Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research

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Journal of College and Character

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Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research

William R. Molasso

To cite this article: William R. Molasso (2006) Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research,
Journal of College and Character, 7:7, , DOI: 10.2202/1940-1639.1246

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Journal of College & Character VOLUME VII, NO. 7, September 2006

What They’re Reading

Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research

Review by William R. Molasso, Northern Illinois University 1

Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. & Norma T. Mertz. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, xxxii + 207

I n the study of civic learning and character education of college students, many authors use a
qualitative research orientation in their work. Thus, scholars, graduate students, and
practitioners working with these issues may find the newly released Theoretical Frameworks in
Qualitative Research a valuable resource. This book resonated with me from the beginning.
Specifically, authors Vincent A. Anfara, Jr., and Norma T. Mertz (2006), observe:

When we discussed theory, and in particular, theoretical frameworks, in our

classes, students seemed puzzled and would ask a litany of questions: What is a
theoretical framework? How do you find it? Where do you use it? What effect does
it have on your research? (p. ix).

I remember struggling with these same questions as a doctoral student, and even now as a
young faculty member assisting future scholars in developing their research skills. Theoretical
Frameworks provides direct, practical, and interesting explanations and examples to answer these
The most useful chapter in this book is also the most broadly applicable to a range of
education and social science fields that explore character development in college students. The
Introduction explains the concept of theory and the role of theoretical frameworks in qualitative
research. The 20-page Introduction also explains the organization of the book, and identifies what
readers can anticipate as they progress through its pages. Even for scholars and practitioners
interested in more quantitative research methods, this Introduction provides a useful foundation
and an easy to understand explanation of how theoretical frameworks influence research.
Interestingly, while the Introduction is an extremely valuable resource and future teaching tool, it
does not provide a direct answer to the simple question of “Why do I need a theoretical
The remainder of the book is organized around 10 chapters, each written by an experienced
qualitative researcher. In the original call, more than 90 manuscripts were submitted for
consideration. This allowed Anfara and Mertz to select only well-written chapters that
demonstrated clear use of a theoretical framework as outlined in the Introduction. Specific
chapters focus on school culture (Henstrand); transformational learning and HIV (Merriam);
arena models and state educational systems (Fowler); social construction and the changing

William R. Molasso is an assistant professor of adult and higher education at Northern Illinois University
outside of Chicago. He can be reached at

2 Journal of College and Character VOLUME VII, NO. 7, September 2006

academic landscape (Mills & Bettis); identity in departmental reorganization (Mills & Bettis);
chaos theory and midlife (Karpiak); grief construct and organizational change (Kearney & Hyle);
grid and group interpretation in educational leadership (Harris); field theory and policy decision-
making (Mutch); and activist politics in educational research (Lugg).
Each chapter is generally organized in the same manner. Authors provide a brief overview
of the study in which the theoretical framework is used; describe the theoretical framework;
identify how the framework was discovered in practical and real-world terms; discuss how the
framework influenced the research questions, design, and analysis of the study; acknowledge
other frameworks considered but not used in the study; and offer any additional author reflections
on identifying, selecting, and using theoretical frameworks in research.
Theoretical Frameworks is accessible, interesting, and reads like a conversation with the
authors of each chapter about the struggles and successes of identifying theoretical frameworks in
their work. What is most useful in this book, however, is not the actual content of the
interdisciplinary theoretical frameworks in the 10 chapters. While they cover a range from
cognitive and social anthropology to the physical/biological sciences, the true value of this
publication is having the opportunity to glimpse the process of how scholars have successfully
identified, struggled with, and applied theoretical frameworks in their research.
As I continue to improve my own qualitative and quantitative research skills, and work
with graduate students as they prepare to become future scholars, Anfara and Mertz’s book will
prove to be an essential resource for me. I highly recommend this publication to scholars,
graduate students, and practitioners exploring civic learning and character education from either a
qualitative or quantitative orientation. In fact, I’ve already recommended Theoretical
Frameworks in Qualitative Research to several colleagues and students!


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