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E. E.Dr. Alvaro Guião 9° ano 2º bimestre What is happening?

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Have life and the criteria changed?

Name:...................................nº......... Are there any immediate solutions?
Name:...................................nº......... Here are some examples which could help
Série:...... Teacher : Guiomar to solve this problem:
Advertising campaigns about wearing
Teenage –Pregnancy
Frank talking ( dialogues) among parents
and children.
Nowadays the number of children who are The awareness of taking the pill.
born without their fathers is increasing So, girls be careful. Think of it.
tremendously. For instance, in England is a You will have an entire life for giving birth
Staggering percentage of single mothers. On the to many kids.
other hand, the educational criteria are still Think of it.
severely kept. You must avoid pregnancy during
Why so many pregnancies? adolescence.
Why do many girls get pregnant without Actually you have to study, you have to
marrying? enjoy yourselves and all in life has the right time
to be done.
The answers are difficult; the trouble
keeps up worrying parents and the family in
general. ACRM
A-) Find in the text the equivalent in
English for these expressions: 07-( ) The verb to increase means the same
as to rise.
1- problema:.............................................
2- pensar:................................................. 08- ( ) For instance is the opposite form of for
3- uma vida inteira:.................................... example.
4- cuidadosas:...........................................
5- dever:...................................................
6- critérios:...............................................
7- respostas:.............................................
8- atualmente:...........................................
9- por exemplo:.........................................
10- surpreendente:......................................
11- consciência:...........................................
12- divertir-se:.............................................
13- difíceis:.................................................
14- pais e filhos:..........................................
15- por outro lado:.......................................
16- na verdade:...........................................
17- gravidez:..............................................
18- mudar:.................................................
19- conversa:..............................................
20- usar:....................................................
21- campanhas publicitárias:.........................
22- preocupar-se:........................................
23- evitar:..................................................
24- preservativos:.......................................
25- estudar:...............................................
26- mães solteiras:......................................
27- sem:....................................................
28- tomar pílula:.........................................
29- continuar:............................................
30- dar à luz a:...........................................

B-) Write T (true) or F (false) for these


1- ( ) the number of single mothers in

England has fallen lately.

2- ( ) Girls should avoid pregnancy during


03-( ) All girls must take the pill even without

parental consent.

04-( ) advertising campaigns about pregnancy

are common nowadays.

05-( ) the traditional British education is still

severely maintained at present.

06-( ) The verb to marry means the same as

to wed.

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