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In the world today the importance of batteries to man is evident in the myriads

of electric/electronic and microelectronic devices available. Batteries are very

important electric devices; they are widely used as sources of alternative power

to electric/electronic devices. But due to mismanagement or careless handling

of batteries, the rate of battery failures is ever increasing. This design project

provides an opportunity to curb or check the rate of battery failure. In this

design, a small rechargeable lamp is used to illustrate the life cycle of the

battery. Some mechanisms are put in place to check battery failure and thus,

elongate their life span. To avoid overcharging and under-voltage in batteries,

two preset cut-off points (upper and lower limits) have been established. While

charging, when the battery reaches its upper cut-off point, it disengages from

the power supply and stops charging. Then during discharging, that is usage of

the lamp, the battery voltage drops to the lower cut-off point and cuts off

supply to the lamp. The objective here is to avoid allowing the battery drain

completely and thus preserves its life span.

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