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ISSN 1064-5624, Doklady Mathematics, 2018, Vol. 98, No. 2, pp. 526–531. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2018.

Original Russian Text © A.A. Akaev, V.A. Sadovnichii, 2018, published in Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2018, Vol. 482, No. 3.


Mathematical Models for Calculating the Development Dynamics

in the Era of Digital Economy
Foreign Member of the RAS A. A. Akaeva,* and Academician of the RAS V. A. Sadovnichiib
Received April 26, 2018

Abstract—Mathematical models for practical calculations of technological progress (total productivity of

production factors) and economic growth in the era of widespread digitalization and robotization of national
economies, where the main factor of production is technological information, are developed and verified. For
this purpose, models using different modes of information production are proposed for the first time. It is
shown that the economic effect of the digitalization of an economy will not come immediately, but with a lag
of about eight years. For the US economy, forecast calculations show that this will happen in 2022–2026 with
total productivity increasing by 1.1 percentage points up to 2.5% per year.

DOI: 10.1134/S106456241806011X

Information communication technology (ICT) has [4]. Finally, in the late 1990s, the US economy exhib-
become a major resource for the acceleration of tech- ited the dynamic growth of the labor productivity, on
nological progress and economic growth in the 21st average, by up to 2.8% per year, against 1.5% in 1990–
century. M. Hirooka conclusively showed that ICT 1995, which was caused, to a large degree, by the wide-
had become major innovation technologies and tech- spread use of ICT [5]. This, in turn, led to the corre-
nological infrastructure connecting the fifth (1982– sponding growth of the ICT fraction in the added
2018) and the sixth (2018–2050) Kondratieff long value (GDP), which occurred in all developed coun-
waves (KLWs) in the global economic development. tries in the late 1990s (see Fig. 1).
ICT is based on computers and key Internet informa-
tion technologies. Brynjolfsson and his colleagues A similar effect will also be observed in the era of
were the first to answer the question as to why the eco- digital economy, since digital technologies are also of
nomic effect of using ICT and, in particular, comput- general-purpose type and will be widely used in all
ers is observed with a considerable time lag rather than spheres of economy, management, and public life.
immediately [1]. They showed that this phenomenon The intensive development of ICT and NBIC tech-
agrees with the hypothesis viewing ICT as general- nologies has led to the creation of intellectual comput-
purpose technologies, which require a particular time ers and robots, thing Internet, and industrial Internet.
The Internet facilitated the revolution of digital plat-
lag for the formation of a technical-economic environ-
forms as a new platform model of business and pro-
ment (paradigm), where their response is manifested
moted networking forms of business organization and,
as an increase in the labor productivity and the eco- through it, a new digital economy. Thus, the digital
nomic growth rate [2]. In the USA, which is the leader
in the development and use of ICT, this moment
occurred only in the mid-1990s [3], although the frac- %
tion of investments into ICT was high enough (about 6.5
6%) in the 1970–1980s. 6.0

5.5 Japan
In the late 1980s, the productivity paradox was for-
mulated by the Nobel Prize winner R. Solow, who said 5.0 Community
that the era of computers can be seen everywhere 4.5 Eurozone
around ourselves, but not in the growth of productivity 4.0
Institute of Complex System Mathematical Research, 2.5
Moscow State University, Moscow, 119992 Russia 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
b Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State
University, Moscow, 119991 Russia Fig. 1. ICT fraction of the added value in the national
*e-mail: income (GDP).


economy and Industry 4.0 are a natural development ⎡t ⎤

of information industry, but at a higher technology
level. Accordingly, the nearest decade will be devoted ⎣⎢ T0

Y (t ) = Y0 exp ⎢ qY (τ) d τ⎥
to intensive formation of digital platform infrastruc-
ture in order to more quickly overcome the critical or
threshold barrier, behind which the digital economy
will begin to facilitate an increase in the labor produc- ⎡t ⎤
tivity and the economic growth rate, as was observed
⎣⎢ T0

A(t ) = A0 exp ⎢ q A (τ) d τ⎥ .
in ICT in the 1990s.
Here and above, we mean the technological level
1. PRODUCTION FUNCTION IN THE ERA A (t ) averaged over the entire economy, which is
OF DIGITAL ECONOMY uniquely determined by the high technological level of
To describe long-term economic dynamics in a newly formed innovation industries and sectors (in
technologically developed country, we can use the our case, this is the digital economy branch) Ad (t ) [7].
classical Cobb–Douglas production function with Thus, our problem is reduced to determining the
labor-saving technological progress [6, p. 142]: function Ad (t ) , which describes the trajectory of
Y = γK α ( AL ) , (1) motion of the technological level of the digital econ-
omy, or the rate of its growth q Ad (t ) . As a baseline
where Y (t ) is the current amount of the national model for calculating the rate of technological prog-
income (GDP), K (t ) is capital, L (t ) is the number of ress in the information digital industry, we use the
people occupied in the economy, A (t ) is technological information model proposed by Yablonskii [8, p. 163]:
progress, α is the surplus fraction in GDP, δ is a I d SAd
parameter characterizing the increasing return to the q Ad (t ) = ξ = ξεd (t ) qS (t ) , (3)
production scale (δ > 0), and γ is a constant normal- K d S Ad
izing coefficient. where I d (t ) are the current investments in the fixed
This is explained by the fact that a digital economy capital K d (t ) of the information digital industry;
is an actual economy in which a key role in a increase
in the labor productivity is played by digital technolo- S Ad (t ) is a function describing the dynamics of accu-
gies and platforms. In production function (1), the mulation of industrial technological knowledge,
capital ( K ) and labor ( L ) can be described by conven- I S
which determines Ad (t ) ; εd (t ) = d ;  qS = Ad ; and ξ
tional methods and models [6]. However, the techno- Kd S Ad
logical progress A (t ) cannot be described by conven- is a constant tuning coefficient taking into account the
tional models [6, Chapter 3], since they do not contain R&D characteristics in the industry.
the main factor of information and a fortiori digital However, formula (3) is not valid, since it does not
economy, namely, the rate of production of techno- take into account the correspondence of the dimen-
logical information. Below, we propose mathematical sions on the right- and left-hand sides of the equation.
models for calculating technological progress in an On the basis of the π theorem in the theory of dimen-
information digital economy based on the use of the sions [9], formula (3) has to be written as
rate of technological information production.
Logarithmically differentiating production func- q Ad (t ) = ξ εd (t ) qS (t ) . (4)
tion (1), we can write it in the rate form
Thus, given the law of variation in industrial tech-
qY = α qK + (1 − α + δ)( qA + qL ) , (2) nological knowledge S Ad (t ) in the information digital
where industry, the contribution of the industry to the rate of
technological progress can be calculated using for-
qY = Y ; qK = K ;  qL = L ; and  q A = A . mula (4), since data characterizing the degree of
Y K L A renewal of the fixed capital εd (t ) are available in vari-
As was noted above, methods for computing the ous databases, for example, at the OECD site [10].
rates of capital accumulation ( qK ) and the variation in The prognostic function of the relative investments
the number of workers ( qL ) are well known [6]. For εd (t ) can be obtained by approximating retrospective
this reason, we focus on the contribution of technolog- data with the subsequent extrapolation, as shown in
ical progress ( q A ) to the rate of economic growth ( qY ) . Fig. 2 as applied to the US economy. Inspection of
Fig. 2 shows that the sought function is well approxi-
If one of Eq. (1) or (2) is known, then the other is mated by a linear function:
easy to obtain. For example, given qY (2), we easily
find εd (t ) = ε0 + ε1 (t − T0 ) , (5)



where T0 = 1982, ε0 = 0.09 , and ε1 = 0.002 . The local 0.25

outliers in the data in the years 2000, 2005, and 2009
are explained by investments nonmaterialized in capi- 0.20
tal because of the crisis phenomena. 0.15
According to Kurzweil [11, pp. 491–496], the
accumulation of industrial technological knowledge 0.10
in the information digital industry S Ad (t ) obeys an 0.05
exponential law:
Sd (t ) = Sd 0 exp [ g (t )] . (6) 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Most studies deal with the simplest case, where
g (t ) = g0t and g0 = const : Fig. 2. Dynamics of the ratio of investments to the produc-
tion capital in the information digital industry of the econ-
Sd (t ) = Sd 0 exp ( g0t ) .

We consider the general case. Therefore, for the

calculation of the rate of technological information L ( g, g, t ) = g 2e−2 g .
production (6), we have
S The corresponding Lagrange equation has the
 qSd (t ) = d = g (t ) . (6a)
Sd form g = g 2 . The solution of this equation with the
Finally, in view of (6a), formula (4) becomes initial conditions g  (t = 0) = g0  and g = (t = 0) = ν0
leads to a hyperbolic increase in the rates of growth of
q Ad (t ) = ξ εd (t ) g (t ) . (7) information production:


Actual modes of information production in mod- ⎛ ⎞
ern society have been addressed in numerous works. g (t ) = g0 − ln ⎜1 − t ⎟ , TS = 1 , (9b)
For example, they are tabulated in [12, Chapter 1, ⎝ TS ⎠ ν0
pp. 41–90]; additionally, [12] provides Lagrangian
functions producing a number of practically important where TS is a singularity point. Equation (9a) resem-
modes of information production, which will be used bles the hyperbolic equation of demographic dynam-
in the subsequent presentation. For our purposes, the ics, which was first derived by von Foerster, Mora, and
following four modes of technological information Amiot [13] with a singularity point at TS = 2026. In
production are of primary interest. reality, the explosive demographic growth was
2.1. Constant mode. In this case, information is replaced by a stabilization mode—demographic tran-
produced with a constant growth rate g = ν0 = const. sition. The same occurred for the mode of information
The Lagrangian has the form production in the fifth KLW, when a smoothly varying
logistic growth was observed instead of explosive
L( g, g, t ) = g 2. growth (9). We assume that a blow mode with the sub-
The corresponding Lagrange equation sequent stabilization will also occur in the sixth KLW.

d ∂L − ∂L = 
2.3. Mode with stabilization. This mode is a combi-
dt ∂g ∂g nation of the blowup mode g ~ e g , which occurs at the
has the solution initial stage development, and the constant mode
g (t ) = g0 + ν0t, g0 = ν0. (8) g = const at the final stage: g ~ e g . The Lagrang-
1+ e
In this case, Sd (t ) = Sd 0 exp ( ν0t ). The accumulation ian is
of industrial technological knowledge obeys the sim-
2 −2 g
plest exponential law characterizing a steady state g e
within a single KLW. L( g, g, t ) = ,
1 − g
2.2. Blowup mode. The rate of growth of informa-
tion production increases exponentially with its accu- and the Lagrange equation is
mulation [11, p. 492], i.e., g ~ e g . This mode is asso-
ciated with the Lagrangian g = g 2 (1 − g ) .



% known [10], substituting the complete analytical

expression for g (t ) from (10) into (7), we obtain an
1.4 US

1.2 equation for determining g (t ) , i.e., the exponential

1.0 growth rate for technological information in (6):
⎛ ⎞ ξ2 ε ( t )
0.6 g (t ) = g0 + 1 ⎜ t − 1 ⎟ + 2 2d . (11)
s g ⎝ ν0 ⎠ s g q Ad (t )
0.2 On the other hand, according to Varakin’s empiri-
0 cal information economic law [15], the amount of
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 technological information (6) is proportional to the
added value generated by the information industry YIE
Fig. 3. Contribution of ICT to the total productivity of
labor. (see Fig. 1):

Sd (t ) = Sd 0 exp [ g (t )] = ωYIE (t ) ,
The solution is usually scaled to make it adequate
for the considered problem. For this purpose, we where ω is a coefficient. It follows that
introduce the new variables
g (t ) = ω + ln YIE (t ) , ω = ln ω .
1 1
g1 1 (12)
g= , t=t , Sd 0
sg st
where s g and st are constant factors. The most fre- First, using formula (9), we find ν0 = 1 . Indeed,
quently used value is st = 1, which will also be used 14
below. 1
ν0 = , and the information industry of the US econ-
The scaled solution of the last Lagrange equation TS
has the form omy, which began to form in 1982 with the beginning
of the economic boom in the fifth KLW, did not make
− s g (t )
g (t ) = 1 [1 + c1e g ]−1, an appreciable contribution to the productivity growth
sg until 1996 [3], i.e., for 14 years, as can easily be seen in
⎛1 ⎞ Fig. 1. Now we determine the coefficient s g . Since the
c1 = e ⎜ ν − 1⎟ ;
s g g0

⎝ 0 ⎠ third term in Eq. (11) makes a small contribution, in

the stabilization mode, it is described by the linear part
− s g (t )
t = s g g (t ) − c1e g + c2, of Eq. (11), which coincides with function (8). As a
c2 = 1 − 1 − s g g0. result, s g ≅ 1 = 14. Next, maximally fitting func-
ν0 ν0
It can be seen from Eq. (10a) that the production of tions (11) and (12) to each other by applying the least
technological information increases monotonically squares method, we estimate the other two parame-
according to the logistic law at a variable rate, since, as ters: g0 = 2.77 and ξ = 0.07.
follows from Eq. (10b), g (t ) is not a strictly linear 2.4. Blowup mode with return to a steady state. In
function of t. this development scenario, the process follows a
It this mode of technological information produc-
tion that was observed in the fifth KLW (1982–2018). blowup mode ( g ~ e g ) at the initial stage; by inertia,
Indeed, Fig. 3 shows that the function q Ad (t ) calcu- proceeds beyond the stationary level ( g = const ) ; and,
lated using formulas (7) and (10) coincides, up to a after reaching a maximum value gm , returns to a steady
high determination coefficient (R 2 = 0.998), with the state. This mode can be described by the relation
curve of actual points characterizing the ICT contri- eg
bution to the rate of technological progress [10]. To g ~ , where c ( g ) is the deceleration func-
1 + c (g)e
overlap the plot of q Ad (t ) on the actual data, we
tion, which, in the simplest case, has the form c(g) =
needed to determine the initial data g0 and ν0 and the
scaling multiplier s g , which are involved in the func- 1 − 1 e−αg , where α = const  and α ≠ 1; moreover,
tion g (t ) (see (10)). first was required as. Since the in the limit as α → 0 , we obtain the blowup mode,
actual data q Ad (t ) over the fifth KLW (1982–2018) are while, as α → ∞ , the stabilization mode occurs. This



mode is produced by the Lagrangian L( g, g, t ) = %

g 2e−2 g 3.0
and the corresponding Lagrange equation DE D = 0.005
1 − с ( g ) g 2.5
has the form
2.0 D = 0.015
⎧ ⎡ ⎤⎫
g = g 2 ⎨1 − g ⎢с ( g ) + dc ⎥ ⎬ .
 D = 0.008
⎩ ⎣ dg ⎦⎭ 1.5 NPT
The scaled solution of this equation is given by
−αs g g 1.0 ICT
⎛ −s g ⎞
g = 1 ⎜1 − e + c1e g ⎟ ;
sg ⎝ 1 − α ⎠ 0.5
− s g g1
s g ⎛ ⎞
c1 = e g 1 ⎜ 1 − 1 + e ;
1 − α ⎟⎠
⎝ ν1 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
1996 2005 2014 2022 2026
−αs g
−s g
t = sg g + e − c1e g + c2;
α (1 − α ) (12b) Fig. 4. Contribution of ICT and digital technologies in the
total productivity of labor.
−αs g
c2 = − 1 − s g g1 − 1 e g 1.
ν1 α
Here, ν1 = g (t = 2018) and g1 = g (t = 2018) are the way, all values q Ad (t ) are calculated and the curve
initial values for the production of technological infor- characterizing the contribution of the digital economy
is constructed. This curve is presented in Fig. 4 as an
mation in the sixth KLW and s g is a rescaling coeffi- extension of the logistic curve (1982–2018) depicting
cient. According to this scenario of growth with return, the contribution of the information economy.
the population of certain countries is stabilized in the
21st century. Inspection of Fig. 4 shows that a noticeable contri-
bution to the US digital economy will begin to be
It should be expected that, in the coming years, the exhibited only in 2022. Moreover, the productivity in
production of technological knowledge will develop 2022–2026 will grow in a jump by about 1.1 percentage
according to the blowup scenario under the influence
points (for α = 0.008 ), while the similar ascent in the
of revolutionary digital technologies with artificial
preceding fifth KLW was smooth and extended over
intelligence elements. However, then, the process will
12 years (1996–2008) roughly the same pattern will be
be affected by deceleration forces associated with
observed in other developed countries. Since the digi-
resource and other limiters. As a result, the blowup
tal industry in the US economy overcame the 5%-level
mode with the subsequent stabilization will occur. To
necessary for establishing an innovation industry in
calculate the contribution of the digital economy to
2014 and the economic effect will be observed in
the rate of technological progress in the sixth KLW
2022–2026, the time lag is about eight years.
(2018–2050) by using formula (7), we first need to
determine the initial values g1 and ν1 and the parame-
Note that the values of the coefficients ξ and s g This work was performed at the Institute of Com-
found for the fifth KLW are preserved in the sixth plex System Mathematical Research of Moscow State
KLW, and the prognostic values of εd (t ) are calculated University and was supported by the Russian Science
using formula (5) by its extrapolation. The initial value Foundation, project no. 14-11-00634.
g1 = g (t = 2018) is calculated by formula (11):
g1 = 5.3. Since the logistic function (10a) is symmet- REFERENCES
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