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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify various cheerdance hand movements and positions.
2. Execute selective cheerdance hand movements and positions properly.
3. Appreciate the importance of participating in cheerdance for a healthy body.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Cheerdance –“Basic Hand Movements and Positions”
Materials: Laptop, Projector, Speaker
Reference: Physical Education & Health Learner Materials
Value Focus: Cooperation, Participation and Appreciation

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of classroom cleanliness and orderliness.
4. Reviewing of the past lesson.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

B. Motivation
“Today we’re about to
proceed in our next lesson but
before we dig inside, we are
going to have a game. Are
you familiar with the game
Minute to Win it? Let us have
our unique version of this
game. The name of this game

“Are you in?!” “Yes, Ma’am.”

When I asked you, “Are you

in?!” you are going to shout
“We are in!”

Again. Are you in?! “We are in!”

“Alright. This game will be

played by everyone
individually. All you have to
do is prepare a ¼ sheet of
paper and a pen.
For the mechanics of this
game, I will show you a
mixed-up letter and you have
to arranged it to form a word.
A picture will also be given (Students will listen and follow the
as a clue to make it more instruction.)
easier to create the correct
word. And this challenge will
only last for 1 minute. If the
time will stop, the game is

“Students’ who will get the “Yes, Ma’am.”

correct answers will be given
an extra point for his/her “We are in!”
class participation.”
“Did I make myself clear?” (students’ start the activity)

“Are you in?!” (students’ clap)

“Okay, get ready.!”

“Let’s give (3) three big claps for

those that get the right answers”

C. Lesson Proper/ Discussion

& Application

“And now, according to the game we “Maam, it is about Basic Cheerdance.”

did earlier; what is our lesson for

“Precisely!” Today, we are going to

talk about the Basics of

“Since we already discussed last

meeting the history and background
of cheerdance, today’s lesson, is
about the basic cheerdancing ‘Hand
movements and Positions’.”

“I will be the one to demonstrate the

movements then after that each of
you will also be given the time to

“Are we in?” We are in!

Okay, the first one is the beginning

stance and cheer stance. This is how
to do the beginning stance – feet
together, hands down by the side in
Next is the cheer stance, - feet more
than shoulder width apart, hands
down by the side in blades.

Is it clear?
Okay, so people seating in this row, “Yes Ma’am”.
please stand up and do the beginning (Students will perform the Beginning stance
stance and the cheer stance. and the Cheer stance.)

“Very well students!

Next, are the “T and half T”

This is how to do the T position –
both arms extended straight out to
the side and parallel to the ground,
relax the shoulders.

The other one is the half t position –

both arms parallel to the ground bent
at the elbows, fists into shoulders.

Okay this next row, please stand up

and do the T and half T positions.
Next are the clap, clasp, overhead (Students will perform the T and half-T
and low clasp. position)

Clap – Hands in blades, at the chin

elbows in.
Clasp – Hands clasped, at the chin
elbows in.
*Overhead Clasp
*Low Clasp

“Students in this row, please stand up

and do the clap and clasp. (Students will perform the clap and clasp
Following, is the touch down

Touchdown – Arms extended

straight and parallel to each other,
fist facing in.
*Low touchdown –
High V – arms extended up forming
a “V”.
Low V – arms extended down,
forming a “V”.

“Students in this row, please stand

up and do the Touchdown position.”
(Students will perform the Touchdown
“Students in this row, please stand up
and do the High V and Low V (Students will perform the High V and Low
positions.” V position)

Good job everyone!

Let us proceed to the next position
which is the Punch position.

Punch – one arm extended straight

up, one arm on hip in a fist.

“This row, please stand up and do the (Students will perform the Punch position)
Punch position.”

Lastly are the L motion and Diagonal


L motion – on arm extended to the

side with the other arm extended in a
punch motion. (Left and Right
position will be shown)
Diagonal – one arm extended in a
high “V” and the other arm extended
in a low “V” (Left and Right
diagonal position will be shown)

“People sitting in the last row, please (Students will perform the L motion and the
stand up and do the L motion and Diagonal position)
Diagonal position.”

Excellent! Let us give a round of

applause for everybody. Now you
already know the different hand
movements and positions in

D. Generalization “Yes Ma’am.!”

“I have known the different basic hand
“Did you enjoy our discussion?” movements and positions in cheerdancing.”
“What have you learned with our “I have learned how to properly execute the
lesson for today?” different hand movements and positions of

” Beginning stance, Cheer stance, T and

half T positions, Clap, Clasp, Touchdown,
“Very good. Can you give me the High V, Low V, Punch, L motion and
different cheerleading hand Diagonal position.”
movements and positions that we had
“Okay, thank you. Learning the basic
cheerleading movements and
positions is a definite asset to anyone
on a squad or trying to make the

“Do you think learning basic “Yes Ma’am.”

cheerleading movements gives some
benefits to our body?”
(Answers may vary.)
“How can you say so?”

“Can you give me an example?”

“These moves build powerful

muscles in the upper body, shoulders
and core. Coordination, or the ability
to move your body through a
sequence of motions, is essential for
the timing and rhythm involved
with cheerleading.”

So, class if you have any further

questions please don’t be afraid to
ask. I always encourage my students
to be inquisitive.

IV. Evaluation

“With your same group, create a short dance choreography using the different
basic hand movements and positions in cheerdance.”
“You will be given 5 minutes to practice and 1 minute to perform your dance
“Selection of their own music will be prohibited to each group.
Here are the criteria for your performance.

Criteria for Grading Students’ Performance:

Creativity 30%
Completeness 20%
Synchronization 10%
Over-all Performance 40%
100% total
V. Assignment

“Study the different tumbling skills in cheerleading jumps.”

Prepared by:
Teacher Applicant

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