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essential hypertension.

The diagnosis of EH
is one of exclusion; it is the option left to the
clinician after considering the causes of secondary
hypertension described later in this
EH is more a description than a diagnosis,
indicating only that a patient manifests
a specifi c physical fi nding (high blood pressure)
for which no cause has been found. In
all likelihood, different underlying defects are
responsible for the elevated pressure in different
subpopulations of patients. Because the
exact nature of these defects is unknown, to
understand EH is to understand the possibilities:
what could go wrong with normal physiology
to produce chronically elevated blood
This discussion of EH therefore refl ects
what is currently known about its epidemiology
and genetics, experimental fi ndings, and
natural history. The picture that emerges is
that EH likely results from multiple defects of
blood pressure regulation that interact with
environmental stressors. The regulatory defects
may be acquired or genetically determined
and may be independent of one another. As
a result, EH patients exhibit varied combinations
of abnormalities and, therefore, have
various physiologic bases for their elevated
blood pressures.

Genes regulating the renin–

angiotensin–aldosterone axis have been most
thoroughly studied in hypertensives because of
the central role of this system in determining
intravascular volume and vascular tone. Within
this group, certain polymorphisms in the gene
for angiotensinogen confer an increased risk
of hypertension.

Bruit adalah suara yang terjadi di dalam pembuluh

darah akibat turbulensi, mungkin karena
penumpukan plak atau kerusakan pada pembuluh
Essential hypertension, also known Loud systolic bruits are due to atherosclerotic
as primary hypertension, has no clear cause plaques within arteries, producing turbulent
and is thought to be linked to genetics, poor flow. These plaques are common in the aorta
diet, lack of exercise and obesity. and iliac arteries and less common in
Secondary hypertension can be caused by the renal arteries. In addition, turbulent flow
conditions that affect your kidneys, arteries, within an abdominal aortic aneurysm may
heart or endocrine system. create a bruit.
Aneurisma adalah kelainan pembuluh darah
ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION otak yang muncul akibat penipisan dan
Approximately 90% of hypertensive patients degenerasi dinding pembuluh darah arteri.
have blood pressures that are elevated for no Penyebabnya adalah kelainan bawaan,
readily defi nable reason, a condition termed
hipertensi, dan adanya infeksi atau trauma. 10 mmHg. Perbedaan yang lebih dari 10 mmHg
Kondisi ini menimbulkan kelemahan pada merupakan indikasi terjadinya gangguan vaskuler,
dinding pembuluh darah sehingga membentuk dan bila perbedaan lebih besar dari 20 – 30 mmHg
tonjolan seperti balon. pada kedua belah lengan menunjukkan suatu
kecurigaan terhadap adanya gangguan organis
Jugular vein distention is affected by the position of your
aliran darah pada daerah yang tekanan darahnya
body. If the height is greater than 3 to 4 centimeters when rendah
measured while you are in bed with your head elevated 45
degrees, this may signal vascular or heart disease. Smaller Ada hubungan timbal balik antara kejadian
amounts of jugular vein distention can occur in people hipertensi dan penyakit pembuluh darah perifer.
without heart or vascular disease.
Kerusakan vaskuler akibat hipertensi terlihat jelas
Increased blood volume, which can occur with heart failure, pada seluruh pembuluh perifer. Hipertensi
or anything that interferes with filling of the right atrium or menyebabkan perubahan struktur dalam arteri-
movement of the blood into the right ventricle, can increase arteri kecil dan arteriola yang mengakibatkan
the central venous pressure and the amount of jugular vein
distention. For example, jugular vein distention may be terjadinya penyumbatan pembuluh progresif.
raised by a narrowing or blockage of the superior vena cava,
which can interfere with blood return to the heart. It can also
be caused by constrictive pericarditis (infection of the lining Retina
that surrounds the heart) and cardiac tamponade (filling of The retina is the only location where systemic
the sac around the heart with blood or other fluid), both of arteries can be directly visualized by physical
which restrict the volume of the heart. Right-sided heart examination. High blood pressure induces
failure is another cause of elevated jugular vein distention. abnormalities that are collectively termed
hypertensive retinopathy. Although vision
Common causes of jugular vein distention may be compromised when the damage is extensive,
more commonly the changes serve as
Jugular vein distention may be caused by heart conditions an asymptomatic clinical marker for the severity
and conditions that affect blood vessels including: of hypertension and its duration.
Severe hypertension that is acute in onset
 Congestive heart failure (deterioration of the heart’s (e.g., uncontrolled and/or malignant hypertension)
ability to pump blood) may burst small retinal vessels, causing
 Constrictive pericarditis (infection or inflammation hemorrhages, exudation of plasma lipids,
of the lining that surrounds the heart that decreases and areas of local infarction. If ischemia of the
the lining’s flexibility) optic nerve develops, patients may describe
 Hypervolemia (increased blood volume) generalized blurred vision. Retinal ischemia
 Superior vena cava obstruction (blockage of the caused by hemorrhage leads to more patchy
main vein of the upper body that returns blood to loss of vision. Papilledema, or swelling of the
the heart; the jugular veins empty into this vein) optic disk with blurring of its margins, may
 Tricuspid valve stenosis (narrowing of the valve arise from high intracranial pressure when the
between the right atrium and the right ventricle) blood pressure reaches malignant levels and
cerebrovascular autoregulation begins to fail.
Chronically elevated blood pressure results
in a different set of retinal fi ndings. Papilledema
is absent, but vasoconstriction results in arterial
Adanya perbedaan tekanan darah antara lengan narrowing, and medial hypertrophy thickens
kanan dan lengan kiri ini bisa disebabkan oleh the vessel wall, which “nicks” (indents)
beberapa faktor, diantaranya adalah faktor usia, crossing veins. With more severe chronic hypertension,
adanya oklusi pembuluh darah, penyakit pembuluh arterial sclerosis is evident as an
increased refl ection of light through the ophthalmoscope
darah perifer, adanya pulsus paradoksus, dan (termed “copper” or “silver”
adanya gangguan pada jantung. wiring). Although these changes are not in
themselves of major functional importance,
Variasi tekanan darah dapat ditemukan pada arteri they indicate that the patient has had longstanding,
yang berbeda. Variasi normal sering ditemukan poorly controlled hypertension.
pada kedua lengan, tetapi tidak boleh lebih dari 5 –
The small arrows indicate whether there is a stimulatory () or
inhibitory () effect on the boxed parameters. ADH, antidiuretic
hormone; HR, heart rate; NP, natriuretic peptides; PSNS,
parasympathetic nervous system; SNS, sympathetic nervous
system; SV, stroke volume

Blood pressure (BP) is the product of cardiac

output (CO) and total peripheral resistance

And CO is the product of cardiac stroke volume
(SV) and heart rate (HR):
CO = SV x HR
As described in Chapter 9, SV is determined
(1) cardiac contractility;
(2) the venous return to the heart (the preload);
(3) the resistance the left ventricle must overcome to eject
blood into the aorta (the afterload).

It follows that at least four systems are directly

responsible for blood pressure regulation:
the heart, which supplies the pumping
pressure; the blood vessel tone, which largely
determines systemic resistance; the kidney,
which regulates intravascular volume; and
hormones, which modulate the functions of…

• Stroke Volume: It is a volume of blood pumped

out by each ventricle per beat. It is about 70 - 80

Stroke volume (SV) = EDV – ESV

• End Diastolic Volume: Volume of blood in each

ventricle at the end of diastole. It is about 120 – 130

• End Systolic Volume: Volume of blood in each

ventricle at the end of Systole. It is about 50 to 60

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