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★Highway 54 - the old name of EDSA during ww-II

★Trisomy 21 - also known as down syndrome

★Kumintang - Filipinos would sing this song in preparation for war battle

★En ventre sa mere - the right of the unborn child is the same as the right of individual

★Mark Twain - pen name of Samuel Clemens

★Heroic Couplet - last two lines of the Sonnet

★Sergio Osmena - the first appointed head of the Department of Education during Commonwealth

★Philippine Normal University - established by the Americans for aspiring educators in 1901

★Animal cells - donot produce cell walls

★Bousterophedon - Ancient Greeks form of writing

★Nitrogen - the nost abundant gas in the atmosphere

★Skin - body's largest organ

★Chivalric education - also known as social discipline. The educational system which emphasized
social etiquette

★Socratic method - teachers ask questions to try to get students to clarify and rethink their own
ideas, to come eventually to a deep and clear understanding of philosophical concepts

★Saracenic education - this education is training for scientific thinking

★verbatim - word for word

★Social Justice - very foundation of genuine peace and reconciliation

★National Treasury - provides the fund to support the Air Quality Management in the Philippines

★Tomas Pinpin - kauna-unahang manlilimbag na Pilipino

★Pascual Poblete - tinaguriang "Ama ng Pahayagang tagalog"

★Oxygen - a by-product of Photosynthesis

★water - universal solvent

★Gametes (in human) - contain 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome

★Emilio Jacinto - utak ng Katipunan

★Apolinario Mabini - utak ng rebolusyon

★Kinkee - the gas lamp used to lighten the streets in intramuros way back in history

★Miranda rule - right of a person under arrest

★Epistemology - examines the nature and origin of human knowledge

★empiricism - holds that the sensory experience is the source of knowledge

★Agnoticism - coined by Thomas Huxley which means "not knowledgnow

★metaphysics - it seeks to find out what is ultimately real.

Figurative Language is a language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different
from the literal interpretation. When a writer uses literal language, he or she is simply stating the
facts as they are. Figurative language, in comparison, uses exaggerations or alterations to make a
particular linguisticpoint." - Your Dictionary

1. Simile - An indirect association and comparison between two things.

Example: She is like a flower.

2. Metaphor - A direct comparison.

Example: You are the sunshine of my life.

3. Personification - Giving human attributes to an inanimate object (animal, idea, etc)

Example: The sun is looking down on me.

4. Oxymoron - A self-contrasting statement.

Example: Loud silence

5. Metonymy - An association wherein the name of something is substituted by something that

represents it.

Example: Toothpaste is sometimes called Colgate.

6. Irony - The contrast between what was expected and what actually happened.

Example: No smoking sign during a cigarette break.

7. Hyperbole - An exaggeration

Example: Cry me a river.

8. Synecdoche - An association of some important part with the whole it represents.

Example: The face who launched a thousand ships.

9. Euphemism - Creating a positive connotation out of something negative.

Example: Loved child (illegitimate child).

10. Asyndeton - Not putting any connectors (conjunctions or prepositions).

Example: No retreat. no surrender.

11. Apostrophe - A direct address to an abstract things or a person who passed away.

Example: Love, please come and take me!

Figurative Language

A Figurative Speech is a variation from the ordinary method of expression for the sake of effect; it
helps to make writing vivid, but it is no effective if it is forced, strained or mixed.

1. Simile: is an expressed comparison between two similar things introduced by like, as, as if, than,
seems or similar to.

For example:

She sings as if mere speech has taken fire.

2. Metaphor: is an implied comparison of unlike subjects without like or as.


God is my Rock and Fortress

3. Personification: is the figure of speech in which some human characteristics is attributed to an

inanimate thing.


Let the floods clap their hands.

4. Periphrasis: is the substitution of a descriptive phrase for a name or vice versa.


The sleeping Giant has broken its ties with its neighbors.

5. Litotes: is a deliberate understatement used to affirm its opposite.


Edgar Allan Poe is no mean writer.

6. Apostrophe: is an address to the absent as if present or the inanimate as if human.


O Liberty! Liberty! How many crimes are committed in thy name (Madame Roland)

7. Antithesis: refers to the equating or balancing of two opposite ideas. To be an antithesis, a

sentence should have contradicting words positioned in a balanced way in a phrase or clause.

There is no time to sew and there is no time to reap.

8. Hyperbole: is a exaggeration for the purpose of emphasis on poetic effect. It is an overstatement

without intention of deception.


I think of you million times a day.

9. Understatement: is the opposite of hyperbole. As the name implies, it is saying less than what is


He is a notoriously unkind brute.

10. Irony: in general, is a discrepancy or disparity between what seems and what is.

The are three common forms are:

🌼Verbal Irony: is a discrepancy between what the speaker says and what he means; he says one thing
and means the opposite.

🌼Irony of Situation: is the discrepancy between expectation and result, intention and outcome,
illusion and reality.

🌼Dramatic Irony: is so called because its most effective use is in a theatre, but it is also found in other
forms of fiction.

Examples of Irony:

🌼To save himself and leave the children - that's a fine way for a man to act.

🌼It was very kind of you to remind me of my humiliation.

🌼The boy failed in Math although his mother is a Math teacher.

11. Synechdoche: it is a figure of speech JM which the writer names a part when he means the
whole, or the whole when he means only a part.


The navy (for sailor)

A pen (for writing)

A good table (for food)

The knife (for surgery)

12. Metonymy: is a figure of speech in which one word is put for another that suggests; cause and
effect, container and thing contained, object and things signified, and author and his book are often
interchanged in this figure.


There is death (poison) in the cup.

Please address the chair (chairman)

13. Paradox:is the presentation of true but seemingly contradictory ideas.


Love your enemy (Bible)

14. Oxymoron: is a compact paradox, one in which two successive words apparently contradict each


Life is full of constant inconstancy.

15. Climax: is the arrangement of words or ideas according to their degree of importance; this, the
last set appears most valuable.


"I came, I saw, I conquered" (Julius Caesar)

16. Anti-climax: is the real apparent or ludicrous decrease in the importance of impressiveness of
what is said. It is opposite to a climax.


He lost his shoelace, his house chores to ashes, his wife even abandoned him.


🌼A. Misplaced modifier (an error in sentence structure)

= a modifier is misplaced if it appears to modify the wrong part of the sentence, or of we cannot be
certain what part of the sentence the writer intended to modify.

Confusing: He was unhappy that he failed to break the record by a narrow margin.

Clear: He was unhappy that he failed by narrow margin to break the record.

Confusing: The mayor was able to cut the ribbon and then the band played when someone found the

Clear: When someone found the scissors, the mayor was able to cut the ribbon and the band played.
🌼B. Dangling modifier(an error in sentence structure)

= a dangling modifier does not sensibly modify anything in its sentence.

Dangling: Being crowded in the car, the trip was uncomfortable.

Revised: Being crowded in the car, we were uncomfortable.

Dangling: While still in the hospital, the stitches were removed from Raymond's wound.

Revised: While still in the hospital, Raymond had the stitches removed from his wound.

While Raymond was still in the hospital, the stitches were removed from his wound.

🌼Parellelism: (the balance of the sentence structure)

= in grammar, parallelism is the uniformity of two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses.


Not parallel: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle.

Parallel: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicycle.

Not parallel: The production manager was asked to report quickly, accurately, and in detailed.

Parallel: The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and thoroughly.

Study Notes in English 🌼

AV+PPFV - Auxiliary verb + Past participle form of the verb (has, have, had)

EV+SFV - Emphatic verb + Simple form of the verb (do, does, did)

LV+PPFV - Linking verb + Past participle form of the verb (is, are, were, am)

MV + SFV - Modal verb + Simple form of the verb (should, could, would, can)

List of Philippine Fathers Main article: Philippine Fathers Andres Bonifacio ("Father of Philippine
Revolution", "Father of the Katipunan")

Aquilino "Nene" Pimentel, Jr. ("Father of Philippine Local Autonomy")

Arturo Alcaraz ("Father of Geothermal Development")

Arturo M. Tolentino ("Father of the Philippine Archipelagic Doctrine")

Dr. Augusto D. Litonjua ("Father of Philippine Endocrinology")

Blas Ople ("Father of Overseas Employment")

Carlos Bulosan ("Father of Filipino American Literature")

Carlos P. Garcia ("Father of the Filipino First Policy")

Cecilio Lopez ("Father of Philippine Linguistics")

ChavitSingson ("Father of Edsa Dos")

Claro M. Recto ("Father of the Philippine Constitution")

Crisanto Evangelista ("Father of the Philippine Trade Union Movement")

DiosdadoMacapagal ("Father of the Philippine Career Foreign Service Corps")

Eduardo Masferre ("Father of Philippine Photography")

ElpidioQuirino ("Father of Philippine Industry")

Fidel Ramos ("Father of Philippine Democracy","Father of the Philippine Army Special Forces")

Francisco Balagtas ("Father of Tagalog Dialect", "Father of the Tagalog Poem")

Dr. Francisco M. Fronda ("Father of Poultry Science in the Philippines")

Dr.Geminiano T. De Ocampo ("Father of Modern Philippine Ophthalmology")

Gerardo de Leon ("Father of Philippine Cinema")

Dr. Gregorio Singian ("Father of Philippine Surgery")

Henry Sy, Sr. ("Father of Philippine Retailing")

Ildefonso Santos ("Father of Philippine Landscape Architecture")

Isabelo de los Reyes ("Father of Philippine Labor Union Movement", "Father of the Philippine
Socialism", "Father of Ilocano Journalism")

Joey "Pepe" Smith ("Father of Pinoy Rock")

Jose Avelino ("Father of the Philippine Workmen's Compensation Law")

Jose Y. Campos ("Father of the Philippine Pharmaceutical Industry")

Jose Nepumuceno ("Father of Philippine Movies")

Jose Rizal ("Father of Philippine Nationalism", "Father of Modern Tagalog Orthography", "Father of
Philippine Children’s Literature")

Joseph Estrada ("Father of the Masses")

JovitoSalonga ("Father of Philippine Liberalism")

Julian Felipe ("Father of Philippine National Anthem")

Julian Manansala ("Father of the Nationalistic Film")

Dr. Leon Ma. Guerrero ("Father of Philippine Pharmacy")

Lito Molina ("Father of Philippine Jazz")

MacarioAdriatico ("Father of Manila City Charter")

Manuel L. Quezon ("Father of Philippine Independence", "Father of the Philippine Republic", "Father
of the Philippine National Language")

Marcelo delPilar ("Father of Philippine Journalism", "Father of Philippine Masonry")

Napoleon Abueva ("Father of Modern Philippine Sculpture")

NicanorAbelardo ("Father of Philippine Sonata")

Dr. Pedro Escuro ("Father of the Philippine Rice Breeding Program")

Philip Vera Cruz ("Father of Filipino America")

Dr. Quintin J. Gomez ("Father of Anesthesia in the Philippines")

Remy Amador Presas ("Father of Modern Arnis")

Roberto Verzola ("Father of Philippine Email")

Rodolfo Biazon ("Father of Philippine Housing") Samie Lim ("Father of Philippine Franchising")

Dr. Victor A. Reyes ("Father of Philippine Neurosurgery")

William Torres ("Father of the Philippine Internet")

Here are some of the salient points in the Philippine History:

• The first book published in the Philippines was Doctrina Cristiana.

• The Father of Ilocano Literature is Pedro Bukaneg.

• The Father of Tagalog Poetry is Francisco Baltazar.

• Lola Basyang is the pen name of Severino Reyes.

• The first and longest running komiks series in the Philippines is Kenkoy (Liwayway Magasin,1929)

• The Father of Pampango Literature who wrote "There is no God" is Juan Crisostomo Soto.

• The oldest existing newspaper in the Philippines since the 1900 is Manila Bulletin.

• The Father of Modern Tagalog Poetry is Alejandro Abadilla.

• The work of Bonifacio which tells the history of the Philippines Ang Dapat Mabatid ng mga Tagalog.

• He wrote the popular fable The Monkey and the Turtle - Jose Rizal

• This is known as Andres Bonifacio's Ten Commandments of the Katipunan - The Decalogue.

• Rizal's model for Pilosopong Tasyo was Paciano Rizal.

• The following characters created by Rizal reflect his own personality except Simoun (El

• The line "whoever knows not how to love his native tongue is worse than any beast or even smelly
fish" To My Fellow Childred

• Rizal's pen name - Dimasalang, Laong-Laan

• Taga-ilog is Juan Luna's Pen name.

• The first filipino alphabet was called Alibata

• Baybayin - The first filipino alphabet consisted of 15 Letters

• This is a song about love - Talindaw

• Awit ng mga taong hindi naimbetahan sa kainan - Colado

• He was known for his `Memoria Fotografica` - Jose Ma. Panganiban

• He is known as the `poet of the workers or laborers` - Amado Hernandez

• Ilocano balagtasan is called Bukanegan

• Visayan epic about good manners and right conduct - Maragtas

• The father of Filipino newspaper is Pascual Poblete

• Lupang Tinubuan is considered to be the best story written during Japanese Period. The author is
Narciso Reyes

• The original title of Ibong Adarna was Corido at Buhay na Pinagdaanan ng Tatlong Prinsipeng Anac
ng Haring Fernando at Reyna Valeriana sa Caharian Berbania

• Pan de Regla - First filipino bread

• The Great Plebian - Andres Bonifacio

• The Father of the Katipunan - Andres Bonifacio

• Hero of the Tirad Pass Battle - Gregorio Del Pilar

• President of the First Philippine Republic - General Emilio Aguinaldo

• Brains of the Philippine Revolution - Apolinario Mabini

• Martyred Priests in 1872 - GOMBURZA

• Brains of the Katipunan - Emilio Jacinto

• Co-founder of La Independencia - General Antonio Luna

• Mother of Balintawak - Melchora Aquino

• Greatest Filipino Orator of the Propaganda Movement - Graciano Lopez- Jaena

• First Filipino Cannon-maker - Pandar Pira

• Managing Editor of La Solidaridad - Mariano Ponce

• Lakambini of Katipunan - Gregoria de Jesus

• Poet of the Revolution - Fernando Ma. Guerrero

• Outstanding Diplomat of the First Philippine Republic - Felipe Agoncillo

• First University of the Philippines President - Rafael Palma

• Greatest Filipino Painter - Juan Luna

• Greatest Journalist of the Propaganda Movement - Marcelo H. del Pilar

• First Filipino Poetess - Leona Florentino

• Peace of the Revolution - Pedro Paterno

• Founder of Philippine Socialism - Isabelo Delos Reyes

• Viborra - Artemio Ricarte

• Author of the Spanish lyrics of the Philippine National Anthem - Jose Palma

• Composer of the Philippine National Anthem - Julian Felipe

• Chief of Tondo - Lakandola

• The Last Rajah of Manila - Rajah Soliman

• Fiancée of Jose Rizal - Leonor Rivera

• Maker of the First Filipino Flag - Marcela Agoncillo

• Co-founder of Katipunan - Galicano Apacible

• Leader of the Ilocano Revolt - Diego Silang

• First Filipino Hero: Lapu-Lapu

• Leader of the Longest Revolt in Bohol - Francisco Dagohoy

• The Man of Many Talents - Epifanio Delos Santos

• Prince of Tagalog Poets - Francisco Baltazar

• Visayan Joan of Arc - Teresa Magbanua

• Mother of Biak-na-Bato - Trinidad Tecson

• Wife of Artemio Ricarte - Agueda EstebanLeader of the Tarlac Revolt: Gen. Francisco Makabulos

• Spaniards born in the Philippines - Insulares

• Leader of Magdalo - Baldomero Aguinaldo

• Leader of Magdiwang - Mariano Alvarez

• Founder of La Liga Filipina - Jose Rizal

• Painter of the Spolarium - Juan Luna

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