have already occurred, there are various
baits and traps designed to mitigate the infestation so that
repairs can begin. These are typically designed so that termites
come in contact with a slow-acting chemical toxicant which they
then spread throughout the rest of their colonies.

problems with
ICFs can,
initially, seem
confusing, since
themselves are
not a source of
food for the
bugs, but
tunnels running
through the outer EPS insulation to food sources are a serious concern
in some areas. Understanding this problem and knowing how to
prevent it can be helpful to InterNACHI inspectors who examine ICFs
in regions that are susceptible to termite infestation.
Take InterNACHI's free, online Structural Issues for Home
Inspectors course.
Take InterNACHI's free, online Wood-Destroying Organism
Inspection course.
Take InterNACHI's free online Inspecting Foundation Walls and
Piers course.
Residential Foundation Insulation
More inspection articles like this

Residential Foundation Insulation

Homes being constructed today are more energy-efficient than those
built even just a few years ago, primarily due to significant
improvements in building products and techniques, as well as
development of high-performance heating and cooling systems and
other appliances. At InterNACHI, we believe that the benefits of
foundation insulation are often overlooked. Heat loss from an
uninsulated, conditioned basement may represent up to 50% of a
home's total heat loss in a tightly sealed, well-insulated home.
Foundation insulation is used primarily to reduce heating costs and has
little or no benefit in lowering cooling costs. In addition to reducing
heating costs, foundation insulation increases comfort, reduces the
potential for condensation and corresponding growth of mold, and
increases the livability of below-grade rooms.

Foundation Types

Foundations types are either full basement, slab-on-grade, or

crawlspace. Deep frostlines and low water tables often make a full
basement the primary foundation of choice. However, slab-on-grade
with walkout basement construction is common, and home additions
often have crawlspace foundations.

Full Basements
Basements can be insulated either on the interior or exterior. Interior
insulation can use conventional 2x4 framing with batt or wet-spray
insulation. Unless the vapor retarder covering on the batt insulation is
fire-rated, it should be covered with drywall. Rigid foam is also used on
basement interiors. Furring strips are used to hold the foam insulation
in place. Extruded or expanded polystyrene or polyisocyanurate
insulation boards can also be used. Fire codes require most foam
insulation board to be covered with drywall.

Exterior foundation insulation uses extruded or expanded polystyrene

directly on the exterior of basement walls. Insulation exposed above-
grade must be covered to protect it from physical abuse and
the damaging effects of the sun. Typical cover materials include roll-
metal stock to match the siding, cementous board attached to the sill
plate, or application of a stucco-like finish.

A third option is to use a foam-form foundation system. Polystyrene

foundation forms are set on conventional footings, much like building a
Lego® wall. Concrete is placed into the forms where it cures to form
both the structural and thermal components of the basement wall.
Exterior foam, either foam boards placed on the exterior of a
conventional foundation, or in a foam-form wall system, may provide a
concealed entry path for subterranean termites. Termites can tunnel
through and behind many foam products. If exterior foam insulation is
used, a continuous metal termite shield must be used between the top
of the foundation and the sill plate to force termites out of the foam and
into view. Even then, treatment with conventional termiticides to stop
the infestation may be difficult. Foundation waterproofing, site and
footing drainage, and termite treatments are similar for insulated and
uninsulated basements. However, if exterior foam insulation is to be
used, use waterproofing products compatible with the foam.


In many respects, crawlspace walls are just short basement walls.

Exterior foam and foam-form insulation systems can be used.
However, interior crawlspace wall insulation is usually either foam
board or draped insulation. If foam insulation is used, it extends from
the top of the foundation to the top of the footing. The cavity formed by
the rim joist should be filled with fiberglass batts or a foam-in-place
product. Most fire codes allow up to 2 inches of polystyrene exposed
on the interior of a crawlspace before covering is required.

If crawlspaces are insulated with fiberglass or mineral wool batts, the

batts are usually tacked to the sill plate and draped down and onto the
floor. Four-foot-wide batts encased in a plastic cover work well when
installed horizontally. Conventional 16- or 24-inch-wide batts leave
voids between the batts and do not perform as well.

Some jurisdictions require a ventilated crawlspace to help control

moisture. Vent requirements are significantly reduced if the floor of the
crawlspace is covered with plastic sheeting with edges overlapped and
taped to reduce crawlspace moisture. If required, install operable vents
so they can be closed. Don’t forget to fill the rim joist space with
fiberglass batt or foamed-in-place foam to complete the insulation

The floor over the crawlspace can also be insulated. This raises the
thermal envelope from the crawlspace walls to the floor. While this
technique offers many advantages, piping must be freeze-proofed, and
heating and cooling ducts must also be insulated.


Heat loss is greatest at or near the exterior grade. To reduce heating

costs and reduce the cold-floor syndrome common to slab-on-grade
construction, insulation is critical. Exterior foam insulation, similar to
exterior basement insulation, works well. Insulation should extend from
the top of the slab to the top of the footing. Foam insulation inside the
footing is also common. It is necessary to provide a thermal break to
prevent thermal wicking from the slab to the outside. Installing a
pressure-treated nailer or beveled slab edge provide the thermal break
while still allowing floor-covering attachment. Climate, cost of fuel,
efficiency of heating equipment, and type of foundation help determine
the cost-effective level of insulation.

Savings from insulated foundations vary with fuel price, heating

equipment performance, and climate. The cost of full-basement
foundation insulation will vary, but builders have reported prices
between $800 and $1,200. If the mortgage of a new home were
increased by $1,200, the increase in home payment would be $106
annually for a 30-year, 8% loan. The combined heating and mortgage
costs would be similar, and the home would be more comfortable and
provide a healthier indoor environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

If a basement is unfinished, does it still need foundation insulation?

Yes, unless the floor above is insulated. Even if used only for storage
and heating and cooling equipment, the basement is thermally
connected to the rest of the house.

Is floor insulation above a basement or a crawlspace an alternative to

foundation insulation?
Yes, but keep in mind that pipes, ducts and HVAC equipment located
in the basement would then need to be insulated to protect pipes from
freezing. Sometimes these can be grouped in a small area with
insulated walls while the floor above the rest of the basement is

Doesn’t placing insulation on the exterior improve energy

If the basement incorporates passive solar design with a significant
amount of south-facing windows, exterior insulation will be beneficial,
provided the walls are exposed to solar gain. In a typical basement, the
energy savings are negligible.

Should the interior of foundation walls have vapor barriers?

If interior insulation is used, yes. The concrete must be allowed to dry,
but moist basement air typical of Midwest summers should not be
allowed to reach the cool wall where it can condense. Batt insulation
specifically designed for the interior of foundation walls has a
perforated poly facing that prevents air from circulating through the
batt, but allows water vapor from the wall to escape.

Will foundation insulation increase the risk of termite entry?

Foundation insulation does not increase the risk of termine entry. If
termites are present in the soil and wood is used in the building, the
risk of infestation exists. Exterior insulation may reduce the probability
of early discovery, and inhibit treatment when discovered.

It is a good idea for the purposes of foundation inspection for termites

to allow an open band or a small area where foundation insulation is
In some southern states with a high incidence of termite infestation,
including Florida, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana, eastern Texas, southern and central California,
Georgia, Tennessee, and Hawaii, rigid foam insulation is not allowed to
come in contact with the soil. In other areas, a 6-inch gap between the
top of the foundation insulation and any wood framing member is
required to permit visual inspection for termites. An InterNACHI
inspector can be hired to perform required pest inspections.

Will exterior foundation insulation materials be chemically attacked by

In can happen. Always follow the insulation manufacturer's
instructions for damp-proofing.

What about waterproofing?

Codes often require waterproofing instead of damp-proofing if the wall
is adjacent to habitable space. Manufacturers of some foam products
offer specific recommendations for waterproofing their foam systems.

How long will exterior foundation insulation last?

Properly installed foundation insulation should last as long as
insulation installed anywhere else in the building.
Should foam insulation above grade be protected?
Foam above grade must be protected from both sun and physical
damage. Ultraviolet light degrades and destroys most foams. In
addition, damage from lawnmowers, balls, and other incidental contact
can degrade the appearance and performance of the foam. Common
materials used to protect the foam above grade include two- or three-
layer stucco finishes, brush-on elastomeric or cementitious finishes,
vertical vinyl siding, cement board, aluminum coil stock, and fiberglass

Will insulating the foundation increase the risk of radon problems?

Radon entry into a home occurs through cracks and other openings
below grade. The use of foundation insulation should minimize thermal
stresses on the foundation and help minimize cracking, thus reducing
radon entry.

Should crawlspaces be ventilated?

The CABO One and Two Family Code requires 1 square foot of
crawlspace ventilation for each 150 square feet of floor area. Operable
vents 1/10th as large can be used if a vapor barrier is installed. Warm,
damp summer air can condense on the cool earth, even when covered
with a poly vapor diffusion-retarder, increasing the risk of crawlspace
moisture problems. Installing a vapor barrier and closing the operable
vents is preferred. If local code interpretation requires crawlspace
ventilation, insulating the floor and incorporating a vapor barrier is

Do foam insulation boards installed on the interior require fire

All foams require thermal protection equal to ½-inch of gypsum wall
board when installed on the interior of a building, including a
crawlspace. The only exception is Celotex
Thermax polyisocyanurate, which may be installed without a thermal
barrier where approved by the local building code official.

Are insulating concrete form (ICF) systems less expensive than an

insulated, poured-in-place concrete wall?
ICFs can be competitive, but costs are project-specific. Foam used in
these systems should address the same concerns outlined above for
foam board.

In summary, taking time to plan the best insulation system for you new
home, and taking stock of the insulation currently installed in your
home, can lead to energy savings in the long run.

Residential Foundation Insulation

Homes being constructed today are more energy-efficient than those
built even just a few years ago, primarily due to significant
improvements in building products and techniques, as well as
development of high-performance heating and cooling systems and
other appliances. At InterNACHI, we believe that the benefits of
foundation insulation are often overlooked. Heat loss from an
uninsulated, conditioned basement may represent up to 50% of a
home's total heat loss in a tightly sealed, well-insulated home.
Foundation insulation is used primarily to reduce heating costs and has
little or no benefit in lowering cooling costs. In addition to reducing
heating costs, foundation insulation increases comfort, reduces the
potential for condensation and corresponding growth of mold, and
increases the livability of below-grade rooms.

Foundation Types
Foundations types are either full basement, slab-on-grade, or
crawlspace. Deep frostlines and low water tables often make a full
basement the primary foundation of choice. However, slab-on-grade
with walkout basement construction is common, and home additions
often have crawlspace foundations.

Full Basements
Basements can be insulated either on the interior or exterior. Interior
insulation can use conventional 2x4 framing with batt or wet-spray
insulation. Unless the vapor retarder covering on the batt insulation is
fire-rated, it should be covered with drywall. Rigid foam is also used on
basement interiors. Furring strips are used to hold the foam insulation
in place. Extruded or expanded polystyrene or polyisocyanurate
insulation boards can also be used. Fire codes require most foam
insulation board to be covered with drywall.

Exterior foundation insulation uses extruded or expanded polystyrene

directly on the exterior of basement walls. Insulation exposed above-
grade must be covered to protect it from physical abuse and
the damaging effects of the sun. Typical cover materials include roll-
metal stock to match the siding, cementous board attached to the sill
plate, or application of a stucco-like finish.

A third option is to use a foam-form foundation system. Polystyrene

foundation forms are set on conventional footings, much like building a
Lego® wall. Concrete is placed into the forms where it cures to form
both the structural and thermal components of the basement wall.
Exterior foam, either foam boards placed on the exterior of a
conventional foundation, or in a foam-form wall system, may provide a
concealed entry path for subterranean termites. Termites can tunnel
through and behind many foam products. If exterior foam insulation is
used, a continuous metal termite shield must be used between the top
of the foundation and the sill plate to force termites out of the foam and
into view. Even then, treatment with conventional termiticides to stop
the infestation may be difficult. Foundation waterproofing, site and
footing drainage, and termite treatments are similar for insulated and
uninsulated basements. However, if exterior foam insulation is to be
used, use waterproofing products compatible with the foam.

In many respects, crawlspace walls are just short basement walls.

Exterior foam and foam-form insulation systems can be used.
However, interior crawlspace wall insulation is usually either foam
board or draped insulation. If foam insulation is used, it extends from
the top of the foundation to the top of the footing. The cavity formed by
the rim joist should be filled with fiberglass batts or a foam-in-place
product. Most fire codes allow up to 2 inches of polystyrene exposed
on the interior of a crawlspace before covering is required.

If crawlspaces are insulated with fiberglass or mineral wool batts, the

batts are usually tacked to the sill plate and draped down and onto the
floor. Four-foot-wide batts encased in a plastic cover work well when
installed horizontally. Conventional 16- or 24-inch-wide batts leave
voids between the batts and do not perform as well.

Some jurisdictions require a ventilated crawlspace to help control

moisture. Vent requirements are significantly reduced if the floor of the
crawlspace is covered with plastic sheeting with edges overlapped and
taped to reduce crawlspace moisture. If required, install operable vents
so they can be closed. Don’t forget to fill the rim joist space with
fiberglass batt or foamed-in-place foam to complete the insulation

The floor over the crawlspace can also be insulated. This raises the
thermal envelope from the crawlspace walls to the floor. While this
technique offers many advantages, piping must be freeze-proofed, and
heating and cooling ducts must also be insulated.


Heat loss is greatest at or near the exterior grade. To reduce heating

costs and reduce the cold-floor syndrome common to slab-on-grade
construction, insulation is critical. Exterior foam insulation, similar to
exterior basement insulation, works well. Insulation should extend from
the top of the slab to the top of the footing. Foam insulation inside the
footing is also common. It is necessary to provide a thermal break to
prevent thermal wicking from the slab to the outside. Installing a
pressure-treated nailer or beveled slab edge provide the thermal break
while still allowing floor-covering attachment. Climate, cost of fuel,
efficiency of heating equipment, and type of foundation help determine
the cost-effective level of insulation.

Savings from insulated foundations vary with fuel price, heating

equipment performance, and climate. The cost of full-basement
foundation insulation will vary, but builders have reported prices
between $800 and $1,200. If the mortgage of a new home were
increased by $1,200, the increase in home payment would be $106
annually for a 30-year, 8% loan. The combined heating and mortgage
costs would be similar, and the home would be more comfortable and
provide a healthier indoor environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

If a basement is unfinished, does it still need foundation insulation?

Yes, unless the floor above is insulated. Even if used only for storage
and heating and cooling equipment, the basement is thermally
connected to the rest of the house.

Is floor insulation above a basement or a crawlspace an alternative to

foundation insulation?
Yes, but keep in mind that pipes, ducts and HVAC equipment located
in the basement would then need to be insulated to protect pipes from
freezing. Sometimes these can be grouped in a small area with
insulated walls while the floor above the rest of the basement is

Doesn’t placing insulation on the exterior improve energy

If the basement incorporates passive solar design with a significant
amount of south-facing windows, exterior insulation will be beneficial,
provided the walls are exposed to solar gain. In a typical basement, the
energy savings are negligible.

Should the interior of foundation walls have vapor barriers?

If interior insulation is used, yes. The concrete must be allowed to dry,
but moist basement air typical of Midwest summers should not be
allowed to reach the cool wall where it can condense. Batt insulation
specifically designed for the interior of foundation walls has a
perforated poly facing that prevents air from circulating through the
batt, but allows water vapor from the wall to escape.

Will foundation insulation increase the risk of termite entry?

Foundation insulation does not increase the risk of termine entry. If
termites are present in the soil and wood is used in the building, the
risk of infestation exists. Exterior insulation may reduce the probability
of early discovery, and inhibit treatment when discovered.

It is a good idea for the purposes of foundation inspection for termites

to allow an open band or a small area where foundation insulation is
In some southern states with a high incidence of termite infestation,
including Florida, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi, Louisiana, eastern Texas, southern and central California,
Georgia, Tennessee, and Hawaii, rigid foam insulation is not allowed to
come in contact with the soil. In other areas, a 6-inch gap between the
top of the foundation insulation and any wood framing member is
required to permit visual inspection for termites. An InterNACHI
inspector can be hired to perform required pest inspections.

Will exterior foundation insulation materials be chemically attacked by

In can happen. Always follow the insulation manufacturer's
instructions for damp-proofing.

What about waterproofing?

Codes often require waterproofing instead of damp-proofing if the wall
is adjacent to habitable space. Manufacturers of some foam products
offer specific recommendations for waterproofing their foam systems.

How long will exterior foundation insulation last?

Properly installed foundation insulation should last as long as
insulation installed anywhere else in the building.

Should foam insulation above grade be protected?

Foam above grade must be protected from both sun and physical
damage. Ultraviolet light degrades and destroys most foams. In
addition, damage from lawnmowers, balls, and other incidental contact
can degrade the appearance and performance of the foam. Common
materials used to protect the foam above grade include two- or three-
layer stucco finishes, brush-on elastomeric or cementitious finishes,
vertical vinyl siding, cement board, aluminum coil stock, and fiberglass

Will insulating the foundation increase the risk of radon problems?

Radon entry into a home occurs through cracks and other openings
below grade. The use of foundation insulation should minimize thermal
stresses on the foundation and help minimize cracking, thus reducing
radon entry.

Should crawlspaces be ventilated?

The CABO One and Two Family Code requires 1 square foot of
crawlspace ventilation for each 150 square feet of floor area. Operable
vents 1/10th as large can be used if a vapor barrier is installed. Warm,
damp summer air can condense on the cool earth, even when covered
with a poly vapor diffusion-retarder, increasing the risk of crawlspace
moisture problems. Installing a vapor barrier and closing the operable
vents is preferred. If local code interpretation requires crawlspace
ventilation, insulating the floor and incorporating a vapor barrier is

Do foam insulation boards installed on the interior require fire

All foams require thermal protection equal to ½-inch of gypsum wall
board when installed on the interior of a building, including a
crawlspace. The only exception is Celotex
Thermax polyisocyanurate, which may be installed without a thermal
barrier where approved by the local building code official.

Are insulating concrete form (ICF) systems less expensive than an

insulated, poured-in-place concrete wall?
ICFs can be competitive, but costs are project-specific. Foam used in
these systems should address the same concerns outlined above for
foam board.

In summary, taking time to plan the best insulation system for you new
home, and taking stock of the insulation currently installed in your
home, can lead to energy savings in the long run.

More inspection articles like this

Concrete for Exterior and

Structural Walls
by Nick Gromicko and Barry Fowler

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and

the Portland Cement Association (PCA), concrete homes account for
approximately one-sixth of all new-home construction, and in areas
such as Florida and Louisiana, they are particularly favored because of
their greater resistance to hurricanes and tornadoes. Contractors and
buyers alike are attracted to their durability, strength, and heat-
retention qualities. Let's take a look at how homes constructed using
concrete -- in their common application as insulated concrete forms or
ICFs -- measure up against wood-frame homes.

Does the greater initial

cost pay off in the long
Proponents of concrete
claim that the initial higher
cost of building with
concrete as opposed to the
more common wood-frame
construction is justified by
the savings on lower
heating and cooling costs,
lower property insurance,
and lower maintenance
A variety of factors affects
the cost-benefit of concrete
construction, including:

 the cost of wood compared to concrete for the local area;

 the thickness of the walls;
 the number and types of windows in the home;
 ceiling insulation;
 the sizing and efficiency of the heating and cooling equipment;
 the climate in the region where the home is constructed.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

found in 2001 that using ICF construction added about 3% to 5% to the
purchase price of a typical wood-frame home. These estimates should
be treated with caution, however; a study by the PCA found that
additional costs associated with insulated concrete-form construction
depend on the skill of the crew, and greater savings are found on
large-scale projects involving multiple homes, where the method and
economy of scale come into play. Simply put, local contractors may
take on an ICF project but may lack the necessary expertise for
execution, resulting in added costs.
Additionally, the greater construction costs for a typical ICF home are
not necessarily recouped by the savings on energy and home
insurance alone.
Other Values Offered by Concrete

Resistance to Hazards
The single most significant attribute in favor of concrete construction is
its structural safety. Implicit in the average lower insurance cost for ICF
homes is the understanding that ICF homes better withstand natural
disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. ICF
homes typically "recover" from hurricanes far quicker than wood-frame
homes, as the exterior walls may withstand a hurricane and only a new
roof will
such an
event. In

comparison, wood-frame houses in the same areas are usually

devastated by hurricanes, meaning
longer rehabitation times for residents and lengthier processing times
for insurance claims. Concrete offers far better compressive strength,
and far greater resistance to windborne debris. ICF walls have been
tested for resistance to tornado conditions by subjecting them to the
impact of a 2x4 wood stud traveling at 100 mph. Although it is possible
to upgrade the impact resistance of standard wood-frame wall
construction to levels suitable for protection against moderate
hurricanes and less severe tornadoes, it is impractical to upgrade
standard wood-frame wall construction to give comparable
performance of ICF walls.
Concrete walls have superior fire resistance compared to wood-frame
houses. Solid concrete ICF walls can generally sustain as much as
four hours of extreme fire exposure, whereas typical wood-frame walls
in houses generally do not exceed a one-hour fire rating. For housing,
building codes typically require a minimum 15-minute rating, with the
exception of special fire separation requirements for multi-family
construction, apartments, and townhouse units, where a minimum one-
to two-hour fire rating is required for walls between dwelling units.
Furthermore, concrete is not a fuel source that can contribute to fire
growth and spread in a building. However, it is also important to realize
that doors, windows, and other cavities can mean lower resistance to
fire spread if not similarly fire-rated, in comparison to the walls.
Regardless, fire resistance is a recognized benefit of ICF construction
and can result in reduced fire insurance premiums.
In Ireland, where housing ownership is relatively high and the cost of
wood compared to concrete is also relatively high, concrete housing is
the preferred material for construction. An added appeal for those
wishing to go with concrete is the perceived notion that concrete
houses will last hundreds of years and thereby provide a legacy to
future generations. While it is difficult to exactly quantify durability
benefits in the varying use-conditions of building materials, concrete
offers added resistance to moisture and other environmental factors.
While wood is protected within the walls of the home, it is susceptible
to rot in areas where water often penetrates the exterior weather-
resistant barrier of a home.
A study conducted by the Public-Private Partnership for Advancing
Housing Technology, or PATH, rated concrete’s sound-absorption
qualities as "excellent," while wood homes scored "average" to "good."
In order for a wood-frame home to obtain similar performance
ratings, it is necessary to make certain modifications, such as
using thicker gypsum board layers, resilient channels, or acoustic
insulation. These enhancements can add about $0.70 per gross
square foot of wall area, which accounts for an increase of about 20%
in the cost difference between ICF and standard wood-frame
construction (see the table below). In addition, concrete’s dampening
quality limits the vibration to exterior walls when doors or windows are
slammed, for example.
Windows and Doors

In traditional wood-framed homes, there is an added cost associated

with installing the windows and doors. Additional material is required to
support them, often with expensive micro-laminated headers or
additional stud support. In comparison, the overall cost per square
foot of fenestration and door construction decreases with concrete, as
the concrete bonds better around the cavity and maintains structural
support. However, a study of thermographic testing by the NAHB
found that houses constructed with ICF walls have up to a 50%
decrease in the required capacity of HVAC equipment because the
greater insulative capacity of concrete allows for smaller heating and
cooling systems. Finally, once the concrete is set, it is comparatively
difficult and costly to saw through the concrete to create additional
cavities or modifications for HVAC units or windows.
Cost Comparison Based on Performance
Another way of assessing the cost-benefit of ICF housing is to
measure the cost of upgrading a wood-frame home to perform in a
manner similar to a concrete home, shown in the following table.
Increase in cost to upgrade or retrofit
Performance Characteristic a typical wood-frame home to ICF
Fire protection Not feasible or considered impractical
Sound-proofing 20%
Durability 20%
Energy efficiency 33%
Safety and hazard mitigation 50%

As seen above, the added costs of upgrading a wood-frame home to

meet comparable performance levels of an ICF home show that
concrete homes may offer greater value, depending on the consumer’s

While it is commonly agreed that concrete is a more expensive

technique for home construction, it is generally incorrect to presume
that the greater initial cost will be recouped by energy savings
alone. The single biggest attribute in favor of concrete is its structural
integrity and ability to withstand severe environmental hazards. Rather
than looking at any single element of the cost-benefit scenario, the
greater all-round performance attributes of concrete provide a
compelling argument for its choice as a construction material in
exterior walls.
Concrete for Exterior and
Structural Walls
by Nick Gromicko and Barry Fowler

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and

the Portland Cement Association (PCA), concrete homes account for
approximately one-sixth of all new-home construction, and in areas
such as Florida and Louisiana, they are particularly favored because of
their greater resistance to hurricanes and tornadoes. Contractors and
buyers alike are attracted to their durability, strength, and heat-
retention qualities. Let's take a look at how homes constructed using
concrete -- in their common application as insulated concrete forms or
ICFs -- measure up against wood-frame homes.

Does the greater initial

cost pay off in the long
Proponents of concrete
claim that the initial higher
cost of building with
concrete as opposed to the
more common wood-frame
construction is justified by
the savings on lower
heating and cooling costs,
lower property insurance,
and lower maintenance
A variety of factors affects
the cost-benefit of concrete
construction, including:

 the cost of wood compared to concrete for the local area;

 the thickness of the walls;
 the number and types of windows in the home;
 ceiling insulation;
 the sizing and efficiency of the heating and cooling equipment;
 the climate in the region where the home is constructed.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

found in 2001 that using ICF construction added about 3% to 5% to the
purchase price of a typical wood-frame home. These estimates should
be treated with caution, however; a study by the PCA found that
additional costs associated with insulated concrete-form construction
depend on the skill of the crew, and greater savings are found on
large-scale projects involving multiple homes, where the method and
economy of scale come into play. Simply put, local contractors may
take on an ICF project but may lack the necessary expertise for
execution, resulting in added costs.
Additionally, the greater construction costs for a typical ICF home are
not necessarily recouped by the savings on energy and home
insurance alone.
Other Values Offered by Concrete

Resistance to Hazards
The single most significant attribute in favor of concrete construction is
its structural safety. Implicit in the average lower insurance cost for ICF
homes is the understanding that ICF homes better withstand natural
disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. ICF
homes typically "recover" from hurricanes far quicker than wood-frame
homes, as the exterior walls may withstand a hurricane and only a new
roof will
such an
event. In

comparison, wood-frame houses in the same areas are usually

devastated by hurricanes, meaning
longer rehabitation times for residents and lengthier processing times
for insurance claims. Concrete offers far better compressive strength,
and far greater resistance to windborne debris. ICF walls have been
tested for resistance to tornado conditions by subjecting them to the
impact of a 2x4 wood stud traveling at 100 mph. Although it is possible
to upgrade the impact resistance of standard wood-frame wall
construction to levels suitable for protection against moderate
hurricanes and less severe tornadoes, it is impractical to upgrade
standard wood-frame wall construction to give comparable
performance of ICF walls.
Concrete walls have superior fire resistance compared to wood-frame
houses. Solid concrete ICF walls can generally sustain as much as
four hours of extreme fire exposure, whereas typical wood-frame walls
in houses generally do not exceed a one-hour fire rating. For housing,
building codes typically require a minimum 15-minute rating, with the
exception of special fire separation requirements for multi-family
construction, apartments, and townhouse units, where a minimum one-
to two-hour fire rating is required for walls between dwelling units.
Furthermore, concrete is not a fuel source that can contribute to fire
growth and spread in a building. However, it is also important to realize
that doors, windows, and other cavities can mean lower resistance to
fire spread if not similarly fire-rated, in comparison to the walls.
Regardless, fire resistance is a recognized benefit of ICF construction
and can result in reduced fire insurance premiums.
In Ireland, where housing ownership is relatively high and the cost of
wood compared to concrete is also relatively high, concrete housing is
the preferred material for construction. An added appeal for those
wishing to go with concrete is the perceived notion that concrete
houses will last hundreds of years and thereby provide a legacy to
future generations. While it is difficult to exactly quantify durability
benefits in the varying use-conditions of building materials, concrete
offers added resistance to moisture and other environmental factors.
While wood is protected within the walls of the home, it is susceptible
to rot in areas where water often penetrates the exterior weather-
resistant barrier of a home.
A study conducted by the Public-Private Partnership for Advancing
Housing Technology, or PATH, rated concrete’s sound-absorption
qualities as "excellent," while wood homes scored "average" to "good."
In order for a wood-frame home to obtain similar performance
ratings, it is necessary to make certain modifications, such as
using thicker gypsum board layers, resilient channels, or acoustic
insulation. These enhancements can add about $0.70 per gross
square foot of wall area, which accounts for an increase of about 20%
in the cost difference between ICF and standard wood-frame
construction (see the table below). In addition, concrete’s dampening
quality limits the vibration to exterior walls when doors or windows are
slammed, for example.
Windows and Doors

In traditional wood-framed homes, there is an added cost associated

with installing the windows and doors. Additional material is required to
support them, often with expensive micro-laminated headers or
additional stud support. In comparison, the overall cost per square
foot of fenestration and door construction decreases with concrete, as
the concrete bonds better around the cavity and maintains structural
support. However, a study of thermographic testing by the NAHB
found that houses constructed with ICF walls have up to a 50%
decrease in the required capacity of HVAC equipment because the
greater insulative capacity of concrete allows for smaller heating and
cooling systems. Finally, once the concrete is set, it is comparatively
difficult and costly to saw through the concrete to create additional
cavities or modifications for HVAC units or windows.
Cost Comparison Based on Performance
Another way of assessing the cost-benefit of ICF housing is to
measure the cost of upgrading a wood-frame home to perform in a
manner similar to a concrete home, shown in the following table.
Increase in cost to upgrade or retrofit
Performance Characteristic a typical wood-frame home to ICF
Fire protection Not feasible or considered impractical
Sound-proofing 20%
Durability 20%
Energy efficiency 33%
Safety and hazard mitigation 50%

As seen above, the added costs of upgrading a wood-frame home to

meet comparable performance levels of an ICF home show that
concrete homes may offer greater value, depending on the consumer’s

While it is commonly agreed that concrete is a more expensive

technique for home construction, it is generally incorrect to presume
that the greater initial cost will be recouped by energy savings
alone. The single biggest attribute in favor of concrete is its structural
integrity and ability to withstand severe environmental hazards. Rather
than looking at any single element of the cost-benefit scenario, the
greater all-round performance attributes of concrete provide a
compelling argument for its choice as a construction material in
exterior walls.

Take InterNACHI's free, online "Structural Issues for Home Inspectors"

Take InterNACHI's free, online "Inspecting Foundation Walls and
Piers" course.
Permanent Wood Foundations
Soils and Settlement
Wood Decay
More inspection articles like this

Structural Design of Foundations

for the Home Inspector
by Nick Gromicko and Ben Gromicko

A foundation transfers the load of
a structure to the earth and
resists loads imposed by the
earth. A foundation in residential
construction may consist of a
footing, wall, slab, pier, pile, or a
combination of these elements.
In this inspection training article,
we'll discuss the following
foundation types:

 crawlspace;
 basement;
 slab-on-grade with stem
 monolithic slab;
 piles;
 piers; and
 alternative methods.

The most common residential foundation materials are concrete

masonry (i.e., concrete block) and cast-in-place concrete.
Preservative-treated wood, precast concrete, and other methods may
also be used. The concrete slab on grade is the most popular
foundation type in the Southeast; basements are the most common
type in the East and Midwest. Crawlspaces are common in the
Northwest and Southeast. Pile foundations are commonly used in
coastal flood zones to elevate structures above flood levels, in weak or
expansive soils to reach a stable stratum, and on steeply sloped sites.
Figure 4.1 Types of Foundations

A crawlspace is a building foundation that uses a perimeter foundation

wall to create an under-floor space that is not habitable; the interior
crawlspace elevation may or may not be below the exterior finish
grade. A basement is typically defined as a portion of a building that is
partly or completely below the exterior grade and that may be used as
habitable or storage space.

A slab on grade with an independent stem wall is a concrete floor

supported by the soil independently of the rest of the building. The
stem wall supports the building loads and, in turn, is supported directly
by the soil or a footing. A monolithic or thickened-edge slab is a
ground-supported slab on grade with an integral footing (i.e., thickened
edge); it is normally used in warmer regions with little or no frost depth
but is also used in colder climates when adequate frost protection is
When necessary, piles are used to transmit the load to a deeper soil
stratum with a higher bearing capacity to prevent failure due to
undercutting of the foundation by scour from floodwater flow at high
velocities, and to elevate the building above required flood elevations.
Piles are also used to isolate the structure from expansive soil

Post-and-pier foundations can provide an economical alternative to

crawlspace perimeter wall construction. It is common practice to use a
brick curtain wall between piers for appearance and bracing purposes.

The design procedures and information in this section covers:

 foundation materials and properties;

 soil-bearing capacity and footing size;
 concrete or gravel footings;
 concrete and masonry foundation walls;
 preservative-treated wood walls;
 insulating concrete foundations;
 concrete slabs on grade;
 pile foundations; and
 frost protection.

Concrete design procedures generally follow the strength design

method contained in ACI (American Concrete Institute)-318 (ACI,
1999), although certain aspects of the procedures may be considered
conservative relative to conventional residential foundation
applications. For this reason, some supplemental design guidance is
provided when practical and technically justified. Masonry design
procedures follow the allowable stress design method of ACI-530 (ACI,
1999). Wood design procedures are used to design the connections
between the foundation system and the structure above and follow the
allowable stress design method for wood construction. In addition, the
designer is referred to the applicable design standards for symbol
definitions and additional guidance, since the intent of this article is to
provide supplemental instruction in the efficient design of residential

Material Properties

A residential designer using concrete and masonry materials must

have a basic understanding of such materials, as well as an
appreciation of variations in the materials’ composition and structural
properties. In addition, soils are considered a foundation material. A
brief discussion of the properties of concrete and masonry follows.

The concrete compressive strength used in residential construction is
typically either 2,500 or 3,000 psi, although other values may be
specified. For example, 3,500 psi concrete may be used for improved
weathering resistance in particularly severe climates or unusual
applications. The concrete compressive strength may be verified in
accordance with ASTM C39 (ASTM, 1996). Given that concrete
strength increases at a diminishing rate with time, the specified
compressive strength is usually associated with the strength attained
after 28 days of curing time. At that time, concrete generally attains
about 85% of its fully cured compressive strength.

Concrete is a mixture of cement, water, sand, gravel, crushed rock, or

other aggregates. Sometimes, one or more admixtures are added to
change certain characteristics of the concrete, such as workability,
durability, and time of hardening. The proportions of the components
determine the concrete mix’s compressive strength and durability.


Portland cement is classified into several types in accordance with

ASTM C150 (ASTM, 1998). Residential foundation walls are typically
constructed with Type I cement, which is a general-purpose Portland
cement used for the vast majority of construction projects. Other types
of cement are appropriate in accommodating conditions related to heat
of hydration in massive pours and sulfate resistance. In some regions,
sulfates in soils have caused durability problems with concrete. The
designer should check into local conditions and practices.

The weight of concrete varies depending on the type of aggregates
used in the concrete mix. Concrete is typically referred to as
lightweight or normal-weight. The density of unreinforced normal
weight concrete ranges between 144 and 156 pounds per cubic foot
(pcf) and is typically assumed to be 150 pcf. Residential foundations
are constructed with normal-weight concrete.


Slump is the measure of concrete consistency; the higher the slump,

the wetter the concrete and the easier it flows. Slump is measured in
accordance with ASTM C143 (ASTM, 1998) by inverting a standard
12-inch-high metal cone, filling it with concrete, and then removing the
cone; the amount the concrete settles in units of inches is the slump.
Most foundations, slabs, and walls consolidated by hand methods
have a slump between 4 and 6 inches. One problem associated with a
high-slump concrete is segregation of the aggregate, which leads to
cracking and scaling. Therefore, a slump of greater than 6 should be


Admixtures are materials added to the concrete mix to improve

workability and durability and to retard or accelerate curing. Some of
the most common admixtures include:

 water reducers to improve the workability of concrete without

reducing its strength;
 retarders used in hot weather to allow more time for placing and
finishing concrete. Retarders may also reduce the early strength
of concrete;
 accelerators to reduce the setting time, allowing less time for
placing and finishing concrete. Accelerators may also increase
the early strength of concrete; and
 air-entrainers used for concrete that will be exposed to freeze-
thaw conditions and de-icing salts. Less water is needed, and
desegregation of aggregate is reduced when air-entrainers are


Concrete has high compressive strength but low tensile strength;

therefore, reinforcing steel is often embedded in the concrete to
provide additional tensile strength and ductility. In the rare event that
the capacity may be exceeded, the reinforcing steel begins to yield,
eliminating an abrupt failure that may otherwise occur in plain,
unreinforced concrete. For this reason, a larger safety margin is used
in the design of plain concrete construction than in reinforced concrete

Steel reinforcement is available in Grade 40 or Grade 60; the grade

number refers to the minimum tensile yield strength of the steel (Grade
40 is minimum 40 ksi steel and Grade 60 is minimum 60 ksi steel).
Either grade may be used for residential construction; however, most
reinforcement in the U.S. market today is Grade 60. It is also important
that the concrete mix or slump be adjusted through the addition of an
appropriate amount of water to allow the concrete to flow easily around
the reinforcement bars, particularly when the bars are closely spaced
or crowed at points of overlap. However, close spacing is rarely
required in residential construction and should be avoided in design.

The most common steel reinforcement or rebar sizes in residential

construction are No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5, which correspond to
diameters of 3/8-inch, 1/2-inch, and 5/8-inch, respectively. These three
sizes of rebar are easily handled at the jobsite by using manual
bending and cutting devices. Table 4.1 provides useful relationships
among the rebar number, diameter, and cross-sectional areas for
reinforced concrete and masonry design.

TABLE 4.1 Rebar Size, Diameter, and Cross-Sectional Areas

Concrete Masonry Units

Concrete masonry units (CMU) are commonly referred to as concrete
blocks. They are composed of Portland cement, aggregate and water.
Admixtures may also be added in some situations. Low-slump
concrete is molded and cured to produce strong blocks or units.
Residential foundation walls are typically constructed with units 7-5/8
inches high by 15-5/8 inches long, providing a 3/8-inch allowance for
the width of mortar joints.

In residential construction, nominal 8-inch-thick concrete masonry units

are readily available. It is generally more economical if the masonry
unit's compressive strength ranges between 1,500 and 3,000 psi. The
standard block used in residential and light-frame commercial
construction is generally rated with a design strength of 1,900 psi,
although other strengths are available.


Concrete masonry units are described by grades according to their

intended use per ASTM C90 (ASTM, 1999) or C129 (ASTM, 1999).
Residential foundation walls should be constructed with Grade N units.
Grade S may be used above grade. The grades are described below.

 Grade N is typically required for general use, such as in interior

and backup walls, and in above- or below-grade exterior walls
that may or may not be exposed to moisture penetration or the
 Grade S is typically limited to above-grade use in exterior walls
with weather-protective coatings, and in walls not exposed to the


Concrete masonry units are classified in accordance with ASTM C90

as Type I or II (ASTM, 1999). Type I is a moisture-controlled unit that is
typically specified where drying shrinkage of the block due to moisture
loss may result in excessive cracking in the walls. Type II is a non-
moisture-controlled unit that is suitable for all other uses. Residential
foundation walls are typically constructed with Type II units.


Concrete masonry units are available with different densities by

altering the type(s) of aggregate used in their manufacture. Concrete
masonry units are typically referred to as lightweight, medium-weight,
or normal-weight, with respective unit weights or densities less than
105 pcf, between 105 and 125 pcf, and more than 125 pcf.

Residential foundation walls are typically constructed with low- to

medium-weight units because of the low compressive strength
required. However, lower-density units are generally more porous and
must be properly protected to resist moisture intrusion. A common
practice in residential basement foundation wall construction is to
provide a cement-based parge coating and a brush- or spray-applied
bituminous coating on the below-ground portions of the wall. This
treatment is usually required by code for basement walls of masonry or
concrete construction; however, in concrete construction, the parge
coating is not necessary.

Hollow or Solid

Concrete masonry units are classified as hollow or solid in accordance

with ASTM C90 (ASTM, 1999). The net concrete cross-sectional area
of most concrete masonry units ranges from 50 to 70%, depending on
unit width, face-shell and web thicknesses, and core configuration.
Hollow units are defined as those in which the net concrete cross-
sectional area is less than 75% of the gross cross-sectional area. Solid
units are not necessarily solid but are defined as those in which the net
concrete cross-sectional area is 75% of the gross cross-sectional area
or greater.


Masonry mortar is used to join concrete masonry units into a structural

wall; it also retards air and moisture infiltration. The most common way
to lay block is in a running bond pattern where the vertical head joints
between blocks are offset by half the block's length from one course to
the next. Mortar is composed of cement, lime, clean, well-graded sand,
and water, and is typically classified into Types M, S, N, O, and K in
accordance with ASTM C270 (ASTM, 1999). Residential foundation
walls are typically constructed with Type M or Type S mortar, both of
which are generally recommended for load-bearing interior and exterior
walls, including above- and below-grade applications.


Grout is a slurry consisting of cementitious material, aggregate and

water. When needed, grout is commonly placed in the hollow cores of
concrete masonry units to provide a wall with added strength. In
reinforced load-bearing masonry wall construction, grout is usually
placed only in those hollow cores containing steel reinforcement. The
grout bonds the masonry units and steel so that they act as a
composite unit to resist imposed loads. Grout may also be used in
unreinforced concrete masonry walls for added strength.

Soil-Bearing Capacity and Footing Size

Soil bearing investigations are rarely required for residential
construction except in the case of known risks, as evidenced by a
history of local problems (e.g., organic deposits, landfills, expansive
soils, etc.). Soil-bearing tests on stronger-than-average soils can,
however, justify smaller footings or eliminate footings entirely if the
foundation wall provides sufficient bearing surface. For a conservative
relationship between soil type and load-bearing value, refer to Table
4.2. A similar table is typically published in the building codes.

TABLE 4.2 Presumptive Soil-Bearing Values by Soil Description

When a soil-bearing investigation is desired to determine more

accurate and economical footing requirements, the designer commonly
turns to ASTM D1586, Standard Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-
Barrel Sampling of Soils (ASTM, 1999). This test relies on a 2-inch-
diameter device driven into the ground with a 140-pound hammer
dropped from a distance of 30 inches. The number of hammer drops or
blows needed to create a 1-foot penetration (or blow count) is
recorded. Values can be roughly correlated to soil-bearing values as
shown in Table 4.3. The instrumentation and cost of conducting the
SPT test is usually not warranted for typical residential applications.
Nonetheless, the SPT test method provides information on deeper soil
strata and thus can offer valuable guidance for foundation design and
building location, particularly when subsurface conditions are
suspected to be problematic. The values in Table 4.3 are associated
with the blow count from the SPT test method. Many engineers can
provide reasonable estimates of soil-bearing by using smaller
penetrometers at less cost, although such devices and methods may
require an independent calibration to determine presumptive soil-
bearing values and may not be able to detect deep subsurface
problems. Calibrations may be provided by the manufacturer or,
alternatively, developed by the engineer.

The designer should exercise judgment when selecting the final design
value, and be prepared to make adjustments (increases or decreases)
in interpreting and applying the results to a specific design. The values
in Tables 4.2 and 4.3 are generally associated with a safety factor of 3
(Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1996) and are considered
appropriate for non-continuous or independent spread footings
supporting columns or piers (point loads). Use of a minimum safety
factor of 2 (corresponding to a higher presumptive soil-bearing value)
is recommended for smaller structures with continuous spread
footings, such as houses. To achieve a safety factor of 2, the designer
may multiply the values in Tables 4.2 and 4.3 by 1.5.

Table 4.3 Presumptive Soil-Bearing Values (psf) Based on

Standard Penetrometer Blow Count


 1 N denotes the standard penetrometer blow count in blows per

foot, in accordance with ASTM D1586; shown in parentheses.
 2 Compaction should be considered in these conditions,
particularly when the blow count is five blows per foot or less.
 3 Pile and grade beam foundations should be considered in
these conditions, particularly when the blow count is five blows
per foot or less.

The required width or area of a spread footing is determined by

dividing the building load on the footing by the soil-bearing capacity
from Table 4.2 or Table 4.3, as shown below. Building design loads,
including dead and live loads, should be determined by using allowable
stress design (ASD) load combinations.


The objectives of footing design are:

 to provide a level surface for construction of the foundation wall;

 to provide adequate transfer and distribution of building loads to
the underlying soil;
 to provide adequate strength, in addition to the foundation wall,
to prevent differential settlement of the building in weak or
uncertain soil conditions;
 to place the building foundation at a sufficient depth to avoid frost
heave or thaw weakening in frost-susceptible soils and to avoid
organic surface soil layers; and
 to provide adequate anchorage or mass (when needed in
addition to the foundation wall) to resist potential uplift and
overturning forces resulting from high winds or severe seismic

In the next section, we'll learn about design methods for concrete and
gravel footings.

By far, the most common footing in residential construction is a

continuous concrete spread footing. However, concrete and gravel
footings are both recognized in prescriptive footing size tables in
residential building codes for most typical conditions (ICC, 1998). In
contrast, special conditions give rise to some engineering concerns
that need to be addressed to ensure the adequacy of any foundation
Special conditions include:

 steeply sloped sites requiring a stepped footing;

 high-wind conditions;
 inland or coastal flooding conditions;
 high-hazard seismic conditions; and
 poor soil conditions.

Simple Gravel and Concrete Footing Design

Building codes for residential construction contain tables that prescribe

minimum footing widths for plain concrete footings (ICC, 1998).
Alternatively, footing widths may be determined in accordance with
Section 4.3 based on a site’s particular loading condition and
presumptive soil-bearing capacity. The following are general rules of
thumb for determining the thickness of plain concrete footings for
residential structures, once the required bearing width is calculated:

 The minimum footing thickness should not be less than the

distance the footing extends outward from the edge of the
foundation wall, or 6 inches, whichever is greater.
 The footing width should project a minimum of 2 inches from
both faces of the wall (to allow for a minimum construction
tolerance), but not greater than the footing thickness.

These rules of thumb generally result in a footing design that differs

somewhat from the plain concrete design provisions of Chapter 22 of
ACI-318. It should also be understood that footing widths generally
follow the width increments of standard excavation equipment (a
backhoe bucket size of 12, 16 or 24 inches). Even though some
designers and builders may specify one or two longitudinal No. 4 bars
for wall footings, steel reinforcement is not required for residential-
scale structures in typical soil conditions. For situations where the rules
of thumb or prescriptive code tables do not apply or where a more
economical solution is possible, a more detailed footing analysis may
be considered.

Much like a concrete footing, a gravel footing may be used to distribute

foundation loads to a sufficient soil-bearing surface area. It also
provides a continuous path for water or moisture and thus must be
drained in accordance with the foundation drainage provisions of the
national building codes. Gravel footings are constructed of crushed
stone or gravel that is consolidated by tamping or vibrating. Pea gravel,
which is naturally consolidated, does not require compaction and can
be screeded to a smooth, level surface much like concrete. Although
typically associated with pressure-treated wood foundations, a gravel
footing can support cast-in-place or precast concrete foundation walls.

The size of a gravel footing is usually based on a 30- to 45-degree

angle of repose for distributing loads; therefore, as with plain concrete
footings, the required depth and width of the gravel footing depends on
the width of the foundation wall, the foundation load, and soil-bearing
values. Following a rule of thumb similar to that for a concrete footing,
the gravel footing thickness should be no less than 1.5 times its
extension beyond the edge of the foundation wall, or, in the case of a
pressure-treated wood foundation, the mud sill. Just as with a concrete
footing, the thickness of a gravel footing may be considered in meeting
the required frost depth. In soils that are not naturally well-drained,
provision should be made to adequately drain a gravel footing.

Concrete Footing Design

For the vast majority of residential footing designs, it quickly becomes

evident that conventional residential footing requirements found in
residential building codes are adequate, if not conservative (ICC,1998).
However, to improve performance and economy or to address peculiar
conditions, a footing may need to be specially designed.

A footing is designed to resist the upward-acting pressure created by

the soil beneath the footing; that pressure tends to make the footing
bend upward at its edges. According to ACI-318, the three modes of
failure considered in reinforced concrete footing design are one-way
shear, two-way shear, and flexure. Bearing (crushing) is also a
possible failure mode, but is rarely applicable to residential loading
conditions. To simplify calculations for the three failure modes, the
following discussion explains the relation of the failure modes to the
design of plain and reinforced concrete footings. The designer should
refer to ACI-318 for additional commentary and guidance. The design
equations used later in this section are based on ACI-318 and
principles of engineering mechanics as described below. Moreover, the
approach is based on the assumption of uniform soil-bearing pressure
on the bottom of the footing; therefore, walls and columns should be
supported as close as possible to the center of the footings.

One-Way (Beam) Shear

When a footing fails due to one-way (beam) shear, the failure occurs at
an angle approximately 45 degrees to the wall, as shown in Figure 4.2.
For plain concrete footings, the soil-bearing pressure has a negligible
effect on the diagonal shear tension for distance t from the wall edge
toward the footing edge; for reinforced concrete footings, the distance
used is d, which equals the depth to the footing rebar (see Figure 4.2).
As a result, one-way shear is checked by assuming that beam action
occurs at a critical failure plane extending across the footing width, as
shown in Figure 4.2. One-way shear must be considered in similar
fashion in both continuous wall and rectangular footings; however, for
ease of calculation, continuous wall footing design is typically based on
one lineal foot of wall/footing.

Two-Way (Punching) Shear

When a footing fails by two-way (punching) shear, the failure occurs at

an angle approximately 30 degrees to the column or pier, as shown in
Figure 4.2. Punching shear is rarely a concern in the design of
continuous wall footings and thus is usually checked only in the case of
rectangular or circular footings with a heavily loaded pier or column
that creates a large concentrated load on a relatively small area of the
footing. For plain concrete footings, the soil-bearing pressure has a
negligible effect on the diagonal shear tension at distance t/2 from the
face of a column toward the footing edges; for reinforced concrete
footings, the distance from the face of the column is d/2 (see Figure
4.2). Therefore, the shear force consists of the net upward-acting
pressure on the area of the footing outside the “punched-out” area
(hatched area in Figure 4.2). For square, circular or rectangular
footings, shear is checked at the critical section that extends in a plane
around a concrete, masonry, wood, or steel column or pier that forms
the perimeter of the area described above.

FIGURE 4.2 Critical Failure Planes in Continuous or Square

Flexure (Bending)

The maximum moment in a footing deformed by the upward-acting soil

pressures would logically occur in the middle of the footing; however,
the rigidity of the wall or column above resists some of the upward-
acting forces and affects the location of maximum moment. As a result,
the critical flexure plane for footings supporting a rigid wall or column is
assumed to be located at the face of the wall or column. Flexure in a
concrete footing is checked by computing the moment created by the
soil-bearing forces acting over the cantilevered area of the footing that
extends from the critical flexure plane to the edge of the footing
(hatched area in Figure 4.2). The approach for masonry walls in ACI-
318 differs slightly in that the failure plane is assumed to be located
one-fourth of the way under a masonry wall or column, creating a
slightly longer cantilever. For the purpose of this guide, the difference
is considered unnecessary.

Bearing Strength

It is difficult to contemplate conditions where concrete bearing or

compressive strength is a concern in typical residential construction;
therefore, a design check can usually be dismissed as “OK by
inspection.” In rare and peculiar instances where bearing compressive
forces on the concrete are extreme and approach or exceed the
specified concrete compressive strength, ACI-318•10.17 and ACI-
318•12.3 should be consulted for appropriate design guidance.

Plain Concrete Footing Design

In this section, the design of plain concrete footings is presented by

using the concepts related to shear and bending covered in the
previous section.

In the equations given below for one- and two-way shear, the
dimensions are in accordance with Figure 4.2; units of inches should
be used. ACI-318 requires an additional 2 inches of footing thickness
to compensate for uneven trench conditions and does not allow a total
footing thickness less than 8 inches for plain concrete. These limits
may be relaxed for residential footing design, provided that the
capacity is shown to be sufficient in accordance with the ACI318
design equations. Footings in residential construction are often 6
inches thick. The equations below are specifically tailored for footings
supporting walls or square columns, since such footings are common
in residential construction. The equations may be generalized for use
with other conditions (e.g., rectangular footings and rectangular
columns, round footings, etc.) by following the same principles. In
addition, the terms 4/3 f ’c and 4 f ’c are in units of pounds per square
inch and represent “lower-bound” estimates of the ultimate shear
stress capacity of unreinforced concrete.


For a plain concrete footing, flexure (bending) is checked by using the

equations below for footings that support walls or square columns (see
Figure 4.2). The dimensions in the equations are in accordance with
Figure 4.2 and use units of inches. The term 5 f ’c is in units of pounds
per square inch (psi) and represents a “lower-bound” estimate of the
ultimate tensile (rupture) stress of unreinforced concrete in bending.
Reinforced Concrete Footing Design

For infrequent situations in residential construction where a plain

concrete footing may not be practical, or where it is more economical
to reduce the footing thickness, steel reinforcement may be
considered. A reinforced concrete footing is designed similar to a plain
concrete footing; however, the concrete depth d to the reinforcing bar
is used to check shear instead of the entire footing thickness t. The
depth of the rebar is equal to the thickness of the footing minus the
diameter of the rebar db and the concrete cover c. In addition, the
moment capacity is determined differently due to the presence of the
reinforcement, which resists the tension stresses induced by the
bending moment. Finally, a higher resistance factor is used to reflect
the more consistent bending strength of reinforced concrete relative to
unreinforced concrete.

As specified by ACI-318, a minimum of 3 inches of concrete cover over

steel reinforcement is required when concrete is in contact with soil. In
addition, ACI-318 does not permit a depth d less than 6 inches for
reinforced footings supported by soil. These limits may be relaxed by
the designer, provided that adequate capacity is demonstrated in the
strength analysis; however, a reinforced footing thickness of
significantly less than 6 inches may be considered impractical even
though it may calculate acceptably. One exception may be found
where a nominal 4-inch-thick slab is reinforced to serve as an integral
footing for an interior load-bearing wall (that is not intended to transmit
uplift forces from a shear wall overturning restraint anchorage in high-
hazard wind or seismic regions). Further, the concrete cover should
not be less than 2 inches for residential applications, although this
recommendation may be somewhat conservative for interior footings
that are generally less exposed to ground moisture and other corrosive


In the equations given below for one- and two-way shear, the
dimensions are in accordance with Figure 4.2; units of inches should
be used. Shear reinforcement (stirrups) is usually considered
impractical for residential footing construction; therefore, the concrete
is designed to withstand the shear stress as expressed in the
equations. The equations are specifically tailored for footings
supporting walls or square columns, since such footings are common
in residential construction. The equations may be generalized for use
with other conditions (e.g., rectangular footings and rectangular
columns, round footings, etc.) by following the same principles. In
addition, the terms 3√f’c and 4√f’c are in units of pounds per square
inch and represent “lower-bound” estimates of the ultimate shear
stress capacity of reinforced concrete.

The flexure equations below pertain specifically to reinforced concrete
footings that support walls or square columns. The equations may be
generalized for use with other conditions (e.g., rectangular footings and
rectangular columns, round footings, etc.) by following the same
principles. The alternative equation for nominal moment strength Mnis
derived from force and moment equilibrium principles by using the
provisions of ACI-318. Most designers are familiar with the alternative
equation that uses the reinforcement ratio ρand the nominal strength
coefficient of resistance Rn. The coefficient is derived from the design
check that ensures that the factored moment (due to factored
loads) Muis less than the factored nominal moment strength φMn of
the reinforced concrete. To aid the designer in shortcutting these
calculations, design manuals provide design tables that correlate the
nominal strength coefficient of resistance Rn to the reinforcement ratio
ρfor a specific concrete compressive strength and steel yield strength.

Minimum Reinforcement

Owing to concerns with shrinkage and temperature cracking, ACI-318

requires a minimum amount of steel reinforcement. The following
equations determine minimum reinforcement, although many plain
concrete residential footings have performed successfully and are
commonly used. Thus, the ACI minimums may be considered arbitrary,
and the designer may use discretion in applying the ACI minimums in
residential footing design. The minimums certainly should not be
considered a strict “pass/fail” criterion.

Designers often specify one or two longitudinal No. 4 bars for wall
footings as nominal reinforcement in the case of questionable soils, or
when required to maintain continuity of stepped footings on sloped
sites, or under conditions resulting in a changed footing depth.
However, for most residential foundations, the primary resistance
against differential settlement is provided by the deep beam action of
the foundation wall; footing reinforcement may provide limited benefit.
In such cases, the footing simply acts as a platform for the wall
construction and distributes loads to a larger soil-bearing area.

Lap Splices

Where reinforcement cannot be installed in one length to meet

reinforcement requirements (as in continuous wall footings),
reinforcement bars must be lapped to develop the bars’ full tensile
capacity across the splice. In accordance with ACI-318, a minimum lap
length of 40 times the diameter of the reinforcement bar is required for
splices in the reinforcement. In addition, the separation between
spliced or lapped bars is not to exceed eight times the diameter of the
reinforcement bar, or 6 inches, whichever is less.

Foundation Walls

The objectives of foundation wall design are:

 to transfer the load of the building to the footing or directly to the

 to provide adequate strength, in combination with the footing
(when required) to prevent differential settlement;
 to provide adequate resistance to shear and bending stresses
resulting from lateral soil pressure;
 to provide anchorage for the above-grade structure to resist wind
or seismic forces;
 to provide a moisture-resistant barrier to below-ground habitable
space in accordance with the building code; and
 to isolate non-moisture-resistant building materials from the

In some cases, masonry or concrete foundation walls incorporate a

nominal amount of steel reinforcement to control cracking. Engineering
specifications generally require reinforcement of concrete or masonry
foundation walls because of somewhat arbitrary limits on minimum
steel-to-concrete ratios, even for “plain” concrete walls. However,
residential foundation walls are generally constructed of unreinforced
or nominally reinforced concrete or masonry or of preservative-treated
wood. The nominal reinforcement approach has provided many
serviceable structures. This section discusses the issue of
reinforcement and presents rational design approach for residential
concrete and masonry foundation walls.

In most cases, a design for concrete or concrete masonry walls can be

selected from the prescriptive tables in the applicable residential
building code or the International One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code
(ICC, 1998). Sometimes, a specific design applied with reasonable
engineering judgment results in a more efficient and economical
solution than that prescribed by the codes. The designer may elect to
design the wall as either a reinforced or a plain concrete wall. The
following sections detail design methods for both wall types.

Concrete Foundation Walls

Regardless of the type of concrete foundation wall selected, the

designer needs to determine the nominal and factored loads that, in
turn, govern the type of wall (reinforced or unreinforced) that may be
appropriate for a given application. The following LRFD load
combinations are suggested for the design of residential concrete
foundation walls:

 1.2 D + 1.6 H
 1.2 D + 1.6 H + 1.6 L + 0.5 (Lr or S)
 1.2 D + 1.6 H + 1.6 (Lr or S) + 0.5 L

In light-frame homes, the first load combination typically governs

foundation wall design. Axial load increases moment capacity of
concrete walls when they are not appreciably eccentric, as is the case
in typical residential construction.

To simplify the calculations further, the designer may conservatively

assume that the foundation wall acts as a simple span beam with
pinned ends, although such an assumption will tend to over-predict the
stresses in the wall. In any event, the simple span model requires the
wall to be adequately supported at its top by the connection to the floor
framing, and at its base by the connection to the footing or bearing
against a basement floor slab. Appendix A contains basic load
diagrams and beam equations to assist the designer in analyzing
typical loading conditions and element-based structural actions
encountered in residential design. Once the loads are known, the
designer can perform design checks for various stresses by following
ACI-318 and the recommendations contained herein.

As a practical consideration, residential designers need to keep in

mind that concrete foundation walls are typically 6, 8 or 10 inches thick
(nominal). The typical concrete compressive strength used in
residential construction is 2,500 or 3,000 psi, although other strengths
are available. Typical reinforcement tensile yield strength is 60,000 psi
(Grade 60) and is primarily a matter of market supply.

Plain Concrete Wall Design

ACI-318 allows the design of plain concrete walls with some limits, as
discussed in ACI-318•220. ACI-318 recommends the incorporation of
contraction and isolation joints to control cracking; however, this is not
a typical practice for residential foundation walls, and temperature and
shrinkage cracking is practically unavoidable. It is considered to have a
negligible impact on the structural integrity of a residential wall.
However, cracking may be controlled (minimize potential crack
widening) by reasonable use of horizontal reinforcement.

ACI-318 limits plain concrete wall thickness to a minimum of 7-1/2

inches; however, the International One- Two-Family Dwelling Code
(ICC, 1998) permits nominal 6-inch-thick foundation walls when the
height of unbalanced fill is less than a prescribed maximum. The 7-1/2-
inch-minimum thickness requirement is obviously impractical for a
short concrete stem wall, as in a crawlspace foundation.

Adequate strength needs to be provided and should be demonstrated

by analysis in accordance with the ACI-318 design equations and the
recommendations in this section. Depending on soil loads, analysis
should confirm conventional residential foundation wall practice in
typical conditions.

The following checks are used to determine if a plain concrete wall has
adequate strength.

Shear Capacity
Shear stress is a result of the lateral loads on a structure associated
with wind, earthquake, or backfill forces. Lateral loads are, however,
either normal to the wall surface (perpendicular or out of plane) or
parallel to the wall surface (in plane). The designer must consider both
perpendicular and parallel shear in the wall.

Perpendicular shear is rarely a controlling factor in the design of

residential concrete foundation walls. Parallel shear is also usually not
a controlling factor in residential foundation walls.

If greater shear capacity is required in a plain concrete wall, it may be

obtained by increasing the wall thickness or increasing the concrete's
compressive strength. Alternatively, a wall can be reinforced.

The following equations apply to both perpendicular and parallel shear

in conjunction with Figure 4.3 for plain concrete walls. For parallel
shear, the equations do not address overturning and bending action
that occurs in a direction parallel to the wall, particularly for short
segments of walls under significant parallel shear load. For concrete
foundation walls, this is generally not a concern.

Figure 4.3 Variables Defined for Shear Calculations in a Plain

Concrete Wall
Combined Axial and Bending Capacity

The ACI-318 equations listed below account for the combined effects
of axial load and bending moment on a plain concrete wall. The intent
is to ensure that the concrete face in compression and the concrete
face in tension resulting from factored nominal axial and bending loads
do not exceed the factored nominal capacity for concrete.
Even though a plain concrete wall often calculates as adequate, the
designer may elect to add a nominal amount of reinforcement for crack
control or other reasons. Walls determined inadequate to withstand
combined axial load and bending moment may gain greater capacity
through increased wall thickness or increased concrete compressive
strength. Alternatively, the wall may be reinforced. Walls determined to
have adequate strength to withstand shear and combined axial load
and bending moment may also be checked for deflection, but this is
usually not a limiting factor for typical residential foundation walls.

Reinforced Concrete Design

ACI-318 allows two approaches to the design of reinforced concrete

with some limits on wall thickness and the minimum amount of steel
reinforcement; however, ACI-318 also permits these requirements to
be waived in the event that structural analysis demonstrates adequate
strength and stability in accordance with ACI-318•14.2.7.

Reinforced concrete walls should be designed in accordance with

ACI318•14.4 by using the strength design method. The following
checks for shear and combined flexure and axial load determine if a
wall is adequate to resist the applied loads.

Shear Capacity

Shear stress is a result of the lateral loads on a structure associated

with wind, earthquake, or lateral soil forces. The loads are, however,
either normal to the wall surface (perpendicular or out of plane) or
parallel to the wall surface (in plane). The designer must check both
perpendicular and parallel shear in the wall to determine if the wall can
resist the lateral loads present.

Perpendicular shear is rarely a controlling factor in the design of typical

residential foundation concrete walls. The level of parallel shear is also
usually not a controlling factor in residential foundation walls.

If greater shear capacity is required, it may be obtained by increasing

the wall thickness, increasing the concrete compressive strength,
adding horizontal shear reinforcement, or installing vertical
reinforcement to resist shear through shear friction. Shear friction is the
transfer of shear through friction between two faces of a crack. Shear
friction also relies on resistance from protruding portions of concrete on
either side of the crack and by dowel action of the reinforcement that
crosses the crack. The maximum limit on reinforcement spacing of 12
or 24 inches specified in ACI-318•11.5.4 is considered to be an
arbitrary limit. When reinforcement is required, 48 inches as an
adequate maximum spacing for residential foundation wall design
agrees with practical experience.

The following equations provide checks for both perpendicular and

parallel shear in conjunction with Figure 4.4. For parallel shear, the
equations do not address overturning and bending action that occurs in
a direction parallel to the wall, particularly for short segments of walls
under significant parallel shear load. For concrete foundation walls, this
is generally not a concern.
FIGURE 4.4 Variables Defined for Shear Calculations in
Reinforced Concrete Walls
Combined Flexural and Axial Load Capacity

ACI-318 prescribes reinforcement requirements for concrete walls.

Foundation walls commonly resist both an applied axial load from the
structure above and an applied lateral soil load from backfill. To ensure
that the wall’s strength is sufficient, the designer must first determine
slenderness effects (Euler buckling) in the wall. ACI-318•10.10
provides an approximation method to account for slenderness effects
in the wall; however, the slenderness ratio must not be greater than
100. The slenderness ratio is defined in the following section as the
ratio between unsupported length and the radius of gyration. In
residential construction, the approximation method, more commonly
known as the moment magnifier method, is usually adequate because
slenderness ratios are typically less than 100 in foundation walls.

The moment magnifier method is based on the wall’s classification as

a “sway frame” or “non-sway frame.” In concept, a sway frame is a
frame (columns and beams) as opposed to a concrete bearing wall
system. Sway frames are not discussed in detail herein because the
soil pressures surrounding a residential foundation typically provide
lateral support to resist any racking and deflections associated with a
sway frame. More important, foundation walls generally have few
openings and thus do not constitute a frame-like system. For more
information on sway frames and their design procedure, refer to

The moment magnifier method uses the relationship of the axial load
and lateral load in addition to wall thickness and unbraced height to
determine a multiplier of 1 or greater, which accounts for slenderness
in the wall. The multiplier is termed the moment magnifier. It magnifies
the calculated moment in the wall resulting from the lateral soil load
and any eccentricity in axial load. Together, the axial load and
magnified moment are used to determine whether the foundation wall
section is adequate to resist the applied loads.
The following steps are required to determine the amount of
reinforcement required in a typical residential concrete foundation wall
to resist combined flexure and axial loads:

 calculate axial and lateral loads;

 verify that the non-sway condition applies;
 calculate slenderness;
 calculate the moment magnifier; and
 plot the axial load and magnified moment on an interaction

The following sections discuss the procedure in detail.


Conservatively, assuming that the wall is pinned at the top and bottom,
slenderness in the wall can be calculated by using the equation below.
The effective length factor k is conservatively assumed to equal 1 in
this condition. It should be noted that a value of k much less than 1
(i.e., 0.7) may actually better represent the end conditions (non-pinned)
of residential foundation walls.
Moment Magnifier Method

The moment magnifier method is an approximation method allowed in

ACI318•10.10 for concrete walls with a slenderness ratio less than or
equal to 100. If the slenderness ratio is less than 34, then the moment
magnifier is equal to 1 and requires no additional analysis. The design
procedure and equations below follow ACI-318•10.12. The equation
for EI, as listed in ACI-318, is applicable to walls containing a double
layer of steel reinforcement. Residential walls typically contain only one
layer of steel reinforcement; therefore, the equation for EI, as listed
herein, is based on Section 10.12 (ACI, 1996).
Given that the total factored axial load in residential construction
typically falls below 3,000 pounds per linear foot of wall and that
concrete compressive strength is typically 3,000 psi, Table 4.4
provides prescriptive moment magnifiers. Interpolation is permitted
between wall heights and between factored axial loads. Depending on
the reinforcement ratio and the eccentricity present, some economy is
lost in using the Table 4.4 values instead of the above calculation

TABLE 4.4 Simplified Moment Magnification Factors

Interaction Diagrams

An interaction diagram is a graphic representation of the relationship

between the axial load and bending capacity of a reinforced or plain
concrete wall. The primary use of interaction diagrams is as a design
aid for selecting predetermined concrete wall or column designs for
varying loading conditions. Several publications provide interaction
diagrams for use with concrete. These publications, however, typically
focus on column or wall design that is heavily reinforced in accordance
with design loads common in commercial construction. Residential
concrete walls are either plain or slightly reinforced, with one layer of
reinforcement typically placed near the center of the wall. Plain and
reinforced concrete interaction diagrams for residential applications
and the methods for deriving them may be found in Structural Design
of Insulating Concrete Form Walls in Residential Construction (PCA,
1998). PCA also offers a computer program that plots interaction
diagrams based on user input; the program is entitled PCA Column

An interaction diagram assists the designer in determining the wall’s

structural adequacy at various loading conditions (combinations of
axial and bending loads). Figure 4.5 illustrates interaction diagrams for
plain and reinforced concrete. Both the design points located within the
interaction curve for a given wall height and the reference axes
represent a combination of axial load and bending moment that the
wall can safely support. The most efficient design is close to the
interaction diagram curve. For residential applications, the designer,
realizing that the overall design process is not exact, usually accepts
designs within plus or minus 5% of the interaction curve.

FIGURE 4.5 Typical Interaction Diagrams for Plain and Reinforced

Concrete Walls
Minimum Concrete Wall Reinforcement
Plain concrete foundation walls provide serviceable structures when
they are adequately designed (see Section However, when
reinforcement is used to provide additional strength in thinner walls or
to address more heavily loaded conditions, tests have shown that
horizontal and vertical wall reinforcement spacing limited to a
maximum of 48 inches on center results in performance that agrees
reasonably well with design expectations (Roller, 1996).

ACI-318• requires two No. 5 bars around all wall openings. As

an alternative more suitable to residential construction, a minimum of
one rebar should be placed on each side of openings between 2 and 4
feet wide, and two rebars on each side and one on the bottom of
openings greater than 4 feet wide. The rebar should be the same size
required by the design of the reinforced wall or a minimum No. 4 for
plain concrete walls. In addition, a lintel (concrete beam) is required at
the top of wall openings.

Concrete Wall Deflection

ACI-318 does not specifically limit wall deflection. Therefore, deflection

is usually not analyzed in residential foundation wall design.
Regardless, a deflection limit of L/240 for unfactored soil loads is not
unreasonable for below-grade walls.

When using the moment magnifier method, the designer is advised to

apply the calculated moment magnification factor to the unfactored
load moments used in conducting the deflection calculations. The
calculation of wall deflection should also use effective section
properties based on EcIg for plain concrete walls and EcIe for
reinforced concrete walls; refer to ACI 318• to calculate the
effective moment of inertia, Ie.

If unfactored load deflections prove unacceptable, the designer may

increase the wall thickness or the amount of vertical wall
reinforcement. For most residential loading conditions, however,
satisfying reasonable deflection requirements should not be a limiting

Concrete Wall Lintels

Openings in concrete walls are constructed with concrete, steel,

precast concrete, cast stone, or reinforced masonry wall lintels. Wood
headers are also used when not supporting concrete construction
above and when continuity at the top of the wall (i.e., bond beam) is
not critical, as in high-hazard seismic or hurricane coastal zones, or is
maintained sufficiently by a wood sill plate and other construction
This section focuses on the design of concrete lintels. The concrete
lintel is often assumed to act as a simple span with each end pinned.
However, the assumption implies no top reinforcement to transfer the
moment developed at the end of the lintel. Under that condition, the
lintel is assumed to be cracked at the ends such that the end moment
is zero and the shear must be transferred from the lintel to the wall
through the bottom reinforcement.

If the lintel is assumed to act as a fixed-end beam, sufficient

embedment of the top and bottom reinforcement beyond each side of
the opening should be provided to fully develop a moment-resisting
end in the lintel. Though more complicated to design and construct, a
fixed-end beam reduces the maximum bending moment on the lintel
and allows increased spans. A concrete lintel cast in a concrete wall
acts somewhere between a true simple span beam and a fixed-end
beam. Thus, a designer may design the bottom bar for a simple span
condition and the top bar reinforcement for a fixed-end condition
(conservative). Often, a No. 4 bar is placed at the top of each wall story
to help tie the walls together (bond beam) which can also serve as the
top reinforcement for concrete lintels. Figure 4.6 depicts the cross-
section and dimensions for analysis of concrete lintels.

For additional information on concrete lintels and their design

procedure, refer to the Structural Design of Insulating Concrete Form
Walls in Residential Construction (PCA, 1998) and to Testing and
Design of Lintels Using Insulating Concrete Forms (HUD, 2000). The
latter demonstrates through testing that shear reinforcement (stirrups)
of concrete lintels is not necessary for short spans (3 feet or less) with
lintel depths of 8 inches or more. This research also indicates that the
minimum reinforcement requirements in ACI-318 for beam design are
conservative when a minimum #4 rebar is used as bottom
reinforcement. Further, lintels with small span-to-depth ratios can be
accurately designed as deep beams in accordance with ACI-318 when
the minimum reinforcement ratios are met; refer to ACI-318•11.4.

FIGURE 4.6 Design Variables Defined for Lintel Bending and

Flexural Capacity

The following equations are used to determine the flexural capacity of

a reinforced concrete lintel in conjunction with Figure 4.6. An increase
in the lintel depth or area of reinforcement is suggested if greater
bending capacity is required. As a practical matter, though, lintel
thickness is limited to the thickness of the wall in which a lintel is
placed. In addition, lintel depth is often limited by the floor-to-floor
height and the vertical placement of the opening in the wall. Therefore,
in many cases, increasing the amount or size of reinforcement is the
most practical and economical solution.

Shear Capacity

Concrete lintels are designed for shear resulting from wall, roof, and
floor loads in accordance with the equations below and Figure 4.6.
Check Concrete Lintel Deflection
ACI-318 does not specifically limit lintel deflection. Therefore, a
reasonable deflection limit of L/240 for unfactored live loads is
suggested. The selection of an appropriate deflection limit, however, is
subject to designer discretion. In some applications, a lintel deflection
limit of L/180 with live and dead loads is adequate. A primary
consideration is whether lintel is able to move independently of door
and window frames. Calculation of lintel deflection should use
unfactored loads and the effective section properties EcIe of the
assumed concrete section; refer to ACI-318• to calculate the
effective moment of inertia Ie of the section.

Masonry Foundation Walls

Masonry foundation wall construction is common in residential

construction. It is used in a variety of foundation types, including
basements, crawlspaces, and slabs on grade. For prescriptive design
of masonry foundation walls in typical residential applications, a
designer or builder may use the International One- and Two-Family
Dwelling Code (ICC, 1998) or the local residential building code.

ACI-530 provides for the design of masonry foundation walls by using

allowable stress design (ASD). Therefore, design loads may be
determined according to load combinations as follows:

 D+H
 D + H + L + 0.3 (Lr or S)
 D + H + (Lr or S) + 0.3 L
In light-frame homes, the first load combination typically governs
masonry walls. To simplify the calculations, the designer may
conservatively assume that the wall story acts as a simple span with
pinned ends, although such an assumption may tend to over-predict
the stresses in the wall. Walls that are determined to have adequate
strength to withstand shear and combined axial load and bending
moment generally satisfy unspecified deflection requirements.
Therefore, foundation wall deflection is not discussed in this section.
However, if desired, deflection may be considered for concrete
foundation walls.

To follow the design procedure, the designer needs to know the

strength properties of various types and grades of masonry, mortar,
and grout currently available on the market. With the loads and
material properties known, the designer can then perform design
checks for various stresses by following ACI-530. Residential
construction rarely involves detailed masonry specifications but rather
makes use of standard materials and methods familiar to local
suppliers and trades.

An engineer’s inspection of a home is hardly ever required under

typical residential construction conditions. Designers should be aware,
however, that in jurisdictions covered by the Uniform Building Code
(ICBO, 1997), lack of inspection on the jobsite requires reductions in
the allowable stresses to account for potentially greater variability in
material properties and workmanship. Indeed, a higher level of
inspection should be considered when masonry construction is
specified in high-hazard seismic or severe hurricane areas. ACI-530
makes no distinction between inspected and non-inspected masonry
walls and, therefore, does not require adjustments in allowable
stresses based on level of inspection.

As a residential designer, keep in mind that concrete masonry units

(block) are readily available in nominal 6-, 8-, 10- and 12-inch
thicknesses. It is generally more economical if the masonry unit's
compressive strength ranges between 1,500 and 3,000 psi. The
standard block used in residential and light commercial construction is
usually rated at 1,900 psi.

Unreinforced Masonry Design

ACI-530 addresses the design of unreinforced masonry to ensure that

unit stresses and flexural stresses in the wall do not exceed certain
maximum allowable stresses. It provides for two methods of design: an
empirical design approach and an allowable stress design approach.
Walls may be designed in accordance with ACI-530•5 by using the
empirical design method under the following conditions:

 The building is not located in Seismic Design Category D or E as

defined in NEHRP-97 or ASCE 7-98 (i.e., Seismic Zones 3 or 4
in most current and local building codes).
 Foundation walls do not exceed 8 feet in unsupported height.
 The length of the foundation walls between perpendicular
masonry walls or pilasters is a maximum of 3 times the
basement wall height. This limit typically does not apply to
residential basements as required in the International One- and
Two-Family Dwelling Code (ICC, 1998) and other similar
residential building codes.
 Compressive stresses do not exceed the allowable stresses
listed in ACI-530; compressive stresses are determined by
dividing the design load by the gross cross-sectional area of the
unit per ACI-530•5.4.2.
 Backfill heights do not exceed those listed in Table 4.5.
 Backfill material is non-expansive and is tamped no more than
necessary to prevent excessive settlement.
 Masonry is laid in running bond with Type M or S mortar.
 Lateral support is provided at the top of the foundation wall
before backfilling.

Drainage is important when using the empirical table because lack of

good drainage may substantially increase the lateral load on the
foundation wall if the soil becomes saturated. As required in standard
practice, the finish grade around the structure should be adequately
sloped to drain surface water away from the foundation walls. The
backfill material should also be drained to remove ground water from
poorly drained soils.

Wood floor framing typically provides lateral support to the top of

masonry foundation walls and therefore should be adequately
connected to the masonry in accordance with one of several options.
The most common method of connection calls for a wood sill plate,
anchor bolts, and nailing of the floor framing to the sill plate.

When the limits of the empirical design method are exceeded, the
allowable stress design procedure for unreinforced masonry, as
detailed below, provides a more flexible approach by which walls are
designed as compression and bending members in accordance with
TABLE 4.5 Nominal Wall Thickness for 8-Foot-High Foundation

Walls may be designed in accordance with ACI-530•2.2 by using the

allowable stress design method. The fundamental assumptions,
derivation of formulas, and design procedures are similar to those
developed for strength-based design for concrete except that the
material properties of masonry are substituted for those of concrete.
Allowable masonry stresses used in allowable stress design are
expressed in terms of a fraction of the specified compressive strength
of the masonry at the age of 28 days. A typical fraction of the specified
compressive strength is 0.25 or 0.33, which equates to a conservative
safety factor between 3 and 4 relative to the minimum specified
masonry compressive strength. Design values for flexural tension
stress are given in Table 4.6. The following design checks are used to
determine if an unreinforced masonry wall is structurally adequate

TABLE 4.6 Allowable Flexural Tension Stresses for Allowable

Stress Design of Unreinforced Masonry

Shear Capacity

Shear stress is a result of the lateral loads on the structure associated

with wind, earthquakes or backfill forces. Lateral loads are both normal
to the wall surface (perpendicular or out of plane) and parallel to the
wall surface (parallel or in plane). Both perpendicular and parallel
shear should be checked; however, neither perpendicular nor parallel
shear is usually a controlling factor in residential foundation walls.

If greater perpendicular shear capacity is required, it may be obtained

by increasing the wall thickness, increasing the masonry unit
compressive strength, or adding vertical reinforcement in grouted cells.
If greater parallel shear capacity is required, it may be obtained by
increasing the wall thickness, reducing the size or number of wall
openings, or adding horizontal joint reinforcement. Horizontal truss-
type joint reinforcement can substantially increase parallel shear
capacity, provided that it is installed properly in the horizontal mortar
bed joints. If not installed properly, it can create a place of weakness in
the wall, particularly in out-of-plane bending of an unreinforced
masonry wall.

The equations below are used to check perpendicular and parallel

shear in masonry walls. The variable Nv is the axial design load acting
on the wall at the point of maximum shear. The equations are based
on An, which is the net cross-sectional area of the masonry. For
parallel shear, the equations do not address overturning and bending
action that occurs in a direction parallel to the wall, particularly for short
segments of walls under significant parallel shear load. For concrete
foundation walls, this is generally not a concern.

Axial Compression Capacity

The following equations from ACI-530•2.3 are used to design masonry

walls and columns for compressive loads only. They are based on the
net cross-sectional area of the masonry, including grouted and
mortared areas.
Combined Axial Compression and Flexural Capacity

The following equations from ACI-530 determine the relationship of the

combined effects of axial load and bending moment on a masonry wall.
Tension Capacity

ACI-530 provides allowable values for flexural tension transverse to

the plane of a masonry wall. Standard principles of engineering
mechanics determine the tension stress due to the bending moment
caused by lateral (soil) loads and offset by axial loads (dead loads).

Even though an unreinforced masonry wall may calculate as adequate,

the designer may consider adding a nominal amount of reinforcement
to control cracking.

Walls determined inadequate to withstand combined axial load and

bending moment may gain greater capacity through increased wall
thickness, increased masonry compressive strength, or the addition of
steel reinforcement.
Usually, the most effective and economical solution for providing
greater wall capacity in residential construction is to increase wall
thickness, although reinforcement is also common.

Reinforced Masonry Design

When unreinforced concrete masonry wall construction does not

satisfy all design criteria (e.g., load, wall thickness limits, etc.),
reinforced walls may be designed by following the allowable stress
design procedure or the strength-based design procedure of ACI-530.
The allowable stress design procedure outlined below describes an
approach by which walls are designed in accordance with ACI-530•2.3.
Although not discussed in detail herein, walls may also be designed by
following the strength-based design method specified in ACI-530.

For walls designed in accordance with ACI-530•2.3 using the allowable

stress design method, the fundamental assumptions, derivation of
formulas, and design procedures are similar to those for design for
concrete except that the material properties of masonry are substituted
for those of concrete. Allowable masonry stresses used in allowable
stress design are expressed in terms of a fraction of the specified
compressive strength of the masonry at the age of 28 days. A typical
fraction of the specified compressive strength is 0.25, which equates to
a conservative safety factor of 4. The following design checks
determine if a reinforced masonry wall is structurally adequate.

Shear Capacity

Shear stress is a result of lateral loads on the structure associated with

wind, earthquakes or backfill forces. Lateral loads are both normal to
the wall surface (perpendicular or out of plane) and parallel to the wall
surface (parallel or in plane). Both perpendicular and parallel shear
should be checked, however, perpendicular shear is rarely a
controlling factor in the design of masonry walls and parallel shear is
not usually a controlling factor unless the foundation is partially or fully
above grade (i.e., walk-out basement) with a large number of

The equations below check perpendicular and parallel shear in

conjunction with Figure 4.7. Some building codes include a “j”
coefficient in these equations. The “j” coefficient defines the distance
between the center of the compression area and the center of the
tensile steel area; however, it is often dismissed or approximated as
0.9. If greater parallel shear capacity is required, it may be obtained in
a manner similar to that recommended in the previous section for
unreinforced masonry design. For parallel shear, the equations do not
address overturning and bending action that occurs in a direction
parallel to the wall, particularly for short segments of walls under
significant parallel shear load. For concrete foundation walls, this is
generally not a concern.

If the shear stress exceeds the above allowables for masonry only, the
designer must design shear reinforcing with the shear stress equation
changes in accordance with ACI-530•2.3.5. In residential construction,
it is generally more economical to increase the wall thickness or to
grout additional cores instead of using shear reinforcement. If shear
reinforcement is desired, refer to ACI-530. ACI-530 limits vertical
reinforcement to a maximum spacing s of 48 inches; however, a
maximum of 96 inches on-center is suggested as adequate. Masonry
homes built with reinforcement at 96 inches on-center have performed
well in hurricane-prone areas, such as southern Florida.

Flexural or axial stresses must be accounted for to ensure that a wall is

structurally sound. Axial loads increase compressive stresses and
reduce tension stresses and may be great enough to keep the
masonry in an uncracked state under a simultaneous bending load.

Axial Compression Capacity

The following equations from ACI-530•2.3 are used to determine if a

masonry wall can withstand conditions when compressive loads act
only on walls and columns (e.g., interior load-bearing wall or floor
beam support pier). As with concrete, compressive capacity is usually
not an issue in supporting a typical light-frame home. An exception
may occur with the bearing points of long-spanning beams. In such a
case, the designer should check bearing capacity by using ACI-

FIGURE 4.7 Variables Defined for Shear Calculations in

Reinforced Concrete Masonry Walls
Calculation using the above equations is based on Ae, which is the
effective cross-sectional area of the masonry, including grouted and
mortared areas substituted for An.

Combined Axial Compression and Flexural Capacity

In accordance with ACI-530•2.3.2, the design tensile forces in the

reinforcement due to flexure shall not exceed 20,000 psi for Grade 40
or 50 steel, 24,000 psi for Grade 60 steel, or 30,000 psi for wire joint
reinforcement. As stated, most reinforcing steel in the U.S. market
today is Grade 60. The following equations pertain to walls that are
subject to combined axial and flexure stresses.
Walls determined inadequate to withstand combined axial load and
bending moment may gain greater capacity through increased wall
thickness, increased masonry compressive strength, or added steel

Minimum Masonry Wall Reinforcement

Unreinforced concrete masonry walls have proven serviceable in

millions of homes. Builders and designers may, however, wish to
specify a nominal amount of reinforcement even when such
reinforcement is not required by analysis. For example, it is not
uncommon to specify horizontal reinforcement to control shrinkage
cracking and to improve the bond between intersecting walls. When
used, horizontal reinforcement is typically specified as a ladder or
truss-type wire reinforcement. It is commonly installed continuously in
mortar joints at vertical intervals of 24 inches (every third course of

For reinforced concrete masonry walls, ACI-530 stipulates minimum

reinforcement limits as shown below; however, the limits are somewhat
arbitrary and have no tangible basis as a minimum standard of care for
residential design and construction. The designer should exercise
reasonable judgment based on application conditions, experience in
local practice, and local building code provisions for prescriptive
masonry foundation or above-grade wall design in residential

Masonry Wall Lintels

Openings in masonry walls are constructed by using steel, precast

concrete, or reinforced masonry lintels. Wood headers are also used
when they do not support masonry construction above and when
continuity at the top of the wall (bond beam) is not required or is
adequately provided within the system of wood-framed construction
above. Steel angles are the simplest shapes and are suitable for
openings of moderate width typically found in residential foundation
walls. The angle should have a horizontal leg of the same width as the
thickness of the concrete masonry that it supports. Openings may
require vertical reinforcing bars with a hooked end that is placed on
each side of the opening to restrain the lintel against uplift forces in
high-hazard wind or earthquake regions. Building codes typically
require steel lintels exposed to the exterior to be a minimum 1/4-inch
thick. Figure 4.8 illustrates some lintels commonly used in residential
masonry construction.

FIGURE 4.8 Concrete Masonry Wall Lintel Types

Many prescriptive design tables are available for lintel design.

Preservative-Treated Wood Foundation Walls

Preservative-treated wood foundations, commonly known as

permanent wood foundations (PWF), have been used in over 300,000
homes and other structures throughout the United States. When
properly installed, they provide foundation walls at an affordable cost.
In some cases, the manufacturer may offer a 50-year material
warranty, which exceeds the warranty offered for other common
foundation materials.

A PWF is a load-bearing, preservative-treated, wood-framed

foundation wall sheathed with preservative-treated plywood; it bears on
a gravel spread footing. PWF lumber and plywood used in foundations
is pressure treated with calcium chromium arsenate (CCA) to a
minimum retention of 0.6 pcf. The walls are supported laterally at the
top by the floor system and at the bottom by a cast-in-place concrete
slab or pressure-treated lumber floor system or by backfill on the inside
of the wall. Proper connection details are essential, along with
provisions for drainage and moisture protection. All fasteners and
hardware used in a PWF should be stainless steel or hot-dipped
galvanized. Figure 4.9 illustrates a PWF.

PWFs may be designed in accordance with the basic provisions

provided in the International One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code
(ICC, 1998). Those provisions, in turn, are based on the Southern
Forest Products Association’s Permanent Wood Foundations Design
and Construction Guide (SPC, 1998). The PWF guide offers design
flexibility and thorough technical guidance. Table 4.7 summarizes
some basic rules of thumb for design. The steps for using the
prescriptive tables are outlined below.

FIGURE 4.9 Preservative-Treated Wood Foundation Walls

TABLE 4.7 Preservative-Treated Wood Foundation Framing
 Granular (gravel or crushed rock) footings are sized accordingly.
Permanent wood foundations may also be placed on poured
concrete footings.
 Footing plate size is determined by the vertical load from the
structure on the foundation wall and the size of the permanent
wood foundation studs.
 The size and spacing of the wall framing is selected from tables
for buildings up to 36 feet wide that support one or two stories
above grade.
 APA-rated plywood is selected from tables based on unbalanced
backfill height and stud spacing. The plywood must be
preservative-treated and rated for below-ground application.
 Drainage systems are selected in accordance with foundation
type (e.g., basement or crawlspace) and soil type. Foundation
wall moisture-proofing is also required (i.e., polyethylene

For more information on preservative-treated wood foundations and

their specific design and construction, consult the Permanent Wood
Foundations Design and Construction Guide (SPC, 1998).

Insulating Concrete Form Foundation Walls

Insulating concrete forms (ICFs) have been used in the United States
since the 1970s. They provide durable and thermally efficient
foundation and above-grade walls at reasonable cost. Insulating
concrete forms are constructed of rigid foam plastic, composites of
cement and plastic foam insulation or wood chips, or other suitable
insulating materials that have the ability to act as forms for cast-in-
place concrete walls. The forms are easily placed by hand and remain
in place after the concrete is cured to provide added insulation.

ICF systems are typically categorized with respect to the form of the
ICF unit. There are three types of ICF forms: hollow blocks, planks and
panels. The shape of the concrete wall is best visualized with the form
stripped away, exposing the concrete to view.
ICF categories based on the resulting nature of the concrete wall are
listed below.

 flat: solid concrete wall of uniform thickness;

 post-and-beam: concrete frame constructed of vertical and
horizontal concrete members with voids between the members
created by the form. The spacing of the vertical members may
be as great as 8 feet;
 screen-grid: concrete wall composed of closely spaced vertical
and horizontal concrete members with voids between the
members created by the form. The wall resembles a thick screen
made of concrete; and
 waffle-grid: concrete wall composed of closely space vertical
and horizontal concrete members with thin concrete webs filling
the space between the members. The wall resembles a large
waffle made of concrete.

Foundations may be designed in accordance with the values provided

in the most recent national building codes’ prescriptive tables (ICC,
1998). Manufacturers also usually provide design and construction
information. Special consideration must be given to the dimensions
and shape of an ICF wall that is not a flat concrete wall. Refer to Figure
4.10 for a typical ICF foundation wall detail.

FIGURE 4.10 Insulating Concrete Form Foundation Walls

For more design information, refer to the Structural Design of
Insulating Concrete Form Walls in Residential Construction (Lemay
and Vrankar, 1998). For a prescriptive construction approach, consult
the Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential
Construction (HUD, 1998).

Slabs on Grade

The primary objectives of slab-on-grade design are:

 to provide a floor surface with adequate capacity to support all

applied loads;
 to provide thickened footings for attachment of the above grade
structure and for transfer of the load to the earth where required;
 and to provide a moisture barrier between the earth and the
interior of the building.

Many concrete slabs for homes, driveways, garages, and sidewalks

are built according to standard thickness recommendations and do not
require a specific design unless poor soil conditions, such as
expansive clay soils, exist on the site.
For typical loading and soil conditions, floor slabs, driveways, garage
floors, and residential sidewalks are built at a nominal 4 inches thick
per ACI302•2.1. Where interior columns and load-bearing walls bear
on the slab, the slab is typically thickened and may be nominally
reinforced. Monolithic slabs may also have thickened edges that
provide a footing for structural loads from exterior load-bearing walls.
The thickened edges may or may not be reinforced in standard
residential practice.

Slab-on-grade foundations are often placed on 2 to 3 inches of washed

gravel or sand and a 6 mil (0.006 inch) polyethylene vapor barrier. This
recommended practice prevents moisture in the soil from wicking
through the slab. The sand or gravel layer acts primarily as a capillary
break to soil moisture transport through the soil. If tied into the
foundation drain system, the gravel layer can also help provide

A slab on grade greater than 10 feet in any dimension will likely

experience cracking due to temperature and shrinkage effects that
create internal tensile stresses in the concrete. To prevent the cracks
from becoming noticeable, the designer usually specifies some
reinforcement, such as welded wire fabric (WWF) or a fiber-reinforced
concrete mix. The location of cracking may be controlled by placing
construction joints in the slab at regular intervals or at strategic
locations hidden under partitions or under certain floor finishes (e.g.,

In poor soils where reinforcement is required to increase the slab’s

flexural capacity, the designer should follow conventional reinforced
concrete design methods. The Portland Cement Association (PCA),
Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI), and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(COE) espouse three methods for the design of plain or reinforced
concrete slabs on grade.

Presented in chart or tabular format, the PCA method selects a slab

thickness in accordance with the applied loads and is based on the
concept of one equivalent wheel loading at the center of the slab.
Structural reinforcement is typically not required; however, a nominal
amount of reinforcement is suggested for crack control, shrinkage, and
temperature effects.

The WRI method selects a slab thickness in accordance with a

discrete-element computer model for the slab. The WRI approach
graphically accounts for the relative stiffness between grade support
and the concrete slab to determine moments in the slab. The
information is presented in the form of design nomographs.

Presented in charts and tabular format, the COE method is based on

Westergaard’s formulae for edge stresses in a concrete slab and
assumes that the unloaded portions of the slab help support the slab
portions under direct loading.

For further information on the design procedures for each design

method mentioned above and for unique loading conditions, refer to
ACI-360, Design of Slabs on Grade (ACI, 1998) or the Design and
Construction of Post-Tensioned Slabs on Ground (PTI, 1996) for
expansive soil conditions.

Pile Foundations

Piles support buildings under a variety of special conditions that make

conventional foundation practices impractical or inadvisable.
Such conditions include:

 weak soils or non-engineered fills that require the use of piles to

transfer foundation loads by skin friction or point bearing;
 inland floodplains and coastal flood hazard zones where
buildings must be elevated;
 steep or unstable slopes; and
 expansive soils where buildings must be isolated from soil
expansion in the “active” surface layer and anchored to stable
soil below.

Piles are available in a variety of materials. Preservative-treated timber

piles are typically driven into place by a crane with a mechanical or
drop hammer (most common in weak soils and coastal construction).
Concrete piles or piers are typically cast in place in drilled holes,
sometimes with “belled” bases (most common in expansive soils).
Steel H-piles or large-diameter pipes are typically driven or vibrated
into place with specialized heavy equipment (uncommon in residential

Timber piles are most commonly used in light-frame residential

construction. The minimum pile capacity is based on the required
foundation loading. Pile capacity is, however, difficult to predict;
therefore, only rough estimates of required pile lengths and sizes can
be made before installation, particularly when the designer relies only
on skin friction to develop capacity in deep, soft soils. For this reason,
local successful practice is a primary factor in any pile foundation
design such that a pile foundation often can be specified by experience
with little design effort. In other cases, some amount of subsurface
exploration (i.e., standard pertrometer test) is advisable to assist in
foundation design or, alternatively, to indicate when one or more test
piles may be required.

It is rare for pile depth to be greater than 8 or 10 feet except in

extremely soft soils, on steeply sloped sites with unstable soils, or in
coastal hazard areas (beachfront property) where significant scour is
possible due to storm surge velocity. Under these conditions, depths
can easily exceed 10 feet. In coastal high-hazard areas known as “V
zones” on flood insurance rating maps (FIRMs), the building must be
elevated above the 100-year flood elevation, which is known as the
base flood elevation (BFE) and includes an allowance for wave height.
As shown in Figure 4.11, treated timber piles are typically used to
elevate a structure.

FIGURE 4.11 Basic Coastal Foundation Construction

For additional guidance, the designer is referred to the Coastal
Construction Manual (FEMA, 1986) and Pile Buck (Pile Buck, 1990)
but should be prepared to make reasonable design modifications and
judgments based on personal experience with and knowledge of pile
construction and local conditions. National flood Insurance Program
(NFIP) requirements should also be carefully considered by the
designer since they may affect the availability of insurance and the
premium amount. From a life-safety perspective, pile-supported
buildings are often evacuated during a major hurricane, but flood
damage can be substantial if the building is not properly elevated and
detailed. In these conditions, the designer must consider several
factors, including flood loads, wind loads, scour, breakaway wall and
slab construction, corrosion, and other factors. The publications of the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Washington, D.C.,
offer design guidance. FEMA is also in the process of updating the
Coastal Construction Manual.

The habitable portion of buildings in coastal “A zones” (non-velocity

flow) and inland floodplains must be elevated above the BFE,
particularly if flood insurance is to be obtained. However, piles are not
necessarily the most economical solution. Common solutions include
fills to build up the site or the use of crawlspace foundations.
For driven timber piles, the capacity of a pile can be roughly estimated
from the known hammer weight, drop height, and blow count (blows
per foot of penetration) associated with the drop-hammer pile-driving
process. Several pile-driving formulas are available; while each
formula follows a different format, all share the basic relationship
among pile capacity, blow count, penetration, hammer drop height, and
hammer weight. The following equation is the widely recognized
method first reported in Engineering News Record (ENR) and is
adequate for typical residential and light-frame commercial

In the above equation, Pa is the net allowable vertical load

capacity, Wr is the hammer ram weight, h is the distance the hammer
free falls, s is the pile penetration (set) per blow at the end of driving,
and F is the safety factor. The units for s and h must be the same. The
value of s may be taken as the inverse of the blow count for the last
foot of driving. Using the above equation, a “test” pile may be
evaluated to determine the required pile length to obtain adequate

Alternatively, the designer can specify a required minimum penetration

and required number of blows per foot to obtain sufficient bearing
capacity by friction. The pile size may be specified as a minimum tip
diameter, a minimum butt diameter, or both. The minimum pile butt
diameter should not be less than 8 inches; 10- to 12-inch diameters
are common. The larger pile diameters may be necessary for unbraced
conditions with long unsupported heights.

In hard material or densely compacted sand or hard clay, a typical pile

meets “refusal” when the blows per foot become excessive. In such a
case, it may be necessary to jet or pre-drill the pile to a specific depth
to meet the minimum embedment and then finish with several hammer
blows to ensure that the required capacity is met and the pile properly
seated in firm soil.

Jetting is the process of using a water pump, hose, and long pipe to
“jet” the tip of the pile into hard-driving ground, such as firm sand.
Jetting may also be used to adjust the pile vertically to maintain a
reasonable tolerance with the building layout dimension.

It is also important to connect or anchor the building properly to pile

foundations when severe uplift or lateral load conditions are expected.
For standard pile and concrete grade beam construction, the pile is
usually extended into the concrete “cap” a few inches or more. The
connection requirements of the National Design Specification for Wood
Construction (NDS, 1997) should be carefully followed for these heavy-
duty connections.

Frost Protection

The objective of frost protection in foundation design is to prevent

damage to the structure from frost action (heaving and thaw
weakening) in frost-susceptible soils.

Conventional Methods

In northern U.S. climates, builders and designers mitigate the effects of

frost heave by constructing homes with perimeter footings that extend
below a locally prescribed frost depth.
Other construction methods include:

 piles or caissons extending below the seasonal frost line;

 mat or reinforced structural slab foundations that resist
differential heave;
 non-frost-susceptible fills and drainage; and
 adjustable foundation supports.

The local building department typically sets required frost depths.

Often, the depths are highly conservative in accordance with frost
depths experienced in applications not relevant to residential
foundations. The local design frost depth can vary significantly from
that required by actual climate, soil, and application conditions. One
exception occurs in Alaska, where it is common to specify different
frost depths for “warm,” “cold,” and “interior” foundations. For homes in
the Anchorage, Alaska, area, the perimeter foundation is generally
classified as warm, with a required depth of 4 or 5 feet. Interior footings
may be required to be 8 inches deep. On the other hand, “cold”
foundations, including outside columns, may be required to be as
much as 10 feet deep. In the contiguous 48 states, depths for footings
range from a minimum 12 inches in the South to as much as 6 feet in
some northern localities.

Based on the air-freezing index, Table 4.8 presents minimum “safe”

frost depths for residential foundations. Figure 4.12 depicts the air-
freezing index, a climate index closely associated with ground freezing
depth. The most frost-susceptible soils are silty soils or mixtures that
contain a large fraction of silt-sized particles. Generally, soils or fill
materials with less than 6% fines (as measured by a #200 sieve) are
considered non-frost-susceptible. Proper surface water and foundation
drainage are also important factors where frost heave is a concern.
The designer should recognize that many soils may not be frost-
susceptible in their natural state (e.g., sand, gravel, or other well-
drained soils that are typically low in moisture content). However, for
those that are frost-susceptible, the consequences can be significant
and costly if not properly considered in the foundation design.

TABLE 4.8 Minimum Frost Depths for Residential Footings

Frost-Protected Shallow Foundations

A frost-protected shallow foundation (FPSF) is a practical alternative to

deeper foundations in cold regions characterized by seasonal ground
freezing and the potential for frost heave. Figure 4.13 illustrates
several FPSF applications. FPSFs are best suited to slab-on-grade
homes on relatively flat sites. The FPSF method may, however, be
used effectively with walkout basements by insulating the foundation
on the downhill side of the house, thus eliminating the need for a
stepped footing.

An FPSF is constructed by using strategically placed vertical and

horizontal insulation to insulate the footings around the building,
thereby allowing foundation depths as shallow as 12 inches in very
cold climates. The frost-protected shallow foundation technology
recognizes earth as a heat source that repels frost. Heat input to the
ground from buildings therefore contributes to the thermal environment
around the foundation.

The thickness of the insulation and the horizontal distance that the
insulation must extend away from the building depends primarily on the
climate. In less severe cold climates, horizontal insulation is not
necessary. Other factors, such as soil thermal conductivity, soil
moisture content, and the internal temperature of a building are also
important. Current design and construction guidelines are based on
reasonable worst-case conditions.

After more than 40 years of use in the Scandinavian countries, FPSFs

are now recognized in the prescriptive requirements of the
International One- and Two- Family Dwelling Code. However, the code
places limits on the use of foam plastic below grade in areas of
noticeably high termite infestation probability. In those areas termite
barriers or other details must be incorporated into the design to block
hidden pathways leading from the soil into the structure between the
foam insulation and the foundation wall. The exception to the code limit
occurs when termite-resistant materials (e.g., concrete, steel, or
preservative-treated wood) are specified for a home’s structural

FIGURE 4.12 Air-Freezing Index Map (100-Year Return Period)

The complete design procedure for FPSFs is detailed in Frost-
Protected Shallow Foundations in Residential Construction. The first
edition of this guide is available from the U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development. Either version provides useful construction
details and guidelines for determining the amount (thickness) of
insulation required for a given climate or application. Acceptable
insulation materials include expanded and extruded polystyrenes,
although adjusted insulation values are provided for below-ground use.
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is currently
developing a standard for FPSF design and construction based on the
resources mentioned above.
FIGURE 4.13 Frost-Protected Shallow Foundation Applications

Design of residential foundations on permafrost is beyond the scope of
this article. The designer is cautioned that the thawing of permafrost
due to a building’s thermal effect on a site can quickly undermine a
structure. It is critical that the presence of permafrost is properly
identified through subsoil exploration. Several effective design
approaches are available for building on permafrost. Refer
to Construction in Cold Regions: A Guide for Planners, Engineers,
Contractors, and Managers (McFadden and Bennett, 1991).
Permafrost is not a concern in the lower 48 states of the United States.

International Standards of Practice for Performing a General Home


Read Structural Design Loads for the Home Inspector

Read Structural Design Concepts for the Home Inspector

Take InterNACHI's free, online "Structural Issues for Home Inspectors"

Take InterNACHI's free, online "Inspecting Foundation Walls and
Piers" course.
Take InterNACHI's free, online "How to Inspect for Moisture Intrusion"
Evaluating Structural Framing
How to Determine the Age of a Building
Moisture Intrusion
Permanent Wood Foundations
Soils and Settlement
Wood Decay

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