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The comparison and contrast essay that I enjoyed the most was Mairs' "On Being a Cripple," for

many reasons. I enjoyed it because Mairs used several effective strategies in order to compare
her life as a cripple and her experiences with societies views on cripples. The essay gave me a
new perspective on cripples and how she believes that many people are only kind to her
because she has MS, which shows that people feel bad for her but that’s not how someone with
a disability wants to be treated. She goes on to talk about how in society people are obsessed
with appearance and normality which is hard for anyone who is different and they need to learn
to compensate for this or people won’t see you as a normal person, but someone with
limitations. I learned that for an effective comparison essay it is necessary to choose effective
strategies that show clear differences in what you are comparing. I choose to write a
comparison essay on the two photos required to compare, which were of the two generals Grant
and Lee. The most challenging part of writing the essay was finding differences and similarities
of the two generals that can be clearly seen by the reader.

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