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A Comparative Analysis and Technique of the

Lat Pull-down

Article in Strength and conditioning journal · October 2015

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000173


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3 authors, including:

Ronald Snarr Ryan Eckert

Georgia Southern University UT Health San Antonio


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Exercise Technique

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A Comparative Analysis
and Technique of the Lat
AU1 Ronald Snarr, MEd, CSCS, HFS, Ryan M. Eckert, CPT, and Patricia Abbott
AU2 Department of Kinesiology, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama

ABSTRACT strengthening of the latissimus dorsi chain (1). This subsystem plays an
and glenohumeral supporting muscula- important role in the transfer of forces
ture may enhance an individuals’ ability between upper and lower extremities,
to transfer power between the upper and is important for movements such
HOW TO PERFORM A LAT PULL- and lower extremities during move- as opposite arm swing, propulsion of
DOWN (LP) IS PREVALENT ments, such as swinging, throwing, gait, and rotational movements (e.g.,
THROUGHOUT PEER-REVIEWED and even sprinting. Athletes who may swinging and throwing) (1).
JOURNALS. THIS COLUMN WILL gain the most benefit from an overhead
ANALYZE RESEARCH OF THE LP Although previous techniques of the
pulling movement include gymnasts,
AND EXAMINE DIFFERENCES LP consisted of pulling the bar
swimmers, and wrestlers.
BETWEEN COMMON VARIATIONS. behind-the-neck, a more modern and
THIS ARTICLE WILL ALSO PROVIDE MUSCLES INVOLVED safer way to perform the exercise uses
A DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPER Key musculature: latissimus dorsi, pos- a pull in front of the body (2,7,11,13).
TECHNIQUE FOR THE TRADI- terior deltoid, rhomboids, trapezius, Pulling the bar behind-the-head puts
biceps brachii (BB). the glenohumeral joint in a comprised
position (i.e., externally rotated, ab-
Secondary: teres minor, teres major,
ducted, and horizontally abducted)
pectoralis major, triceps brachii, infra-
TYPE OF EXERCISE increasing the risk of shoulder injury
spinatus, brachialis, and brachioradialis
he lat pull-down (LP) is a multi- (6,13). Chronic use of the behind-the-

joint exercise involving move- head LP increases the likelihood of
ments of the shoulder complex BENEFITS OF THE EXERCISE developing anterior instability (AI) in
(e.g., glenohumeral, scapulothoracic, The LP is a multijoint exercise that is the shoulder joint (6,9). AI in the shoul-
etc.) and the elbow joint, and is de- designed to increase muscular capacity der joint is often associated with a vari-
signed to increase muscular capacity of the upper body, particularly strength- ety of other soft tissue injuries such as
of both the upper extremities and torso. ening of the musculature of the gleno- supporting rotator cuff musculature, lig-
This exercise will provide a benefit to humeral joint, as well as the primary amentous, and cartilaginous damage
those athletes requiring increases in mover (i.e., latissimus dorsi [LD]). The (10). With a transfer to an anterior pull
upper-body strength and endurance. LD is an integral component of the (i.e., in front of the body), the LP be-
Although most sports do not require posterior oblique subsystem and also comes a more functional movement
an overhead pulling movement, serves as part of the posterior kinetic and reduces the prevalence of injury (4).

Copyright ! National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 1
Copyright ª Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Exercise Technique

By incorporating different variations of WG anterior (all were significantly The LD and infraspinatus were signif-
the LP regarding grip width or orien- greater than the WG posterior) (11). icantly higher during the WG versus
tation, it may be possible to emphasize However, Lehman et al. (7), showed the narrow grip in the eccentric phase;
and strengthen varying muscle groups. only a small, but nonsignificant, increase however, BB activity was significantly
The pronated, wide grip LP (WG) is in LD activation during the WG when greater during the concentric phase of
the most commonly performed varia- compared with a SG. the medium grip when compared with
tion of the LP with a reputation to pro- the narrow (2).
Sperandei et al. (13), elicited results
duce the most activation of the LD. A that provided no differences in LD acti- Although all of the above aforemen-
close grip LP (CG) typically consists of vation between 3 variations of the LP. tioned grip and orientation changes
a pronated grip roughly shoulder However, supporting musculature (i.e., can produce various differences in
width apart. By decreasing the dis- pectoralis major, posterior deltoid, and EMG activity, LD activity may be
tance between the hands, the arms BB), all presented significantly greater increased with proper instruction
can no longer primarily adduct to values within the exercise variations. alone. A study performed by Snyder
complete the movement and therefore For instance, pectoralis major showed and Leech (12), demonstrated that
must work in both the frontal and sag- significantly greater activation during with specific training instruction and
ittal plane simultaneously (i.e., adduc- kinesthetic feedback during a LP, par-
the WG in front of the body compared
tion and extension). This change in ticipants were able to significantly
with a CG and behind-the-neck
joint motion causes a substantial increase LD activity while still main-
LP. The BB was greater during the
increase in the range of motion taining BB and teres major activation
behind-the-neck variation (13).
through the glenohumeral joint (508) levels. This study reinforces the aspect
and the elbow (158) (4). A neutral grip Furthermore, Lusk et al. (8), provided that without proper technique during
LP (NG) is typically performed using a closer examination of forearm orien- complex movements, individuals may
a v-bar. When performing this varia- tation and grip width during the LP. not be receiving maximal benefits of an
tion, the major difference is the action Researchers tested 4 variations of the exercise. Thus, the proper technique
at the shoulder joint during the move- movement (pronated WG, pronated for the WG is described in detail as
ment. Instead of primarily adduction, CG, supinated WG, and supinated follows. The WG was chosen as it is
the shoulder is concentrically extend- CG) to determine whether an EMG the most common method for the LP.
ing during the NG, which affects mus- difference existed within the LD, BB,
cular recruitment (11). A supinated or middle trapezius (MT). Results
grip LP (SG), also known as a reverse demonstrated that the LD was acti-
grip LP, is performed with an under- vated to a greater extent with a pro- STARTING POSITION
hand, shoulder width grip on a tradi- nated grip (regardless of width) when
tional pull-down bar. As with the NG, compared with the SG. However, BB ! Before taking a seated position,
the action at the shoulder is extension and MT showed no differences, despite adjust the machine so the handles
compared with adduction. Although grip width and forearm orientation can be grabbed from the seated posi-
all of these grip widths and orientations changes (8). tion, but while the arms are still fully
are possible during training, the follow- extended overhead.
More recently, Andersen et al. (2), ! Adjust the knee pad (if necessary) so
ing provides a review of literature studied 3 different pronated grip
examining the electromyographical that knees are secured at an approx-
widths (i.e., WG, medium, and narrow)
(EMG) patterns during these LP imate 908 knee bend. This ensures
to determine whether the LD, MT, BB,
variations. that the exerciser remains in contact
or infraspinatus was activated to with the seat during the exercise.
A study performed by Signorile et al. a greater or lesser extent among the ! Grasp the handles slightly wider
(11), compared the primary and sec- variations. Researchers also wanted to than shoulder width apart with
ondary EMG activity of the shoulder see if the grip variations made a differ- a closed, pronated grip.
musculature during 4 types of the LP ence during a 6 repetition maximum ! Throughout the exercise, keep the
(i.e., pronated WG anterior to the body, (RM) protocol. Results indicated that feet flat on the floor and the spine
WG posterior to the body, pronated a narrow and medium grip showed dif- in a neutral position with a slight
CG, and SG). Their results demon- ference in EMG activity with load backward lean, approximately 70–
strated a greater activation of the lifted, but both were significantly high- 808 of flexion at the hips (Figure 1). F1
LD and the long head of the triceps er than WG. In terms of EMG patterns,
brachii during the WG when compared there was no difference between the CONCENTRIC PHASE
with the remaining variations (11). grips for the LD, MT, or infraspinatus. (DOWNWARD MOVEMENT)
Although the pectoralis major and pos- However, when the movements were
terior deltoid showed no significant dif- analyzed concentrically and eccentri- ! Exhale while adducting the shoulder
ferences between close, supinated, or cally, significant changes were present. and flexing the elbow in order to pull

2 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2015

Copyright ª Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(if available) or by reducing the
external resistance.

For certain individuals, access to the
LP machine may not be practical
(e.g., individuals using a wheelchair
or shorter athletes who can success-
fully stabilize the lower body with
the knee pad). Therefore, a variation
or modification to the traditional LP
may be necessary. The same move-
ment can be performed using a cable
crossover station in which 2 indepen-
dent handles are used in place of a tra-
ditional LP bar. The handles should be
set to an overhead position. This can
either be performed in a standing posi-
tion for shorter athletes, or the use of
bench for a seated position is also
advised. Individuals performing this
variation should be instructed to grasp
a handle in each hand and perform the
LP with the same movement tech-
nique, by adducting at the shoulder
Figure 1. Starting position of the lat pull-down. joints and flexing at the elbows to pull
each handle toward the body in the
frontal plane. The modification for in-
the bar downward in front of KEY CHECKPOINTS AND COMMON dividuals using a wheelchair is per-
the body. ERRORS formed using the same techniques as
! Avoid internally rotating the shoul- While performing the WG, fitness stated above as well. However, the
der joint while pulling the bar professionals should monitor the tech- individual should position themselves
towards the body by keeping the el- nique for the following key check- in the middle of the cable crossover
bows pointed towards the floor. points and common errors: handles.
! Continue to pull the bar toward the ! While in the seated position, allow for
*Please note: A spotter may be neces- AU5
body until it reaches chin level only a slight backward lean, approxi- sary for these variations and modifica-
F2 (Figure 2). mately 70–808 of flexion at the hips. tions to assist the individual with
! This should be performed under ! Avoid an excessive backward lean pulling each handle from the machine
control at a rate of 2–4 seconds. (i.e., less than 708 of flexion at the to start and replacing them when
hips) and trunk flexion (rounding). finished.
! Keep the spine and neck in a neutral
position throughout the movement.
! Inhale while controllably abducting ! Avoid elevation (i.e., shrugging) of PROGRESSION
the shoulder and extending the the shoulders at the top of the eccen- Programming variables (e.g., sets,
elbow as the bar ascends toward tric phase to maintain tension in the loads, and repetitions) depend on the
the initial starting position. shoulder adductors. overall goals of the individuals, as well
! Continue to abduct the shoulder and ! Maintain a slow and controlled as their level of experience. The guide-
extend the elbow until the elbows tempo (2–4 seconds) during the con- lines below are recommended by the
reach full extension (avoid shrugging centric and eccentric phases. National Strength and Conditioning
the shoulders to maintain muscle ! Be sure to avoid the use of momen- Association in Essentials of Strength
tension throughout the shoulder tum (by swaying backward) to assist Training and Conditioning (3).
adductors and elbow flexors) the movement. If this occurs reduce ! Strength: 3–5 sets, #6 repetitions, 2–
(Figure 1). the load lifted. 5 minutes of rest period.
! This should be performed under ! Also, be certain to avoid lifting off of ! Hypertrophy: 3–5 sets, 6–12 repeti-
control at a rate of 2–4 seconds. the seat by either use of the knee pad tions, 60–90 seconds of rest period.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 3

Copyright ª Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Exercise Technique

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3. Baechle TR and Earle RW. Essentials of
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7. Lehman GJ, Buchan DD, Lundy A, Myers N,
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Figure 2. Ending position of the lat pull-down. width and forearm orientation effects on
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! Endurance: 2–3 sets, 12–25 repeti- particularly the LD. This multijoint 2010.
tions, #30 seconds of rest period. movement may also lead to an 9. McCluskey GM and Getz BA.
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exercisers are recommended to use ities; thereby potentially providing 10. Murray IR, Ahmed I, White NJ, and
loads of 67–80% of 1 RM for 8–12 rep- a benefit to athletes in which throwing, Robinson CM. Traumatic anterior shoulder
etitions, 1–3 sets, and with a rest period swinging, and overhead-type move- instability in the athlete. Scand J Med Sci
of 1–2 minutes. Advanced exercisers ments are essential. Although research Sports 23: 387–405, 2013.
may use 67–85% of 1 RM for 6–12 in this area is inconsistent, individuals’ 11. Signorile JF, Zink AJ, and Szwed SP. A
repetitions, 3–6 sets with rest ranging may still benefit from using multiple comparative electromyographical
from 30–90 seconds based on load. variations of the LP while avoiding investigation of muscle utilization patterns
using various hand positions during the lat
Additionally, when the desired goal is the behind-the-neck pull-down. AU6
pull-down. J Strength Cond Res 16: 539–
local muscular endurance, training rec- Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: 546, 2002.
ommendations include loads of 65– The author reports no conflicts of interest 12. Snyder BJ and Leech JR. Voluntary
75% 1 RM for 10–15 repetitions, 1–3 and no source of funding. increase in latissimus dorsi muscle activity AU3
sets, and with rest period of less than 30 during the lat pull-down following expert
seconds (3). instruction. J Strength Cond Res 23:
REFERENCES 2204–2209, 2009.
PRACTICAL APPLICATION 1. Aaberg A. Muscle Mechanics (2nd ed). 13. Sperandei S, Barros MA, Silveira-
The LP is one of the more popular Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2006. pp. Júnior PC, and Oliveira CG.
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in the muscular strength and endur- 2. Andersen V, Fimland MS, Wilk E, different types of lat pull-down. J Strength
ance of the shoulder adductors, Skoglund A, and Saeterbakken AH. Effects Cond Res 23: 2033–2038, 2009.

4 VOLUME 00 | NUMBER 00 | MONTH 2015

Copyright ª Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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