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Name: Manuela Barreno

Block: 1
Advisor Mr, Molstad 

Post Senior Defense Reflection

1. What area(s) do you think you did well in your defense? Explain.
In my first presentation i don’t think I did well but I was confident but at time I would get
stuck. But, in my second senior defense presentation I was really confident on what i
need to do and how I was going to do it.

2. What area(s) do you think you could improve in your senior defense? Explain why it
needs improvement
I think managing my confident in presenting in front of an audience. I know if I keep
working on it would become more conformable to presented. I always had a phobia of
public speaking i just don’t like it. I’m just scared on what people might think of me on my

3. In what ways would you improve your senior defense presentation if you had another
opportunity to present?

I think start all over and have time to practice that’s all i need to do do i would past.
That’s how I past my second try just by practicing and knowing what your explaining,

4. What did you learn about yourself during the senior defense preparation process?\
That during the past years being in Los angeles of Global Studies I have seen my growth over
the years. That i build relationships with my teachers that i won’t forget. I proud of myself that I
still promise that i would be graduating and now I’m.

5. What did you learn about yourself at your panel presentation?

That I know that I’m better and if i tell myself be confident you will do good. These past few
days i have feeling a new Manuela not the old manuela that was never confident in herself. By
putting myself into obsoletes I would overcome this fear.

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