Hero Project-Kazuto Kirigaya Narusaka Kirito From Sword Art Online

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Tyler Hanlon

Hero Project-Kazuto Kirigaya

(Narusaka) (Kirito) From Sword Art
Heroes have been in many writings, films, and shows. Even Japan can’t stay

away from the heroes. In the anime/light novel “Sword Art Online” an unconventional

hero Kazuto Kirigaya or Kirito as he is known in the show has to fight his way through

100 floors in a game that 10,000 people are stuck in called Sword Art Online.

Our hero's journey starts on November 6th, 2022 at 1:00. The long-awaited Full

Dive MMORPG Sword Art Online has finally released. Everyone is excited to get their

hands on their own copy of the game and Nervgear for this is the first ever full dive VR

game. Kazuto quickly gets his Nervgear connected and dives in without realizing the


Let’s take a step back. Who is Kazuto Kirigaya? Kazuto is a 14-year-old boy at

the start of his journey. He is brash, impulsive, stubborn but he is also caring and

sympathetic. He lives with his aunt (Midori Kirigaya) and uncle (Minetaka Kirigaya) but

before he hacked into Japan’s database he thought they were his mother and father. He

also has a little cousin (Suguha Kirigaya). Kazuto was a computer wiz at a young age,

he builds his own computers out of spare parts when he was 8 years old.

November 6th, 2022

Now you know who Kazuto is let’s get back to the main story. Kirito (Kazuto’s

screen name) hops into the world of SAO running off by himself. A player and soon to be

friend Klein sees him and asks for advice about the game, realizing that he is a Beta

Tester. After Kirito gives Klein a quick rundown on how to play Klein goes to log out but

one problem… the log out button is not there. Klein blows it off as a bug and that the

Dev. team are scrambling to get it fixed. Just then they were instantly teleported back to

the town. Kayaba Akihiko appears and tells all the players that they are stuck in the

game until it's cleared. There was one hitch if they died in the game they died in real life.

Everyone started to freak out but Kirito knew when everything calmed down, that the

fields around the town will be cleared out and, he needed to get to the next town quickly.

He grabbed Klein but he wanted to stay and get his friend out so he told Kirito to go on

without him.

December 3rd - December 4th, 2022

About a month later the first floor has not been cleared yet but, they are holding a

meeting discussing how to beat the boss the Illfang the Kobold Lord. The meeting goes

well. Then a player that goes by Kibaou complained saying that the Beta testers had to

give up their item and money to all the other players because they had information on

monster spawns and quests. But another player that goes by Egiru steps in and

explains that the beta testers were giving out information booklets about what they knew

about the 8 floors they cleared and there bosses. Everything calmed down after and

they continued with the meeting. After they were done they had to get into parties of at
most 6 then Kirito realizes that he is alone as well as another player so they form a party

where he learns that this player’s name is Asuna. The boss raid party finally gets to the

boss. All is going well until the leader (Diavel) gets too cocky and tries to kill it himself.

Kirito realizes that the boss is slightly different from the beta tests and Kirito tried to tell

him but it was too late. Diavel Gets hit and dies but without telling Kirito to continue

helping everyone he can. Kirito and Asuna attack the boss and defeats it. Everyone

celebrates on defeating the boss but Kibaou blames Kirito for Diavel’s death because he

did not say anything until it was too late and they then accuse that there are more beta

players in the room. Kirito realized he had to do something fast or his fellow beta testers

will be put in a bad light. So Kirito lies saying that all the beta players were noobs and

did not get the game at all. That it was he who cleared the 8 floors. They all thought that

Kirito was a cheating beta tester a beater.

April 8th - June 22nd, 2023

After that Kirito was a solo-player he did join one guild by his own will, The

Moonlit Black Cats. They were a small guild 6 players including Kirito. Keita their

leader, Sachi and Sasamaru their damage dealers, Tetsuo their thief and, Ducker their

forward. He met them after helping them out of a labyrinth after they were beaten badly.

Kirito hesitantly joined them and went on quests and saved up money for their own

house. While their leader was out they thought it was a good idea to go and raid a

dungeon to get more money for furniture for their new house. During their raid, they

found a secret room but it turned out to be a trap. One after the other Kirito had to watch
as each and every one of his guild members was killed. After he told Keita what

happened Keita said that Kirito has to be one of those beaters then, committed suicide.

Kirito then went into a deep depression and continued to be a solo player. Kirito then

hears a rumor that there is an event boss that drops an item that can revive a player after

there h hits 0. Kirito runs into Klein and his guild before he fights the boss Klein

suggests that they help but Kirito says he needs to do it himself. Kirito retrieves the item

but only finding out the item revives a player but only before 10 seconds. So he gives it

to Klein and tells him to use it if the time comes.

February 23rd - February 24th, 2024

A little girl named Silica has a fight with a member of her team called Rosalia so

she leaves. She gets attacked by a pack of Drunk Apes and loses her tamed monster

Pina. Kirito arrives in time to save Silica. He tells her that there is a flower that can bring

back tamed monsters but the monster’s master has to be there and before 3 days. Kirito

offers to help. They rest in an inn for the night and Kirito explains what they have to do to

get it. But someone was eavesdropping on them. The next day they head out to Floor

47’s Hill of Memories where the flower can be found. They fight monsters leveling Silica

up so she can better protect herself in the future. They finally get the flower that's when

Rosalia ambushes them. That’s when Kirito explains that he used the opportunity to

capture a murder guild that called themselves Titan's Hand. Kirito captures them and got

away unharmed. They get back to the inn and revive Pina.
June 25 - June 26, 2024

Kirito arrives at a blacksmith's shop run by a player named Liz. He needed to get

a sword just as good or better than his sword The Elucidator. Liz suggests a sword but

Kirito smashes it with one strike to his sword. Liz suggests that for her to make a better

sword she needed to get the right materials and they had to go to the West Mountain on

floor 55 to obtain a Crystallite Ingot that could only be harvested from a dragon. They

travel to this mountain and fight the dragon but Liz got in the way and they got stuck in

the nest of the dragon. They have to set up camp and spend the night. In the morning,

Kirito finds one of the ingots they needed to find realizing it is extremists from the dragon.

That’s is when the dragon comes back but Kirito grabs Liz and jumps on the dragon’s

back to get out of there. When they got back to the blacksmith’s shop Liz made the

sword Kirito wanted called Dark Repulser.

October 23 - October 25, 2024

Kirito lost a battle over the guild leader of The Knights Of The Blood Oath

Heathcliff and had to join because of it Kirito had suspicions because the final move

Heathcliff made was way too fast. Kirito had to go to training but it was a setup because

a character called Kuradeel got infuriated because Kirito beat him in a duel the other

day. But Asuna swooped in and saved him. Later that night Kirito confesses his love to

a rapier user Asuna whom he met during the meeting about the Floor 1 boss raid. Then

on October 24, 2024, Kirito and Asuna were married and, October 25, 2024, they bought

their own house.

October 30th - October 31st

During Kirito and Asuna’s honeymoon, they decided to head to the forest. There

they found a weird girl who has passed out, with no health bar or quest marker so they

brought the girl back to their house. When the girl gained back consciousness she had

no memory of what happened before she got to the forest and passed out except for her

name Yui. She then proceeded to suggest that Kirito and Asuna are her parents. Kirito

and Asuna bring her to The Town Of Beginnings to see if they can get information of Yui.

As they look around they come across the army guild of the first floor, The Aincrad

Liberation Force terrorizing the children of the town and an orphanage worker for taxes.

Kirito and Asuna both jump in and intervened. They bring Yui to the orphanage to find

out anything they can but it was a bust. Then a woman from The Aincrad Liberation

Force Yulier came to apologize about the army men’s actions and asked if they can help

their leader Thinker after another guild member Kibaou traps him in an underground

dungeon. They all head down into the dungeon and find Thinker but they get attacked

by a boss The Fatal Scythe. Kirito and Asuna distract it so Yui, Thinker, and Yulier can

escape but, Yui runs back to help. Then Yui spawns in a weapon to kill the monster.

That’s when they find the truth. Yui is an AI built by the cardinal system which is what

SAO runs on. Her full name is Yui-MHCP001 MHCP meaning Mental Health

Counseling Program. And the dungeon they were in was a control console for the
game. She was created to help players when their mental health becomes unstable but,

when the game started she wasn’t allowed to help the only monitor. But in the chaos, 2

people had been able to keep a stable head, Kirito, and Asuna. Since she broke in the

system to disobey orders the system deleted her. Before that could happen Kirito used

the console to save Yui’s data to the local memory of his NervGear.

November 6 - November 7, 2024

Kirito and Asuna are called back into the guild because they found the boss room

of floor 75 but 10 of the raid party members were lost. They needed to build the largest

raid group with the strongest players they can so they can beat the boss as fast as

possible. Kirito and Asuna meet up with the rest of the raid group and set off for the

boss. They fight the boss and they lose a hand full of men and they had not lost one

man since floor 35 and they had 25 floors to go. Kirito becomes suspicious of Heathcliff

again because Heathcliff did not leave the green on his health bar while everyone else

was in the red. So Kirito takes a shot at him and it gets reflected by the system. Then

Kirito figures it out Heathcliff is really Kayaba Akihiko the man who made the game and

trapped them in it. Kayaba was impressed so he gave Kirito the chance of defeating him

in battle or to back down and continue on in this death game. Kirito picks to end this

game early and attacks. Kirito is then struck down and about to die but, Asuna jumps in

front of him and takes a fatal blow. Kirito goes into a depression and it gets him killed.

But then Kirito delivers one last blow to Kayaba killing him. At 14:55 on November 7,

2024, the game has been cleared. Before the game was deleted from its servers Kirito
was sent outside of Aincrad to talk to Kayaba or upload of his memories. Kirito asks

what the reason was of creating SAO but Kayaba claims to have forgotten but he thinks

it was to control his own world. Kirito wakes up in the hospital and takes of his NervGear

and walks out.

“Sword Art Online” follows a common heroes ark. Just like Hercules, Kirito ends

up in a new land, gets taught an important lesson, fights the enemy and returns to his

real life a changed man.

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