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Nw"' 5509 ·7 Docld:
. . 32989551
. .. ·.P,age 2
King expressed

t:::i- his
- •
regret that
he could ___
.. "':=>c~- ~~--
• "!:.
- _ ......
any time.
-._::ic._-_,. -- - ~~--~

~.,I zf
on September
,r•¥tt W J"
r.11111t.,__,....~-.~~,_n.•---=--- • -

In addition to his regular girl friends, King has had

:Y'JG: ?iYCm;e:, ·p_ ~S:Jl'.C~•--:?F·::ftlV?t r·~-~~-~~-s:':_~~~1-

NW 55097 Do c ld : 329 8 9551 Page 15 ...

. ·. .•• ..... . d
a par v:men1.,f an at King's home in Ktlanta whe~ his f ·abily . is a ~r2.

King apparently tries to ·teep these rencezvous clandestine, '~mt.


some bf his affairs have cc □ e to the atte~tic~ of his .associates~/

.~ (t.• .f'.'5~-~7,~J'A\~1;~~~~~7,;~~~F"'i/.S!l!'~~r~@.('F~!~~e~
c ,._, <.-</U "'- · l,
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time. _he. gg_~$ . ther<s- 9, _Sl-\_e~.:e.1,-

,$0 _ see _ _tttm in Atlanta. For the past
t a ·· ':ft> .rn►V\3"=·t , ¥ies:Si~ ;:;;g~~~~~~-;a;~.A,~~~~Q~~~~~1r~~~W.!;:r~;~~JJhY¥1~~
( ~.0.0.,1'1.Q._~
In . J.95 4, h e : · g c. u e ·a r. o t -~e r se ue :·al -
\\ '·\,. · ·· ~?· •-m -, ·nh:a:~:£~"Yt'~~ ~ -o/,~~~~Q&~~~~ ~ .r$
$~~~&.~~~~ ~~-~~i
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en C /YE't.~;i~~~Jt.;~~~-~
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·')g , 5
·. . \ . . . . . . ·.

entertain~enf~ Duri~f.Kir.g's Fcfis ~r:u in 19 55, he soen t ouer

C Nb bl .. •-~~"(.{'~~~~~~$~¥Jr-'.:.i-4t"!'~~~-~~~~ ~1,
~.Ji ~JNt.r,

·$600 ·.,;n c c 1-1s to

----~~·~-..,_.,.. ..-.,,~~7'""''-~-;-""n,,..__..,~;.,,;,;7~"1:z:-~,~:~-"
r,...~..!......_ - 1 /' ·/ /~ tJ ; ,, / 1 , ,1 .;: , .- /, /'- (J ?..1 L, v,...,.-\..r.,;--_ (,i•L/\ _
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•/:,~ ..~"i, U:~"~ ~ ~ ";;t.l
.t~~ !it:'. ·--~-

2:~ ~i
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..~....-~~ .
-·,-.~.=·; -.~4.....
Will 2:--- -r:z&:r(-----mb:-eer -
· .r- :::. .\::~


- --····

NW 55091 Docld: 329895 ':Sl Page 11 ....


The the

iKr .,,(,
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egually dividsd ~2bi2en • ¥!, "

.parti6ipated in a ssx argy ·-t_;:~~~

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NW .5509 ·7 Docid:329895 .51 Page 18
' ,,. ..,

to be
~ - "··

of King's sex orgies duri~g ')·7

-: '
.6;. ~.-ltll t 2 - .... ~ .. ::•. - ;_ ..
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NW 55 09 ·1
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Dpcid: 3 .2989551 Page 19-
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c, ~. _r-_ ._:6

. ,t..·1•_. ·t

·- -On the hight bsf :ore was to receive the l'fob2l
Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, in . December, 1964, the police wer~

called to King's hotel because a white prostitute was · caught

and dc, ..m the h2ll s ....-
_vf'.!.8 ( 7.,, c ~ ~ .,..,.1.. ;:::,
.,..:,C::..;...,l, _ 1 _;._, 1?
__ l r; / c/L_
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Luther Kin~)
A soci2.l g=..t :~2
r :_::! g ,•,·:::.:: Oslo , n -· .. - ....
. •.,.!,.i..,:_- I

In ~2.:rty, cf

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c<, n -~.
lite cf -; - . ·-
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!-: .i :: ;: f s .. ! .:
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15 ye2rs, .-:2."!;
King's .....
:if'e of
~~ Corette., n2.s csen 2. 0


-··-----·-- __ 1 . - --·· · -·---- - · ·- - - - - · ••• · -- -
- ,.. . . ................... . _..........·- -·- -··

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~~ con tent just_ to_ b,e,,J1r~!.,,)J 9.r ,.tJ,n~ill11i,tl<l'e,:i;ftdl!K:-i'-'Bg.

·t;;.~% --;;.',:t{
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occ .l <, ,~ i.J

"res ponsi bili ties" 2.1".d on one ~::, .;.,,~--i:,-G-nhas re □arked th2. t if he
~r,:. p ,·m-rJ"'·;.-r::tti1't-1¥tbiil~~~ :r~~~~~ ..~~~ :.'.ft!C'a~"':t\~
~* ...i:..:.-£~i;.:..'dt:::-..
.~£~~'!.-i'4:!~Eii~.J" rl:";J~+t:i:;-.."'tJ~t-.,.;o;~~,...~

spent ten hours a month at heme, this would ~e an exaggeratio2.

-~..-{• ·:-.· \·,,l... l ,L' • • ;;·,i ..-::#'i.~· >iw.~ ., -~~
·:•b'.U.t ....,~-1:.: .mttt \:..,;.~:::-J,1dc-;,_.~"l!"~:
1~. $.A.~;-3.,-:,~\~
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Another she cue stioned him as tc his

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Docid:32 98955 1 Page 21

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·.A . YthO h.t(f:! tu.rnished

C•;>iti'i,:k2Utit:tl: OOU.J,:'-:;;e ~l1t-.b1~
:h1toi---.,11fition in th9. ,r.;.tiErt .,~{l '?tho J1olilil ; a r~~s:p~?l.::~ix>.l:i·
wLth :~,~/?~i
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,;;.:~.i~i..t.h il·'lo ·~:-al white pf..(,~;ti ti1to.
·rtr·o~rti t.uto Jiact 1/·t~!;e.i•ied ~lOOo .{lO ·f,,i~ !~;.;~ z-2 . t1a-.r,,~ict~-~-. i~f·t~r
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m:u.: .t}own.,·ce A ?12(.;t "ili tl1 her at 3 ..m. ~ llliy . J. G11·. 19'64 11 . ~.;1ct
lrta2 .ncd tt1;; &~·(ll'C":1in~ ·infci;,ntH:m
<'::2 "11 hid 1 1D i;-at : :e~th belo~1
tt:iJ :t.t sr,,:;.,cii:.n.siu li-0:.u..:r,ie /:,,,.°s 'lE';t."itten -stat.em.ent: stutccl tlmt _-nb--out 2 ~~!a.,, on April 27, -19&•f

t;t~!1Q ~~n..
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hotolB nnd to1ct to go to t1 t~ Few .fr,;)nticr ·1:r:.~tel nn.d -·
f:~ ·O ·(:~1ara :.t?;,Htt (, ·:-J;.ft[} ·tli !,;: Cl .~'a 17Ztl,-(i"tfin~~i~:t"S-9·. a
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t'i.U•G.i~t ; h~Z'··Hf~ .lf ~o·, Cla!"a · W:":i-t'i ha:~{ted lt~r i;lOQ<
&1!-d iiid · 0 I .fo~V~:;) u. cou n lo of !r.ic ,n,ds in to;;.m th .. t
w-trulcl -lil:::.e to -r4;et ;,~:11.1 " ilnd · h.nv0 you ta.t.;.o: cru.~ of -
tl ,.~f!~" 6 (;,~la:t~.a ·cl~3...(t ·t.~v,• ll · s·-~-~
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·{ii;~ d,.c'-;,;M<trllc:onr~irl!I ncil h<:r.

ip11~ nor conciusions of
f,•,.:'i,;,rnw;i,hl ,.

tii(•.f.'l:L ,Jt i~ :he r,rnp,.'rty of ' . :. ".:

the Viii 11111Ii~ h:rnt"d t11 ~-,;,urogr.:~cy;
it iHal !t:,'-.i.:o:·,ti:nts:~1rt'.i11)l ,tu bu .'
tliFt!·il,utl'd out~idi.! your :1,!cncy.
.....· .. . . -DOWNGRADEDTO
,, ·.

. . ··•·•..sECRE·T ·
• '..J _ .

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&r.. ~$ ..,. ,..~-.
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°Cl~l'"tk W&rd then t"K;k . this

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pi:m:rt:1 t:tr~e,, .·.·


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11.av~fr ii~~i!.;r ~s u,.··~t:·ry t{~ftl~l · t.~;~~ienct. ~1l;.1> t,c~~1~~u
<1£;;Z;fC!ti;r ill the . li::}e ; tit th(.; 'i1:·opicetlill111

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;t~~l i.... t h!-;....fJ·'"\}1Jt<:~r:)f1 -tt:t'\;:,a,
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~ ~-~~ttict1 1

,:;·t~~t a i1i~: •· w,ifl o
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. i~o1d 0tt1l -tt~~tt· ho, the ~;•:lJttnei· 11 told l:tim lw ·\";oul d .
.lJ~. ~Jsi~~iJApn;; tty : ?~v~:,tl o
.At this i:tt~~ 1){.tt?1 th~ itcv • · lri.1.'.).[;; a:nd G.l;;.1.·@;l1;:u-.;i
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Docld: 32989551 · P..~ge 76.

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_.•--~# To!~on __
Deln1ont __
Mohr __ _

... I - • Cosp\.•r __
Collchan ____ _
Con,.,J __ _

Ce-Loach __
Eva ·ns __ _
Get .. __ _
TO DATE: J.1ay ·27 1 1964 Rosen __
_Sullivan __
. . .
Tave( __ _
: .. ..

Trotter __ _
Tele. Room __
FROl\·f ---·Jmm ·Holmes __ _
~- J. F.
; f :, . ~'
... Candy __ _

P.'"i'V us ...t•
·.'_/ _S llB'ECT: ,__ c··o·r:TU]r-TI ST n., ... . . I
.- ";b/ n-1,,-,;,,, /
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CO!.I1JUNIST Ili::TL1JCNCE IN RACIAL HATTERS -. v ...-;-._:· /J___,,
.J · f • ...,r>I · C".
.IS - C .- .• .


Radiograms 5/21-22/64 d~ted

£rom Atlanta i~4icat;th~t
l!artin' Luther King, Jr. , is to be in s~.n Francisco fro:11 Hay 23
to May 31, 1964. It was indicated that King and his party wouJ.d
probably stay at the Sheraton P~lace Hotel while-in San Francisco.
• I spoke to Sl.C Lynum, San Fr~ncisco•, 5/26/64 and told hi:iu
that it ~2s desired that coverage be afforded King during this
current visit. SAC Lynu1;1 advised thc"..t San Fra!,cjsco ·was considerin~
~ what possible covera ~e could be given to Kin; as hnd been handle~
.P _, by ti!2.t oliicc on a previous visit of King's in April, 1SG1. He
.-....\~ ~ stated th<'..t coverr.. 6 e Yi".:>uldonly be considered if . co::,plete ri.i:d full
_) ,, ;":security co:.ild be ~ssure:d.
... . .. ._
,_ .. ··- ·
' stated thr.t he would be in touch ¥ri th the Bn:::-cc:.l! J_...'

· ..,.i,-
:/ in connection with the e:fforts of the S2.n E'r~:;cisco office to ·-·
,;,-·<~ ' effect cove1·age of King during this current visit.
;: :: >I r' \

; ~};-~ ACTIO:~r your _infor~:ttion. /i V~;//

. . 01·
y ~
JFB: 1ml, (5)

1 - J.!r. Sulli v2. !1

·l ~ !~r • B2.u:-:c;$J.rc.:ner
1 - J!r • G:.irlc:,
1 Er. Philli:;s

Page 78
- -
J.;Jay18, 1964

ATTN: C. R. La F',ance, Chief, Investigations_ ..

~)SJAJ·: . :..$&9i;sz:,SII~ U&a'd :SHEN ;;:swsn~/61$ QS,-.-~ .. - ~

.Re: Martin Luther King

Information received by tlzis Agent indicated that the above

captioned, during the early niorning hours of April 27, 1964,
had been laying up with a local white prostitute and the .prosliLzde
had piclzed up a $100 reward for her services. This Agent, through
informants, managed to pick up the nanie and number of this white
prostitute and decided to check the above information out for what
it might be worth.

Now, normally a situation like the one mentioned above wouldn't

be considered as anything new, but due to the above captioned's
position as a God-fearing man of the cloth and respected leader of
the NAACP, it was decided that perhaps a casual inquiry made to the
prostitute in question 1night shed an interesting side light to King's
. extra curricular activities.

This Agent phoned tlze above mentioned pros-titute at about 11:45pm

on May 15, 1964 and spoke to a girl named Gail, who agreed to mePt
this Agent at a designated spot on South Fifth Street. However, due
to her being called out at about the same time as this Agent callec.i
her. the meeting eventually came off at about 3 a. m. on .',:fay 16, ·::-54-_
Following is the information that Gail gave this Agent and, I zcri!e zt
as she told it.

Gail stated that about 2 a. m. on April 27, 196-1 she zcas called OJ
tJ:e l;ciZ,::w: 0,;·,:;;-:e of i,':e locc:.:l hot.Jls and told to [TO to the Sei:..: Fnn:!ier
~ ~

I"',,,., Ql.,,
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girl group singing at the New Frontier Hotel. Gail proceeded to cl:e
.Xew F,·ontieY Hotel end approached Clara Ward in the lobby. After l
introducing herseZj to Gail, Clara T1/ardhanded her $100 and said "I ¼

have a coufJle of friends in town that would like t(:, n:eet you and have 1
you talie of them." Clara w·ard then stated that lhe reason she w..ts t
paying Gail the ;;::.oo was because these. two men did not believe in
paying a girl for her services and for Gail to keep quiet a"bvut receiving 1
any money. .,

NW 55 0 97 Docld : 32989551 Page 82 '

Page Two
Re: Ivlarlin Luther King, et al
Date: Jvlay 18, 1964
•• - t

Clara Ward then tooli this prostitute, Gail, to the Sands Hotel I.
bar where they lzad a drinh, then Clara ivard made a p.1:.onecall
and shortly thereafter, Rev. JvJartin Luther Xing-approached them
at the bar and they both accompanied him to his-room in the Sands
Hotel. Clara Ward introduced Gail to the Rev. King as a very good
friend who worked as a dancer in the line at the Tropicana.

Gail stated that she, the Rev. King and Clara Viard all sat down in
his room and started drinking Vodha and Gin drinks and the Rev. King
started telling about his ''juice" around the country, wlzich Gail siat..:d
was apJ;arently told to impress her on what a big man the Rev. King
was. After a short time drinking and bragging, the Rev. King called,
by phone, to another roO'Jnwhere as he said, "my partner is staying,
sleeping off a drunli", and spohe to "his partner", with the following
remarli, "don't call me a black son .of a bitch but get your.danzned
ass down to my room because I have a beautiful white broad here".
He then hung up_and told Gail that he, the partner, told him he would
be down pretty soon.

At this time both the Rev. King and Clara Viard stripped nalzed
and told Gail to do the same. Gail stated that she had anothe,· drink .!
and then stripped na!?ed and sat down on a chair. At this time, the i
Rev. King went down on his lm,ees and started nibbling on her right I
breast, while Clara Ward did the smne with her left breast. Gail
then stated, "I guess the Reverend got tired of that and put his head
down between my legs and started nibbling on "that". After a u:lzile
he got up and told Clara Viard to try so-rne of it, so Clara ivard zcent
down on Gail for awhile. Gail stated, "I thi,f?Clara Ward is queer".
(The understatement of the year).

The good RC'"..'.J{i;:_;;then laid Gail on the bed and ;:.::£2f1::crce,:,;'SJ

zcitlz her zchi!c Clara Ward set u:.,·in the chclr and nc:cl:u! t::e r::.c::c:;.
After what Gail staled seemed lzJ:e hours, King rolled o/f end l:cd
-~ .:";...,

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a .Negro niale, nam.e unknozcn, entered the room and hcd a di·ii:i~ czd
then sty,:ppid nai;.:;d at t/;e inz:itczion of King a;;d he hc.d intctco:,.o-se
with Gail on the bed while both Clara ivard and the Rev. King zcctc;J;ed 1
the action f',o,n a close by position.. During the momentary breaks in '
the action, Clara Ward would do a little feeling and stroking of her own.


NW 55097 Docld : 32989551 Page 83 ..

~ .. '~

Page Three
Re: Marlin Luther King
- l

Date: JvJay 18, 1964 '

Gail then stated that she was getting scared as they were pretty
drunli and all using filthy language and at last she told Clara Ward
she would have to go. Clara l1/ard then told King that as Gail had
to rehearse the following morning, they would have to leave. The
Rev. King then whispered in Gail's ear, "I would like to try you
sometfrne again if I could get you away from Clara". At this time
Gail and Clara left and had another drink at the bar in the Sands
beJore parting company.

Gail stated to this investigator that "that was the worst orgy
I've ever gone throug!z11 and added that a few days later Clara l-Vard
called her on the phone and asked her to come up to her, Clara's,
room for a few drinks later in the evening,_ which Gail stafed she
refused to do.

The foregoing is a blow by blow account of the Rev. King's extra

curricular activities dz.:,ringhis stay here in our fair city, which
leads me to believe that the good doctor doesn't exactly p-;actice
what he preaches, or does he ?

NW 55097 Docld : 32989551 Page 84

!"- - - - ------------------------~
.,. ·••
, , .r-- .•
1;,ay 18~964

R~:. 1-iartin Luther · King

Infori:1.a:rion received by tilis il1vestig~:tor i11<.dcaJ~ed that
tlle a:1::>ve c~ptio.1eci, during the early ;norni!;.:7 hours of April
27, 196i!., i1ac...been layi119 up with a local :•uite prostit"t;."i:e and
the Drostitute i1ac.. nic:.ceu. u.D a ;>100 re:·rard for tier services.
This investiqa·i:or,
h hir:):t<-h ini'on :~<1.,ri:s, nanaged to Die:.-:: UD t:·rn
m1.r:1eantl nu,-10er of -~l1is Tvhite pros-'dtute ana decic.ied to ci.1ec1c
"t110 aiJ~;ve ·h::.i'or::mtion out for wimt it mirht be worth.

X01·1, normally a situation lilce the one mentioned ai.JOve

woulc1111 t i)e considoreu as a;i3; ::hin9 n(m, but 0~10 to ·::he a,.iove
c~1~io~ed 1 s ~osition as a ~oct-fearin~ a~n of the cloth and
respec"i:e1..1 le;.1c.,a:i.~u:i. ·Ll...::0C:..,c, i·t ~i<-:s (ec.i...c i:;c, t.1a:i: )·3r.taps an
inquiry :·:··~cie·to ti1e prostitute in ques do;_1 i:li~Jht sbe6 an
important 1-irtl1t on :~inr.1's conw .1ct in view of his role as a
national lea~er oi t~e Xegro people.
~~'llis i;1vestir_rator p~10:1ed ti1e a·1ove ·-,entioned pros ti l:tite
at about 11:4-Spia on i ay 15, 1964 2.~1ci sp0lce to a nirl· na:.1ed
Gail, -;•rhoar,rc2d to ueet tl1is investi~ator at a ciesirnated
snot on ::iou•~i1 .t•'iftll 0treet. .w:rnver, <..,.:12·~o her bci:·w call et:
oid: at 3,i)(.:Ut t~:e sn: '18 ti;,10 as this investi9ator C:lllec""t h0r'
ti1e •:iec ~iur, GVf;,~tually ca:·:e oL~ ::i,t abont 3 a • .1. on ~- ay 16,
1a,, l
- :;IOL,.. :0_ '1 0,11.!1~
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u1a1. ··:. ··-·.,
investi~;c1t0r anL, i ·writ1; it as s~.e tol( 1·c.
Gail stated that about 2 a. ;:1. on April 27, 196.:.~she ~-;r as
called by t \1e bC;?J.11::anof one of ti1e local i10tels 2.:1C:: col( to
go to the ::.TewJ?ronticr r:otel see Claret :•iarc.i, •Hi10 :1as t.1.e
Clara .;arc't 0in~ie1~s, a :;e~:ro c irl f,roup si.1c:•ir.9 at -c:1~ ~:e,,
Frontier ·;otel. Gail procecdPc: to t"e \"ei·7 i.;ro~1ti~r .:otel
an~·; ~--n1~0~c~:ed Cl:::.ra ;1:1rci i :1 t;:e 100:JY. ~'Ster i:rtroc •ici:-:r -
hcrsclf to Gail, Clara '·~ard :-:andcc! he'i~ :noo an1.i 111
a cou.)le of friends in to;·m that 1•;-oulc, li!~e to :1eet you aad
h:-iYe \rOU -~'1. ~;:e C'.:!.rC of the"'l. II Clara --~,1rd then st;:i.tcd ti-:;,t ti1e
rr:'": .1;1 :;:;,o ,,1qs :,:1·•::;-,., ,:~:il tl:P ·;Je[J !·,ras because t ,iC:~sc i: .·,1 ·:e:-1 1

(.iC.: £iut •J:.::i (.;"\"0 i. i :.1:·~:·_;_;·. ~.,,.r'j_ i \ 1..............~ .. v: ..'"\'~ --~~) :~...... ...., ...
t ._...>C !.. i ....j_ ..... ;· ."'!"( -~ ::)! _J'"<,.. •
.t;:i.~ll ~'"';~~t..:.:• ~ :~i("-~ :~·~~1·.~ 1
... ... ...

.:1:---~;"'tl"'•..r\ .., -:::c'.::!1 •t ~IT~ 1 '"i!"'~~tit;,.••~0, •~,-: iJ'

• •~ -:: t~} ..i•:,.:..l'-";_{:(s
-~-~,..1 ·~·'-)_~· - :! ...•.: t> : ..- ·~ (r ...: ·-·_:, ~ ~-·: ......
~:•1' .. ~)~!'....(~ r ~..) ~ e. c, 4 .01 ~:
c:tll ~t!h. ~• ! .Jl..."'.i."t t ..t:.:1':...1..i~i.:~-"', -..·... ,:. :~ .. ~
&. ... \.. .... ... .,_·~"' ..... .. ... :. -- ... .. ... ~•:·"" ~, ....

-t:1~:1~~t ·:::,3 ;nr :111::.. t:.~,:· ·)•,t:~ acco:·:~nnicc1 >i11 "~1) ,·is r_-1 u:1 i,1
the Santis iotel. Clara 1;aru i11t:r0u uceu. 1.r.1.,_l "i.•J i:;.0 ..:.;: • · :i.,·'f:
as a very ~;ood friend who wor~:::ed as a dancer in ·c!,(.: 1 inc at
the l'roi)ic:..'.1:2.
Pc' two
Re: J;ar·tiil Luther
- I(ing, et al
Gail s·~ated that s:1e, -L:c }:.ev. :-..1110 and Clara f:::trd all
sat do:·m in ~1is roota and started C\rin 1 dng Vodi .;:a and G-in drint:s
Rna t11c ..... ev. ,.(ing started tell ii.lg ai)v~:.t :iis "j _lic0 11 2.:.'"'0_t1i::.~ 'i:l:e
conntry, w.~ic :1 G~il stated ';fas a F,arently tol( to ii:i-;_)ress her
on w~iat a bi~: iaan ti1e ,i.ev. Kinr; :ms. .t~fter a s. ~or·~ -~~-: .ie
drin!.::ino a11c.1braard;H:, tlle .!~ev. Kinq called, by pho:ie, to
anotl:er ..i'"'O~m~-rl ·!ere as he said, 11r.1y ?artnei'"' is s tayi.1H, sleepir..g
off a , anu SiJO •_,:e to 11r1is partner",
1·Tit~1 the follo:-ring
rei:mr!r, ildoa' t call me a black son of 2 bitch b1.1t net your
c~amneet ass cma to ..iy rooi:i because I J1ave a beau·i:ifttl ,·ihi te
hro;-!r here". ~:e then huno un and tolu Gail that he, the
.:·i:J s,•'.J~'l.
1Ja:i:'·~.-;.u1' 1 ·:: .~c i.ii.. 110 ·.:m;:i..\ ,e l '.,/ri1 ~11'e ...

At this tinie both the ??.ev. King anti. Clara h..ard stri~)ped
nalced anc,. tolci Gail to c.lo the s , Gail s-t2:~ed that s·1e ;,ad
another ctria!c an6 then stripped 1w..lcectanu sat dm·m on a chair.
J.t t~1is tine, the \.ev. ::ino ~le,i.t dvwn on i1is knees ai1(i started

nib 'blir,c_: on ~V.:!l'"' right i)re2.s't, u ;iile Clara '.·Tard did t:;-e Sa !'te
with her left breast. Gail t~wn s·~ateci, 111 f}t:ess ti10 .:.(evercnd
got tire<i. of ti1at a11c"iput :·iis i1c,:.u c'iu:m oe·;;1~eo;1 i::.y lec;s 21,t~
st2.rted ni:J,.>linr1 on 11 that 11 • ~~fter a 1·rhile he got up anc told.
Clm~a ·J2.rd to trv s01:ie oi it, so Clara ~fa.rel ·;re-:1t ci,11vn on Gnil
for auhile. Gail stated, "I thin:~ Clara ,;ard is q_~i _e:.;r"
::.ev. :~ing then laici Gail on t; .1e becl a,1(i haci intercourse
1vith her 1,;ili:i..e Cl8.ra i~c1..rdsat by in ti1e c~Jair a:rn :.;2..tcl!ed -ti1e
aci:1on. ,St8r what Gail stated secneci. li!;:e i10urs, -~in~! rolled
off a~( had another ~rink, tdcn cli~~ed ~ack un again i~r a
sec ;,nc~ go arot:.nG. .lftcr a:~hile -,:i1:p rol..:..cci off fl.:a :i.n a:-ici a~rnut
that ti~ie, ·anrc 1 s partner, a ~-~egro I iale, n:1..:
·1e un:::10•;-111, entered
tih.: l'->n:·'!.a!1<1118.(t a m~in:~ ;' i:i·en stri: ·•;cd :,a.;:ec, at t ·.e i:wi"t8.-
tion of IZing an{1 he .1acl L1tercj :1rse •,i ti1 G:til on t 11e beet 1:;iile
Clara '.fard a:16 t:1e _(eV. :(ing Hatci1ed tne ac·~ion fr~cn a Closeby
yosition. ; :.~rin0 t:1e :·wne.1t:1.r•·.- :)re~::-:s in tne acti 1rn, CJ_ara
:1nrC1 Ho~ilc.i (;o a lit i:le fee :.illf! 2.:1(. s·cro:d!1:· cf :i: ..-r d· ·:n.

. ·,:y
un.1:1·: :1,H; a 1.l ~:~ i ::c. 1 il t;l·.-
l,.; 1 0; .;~t : ;~-~;,c. (~·i.
~: . · - ...: ::.:~~ ~: ; ~- 't " 1 ) ~1 ~_, ,
• .... _\ ..... ' '· , - '., ~:J..~' ..:l ~: ;'Ct ~ ':.·~ 1
t ~.'""'
; '":~ ..,_~.l 1''.: r !~(• .. (,.-._ ...~ ·~ "( , ! ~ l 11_-1::.i:,c~ !- ·1--,. ·1. . · t.. .....
- . ., ' - ....... ~

...... .. ,, ... -~J ...... .. - - ....,,

}_._;.,..,·,.·........ 1. .. :..! _.._~\ •
.:..= l ",.
~. . '

I 1;0!:lo li '~c to tr: you Stn~·i:i::i.C ar;~,in· if I (;()~:le. ,.et :,-.) ~ :..: :-,·1...
fro1a Clara·'. .._t tuis tL:e e-~.:.1 ~~ ..•., ;,.,l~~L: .Lc:1i.: .• _.(, ,,,.C: j" ,~ l. .) :: .. . -

dri:-;.:-::at the bar in the Sands ;)ef ore D:i.rtinn - ......

- "'

,l.. I•

Pace Jhree
~le: rartin i,qther -n_ng
Ga"il stated to this investigator that 11tl1at was the worst
or[iy I've ever ronc t:11"'~t:0l1 anu. ad0.ec1 th·~t c. fe:r days later

Clara :·Tar6 callec1 her on the 1)hone c1nu asked her to co1:1e uo
to ;10r, Clara's ~cs later
r0-.~:·1 f Jr a Ze~:r c'i1"'i.. in the eveninft,
which Gail stated s~e refused to uo.

NW 55 0 97 Docld : 3.2989551 ;pag e 87

! GSA CIN, icc ~ -;,0, 27 -- --~~ , . .-,;----,------,-_ --,,,--,, •• ~- -. ~
: . -:- .. ---, :c--i:t==a,...,,_;-------;--::---,-:----.-.....
UNITED STATES Gl ..:.RN:rv!ENT · . ·. :· . . • ._
~ Memo.ran!urn · .·.·_.· .. ·· 1

DIRECTOR, FBI (100-106670) DATt:




Re Bureau letter, 1/17/64.

nue to lack oi' productivity., -trV4l.7-,?k.S*.,covering
the Southern Christ; Leadership Conference Oi'fice, 312 West
125th StJ.:eet, New York City, 1·1as discontinued at li: 00 PM,
1/2lV6li. ·


-:::-. . . -So //r,
u !__)
W- Bu.reau (100-106670) (K-1)
1 - New York ( lO·J-136585 J (414)
(3) -
c;~.-, C,i.!'1. H~ G. r~o. 17

l':\'11 ED STATES GO\"ER2'\ME:'.'J'F

]·. :-},
/Te ,,,,v, .,,..,.,a• •1·n
V_>.;.I 0 1 0_.,; [, · U
J v

TO DIUECTOR, FBI (100-106670) DATE: 8/23/oG

/,-~\ /
r 1,
FROM SAC, CHICAGO :.(100-35356)
;·.! •I
SJ-;!- C .'-t'

neJ-Julet dated 3/!?.4/66 and Atlanta

1 le-'cter to Bt.rreau
and Chicago dated 3/29/66, both having reference to promiscuous
acti vit:i_es on the part of the sub,iect o
JtjF~J\, ifvi~I
CG 6732-C, who has furnished
r · reliable inforrn~tion in
the past, "actvfse'a"';:ecently as follows:

BARBAl{A i.100:-cE is a light skinned J·-:eg:::-ofem2.le, ,1.ppro;d-

mately 33 years of age, and 5.s employed ?.t tbo present ti. 1ne a::;
a r.,ccretary ,.;.t th:;; main off ices of S:Jal's 11.001-nir..:.k and Con.p:::•.ny, f
915 Donth m)Tnan Avenue 1 Chicago., She :cosj_des in tbB L2ke i',::::indo·,vs
Apa:i:tment Development on Chicac:o s n0nr south side, 5OJ Enst f
33rd 3treeto She was foril~rly enwloyed ns a secretary nt Michael •
Reese Hospital in Chicagoo
~e~,,...,. . . <.\~ 1 Y'>!C\'t'S
1..:. .. \ \,.;o,.l (.:~a...... ,a-,·o
t_"'II J e ...
-~ c-'-"Li.r
• ..,_c:t.
, t,... J ,,,1,en
.... · l no·'-
l, 1·110• 1 :1 1 ''''c-.:
: •• " ,. •F ,;••'>
1.. • <:·
\• J • '\ r..\. ... \

in.t'.).'O<:hlr:::.ed to I',Il\G by Kil\G s Chicago I

attorney, CJ-I:\vxc_;:;y }::•.::-:n:r.~:,']}~> 1
E8:~::-~IDGJi: 2-t. th8.t c&.rl'ying on an affaj_J:- wj_th Jt;.Qy :·.:o~:T•E, \
•p.:3/,i:l:b.l"~.\1 s s:i.ster. According to this sou:rce, KL,G secs :s:.:."G:U.i~ \
\ ~:c:.J::-u: 0,·ery tir,:e 118 com~s to Chj_r;n~;o and dO'..!l:; not \':r..n-'c ~i~r -'co
\ 'love
1 othe:r men. KING has revm:tedly aclvjsed t.:oo:rnthat 110 :is :i.n l
with her. ·
Source later ndv5.sed as follows:

. The rel8.tionsh:ln betv;een KIXG ~~nd r.iOOzl:Ghr,;,s been goj_n_~

I II on for tc.e r~nst tv;o o:c~ ti-n.·eG vei.:.-:cs.
!· sh~:! J1n:--
~ •
.. ::0.:1~ to t\tJ~ ·-,·~:-~, c::!t':..
On :1.t }.(;i" .:St ono c.::c.:.~::5.c,n
..!'_:_•·"', 7s ,.._., <..• 1·l: ,-~~•. ~ ,~,~ \..-. t • ... _ L • ., ... .

· occ...:,~!.-.::.on:~, t:~..:_:11 c~1--:i:'j.\:-.:i..r1{! tl1E~:,:~~ lcn.J..,:'•"'(l -:,:;1:1.t J•"_l_ .._,.: ·;:--.s 1! .:; <:·:·..·· .
·~;: :1J.:..L~ ...0.1 (::.tic:-.:;c(o 'iLc: 1 1D-:":' o:· 1.1,i.:~ s<.:(! •}L .~ ~>.:.-
..._·~::1.. ;;i1"'1 :;-·:
f'..::f._i .·l
,~,~r~ l'l{)t J~:1--)~•,:" 1 :,t ·t ! •2 t:i.: :, ·t,,, :: ..~: .. ::--...~ o -:·!; ~... t:1:!r: "t!~~ ..-L si .:.· '......, t] ·· ·-
,.. _ .......,.
~•,1·.· l!: ~ i ..' · (: . ... \ 'J :~..:..; c·~:.·· ..,_ . ·, ~·~ ..... ..""
p1·0 •.::.!11cc of 1.r1ti.; ·.-c.:..:-.n at .,\·:.:l:1ruh 1 ,-.-'.10:cct~pon t-:! b.:..d !l':?:c ·:r0·~1.1;:-p to
Cl,j<:~ -~'.lo« 'fL.e ~;-,..'>..1:."c!t~ .. ·.tt..~(Ji·1
!it.<""~1;.c, :~_1:Z•..):,, cur::t_c:1·11i1~~ -t:i1~ SJJ.'!..!i.~i.,!S
of this tra\•cl on t1'e p~n·t of tc•ithor :fe,~1~lc .•~s to its n,':i:c c1·
by \•,hom it '\.z:s i:LHanced.

, ·t .
l ·· Chj_c,-:~o
JC[{: J1nd/i11:-•n1

NW 5509 ·7 Docid: 32989551. P.a~ _e 99

. •·.
""' r..

- •• -i

.. ··J

CG 100-35356

•·Source continued that sometime before the

n . ,:,~c;._'l._ J1't·
. t. "
l, i·· or1
. . (). f ~ · p-.,.r,
_: -1r~n~-
~b.~•••; ·1. l ..
tJ'VJ.. . J.i T,' ·•
J. }'F', ;~n~DY'
V •._~ )' . J3unB·'l~1
.. l~l
1~1: j\·:()')P','
,. ;,_ ,._lJ..:J 1.: J.. •

was again Visitihg K!NG,' this time in Florida. While ther0 1

n-'.OOHEmot an ·attorney repo1·ted ly close to PE~ sidcnt KENNEDY
who bq~an courting hel'. KING learned o:C these ~.ttenU.on s

I and becam e::: invdlved

over. ~.100FEo ·

Source continued that

j_n a f:i st . fight

each time KING was i11

with this · unknown atton1cy

CI1:\.c2.z::c; .h e cc)ntzv: ..~t.~

-~. ?-.:C
~C!lJ~; ;:-1.n
.d. i·1~.1.:.; L!el' ·vi ~:j:Lt hi .'1'.t!o _ lle •is
understood to p,.-i.y I,;OOKE $300 01• · $-100 for each VJ .s j_ t. dtll'in •..
) he engages · in tn).tural as well as unna. tu ra 1 . ,sex ual
\ re ..l.a t io . ns wi tll her o KING aclclJ. tj_onally i ~.-;uncle rs 't .ood to br,
\ involved w:i. th a wh:Ltc girl residing · :i.n Chic ago, but the··
\ .liclcnU.ty cl' thj_s party ii:: not known to the so~irce. · .. · ,
. . . . . ,

The · source for the above · :i.rifor:,ia U.on l ea:c necl' thj_s
• ,l··.J_,-'-,,C) co1..1rc--c,
\. •• ,;J\.:'.: of 1J"·~·so·n.,
--.t.., .
.,_ •• , .. l . co---+·•1.c···
lJ . L,c .... t.. \"J.·
, ...
\...l-,i .,r'.r-1-·" 1°-'P
.., ,,_V .. ,-....1,.. ~,
L\., - ·t1 -1,·J 1 l'P.
· \ ·';,._,11 __
1) .. l-

h2.[~ been intimately acquaj_nted for a nu1:1ber of vearf;

· . . .· . JN h,)'.tH"l~tT
Cofrti.irntng with th e above,· on 7/19/GG.CG 6015-C~TE
provid ed the folld winG infor ffiat ion:

The so-cialled . foxmer wife of JA\lliS !RV1NG~ ab6vd

mentioned, who is a J.~;o a.1 •_associa te of KifG 1 p:i.·ob ..1.bly is
F{)SJi:f,1;-tl'~or{ · 600 l~r~.:3t .3~3rd St1'eGt 1 q:-t1rtr: :~ r1t ·307. 5 --C}:fj_c~ato .o·
· ;•,IJ.!fC~l-lF:J-'I,,
·1J a ·i.: one _ti rr~~ 1n~t n t .a i ~1eci a.· co1 :1:~0n - 1.c!.\\' rc! ·l ~.:.ti 0!_.Jsh.'? .
iJ! 'f (:I-I};T.,
with Il f VH;G ye?.:ct, 2.:'!:o:. She i :::, 39 or . 1W years o:t age ;:,,nd :i.:s
sr•l f .. c,;·,,olosred
• ... -. •
:-- • •·.:.
t 11'·' O\'i11nr o-f j,' o' ·';., ;y 1rv :.,:(-~ch,,..,l
_ •·-• .:, ."" L-, •• ~ . J. -.. ·
.l Tnt
L ,,. •.....,. -· .... .. •-
c>_. •i_,~,rc.
• -• .. ·.'- )
• • •· _-, ~, . (. . .,, ., • • 1

5~~25 South l-L:.lT2 1' 1\venue, Chicaf;Oo This so .1rce . could .o,1ly 1

· desc ri l>e :.fff'ClIELL ·as known to be

a good. f r:i .e ncl . of J::E;G . 1,,;)Jo:n
she f -irst uet in 19G0 _ or 19GL He · L:;. b i, lieved ·to vj_sj_t .·
!·.JlffCJTI~t,r~ ··,/h<-;nev0r 1
be is i11 -•;l·1 t 1:e sou_1·cc i! :~
Ch ·iC, t:;·_c); ;·jltl1c,1.1 ~~
DC>t ~}\\'ttJ' ·C~ c. ·_f:' tt~(1 .·· C·:_
,.::t· eQt . ()f !·; \.":; i·c) . ;.-tt::_( ) J-: ~;r·;j_~:) :,·
,i::(.\J·: }-.:?).' :
·;,iITCUEi.,L is bol::.cvccl to · hi:, ,:.;1 :1v:;_c1 int
i.·n c.::i_v ~.J. 1·i r<·
;·~c. ti·.: c _ ilt. ~:;· 1·:1~~.t -~,~ r~ c ;

. .
-Cb i c ~:.
·~\ C) j_ r: •:! j_ c f/~;; · f J t: C) 2.;e J' l c:~: t
~-tj_ r~n_y· [t ~l: i
d C" c,·.:1 ~·!l
r;o r·: j_ .n(:~!'!.t t .~)~
c_n::. (.! f.);,1 C (~;t I: j_ Ii g: . 1,~T:r-(.~

' •· .~ . ... . . ." < • •- :: ,., __., • •

NW 5i5Cl91 DocLct : 329895 '51 P.age 100 . •

- -
CG 100-3535G

Regarding BARBARA LlOORE, reference is made to

Chicago report of SA EICrL\ED A. LORAHf '.3/"1/53, und.eT the
'· J. •
J,.-J I.~ C.,'T}Yl~-'G
I.)-·-~•-' 1 ,~.i,.-
___,.,:l.•t A';',\A"
J., ••. f C\1j~rwo
•--~'--,;, fi)e
••.. , 1·,s-
~- 1•,;,,
389 78 i- ref er·e;1ce also l?l~!::e,1.u_Je:t_tc:r dated
12/ 13/G 2 u ndeT
tile capU.on "R1IiB:\ftA ;·,:Dorm,118(! ST HONG; aka. , Clerl:;:-
1. -!-- -
--,r - ,. _, J-r ;
• ....,Lt.:·"..~.--·-.· .. ·1;ef
.. ,,.C.l011
__.... .-:•-·
\. ..::>L ,.>.l
• ··'l"·ll,cl
1 9 C'1;J.,. c--
~ n·c)
"·-s-_ 1
J ••

IJ.linoj_s, SG}~". Th:i.~; Bure8.u letter contained a copy a~·

·• form SF--f:-;;:., .cornpletf?.d by UOORE and· requested Chj_cago to
f.31..1.l)p::'.t":i.r1 J_;t-I:':J
fOI'In infC)l'T:1:::t.ion (~Ol1CE:1·n:i11.g ?i\.J()T{E ir1cli.catin,g
~,lie was :cepo:d:c:dly a pro[:;ti tute.

For in:f ormat:i.on of Atlanta, a subsequent J}:EI

waf.; prop2.rcc1. on th:Ls m2ctter by Chicago ref J.ectinr\ tl--:?.t
F}.Al1B.t1lti1f,;()0}~):; ,v~lf:; lJc,1--11·ot1t of ,vc-;d_loc1~ tc) ?:!IIJI)I~.Ef) E>'rI:~)j_\~C}-
8.r~cl G:\l1!:·_:II~I"'Srtr~o:,;c; lJ:L'io1~ to their• 1na.r1--t~~ff,8 in. a.lJou.t J.933 ~
,T'UDITI.I STEONG was also born out o:[ \'. ed J.ock to these tr-;o. 1

Dur:Lng October, 1951, a :robb~~1-y w;:i.s committed

at the Cragin As;:;ociationSavings in Chic::.t::;,;o
~nd Loan
d1.11~ing· tl~lc · CDt!i~se c>f \\:f-iic-:11 011e of tJ·1t:! J)a:i..-•tic~Lr;z~ntr:; \:,:,;~s
slain by the Chicago PoJ."lcc JJ,,1pari:,;:1.8nt., Ee j·,, :i.n h:i.s
I)OCl-~r:;;t £t c~lertnin[~ tj_cl:ct \\'it11 a n.otD ..t:i.c)rl JU])':{ J-1-.:':..1.~I"\I{3 1
!_Du1~·ton IIotel, St11.J:.::C-Jfi1.1e.ntir1\.'E~stigc1t~or1 in tJ·1:Ls ~Jl n:r.i·fte;r
1 c'l E•\l e-::,10 1),. r_,:i th"--:-
JT'i (")"':? 'I"_;::
t. v.:.... ,._ J •.
1 '1.,,
p ~-!1 ('
c "1 n-:-
l.:..J.. J.c.-1,.\__..,. 1~ .\ -~:;..:~·· "';.":. i"
1. ... :._;.
.- .......''--'.;..· ••..•
\!.' ,..; ..-_;•
-· "'l ••
V J._,,;._ ____ ,, ..

:c;he was subsec;_l.:sntly int'.::cviC\'iC?d to •ci:c b:i.r:"t-::

• • '-" -'· •
'i 1·1 ('v·tu~-1)-c,r
•"' \. • .._.,. w< ' ,;;_;;;. .-. J . 10::-,1
J ~- 0
nl.' 1,-j
J_,., '-
_..._ i:,
th;,•,. \_, -; 1,-l·pr,,"
-- -. l, .._.. •• J. p,,,
l I '
,_. • • ..._,

ac~1~no\\!lcclL;cc1 that c:1!.g,·.:;Jcci j_n_ }_)1·0::~~i.J~.ut:!.c:11

~3J-1e ·\:,~c1.~~rE:!gt.11a.rly
and frct"1t1ented. \ 1 ~;1.x·j_c;us l);t1's t~n•:J -t~,.-eri1f;· ,-.:l-:ere sl1e r~:c.~1:·cd. ,.
t.11) c:usto;ne1·2,·c, S11e l.1r-:ci rnct t}-1c; :Lnd_j_,._rid1.1,1l in'.roJ~\· _j_l:1 tJ.10;
1);: ro1)1)c1·y ir1 ~t t2lvcrn a shc;:."t ti~r:c JJ1·io1~ ·tc> t}-1-_::·~ 1:·o~_;l)err
ctn cl 11;-~d g;iv c::n hi m the n a ;-ne Sl-1(:? \1/;1S tl!Gn l.lSing: t_[)g·c::ti1e1~
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_ NW 55097 Docid : 329 8 9551 Page 101 < ·.

CG 100-35356
• -
The above is being furnishe<l the Bureau and Atlanta
for information only.

Chicago at this time does not feel this information

is of the type which could be effectively used in a counter-
intelligence fashion and, because of the nature and relationship
of those individuals involved with subject, no recommendations
are being made that they be intervic~edo It should be borne
in mind also that the infor1t1ntion concerni1ig AIOOr:E was learn 9d
by the sourc0 j_n pcrsonr . l co :1-tr·.ct v:i•i:h h01· o

, Chicaco will reCTain alert for any additionalb1forma-

• I ( tion and -Bureau will be pron~tly advised of sa~eo

- ,1 -

mi , 550sn Docid : 32989551 P.aqe 102 ..

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