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CITY OF HARTFORD To: Lieutenant Sean Miche! Watch Commander, B Squad From: Sergeant Jeffrey Morande > * 27 '* Patrol Supervisor, 8 Squad Date: May 25", 2019 Subject: Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud, Patrol Unit 17, B Squad Please allow this Interdepartmental Memorandum to serve as an official notification pursuant {o Hartford Police Department Policy and Procedure General Order’ 1.05 (Harassment and Discrimination). It was brought to attention of this.wnter, Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud called Probationary Police Officer Ra CMEMEGD 2 “retard” after a roll cal (On today's date, May 25", 2019, at 1630 hours, this writer, along with Sergeant John Zweibelson and. yourself, interviewed Probationary Police Officer — a regarding the incident Probationary Police Officer dA recalled the incident in question and confirmed his Field Training Officer, Officer Jess ‘Stroud called him a “retard” after roll call was dismissed. Probationary Police Officer related no supervisors were present, however; several Officers were present and heard the comment Probationary Police Officer @MEEREMB related he did not recall the context of the conversation with Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud that led to her calling him a “retard” Probationary Police Officer JAENEED. elated to the best of his recollection, this incident occurred on May 7, 2019 or May, 8", 2019, after the 1445 (early) B Squad Roll Call was dismissed. Probationary Police Office ARIMENENEE related he did not report the incident because he did not take the comment personally and he did not want to bring negative attention to himself due to the fact he isa Probationary Police Officer. Probationary Police Officer fitter EEREB related the majority of his experience with Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud was negative and he did not feel he was gaining the necessary training needed to progress. Before concluding the interview, this writer read and explained the Hartford Police Department Policy and Procedure General Qrder 1.05 (Harassment and Discrimination) to Probationary Police Officer Probationary Police Orficer aaa stated he understood the policy. This writer provided Probationary Police Officer with the telephone number of the Hartford Police Department Employee ‘Assistance Program coordinator, Officer Teresa Velez. This writer explained to Probationary Police Officer @]N@@iNNNIB should he chose to do so, he could speak to Officer Teresa Velez in confidence about the incident. Probationary Police Officer SiMe GEER stated he understood. Before concluding the interview, this writer requested from Probationary Police Officer he keep the content of the interview confidential, to which he acknowledged and understood. At 1708 hours, this writer concluded the interview and dismissed Probationary Police Officer After interviewing Probationary Police Orticer NASAIIMI, itis the recommendation of this writer Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud be suspended from participating in the Field Training Officer program and for the upcoming bid, be reassigned to a B Squad Patrol Unit where there is litte to no opportunity for her and Probationary Police Officer ams” (EM 10 interact. Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud used eight hours of compensatory time on today's date (May 25%, 2019) and is not scheduled to return to duty until May 29", 2019. As such, this writer was unable to interview Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud. Currently, Probationary Police Officer iM SIM is assigned to Patrol Unit 26 A Squad and is training under Field Training Officer Matthew Secore and Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud is assigned to Patfdl Unit 17 B Squad. Therefore, Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud and Probationary Police Officer (MTGE: are assigned to separate shifts and immediate action was not applicable to limit their work contact Pursuant to your direction and in conjunction with Hartford Police Department Policy and Procedure General Order 1.05 (Harassment and Discrimination), the following notifications ‘were made on today’s date (May.26", 2019) Officer Teresa Velez, Hartford Police Depaitnent Efmployee Assistance Program coordinator at 1712 hours. This notification was made in reference to both Probationary Police Officer Andrew Cavanna and Field Training Officer Jessica Stroud respectively. “3 Lieutenant Michael Reynolds, Hartford Police Department, Fiold Training Officer Program coordinator at 1742 hours . Lieutenant Kevin O'Brien, Hartford Police Department, internal Affairs Division Commander at 1750 hours. Captain Gabriel Laureano, Hartford Police Department, Patrol Division and Headquarters ‘Commander at 1830 hours, Pursuant to your direction, this writer will place this interdepartmental Memorandum in the Internal Affairs Divi JSMijsm >

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