حمولات الشاحنة على الخزان

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- Live Loads

A- Case of Fire Truck with design lane load


D = Clear span of the tank (in) = 190.9in

H = Depth of fill from top of tank to top of pavement (ft) =3.28 ft

Hint-t = Wheel interaction depth transverse to span (ft)

Hint-p = Axle interaction depth parallel to span (ft)

LLDF = Live load distribution factor per LRFD [Table]; (1.15)

Wt = Width of tire contact area, per LRFD []; (20 in)

t= Length of tire contact area, per LRFD []; (10 in)

Sw = Wheel spacing; (6.0 ft)

Sa = Axle spacing (ft) ; (14.0 ft)

Hint-t = (6-(20/12)-0.06(190.9/12))/1.15=2.94 ft < H (3.28 ft) (lateral interaction); then

W w =sw+ W t /12 + Sw + LLDF (H) + 0.06 (D/12)


Ww = Live load patch width at depth H (ft) = 6+(20/12)+1.15(3.28)+0.06(190.9/12)=12.4 ft

Hint-p = (14-(10/12))/1.15=11.45 ft > H (3.28 ft) (longit. interaction);

= then w= t /12 + Sa =10/12+1.15*3.28=4.6

Where: w= Live load patch length at depth H (ft) = 4.6 ft

ALL = w w= 4.6*12.4=57.04 ft2


ALL = Rectangular area at depth H (ft2)

The live load vertical crown pressure shall be:


IM = Dynamic load allowance (%); IM = 33(1.0 0.125(DE)) = 19.47

DE = Minimum depth of earth cover above the structure (ft) ;( 3.28 ft)

m = Multiple presence factor per LRFD []; (1.2)

P = Live load applied at surface on all interacting wheels (kip); (16 kip)

PL = Live load vertical crown pressure (ksf) =16*(1+(33/100)*1.2)/57.04= 0.448ksf = 2.15


The design lane load shall consist of load 0.641ksf = 1.0t/m2

B- Uniform distributed lane load 0.64 ksf = 1.0 t/m2

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