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The Leadership Strategy Congress is a yearly event organized by the Deeper Life Bible
Church, held at the Deeper Life Conference Centre, Km32 Lagos-Ibadan Expressway,
Ogun State.
This is a program meant to harness the leadership skills of workers and leaders within
the church, and prepare them for the tasks and assignments ahead.
This year’s Leadership Strategy Congress was a 6-day event and was, themed
“Steadfastness Until Christ’s Return” with messages under various categories, from
categories in Leadership Faithfulness, and Freshness, to Leadership Steadfastness,
Fullness & Earnestness.
For ministrations under the Leadership Faithfulness Category, we looked individually at
the lives of few exceptional characters from the bible, which includes Enoch, Joseph, and
We see that the Word of God teaches us that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works”
2Timothy 3:16-17
Thus, reviewing the life of Enoch, we looked critically at Enoch’s walk of faith, and through
his life we were taught on his;
 Faith that lived above the corruption of the old generation,
 Faithfulness with loyalty above the character within his and other generations, and
 How he was found faultless, and therefore lifted above the curse in his own

Also, evaluating the Life of Faith of another outstanding character, Joseph, we

 The Purity in the Faith Life of Joseph- Who, even though had excuses of living a
debased, depraved life due to the events that unfolded in his life, yet he decided
to honor God and live an upright life.
 The patience and perseverance of the faithful life of the Just – As we see, that
though Joseph had a dream, of been on the mountain top of success, yet he had
to go through the valley of lies, deception & imprisonment, but in the midst of it all
he patiently followed after the will and the word of God, and perseveringly held
unto his dream, until the fulfilment of the anticipated life was attained.
 Finally, we considered how the life of Joseph previewed the future Life of Jesus,
even as our own lives ought to mirror the very life of our savior. For Jesus himself
taught in John 13:15, that he has given us an example, that we should do as he
has done; and as John mentioned in 1 John 2:6 that “He that saith he abideth in
him (Jesus) ought himself also to walk even as he walked”. Thus, our lives ought
to be a replica of Christ.
Over the course of the congress, in other categories, we looked at other topics like
Practical love & forgiveness in the family, True conversion & obedient walk with God,
Courage in service of our conquering King, and Steadfast faithfulness & finishing well like
our commended King, to mention but a few.
In conclusion, all these topics are meant to mold, transform and perfect the character of
its listeners, at a time where there is so much depravation, corruption & immorality in the
society, yet are taught to be willing to stand-out as a beautiful, radiant lily in the muddy,
dirty environment we find ourselves to be, whether at home, in the office, in the market or
schools. We are taught to shine forth our lives as an example for all the world to see, for
all the people that crosses our path through our existence to acknowledge, for the praise
& the glory of God.
Most importantly, these topics are meant to prepare the believer for the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ. Whose coming is going to be an event that would be epoch making,
and would change the course of the whole world. Therefore, believers are taught to be
ready themselves, and to passionately, persuasively & purposefully prepare others for
His coming.

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