Health and Wellness 2019

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The Dispatch C

12 Sunday, June 2, 2019 Health & Wellness

Trinity Healthcare residents Nancy Gillis, Hattie Mitchell

and Katie Heurkamp participate in a game of noodle ball. Sunday,June 2, 2019
Photo by Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch
2 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 11
10 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 3

Eight tips to make the most of your next doctor’s visit Five warm weather weight loss blunders to avoid
Statepoint and Dispatch Staff conditions, but patients must fully commu- Statepoint dulging, alternate one or two drinks with fizzy seltzer over
ice and a lime wedge.

nicate their concerns and health history in

isits to the doctor can be very pro- order to give their doctor a clear picture of long with warm weather comes picnics, cookouts • Blunder 4: Perspiring to lose: When you exercise in
ductive with a little preparatory work and other parties that can take a toll on your healthy the heat, you may think you can feel the pounds melting
their risks, Harris said.
in advance of the appointment, say lifestyle. off with each bead of sweat. And if you weigh yourself
6. Get immunized. Many immuni-
experts. To help you stay on track while you’re enjoying the right before and after a workout, you may see a difference.
zations require boosters after time has
“For some people, visits to the doctor sunshine and good times, Courtney McCormick, manager, The problem is as soon as you replace the fluids you’ve
passed, so make sure you are up-to-date
can be daunting or even scary, but there Clinical Research and Nutrition at Nutrisystem, is sharing sweated out, you’ll see on the scale that you’ve lost little,
on your immunizations.
are steps you can take beforehand that the top five weight loss blunders people tend to make this if any, weight. Your best bet is to maintain a steady activity
“Each stage of life presents the ongo-
will improve the experience, foster com- time of year and simple tips for avoiding them. level every day so that you get at least 150 minutes of
ing need to assess/reassess immunization • Blunder 1: Crash dieting: The thought of putting on a
munication, and, in turn, improve health movement a week. Regular activity keeps your metabolism
status,” Harris said. “Additionally, certain swimsuit may entice you to crash diet. Crash diets are not
outcomes,” says Barbara L. McAneny, burning continually, even if you’re just walking inside an
medical conditions put you at greater risk only unhealthy, they tend to slow metabolism, making it
M.D., president of the American Medical air-conditioned mall.
for diseases that can be prevented with difficult for you to drop more than just a few pounds. Also,
Association (AMA). “By being open and • Blunder 5: Loading plates with BBQ favorites: Back-
immunization. Remember that immuniza- any weight you lose short-term will be regained as soon yard barbecues bring out many favorite classics, like potato
honest with your physician and by asking tion against preventable disease remains
questions, you can play a key role in pre- as you resume eating normally. It’s best to stick with your salad and coleslaw. While those dishes start with healthful
the single most effective intervention that healthy lifestyle year-round. Have a bad day? That’s okay. vegetables, they get weighed down with excessive satu-
venting the progression of chronic disease we have in our arsenal.” Make favorite drinks healthier with simple ingredient
and in charting a healthier course.” Vow to get back on track the next day. swaps, says Julie Chrisley. rated fats from mayonnaise and sour cream. What’s more,
7. Get help. Tell your doctor if you • Blunder 2: Ordering smoothies and frapps: When the the loads of sugar in popular barbecue sauces can heap
Here are eight ways to get more from haven’t been feeling like yourself and you
your next doctor’s visit: weather turns hot, a blended drink can seem like an ideal don’t overdo it on the sugar, I will use a little bit of honey calories on a lean chicken breast. To manage intake, avoid
think you might be suffering from depres- morning or afternoon pick-me-up. However, those from as a sweetener instead,” said Julie Chrisley, Nutrisystem creamy salads and dip chicken in BBQ sauce instead of
1. Know your history. A family health sion. Sometimes a history of mental illness
history can help your physician and other coffee shops and convenience stores tend to be loaded ambassador. slathering it on before grilling.
in the family can help doctors diagnose with sugar and fat. A 16-ounce serving may have more • Blunder 3: Not watching alcohol intake: Alcoholic For more tips and tricks for staying on track with weight
health care practitioners identify whether
and treat you earlier, Harris said. than 200 calories and 50 grams of sugar. Quench cravings beverages can be very refreshing in warm weather, but loss and healthy lifestyle goals, visit
you’re at a higher risk for particular condi-
“It is helpful for your doctor to know by ordering unsweetened or lightly sweetened iced coffee even a light beer or white wine is more than 100 calories, To overcome the most common warm weather weight
tions and diseases. With this information,
about your risk factors for certain diseases or tea or opt for a protein shake. and today’s popular sweet drinks like hard cider and wine loss blunders, it’s best to know what they are, as well has
they can make informed care decisions,
— be they genetic or environmental,” he “Being from the south, I love my sweet tea. To be sure I coolers have as many 180 calories each. To avoid over-in- have go-to strategies to avoid them.
from recommending particular treatments
said. “This understanding evolves as part of
or diagnostics to helping you plan lifestyle
an ongoing, long-term relationship (be-
changes that will help keep you well.
tween a patient and doctor).”
Before your next visit, gather as much
information as you can to share with your
rocketclips/ 8. Know your numbers. Track health
Before visiting your doctor, be prepared with questions about your health concerns. data such as your height, weight, body
“A doctor’s responsibility is to know mass index and blood pressure in order to
and understand the entirety of a patient’s can be open and honest with their doctors 4. Get screened. Ask your physician share trends with your doctor and take ac-
medical history,” said Dr. Ashley Harris, without fear of judgment,” he said. “Hon- about needed health screenings based on tion if needed. Visit to
chief medical officer at Baptist Memorial esty regarding alcohol and substance abuse your age, sex and other risk factors includ- learn about your blood pressure numbers
Hospital-Golden Triangle. “That being said, is critical because these substances can ing family history. is a and the life-altering risks of uncontrolled
a provider is most interested in those as- have significant physical and emotional im- good resource for finding recommended high blood pressure — also known as
pects of a medical history that are of con- pacts over time. Additionally, certain pre- preventive services. hypertension — and find a list of questions
sequence to their patient’s ongoing medical scription medications must be used with “Certainly, patients should be proactive to ask your doctor to help get your blood
care. ... Additionally it is important to think caution or avoided altogether in patients and engaged in their own health,” Harris pressure under control.
of all medical problems — it is easy to for- that consume alcohol or other substances.” said. “I would encourage any patient that For healthy patients, having your doctor
get that things like obstructive sleep apnea 3. Make a list. Even if you are just going has a question about health screening to track your health data is sufficient, said
or GERD can be very important to your in for a regular check-up, make a list of the ask their doctor. Think of the patient-doc- Harris. However, high-risk or at-risk pa-
doctor. ... A report of your medical history things you want to discuss during your visit tor relationship as a partnership with the tients should be a little more diligent.
should be concise but complete.” and bring it to your appointment. Topics ultimate goal being a long, healthy life.” “Patients with chronic diseases such as
2. Be honest. Your doctor will likely ask may include symptoms you’ve experi- 5. Learn your risk and take action. HTN or diabetes may be asked to track
you about such health habits as alcohol, enced, ailments you’ve suffered and more. Talk with your doctor about your risk for their blood pressure or blood sugars more
tobacco, and drug use as well as the However, Harris says, keep it short and developing type 2 diabetes. Before your closely,” he said. “It is best to keep this
amount of exercise you get. It is important to the point. Focus on two or three things appointment, you can take a free online information in a (physical or electronic) log
to be honest and accurate when answering that are causing you the most discomfort or self-screening test at DoIHavePrediabetes. along with information such as the date or
these questions. Ask your doctor if you use concern. org to learn whether you have prediabetes. time so that trends can be recognized. It is
tobacco, drugs or alcohol and need help “Being specific about ... new symptoms During your visit, your doctor will need to critical that you remember to bring this in-
quitting. or concerns allows your doctor to focus confirm a prediabetes diagnosis and can formation to your doctor’s appointments so
Harris said a doctor’s job is not to judge their attention on addressing those issues help you develop an individualized plan to it can be used to guide decisions regarding
or make moral decisions about a patient, aggressively,” he said. “Being open and prevent it from progressing. your medical treatment.”
but to provide information and care that is up-front about your goals for the visit will Doctors also have access to tests, data- By being prepared with the right ques-
helpful, not harmful. improve the likelihood that your doctor can bases and other research that can go a long tions and information, you can make the
“Patients should be confident that they meet your expectations.” way in diagnosing or preventing chronic most of your next doctor’s visit.
4 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 9

How one volunteer is helping end a family cycle of Alzheimer’s How to help kids develop healthy dental habits
Statepoint Statepoint and Dispatch Staff
“We need to raise awareness
acqueline Patterson, 66, knew from a opying adult behavior is a part of childhood devel-
young age what Alzheimer’s looked about African Americans’ in- opment. While you may not always love it when
like, but didn’t call it by its name until your child repeats everything you say, when it
she started caring for her mother, Ruby, in creased risk for Alzheimer’s comes to healthy dental habits, you can use this to your
2008. advantage.
“When I took on caregiving responsibili- and encourage participation “It’s easier to teach a younger child good oral health
ties for my mom, the only thing I knew was
that this is just something that everyone in
in research that can help habits than to break an older child of poor ones. En-
courage your children to take good care of their teeth by
my family gets – we accepted it,” Patterson
recalls. “But once I saw my mom die from
us understand the reasons showing them how well you take care of your own,” says
Dr. Michael Hahn, a licensed dentist and Cigna’s national
the disease, I made it my mission to learn
as much as I can and educate as many
behind it. I now look at Alz- dental director. “Tooth decay is one of the most common
chronic diseases among children in the U.S., but it is also
people as I can, especially African Ameri-
cans who are disproportionately impacted
heimer’s as a disease that largely preventable.”
Dental professionals locally agree.
by the disease. I don’t want anyone to go
through what I did.”
can be cured.” “Of course, (kids) do what they see their parents do,”
said Jessica Sanders, an office manager with Dr. Lindsey
Patterson has a long family history Jacqueline Patterson H. Warner’s practice Warner Family Dentistry in Starkville.
of Alzheimer’s disease. Her grandfather “Parents that take good care of their teeth – a lot of times
had the disease, and of her mother’s nine kids keep up with that and follow along.”
sisters, six passed away with Alzheimer’s importance of early detection and diagno- To help instill good dental health habits in children, Dr.
or dementia and three are currently living sis and making resources available to those Hahn suggests parents and guardians lead by example in
with the disease. Patterson’s father, Mat- living with the disease. Since her mother’s the following ways:
thew, also passed away from the disease. diagnosis, she has earned a Master’s degree • Go for regular dental checkups: More than one third
“At that time, it didn’t occur to any of us in Public Health and is working towards a of adults in the U.S. ages 18 to 64 failed to visit the dentist
Jacqueline Patterson, speaking at an Alzheimer’s Association event.
that this was a disease,” Patterson says. Doctorate of Public Health. at least once in 2016, according to the Centers for Disease
“Once I began to look more closely, I real- Currently, Patterson is enrolled in a clini- Control and Prevention.
ized there was more to it. It really hit home cal trial. She aims to overcome the stigma Set a good example so that children don’t skip dental
once my mother developed the disease.” related to such research within the Afri- exams when they become adults. Make family appoint-
According to the Alzheimer’s Asso- can-American community. African Ameri- ments for everyone to visit the dentist for checkups and
ciation, there are currently more than 5 cans and other ethnic minorities are vastly routine cleanings. Be positive when talking about it with
million Americans living with Alzheimer’s underrepresented in these trials, limiting children, even if you harbor your own anxieties about den-
disease, the sixth leading cause of death in what researchers can learn. tal care. Consider the alternative: when you skip regular
the U.S. Disproportionately impacting Af- “There is still a fear of participating in dental checkups and cleanings, it becomes more likely
rican Americans, older African Americans studies, which is understandable when that a small problem will grow larger and become more
are twice as likely as older white Ameri- you think about the history with terrible, expensive to treat. bernardbodo/
cans to develop the disease. unethical trials like Tuskegee,” Patterson • Eat breakfast together: A healthy breakfast can set It’s important to teach your children good dental habits and the best way to do that is by setting a good example.
By the time Patterson realized her moth- says. “But I wanted to be the one to say the tone for a healthy day and may even reduce one’s
er was showing symptoms of Alzheimer’s, look – I’m doing this, and it’s okay.” cravings for sugary snacks later. Sugary and sticky snacks emphasized finding ways to make brushing teeth fun for Sanders also emphasized making sure kids brush for
she was already in the late stages. “Her Patterson says she’s come a long way can remain on teeth for hours, providing time for bacteria small children. two minutes, and said there are several timers and Smart-
doctor said that it was just normal aging, from “accepting” the disease as her family’s and acids to begin causing their damage, leading to tooth Davis has a 2-year-old and said he encourages his son phone apps which play music or find other ways to count
but I knew there was more going on – destiny and is encouraging other African decay. Beyond breakfast, you can set a good example by by having an assortment of different-colored toothbrushes. the minutes kids spend brushing. One such app she rec-
something was obviously very wrong.” Americans to do the same. packing tooth-friendly healthful lunches with fruits and His son chooses the toothbrush. Davis added he some- ommended is the Oral B’s Disney Magic Timer app.
Patterson, a high school biology teacher, “We need to raise awareness about vegetables for yourself and your children. times lets his son hold another toothbrush while Davis “(The apps are) something for them to do to make
retired early to be a full-time caregiver African Americans’ increased risk for • Drink water: Making water your household’s go-to brushes his son’s teeth, just so his son gets the hang of brushing fun,” she said.
for her mother. Frustrated with the lack of Alzheimer’s and encourage participation in beverage will also help limit your family’s exposure to how the toothbrush feels in his hand. For flossing, she recommended using slackers, small
information and support services available, research that can help us understand the sugary alternatives. It can also provide an ongoing way to For older kids, Davis stressed the importance of making plastic sticks with a stretch of floss between two prongs at
she reached out to the Alzheimer’s Asso- reasons behind it. I now look at Alzhei- rinse your teeth between meals and after snacks, to limit sure children brush for the recommended two minutes and the end. Those are sometimes easier for small kids to use
ciation where she was able to learn about mer’s as a disease that can be cured,” says the length of time food particles remain on the teeth. that they brush the teeth in the back of their mouths as than unrolling a string of floss, she said.
the disease and access needed resources Patterson. • Brush and floss: Follow the American Dental Associ- well as the front teeth. She added that families should make sure to schedule
like respite care. ation recommendations found on their website for brush- “They brush the front pretty good and then they don’t appointments with their dentists’ office regularly.
After Patterson’s mother passed away, ing twice a day for two minutes each time and flossing at quite make it all the way back there,” Davis said. “Summer’s a great time to see the dentist,” she said.
she made it her mission to educate oth- least once daily. Don’t just remind your children to brush Once the kids have brushed their teeth for the night, More tips for families can be found at
ers about the disease and end the cycle their teeth, join them on occasion so that they can see that they shouldn’t have anything to eat or drink that will leave You can be a great role model for your children when
within her family. She started volunteering it can be fun. Incorporating a two-minute timer as part of more sugary residue on their teeth as they go to bed. it comes to dental health. With a positive attitude, you
with the Alzheimer’s Association, meeting the ritual can make it more of a game. “For sure, no juice or anything after you brush your can help your kids form healthy habits that last a lifetime,
with physicians serving rural and minority Sanders and Columbus dentist Dr. Bo Davis with teeth,” he said. “... And then avoiding sugary stuff that’s which in turn will help them keep their teeth for their
populations, sharing information about the Columbus Bright Smiles added some tips of their own and going to stick to your teeth.” lifetime.
8 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 5
6 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 7
6 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 7
8 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 5
4 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 9

How one volunteer is helping end a family cycle of Alzheimer’s How to help kids develop healthy dental habits
Statepoint Statepoint and Dispatch Staff
“We need to raise awareness
acqueline Patterson, 66, knew from a opying adult behavior is a part of childhood devel-
young age what Alzheimer’s looked about African Americans’ in- opment. While you may not always love it when
like, but didn’t call it by its name until your child repeats everything you say, when it
she started caring for her mother, Ruby, in creased risk for Alzheimer’s comes to healthy dental habits, you can use this to your
2008. advantage.
“When I took on caregiving responsibili- and encourage participation “It’s easier to teach a younger child good oral health
ties for my mom, the only thing I knew was
that this is just something that everyone in
in research that can help habits than to break an older child of poor ones. En-
courage your children to take good care of their teeth by
my family gets – we accepted it,” Patterson
recalls. “But once I saw my mom die from
us understand the reasons showing them how well you take care of your own,” says
Dr. Michael Hahn, a licensed dentist and Cigna’s national
the disease, I made it my mission to learn
as much as I can and educate as many
behind it. I now look at Alz- dental director. “Tooth decay is one of the most common
chronic diseases among children in the U.S., but it is also
people as I can, especially African Ameri-
cans who are disproportionately impacted
heimer’s as a disease that largely preventable.”
Dental professionals locally agree.
by the disease. I don’t want anyone to go
through what I did.”
can be cured.” “Of course, (kids) do what they see their parents do,”
said Jessica Sanders, an office manager with Dr. Lindsey
Patterson has a long family history Jacqueline Patterson H. Warner’s practice Warner Family Dentistry in Starkville.
of Alzheimer’s disease. Her grandfather “Parents that take good care of their teeth – a lot of times
had the disease, and of her mother’s nine kids keep up with that and follow along.”
sisters, six passed away with Alzheimer’s importance of early detection and diagno- To help instill good dental health habits in children, Dr.
or dementia and three are currently living sis and making resources available to those Hahn suggests parents and guardians lead by example in
with the disease. Patterson’s father, Mat- living with the disease. Since her mother’s the following ways:
thew, also passed away from the disease. diagnosis, she has earned a Master’s degree • Go for regular dental checkups: More than one third
“At that time, it didn’t occur to any of us in Public Health and is working towards a of adults in the U.S. ages 18 to 64 failed to visit the dentist
Jacqueline Patterson, speaking at an Alzheimer’s Association event.
that this was a disease,” Patterson says. Doctorate of Public Health. at least once in 2016, according to the Centers for Disease
“Once I began to look more closely, I real- Currently, Patterson is enrolled in a clini- Control and Prevention.
ized there was more to it. It really hit home cal trial. She aims to overcome the stigma Set a good example so that children don’t skip dental
once my mother developed the disease.” related to such research within the Afri- exams when they become adults. Make family appoint-
According to the Alzheimer’s Asso- can-American community. African Ameri- ments for everyone to visit the dentist for checkups and
ciation, there are currently more than 5 cans and other ethnic minorities are vastly routine cleanings. Be positive when talking about it with
million Americans living with Alzheimer’s underrepresented in these trials, limiting children, even if you harbor your own anxieties about den-
disease, the sixth leading cause of death in what researchers can learn. tal care. Consider the alternative: when you skip regular
the U.S. Disproportionately impacting Af- “There is still a fear of participating in dental checkups and cleanings, it becomes more likely
rican Americans, older African Americans studies, which is understandable when that a small problem will grow larger and become more
are twice as likely as older white Ameri- you think about the history with terrible, expensive to treat. bernardbodo/
cans to develop the disease. unethical trials like Tuskegee,” Patterson • Eat breakfast together: A healthy breakfast can set It’s important to teach your children good dental habits and the best way to do that is by setting a good example.
By the time Patterson realized her moth- says. “But I wanted to be the one to say the tone for a healthy day and may even reduce one’s
er was showing symptoms of Alzheimer’s, look – I’m doing this, and it’s okay.” cravings for sugary snacks later. Sugary and sticky snacks emphasized finding ways to make brushing teeth fun for Sanders also emphasized making sure kids brush for
she was already in the late stages. “Her Patterson says she’s come a long way can remain on teeth for hours, providing time for bacteria small children. two minutes, and said there are several timers and Smart-
doctor said that it was just normal aging, from “accepting” the disease as her family’s and acids to begin causing their damage, leading to tooth Davis has a 2-year-old and said he encourages his son phone apps which play music or find other ways to count
but I knew there was more going on – destiny and is encouraging other African decay. Beyond breakfast, you can set a good example by by having an assortment of different-colored toothbrushes. the minutes kids spend brushing. One such app she rec-
something was obviously very wrong.” Americans to do the same. packing tooth-friendly healthful lunches with fruits and His son chooses the toothbrush. Davis added he some- ommended is the Oral B’s Disney Magic Timer app.
Patterson, a high school biology teacher, “We need to raise awareness about vegetables for yourself and your children. times lets his son hold another toothbrush while Davis “(The apps are) something for them to do to make
retired early to be a full-time caregiver African Americans’ increased risk for • Drink water: Making water your household’s go-to brushes his son’s teeth, just so his son gets the hang of brushing fun,” she said.
for her mother. Frustrated with the lack of Alzheimer’s and encourage participation in beverage will also help limit your family’s exposure to how the toothbrush feels in his hand. For flossing, she recommended using slackers, small
information and support services available, research that can help us understand the sugary alternatives. It can also provide an ongoing way to For older kids, Davis stressed the importance of making plastic sticks with a stretch of floss between two prongs at
she reached out to the Alzheimer’s Asso- reasons behind it. I now look at Alzhei- rinse your teeth between meals and after snacks, to limit sure children brush for the recommended two minutes and the end. Those are sometimes easier for small kids to use
ciation where she was able to learn about mer’s as a disease that can be cured,” says the length of time food particles remain on the teeth. that they brush the teeth in the back of their mouths as than unrolling a string of floss, she said.
the disease and access needed resources Patterson. • Brush and floss: Follow the American Dental Associ- well as the front teeth. She added that families should make sure to schedule
like respite care. ation recommendations found on their website for brush- “They brush the front pretty good and then they don’t appointments with their dentists’ office regularly.
After Patterson’s mother passed away, ing twice a day for two minutes each time and flossing at quite make it all the way back there,” Davis said. “Summer’s a great time to see the dentist,” she said.
she made it her mission to educate oth- least once daily. Don’t just remind your children to brush Once the kids have brushed their teeth for the night, More tips for families can be found at
ers about the disease and end the cycle their teeth, join them on occasion so that they can see that they shouldn’t have anything to eat or drink that will leave You can be a great role model for your children when
within her family. She started volunteering it can be fun. Incorporating a two-minute timer as part of more sugary residue on their teeth as they go to bed. it comes to dental health. With a positive attitude, you
with the Alzheimer’s Association, meeting the ritual can make it more of a game. “For sure, no juice or anything after you brush your can help your kids form healthy habits that last a lifetime,
with physicians serving rural and minority Sanders and Columbus dentist Dr. Bo Davis with teeth,” he said. “... And then avoiding sugary stuff that’s which in turn will help them keep their teeth for their
populations, sharing information about the Columbus Bright Smiles added some tips of their own and going to stick to your teeth.” lifetime.
10 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 3

Eight tips to make the most of your next doctor’s visit Five warm weather weight loss blunders to avoid
Statepoint and Dispatch Staff conditions, but patients must fully commu- Statepoint dulging, alternate one or two drinks with fizzy seltzer over
ice and a lime wedge.

nicate their concerns and health history in

isits to the doctor can be very pro- order to give their doctor a clear picture of long with warm weather comes picnics, cookouts • Blunder 4: Perspiring to lose: When you exercise in
ductive with a little preparatory work and other parties that can take a toll on your healthy the heat, you may think you can feel the pounds melting
their risks, Harris said.
in advance of the appointment, say lifestyle. off with each bead of sweat. And if you weigh yourself
6. Get immunized. Many immuni-
experts. To help you stay on track while you’re enjoying the right before and after a workout, you may see a difference.
zations require boosters after time has
“For some people, visits to the doctor sunshine and good times, Courtney McCormick, manager, The problem is as soon as you replace the fluids you’ve
passed, so make sure you are up-to-date
can be daunting or even scary, but there Clinical Research and Nutrition at Nutrisystem, is sharing sweated out, you’ll see on the scale that you’ve lost little,
on your immunizations.
are steps you can take beforehand that the top five weight loss blunders people tend to make this if any, weight. Your best bet is to maintain a steady activity
“Each stage of life presents the ongo-
will improve the experience, foster com- time of year and simple tips for avoiding them. level every day so that you get at least 150 minutes of
ing need to assess/reassess immunization • Blunder 1: Crash dieting: The thought of putting on a
munication, and, in turn, improve health movement a week. Regular activity keeps your metabolism
status,” Harris said. “Additionally, certain swimsuit may entice you to crash diet. Crash diets are not
outcomes,” says Barbara L. McAneny, burning continually, even if you’re just walking inside an
medical conditions put you at greater risk only unhealthy, they tend to slow metabolism, making it
M.D., president of the American Medical air-conditioned mall.
for diseases that can be prevented with difficult for you to drop more than just a few pounds. Also,
Association (AMA). “By being open and • Blunder 5: Loading plates with BBQ favorites: Back-
immunization. Remember that immuniza- any weight you lose short-term will be regained as soon yard barbecues bring out many favorite classics, like potato
honest with your physician and by asking tion against preventable disease remains
questions, you can play a key role in pre- as you resume eating normally. It’s best to stick with your salad and coleslaw. While those dishes start with healthful
the single most effective intervention that healthy lifestyle year-round. Have a bad day? That’s okay. vegetables, they get weighed down with excessive satu-
venting the progression of chronic disease we have in our arsenal.” Make favorite drinks healthier with simple ingredient
and in charting a healthier course.” Vow to get back on track the next day. swaps, says Julie Chrisley. rated fats from mayonnaise and sour cream. What’s more,
7. Get help. Tell your doctor if you • Blunder 2: Ordering smoothies and frapps: When the the loads of sugar in popular barbecue sauces can heap
Here are eight ways to get more from haven’t been feeling like yourself and you
your next doctor’s visit: weather turns hot, a blended drink can seem like an ideal don’t overdo it on the sugar, I will use a little bit of honey calories on a lean chicken breast. To manage intake, avoid
think you might be suffering from depres- morning or afternoon pick-me-up. However, those from as a sweetener instead,” said Julie Chrisley, Nutrisystem creamy salads and dip chicken in BBQ sauce instead of
1. Know your history. A family health sion. Sometimes a history of mental illness
history can help your physician and other coffee shops and convenience stores tend to be loaded ambassador. slathering it on before grilling.
in the family can help doctors diagnose with sugar and fat. A 16-ounce serving may have more • Blunder 3: Not watching alcohol intake: Alcoholic For more tips and tricks for staying on track with weight
health care practitioners identify whether
and treat you earlier, Harris said. than 200 calories and 50 grams of sugar. Quench cravings beverages can be very refreshing in warm weather, but loss and healthy lifestyle goals, visit
you’re at a higher risk for particular condi-
“It is helpful for your doctor to know by ordering unsweetened or lightly sweetened iced coffee even a light beer or white wine is more than 100 calories, To overcome the most common warm weather weight
tions and diseases. With this information,
about your risk factors for certain diseases or tea or opt for a protein shake. and today’s popular sweet drinks like hard cider and wine loss blunders, it’s best to know what they are, as well has
they can make informed care decisions,
— be they genetic or environmental,” he “Being from the south, I love my sweet tea. To be sure I coolers have as many 180 calories each. To avoid over-in- have go-to strategies to avoid them.
from recommending particular treatments
said. “This understanding evolves as part of
or diagnostics to helping you plan lifestyle
an ongoing, long-term relationship (be-
changes that will help keep you well.
tween a patient and doctor).”
Before your next visit, gather as much
information as you can to share with your
rocketclips/ 8. Know your numbers. Track health
Before visiting your doctor, be prepared with questions about your health concerns. data such as your height, weight, body
“A doctor’s responsibility is to know mass index and blood pressure in order to
and understand the entirety of a patient’s can be open and honest with their doctors 4. Get screened. Ask your physician share trends with your doctor and take ac-
medical history,” said Dr. Ashley Harris, without fear of judgment,” he said. “Hon- about needed health screenings based on tion if needed. Visit to
chief medical officer at Baptist Memorial esty regarding alcohol and substance abuse your age, sex and other risk factors includ- learn about your blood pressure numbers
Hospital-Golden Triangle. “That being said, is critical because these substances can ing family history. is a and the life-altering risks of uncontrolled
a provider is most interested in those as- have significant physical and emotional im- good resource for finding recommended high blood pressure — also known as
pects of a medical history that are of con- pacts over time. Additionally, certain pre- preventive services. hypertension — and find a list of questions
sequence to their patient’s ongoing medical scription medications must be used with “Certainly, patients should be proactive to ask your doctor to help get your blood
care. ... Additionally it is important to think caution or avoided altogether in patients and engaged in their own health,” Harris pressure under control.
of all medical problems — it is easy to for- that consume alcohol or other substances.” said. “I would encourage any patient that For healthy patients, having your doctor
get that things like obstructive sleep apnea 3. Make a list. Even if you are just going has a question about health screening to track your health data is sufficient, said
or GERD can be very important to your in for a regular check-up, make a list of the ask their doctor. Think of the patient-doc- Harris. However, high-risk or at-risk pa-
doctor. ... A report of your medical history things you want to discuss during your visit tor relationship as a partnership with the tients should be a little more diligent.
should be concise but complete.” and bring it to your appointment. Topics ultimate goal being a long, healthy life.” “Patients with chronic diseases such as
2. Be honest. Your doctor will likely ask may include symptoms you’ve experi- 5. Learn your risk and take action. HTN or diabetes may be asked to track
you about such health habits as alcohol, enced, ailments you’ve suffered and more. Talk with your doctor about your risk for their blood pressure or blood sugars more
tobacco, and drug use as well as the However, Harris says, keep it short and developing type 2 diabetes. Before your closely,” he said. “It is best to keep this
amount of exercise you get. It is important to the point. Focus on two or three things appointment, you can take a free online information in a (physical or electronic) log
to be honest and accurate when answering that are causing you the most discomfort or self-screening test at DoIHavePrediabetes. along with information such as the date or
these questions. Ask your doctor if you use concern. org to learn whether you have prediabetes. time so that trends can be recognized. It is
tobacco, drugs or alcohol and need help “Being specific about ... new symptoms During your visit, your doctor will need to critical that you remember to bring this in-
quitting. or concerns allows your doctor to focus confirm a prediabetes diagnosis and can formation to your doctor’s appointments so
Harris said a doctor’s job is not to judge their attention on addressing those issues help you develop an individualized plan to it can be used to guide decisions regarding
or make moral decisions about a patient, aggressively,” he said. “Being open and prevent it from progressing. your medical treatment.”
but to provide information and care that is up-front about your goals for the visit will Doctors also have access to tests, data- By being prepared with the right ques-
helpful, not harmful. improve the likelihood that your doctor can bases and other research that can go a long tions and information, you can make the
“Patients should be confident that they meet your expectations.” way in diagnosing or preventing chronic most of your next doctor’s visit.
2 Sunday, June 2, 2019 The Dispatch C Health & Wellness Health & Wellness The Dispatch C Sunday, June 2, 2019 11
The Dispatch C

12 Sunday, June 2, 2019 Health & Wellness

Trinity Healthcare residents Nancy Gillis, Hattie Mitchell

and Katie Heurkamp participate in a game of noodle ball. Sunday,June 2, 2019
Photo by Chris McDill/Special to The Dispatch

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