SRS For Signup Page

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SRS for Online Registration Form

1. Components
1. ‘First Name ‘ text field

1. Should accept minimum 4 alphabets and maximum 10 alphabets

2. It is a mandatory field
3. It should contain a place holder “First Name”

2. ‘Last Name ’ text field

1. Should accept minimum 4 alphabets and maximum 10 alphabets
2. It is not a mandatory field.
3. It should contain a place holder “Last Name”

3. ‘User Name’ text field

1. It should accept minimum 6 and maximum 20 characters.
2. It is a mandatory field
3. It should contain a place holder “User Name”

4. E-mail Address text field

1. It is a mandatory field.
2. It should accept valid Email ids only
3. It should contain a place holder “Email”
4. It can accept alphabets numbers and special characters but space not

5. ‘Address’ text area field

1. It should accept up to 2000 characters.
2. It is not a mandatory field.
3. It should contain a place holder “Address”
4. It should accept all special characters.

6. ‘Password’ text field

1. It should be alpha numeric and should contain minimum one special
2. It is a mandatory field
3. It should contain minimum 6 and maximum 10 characters.
4. It should contain a place holder “Password”
5. It should contain minimum one upper case.

7. ‘Retype Password’ text field

1. It is a mandatory field
2. It should be same as ‘Password text field’ (same as password field
3. It should contain a place holder “Re-type password”

8. ‘Select City’ dropdown

1. It is not a mandatory field
2. It should contain Bengaluru ,Mumbai, Chennai, Pune in order
3. It should have a place holder ”Select City ”.

9. ‘Gender ‘ Radio button

1. Should select either Male or Female
2. It is a mandatory field.

10. ‘Terms and conditions’ link

1. Should display terms and conditions page on click.
2. It is mandatory.

11. ‘Register’ button

1. Button to register with text “ Register”.

12. ‘Cancel ’ Button

1. Should clear all the fields on click.
2. Should contain text “Cancel”.

13. ‘Requirements ’ Link

1.13.1 It should open SRS page on click in a different tab.

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