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The American Revolution: Final Project


Revolutionary elites like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson read John Locke and took
to heart his philosophy. They founded their revolution on his notion of mankind’s “certain
unalienable rights”—a phrase we’ll see again in the Declaration of Independence. But it wasn’t
Locke who convinced average Americans of the case for independence. That role fell to
Thomas Paine, an English immigrant to the American colonies and a strong supporter of
American Independence. On January 10, 1776, Thomas Paine published a pamphlet called
Common Sense. In it, he set out a variety of reasons why the colonists should fight for their
independence—articulating, basically, the Patriots’ view. The pamphlet was a sensation, and
did a great deal to push the public away from the idea of making up with Great Britain and
toward war.

Now it’s your turn. Create a pamphlet that articulates the viewpoint of one of the five factions we
discussed: Patriots, Moderates, Loyalists, Native Americans, and African Americans. In your
pamphlet, make a case for your faction’s view of war. Are you for it or against it? Why? You will
also argue the view of another faction of your choice.

Assignment details​:
Your pamphlet should consist in a trifold brochure, which looks like this:
The contents should be as follows:

1. COVER: An ​image ​and ​title ​for your pamphlet.

2. –4. INTERIOR SECTIONS: ​Three arguments for your faction’s view ​of the war. Each
panel (2, 3, and 4) should make a different case. In any order, these should include
● An ​economic a ​ rgument​. Why is war or peace advantageous, in economic terms?
● A ​moral ​argument​. Why is your position the correct one, ethically?
● A ​third argument of your choice​. This could be philosophical, political, or something
else entirely. HINT: Think about the sorts of arguments your faction might make.
● Include ​1-2 images​ in these three sections.
5. INTERIOR FOLD: ​Adress the position of another faction ​on the war. If it is in opposition to
your own, explain why it is wrong. If it is supportive of your own, explain why their reasoning is
6. BACK: Create an advertisement for some product or service from the period of the
Revolution. Are you selling hair tonic? A new and improved musket? Feel to get creative! Just
remember to include an ​image with the text ​of the ad.
● Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5—the argumentative sections—are each worth 10 points.
● Sections 1 and 6—the cover and the back ad—are each worth 5 points.
● The whole project is worth 50 points.

Section breakdown​:

A. Argumentative sections (2, 3, 4, and 5)

0 1 3 5
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced

Content The section The section The section The section

includes less includes at least includes at least includes at least
than three three sentences. four sentences. five sentences. It
sentences. It It makes a basic It makes a makes a
does not argument for the coherent coherent,
develop a pamphlet’s argument, the convincing
coherent position. The nature of which argument. This
argument for argument makes is clear from argument is
any position. reference to one context. This founded on
or more facts argument is historical facts
from class. founded on learned in class.
historical facts
learned in class.

Style The text is so full The assignment The assignment The text is
of errors that it is has numerous fulfills well-written, with
difficult to read. spelling or requirements, few to no
Required grammatical but may have grammatical
images are errors. It is clear some spelling or errors. Images
either absent or, that the student grammatical are relevant to
if present, did not errors. Images their sections.
unrelated to the proofread the are relevant to There is a clear
topic of the assignment. the sections they level of effort put
section. It is Images are accompany. into making the
unclear if there difficult to project.
was any thought interpret or
in reading or poorly formatted.
editing the
B. Cover and advertisement
0 1 3 5
Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced

Content One or more Required Required Required

components of images and text images and text images and text
the section is are present. The are present. The are present. The
missing. title is relevant to title is relevant to title is relevant to
Included text is the argument the argument the argument
irrelevant to the developed in the developed in the developed in the
assignment. pamphlet. The pamphlet. The pamphlet. The
text of the text of the text of the
advertisement advertisement is advertisement is
contains spelling free of spelling persuasive
and grammatical and grammatical and/or fun.
errors. errors.

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