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Discrete models

Stochastic Finance in Continuous Time

Lecture 1

Paweª Kliber

Poznan University of Economics and Business

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

An option

Price of the stock is 100e.

In three month  two possible outcomes (110e or 90e).

The increase in price is more likely (probability 90%).

Consider a call option with execution price 100e, executed in three


What should be today's price of the option?

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Bull market

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Bear market

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Arbitrage argument

Consider possible payments of a nancial instrument

Consider payments of other instruments

Can you replace one payments with a combination of others?

Todays' prices should be consistent

Arbitrage  an opportunity of making sure prots without any risk

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

The Law of One Price

Rule (Law of One Price)

A single good must sell for the same price in all locations.

In the context of nancial modelling

Rule (Law of One Price)

Financial instruments (assets or portfolios) with the same payos must

have the same price.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Forward contract

Consider forward contract on a stock S with delivery price K.

You can make a portfolio of investments in the underlying stock and in a
risk-free bond maturing at the time of delivery (the current price of the
bond is P(0, T )).
How the payos of this instruments are connected?
What should be the price of the forward contract?

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

One period binomial model

Two assets: a risk-free bond (bank account) and a stock

Risk free bond: B0 = 1, B1 = 1 + r

Stock  there can be two dierent outcomes (higher u or lower d)

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Bank account

There are two possible ways in dening the value of the bank account

Simple compounding: B0 = 1, B1 = 1 + r
Continuous compounding: B0 = 1, B1 = e r˜
Connection between them:
r = e r˜ − 1
r˜ = ln(1 + r )

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Further assumptions

Frictionless market

No transaction costs

Buying and selling prices are the same

No limits on the position size

No restrictions on short selling

The investor is price-taker. His transactions do not aect prices

Perfect liquidity

Perfect divisibility of assets

Interest rate for borrowing and lending is the same

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Probabilistic model

S1 = S0 Z ,
where Z is a discrete random variable with the following distribution

P(Z = u) = p = 1 − P(Z = d).

More formally
Z = uU + d(1 − U),
where U is a random variable from Bernoulli distributions, i.e.

P(U = 1) = p,
P(U = 0) = 1 − p.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Another specication

S1 = S0 e Z ,
where Z is a discrete random variable with the following distribution

P(Z = ũ) = p = 1 − P(Z = d).
u = e ũ , d = e d
ũ = ln(u) d˜ = ln(d)

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Some processes

Portfolio (or investment strategy) is a vector H = (h0 , h1 ) ∈ R2 .

h0  investment in bonds (or in money account)

h1  investment in stock (number of shares)

Value process: Vt = h0 Bt + h1 St , (t = 0, 1)
Gain process: G = h0 ∆B + h1 ∆S
Discounted processes S̃t = BStt
Ṽt = h0 B̃t + h1 S̃t , (t = 0, 1)
G̃ = h0 ∆B̃ + h1 ∆S̃ = h1 ∆S̃

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Arbitrage opportunity

Arbitrage portfolio  a portfolio that makes prot out of nothing.

V0 = 0
V1 ≥ 0
P(V1 > 0) > 0

It can be shown that it is equivalent to

G̃ ≥ 0

P(G̃ > 0) > 0

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Lack of arbitrage

The condition for the lack of arbitrage portfolio is as follows:

d <1+r <u

This means that 1 +r is between d and u.

One can express 1 +r as a weighted average of d and u:

1 + r = qu + (1 − q)d,

where 0 <q<1 can be interpreted as probability. In fact

1 +r −d u − (1 + r )
q= , 1 −q = .
u−d u−d

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Multiply by s and divide by 1 + r:

s= [qsu + (1 − q)du]
1 +r
But on the RHS there are possible stock's prices at the moment 1!

Martingale expectations

If there is no arbitrage, then

S0 = EQ [S1 ] .
1 +r
Today's price of stock is the discounted expected value of tomorrow's
prices (with respect to probabilities q, 1 − q ).

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Contingent claims

Financial instrument or (contingent claim)  any random variable of

the form X = Φ(Z ), where Z is random variable driving the stock price.

In this model nancial instrument can be describe by two numbers: xu

and xd  payos in upper and lower state.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Replication of contingent claims

Is contingent claim equivalent to any portfolio?

xu = h0 (1 + r ) + h1 us
xd = h0 (1 + r ) + h1 ud

or, in matrix notation:

xu 1+r us h0
xd 1+r ud h1

If d <u the matrix is nondegenerate and there exists a solution.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


The solution is

xd u − xu d
h0 =
(1 + r )(u − d)
xu − xd
h1 =
s(u − d)

The current value of the replicating portfolio equals

xd u − xu d xu − xd
V0 = + ·s =
(1 + r )(u − d) s(u − d)
1 1+r −d u − (1 + r )
= xu + xd =
1+r u−d u−d
1 1 Q Q X
= (qxu + (1 − q)xd ) = E [X ] = E
1 +r 1 +r 1+r

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Change of the numeraire

1 xu usq xd ds(1 − q)
V0 = (qxu + (1 − q)xd ) = s +s
1 +r us s(1 + r ) ds s(1 + r )

Let us dene

usq ds(1 − q)
qS = , (1 − q S ) =
s(1 + r ) s(1 + r )

We can check that q S + (1 − q S ) = 1. Thus

u d
V0 Sx S x QS X
=q + (1 − q ) =E
S0 su sd S1

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Multiperiod binomial model

T +1 moments of time. Time horizon T = {0, 1, 2, . . . , T }.

Two assets: a risk-free bond and a stock

Risk free bond: Bt = (1 + r )t

Stock  at each moment there can be two dierent gross rates of
return (higher u or lower d)

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Model  mathematically

St = S0 u Nt d t−Nt ,
Nt = Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + . . . + Zt ,
Zt  iid (identically distributed and independent) random variables from
Bernoulli distribution. The distribution of Nt is binomial Zt ∼ B(t, p).

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Binomial tree

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Strategy is a stochastic process Ht = (h0 (t), h1 (t)), t = 1, 2, . . . , T . It is

a portfolio created at the moment t − 1 and held till the moment t .

From this denition Ht ∈ Ft−1  it is a predictable process.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Some processes

Value process
V0 = h0 (1)B0 + h1 (1)S0
Vt = h0 (t)Bt + h1 (t)St , (t = 1, 2, . . . , T )

Gain process
∆Gt = h0 (t)∆Bt + h1 (t)∆St = rh0 (t)Bt−1 + h1 (t)∆St

Discounted processes
Ṽt = h0 (t) + h1 (t)S̃t , (t = 1, 2, . . . , T )

∆G̃t = h1 (t)∆S̃t

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Self-nancing portfolios

Portfolio is self-nancing if it meets the following condition

Vt−1 = h0 (t − 1)Bt−1 + h1 (t − 1)St−1 = h0 (t)Bt−1 + h1 (t)St−1

The value of the old portfolio, created at t −1 and held till t, equals
the value of the new portfolio, created at the moment t.
It can be shown that it is equivalent with

Vt = V0 + Gt

Ṽt = Ṽ0 + G̃t
The value of portfolio at any moment t is equal to the initial value plus
gains on the strategy.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


An arbitrage possibility is a self-nancing portfolio with the following


V0 = 0
P(VT ≥ 0) = 1 (almost surely  a.s.)

P(VT > 0) > 0

It is equivalent with the following conditions

P(G̃T ≥ 0) = 1
P(G̃T > 0) > 0

One can make prot out of nothing  without any risk.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

The martingale probabilities


St = EQ [St+1 | Ft ]
1 +r


+r −d
qu =
u − (1 + r )
qd =

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Financial instruments and pricing

Financial instrument of (contingent claim) is a random variable

X ∈ FT .
Usually it is dened as
X = Φ(ST )
The payos of the instrument depend on the stock's price in the nal
moment T.

Martingale pricing formula

Π(t; X ) = EQ [X | Ft ]
(1 + r )T −t
Thus the initial price is given by

Π(0; X ) = EQ [X ]
(1 + r )T

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Replication is a strategy H such that VT = X a.s.


1 Calculate martingale probabilities qu and qd

2 Calculate value at each node

VT (k) = X (k) = Φ(su k d T −k )

Vt (k) = [qu Vt+1 (k + 1) + qd Vt+1 (k)] , t = 0, 1, . . . , T − 1
1 +r
3 Calculate replication strategy

1uVt (k) − dVt (k + 1)

h0 (t, k) =
1+r u−d
1 Vt (k + 1) − Vt ()
h1 (t, k) =
St−1 u−d

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


European put option, S0 = 100, K = 104, r = 0%, u = 1.2, d = 0.8

qu = qd = 2

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


European put option, S0 = 100, K = 104, r = 10%, u = 1.2, d = 0.8

3 1
qu = 4, qd = 4

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

American instruments

In the instrument of American type the payos could be at any

moment  the owner of the instrument decide

Payos are describe by stochastic process X

If exercise is at moment t the payo is Xt = Φ(St )
Execution strategy  given by stopping time τ
Option at any moment has two values
the value of execution now (Xt )
the value of waiting pt

The price at any moment is the higher of these values

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Algorithm I

1 Calculate martingale probabilities qu and qd

2 Calculate value at nal nodes

VT (k) = XT (k) = Φ(su k d T −k )

3 Assume that you have values calculated for moments t + 1, t + 2,

..., T
4 Calculate the value of waiting

pt (k) = [qu Vt+1 (k + 1) + qd Vt+1 (k)] , t = 0, 1, . . . , T − 1
1 +r
5 Calculate value of option

Vt (k) = max{pt (k), Xt k}

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Algorithm II

6 If Xt (k) > pt (k)  this is a node in which instrument should be


7 Calculate replication strategy

uVt (k) − dVt (k + 1)

h0 (t, k) =
1+r u−d
1 Vt (k + 1) − Vt ()
h1 (t, k) =
St−1 u−d

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


American put option, S0 = 100, K = 104, r = 0%, u = 1.2, d = 0.8

qu = qd = 2

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


American put option, S0 = 100, K = 104, r = 10%, u = 1.2, d = 0.8

3 1
qu = 4, qd = 4

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Trinomial model

There are three possible states of the world

Prices go up (change toS0 u )
Prices go down (change to S0 d )
The gross rate of return is somewhere in between (change to S0 b )
Three possible gross rates of return d <b<u
Probabilities pu , pb and pd with pu + pb + pd = 1

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Assume u = 1.2, b = 1.1, d = 0.8 and pu = pb = pd = 3 . Interest rate
r = 0%

Is there an arbitrage opportunity? What if r = 10% (r = 25%)?

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Martingale measure

qu S0 u + qb S0 b + qd S0 d = (1 + r )S0
qu + qb + qd = 1

In our example

120qu + 110qb + 80qd = 100

qu + qb + qd = 1

There are many (innitely many) solutions!

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Consider a call option with the strike price 100.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


The replicating strategy (h0 , h1 ).

h0 + 120h1 = 20
h0 + 110h1 = 10
h0 + 80h1 = 0

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

General one-period model

There are N dierent stock and bank account (or risk-free bond). For
simplicity we treat bond as a stock with number 0.

S00 = 1, S10 = 1 + r

Let S0n be initial price of stock n. The price S1n is a random variable.
Using vector and matrix notation:

S0 = (S00 , S01 , S02 , . . . , S0N ) ∈ RN+1 is a vector of initial prices

S1 = (S10 , S11 , S12 , . . . , S1N )T is a vector random variable with values

in R initial prices

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


There are K possible states of the world in the future. The sample space
is thus
Ω = {ω1 , ω2 , . . . , ωK }
All of them have positive probabilities P(ω) > 0.
Let S1n (ω) be the price of stock n in the state of the world ω.
We can also write

S1n = (S1n (ω1 ), S1n (ω2 ), . . . , S1n (ωK ))T

Dene the matrix S ((N + 1) × K ):

S10 (ω1 ) S10 (ω2 ) · · · S10 (ωK )
 
 S11 (ω1 ) S11 (ω2 ) · · · S11 (ωK ) 
 .
. .. .

 . . . . 
S1N (ω1 ) S1N (ω2 ) · · · N
S1 (ωK )

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Some processes

Portfolio  a vector H = (h0 , h1 , . . . , hN ) ∈ RN+1

Value process
Vt = Hn Stn

fort = 0 is deterministic, for t = 1  random variable,

V1 = (V1 (ω1 ), V1 (ω2 ), . . . , V1 (ωK ))T .
In matrix notation
V1 = H T S = ST H
Gain process
G = V1 − V0 = Hn ∆S n

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


S01 = 100, S02 = 50, r = 0.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Gross rates of return

For rst stock: u1 = 120/100 = 1.2, b1 = 0.86, d1 = 9.6
For second stock: u2 = 45/50 = 0.9, b2 = 1.16, d2 = 1.26
We have both
b1 < d1 < 1 + r < u1
u2 < 1 + r < d2
Check for arbitrage opportunity.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Discounted processes
Divide all processes by the value of bank account

S̃tn =
of course
S̃0n = S0n
S̃t0 = St0
Discounted value
Vt X
Ṽt = = Hn S̃tn
St0 n=0

Discounted gain (it is dened dierently!)

G̃ = Ṽ1 − Ṽ0 = Hn ∆S̃tn = Hn ∆S̃tn ,
n=0 n=1

as ∆S̃ = 0.
Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance
Discrete models

Matrix notation

S̃0 = (S̃00 , S̃01 , S̃02 , . . . , S̃0N ) = S0

S̃10 (ω1 ) S̃10 (ω2 ) S̃10 (ωK )

 
 S̃ 1 (ω1 ) S̃11 (ω2 ) ··· S̃11 (ωK ) 
S= . . .. . =

. . .

 . . . . 
S̃1N (ω1 ) S̃1N (ω2 ) · · · S̃1N (ωK )
 
1 1 1
 S̃11 (ω1 ) S̃11 (ω2 ) ··· S̃11 (ωK ) 
 
. . .. .
. . .

 . . . . 
S̃1N (ω1 ) S̃1N (ω2 ) · · · S̃1N (ωK )

Ṽ0 = S0T H
Ṽ1 = H T ~
S =~


Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Arbitrage I

Strong arbitrage opportunity is a strategy H such that

V0 = 0, V1 > 0 a.s.

It can be stated in equivalent forms

Ṽ0 = 0, Ṽ1 > 0 a.s.

G̃ > 0 a.s.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Arbitrage II

There is another form

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Arbitrage III


Strong arbitrage opportunity exists if and only if there is a strategy such

Ṽ0 < 0, Ṽ1 ≥ 0 a.s.


(⇐) G̃ = Ṽ1 − Ṽ0 > 0

(⇒) Let δ = minω Ṽ1 (ω) > 0. Dene strategy H ∗ as follows: Hn∗ = Hn
for n = 1, 2, . . . , N and H0∗ = H0 − δ2 . Then

Ṽ0∗ = Ṽ0 − <0

δ δ δ
Ṽ1∗ = Ṽ1 − ≥δ− = >0
2 2 2

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Farkas lemma

Theorem (Farkas lemma)

Let A be a matrix m×n and b ∈ Rm . Then one and only one of the
following alternatives is true:

there exists a vector x ∈ Rn such that

Ax = b
x ≥0

there exists a vector y ∈ Rm

yT A ≥ 0
yT b < 0

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Let us take A=~

S and b = S0 . Consider second alternative and treat
y ∈ RN+1 as an investment strategy. Then

yT A = yT~
S = Ṽ1T ≥ 0
y T b = y T S0 = V0 < 0
And this means that strong arbitrage opportunity exists.

Consider the rst alternative.

Ax = ~
S = S0
From the rst row:
PK k=1 xk = 1. From the next rows:
n n
k=1 xk S1 (ωk ) = S0 . The elements of x can be treated as probabilities:
Q(ωk ) = xk .
Thus we have an alternative. Either

there is a strong arbitrage opportunity, or

there exists a probability measure (martingale measure) Q such than

h i
EQ S̃1n = S0n
Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance
Discrete models

Arbitrage and the First Fundamental Theorem

Arbitrage opportunity is an investment strategy that fullls the following

V0 = 0, V1 ≥ 0 a.s. P(V1 > 0) > 0
G̃ ≥ 0 a.s. and P(G̃ > 0) > 0

Theorem (First Fundamental Theorem)

There is no arbitrage opportunity if and only if there exists an equivalent

martingale measure, i.e. the probabilistic measure Q, such that Q(ω) > 0
for all ω∈Ω (measures P and Q are equivalent, Q ∼ P) and
h i
EQ S̃1n = S0n

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


A nancial instrument is X replicable if there exists a strategy H such

V1 = X
In matrix notation
ST H = X
Complete market = all possible contingent claims are replicable

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Second theorem

Theorem (Second Fundamental Theorem)

A market is complete if and only if the martingale measure is unique.

The fair price of a nancial instrument X is given by the formula

Π(0, X ) = EQ [X ]
1 +r

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

General version of discrete model

Time horizon T = {0, 1, . . . , T }
Bank account St = (1 + r )

1 2 N
Stocks St = (St , St , . . . , St )  stochastic processes
0 1 N
Investment strategy: Ht = (ht , ht , . . . , ht ), t = 1, . . . , T 
predictable stochastic process

Value process

V0 = h1n S0n
Vt = htn Stn for t>0

Gain process Gt = s=1 n=0 htn ∆Stn
Strategy is self-nancing if Vt = V0 + Gt
Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance
Discrete models


Information available to the investor at moment t is givel by σ -algebra Ft .

Alternatively  one can describe the ow of information by set of nested
partitions of Ω.
Pt ∈ 2Ω is partition if
A∈Pt =Ω
∀A, B ∈ Pt : A 6= B ⇒ A ∩ B = ∅
Partitions are nested, i.e.

∀A ∈ Pt ∃A1 , A2 , . . . , AJ ∈ Pt+1 : A = Aj


P0 = Ω, and PT = {{ω1 }, {ω2 }, . . . , {ωK }}

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Partition P0

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Partition P1

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Partition P2

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Partition P3

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Discounted processes

S̃tn = St0

S̃t0 = 1
Ṽt = St0
= n=0 htn S̃tn s
G̃t = s=1 n=0 htn ∆S̃tn = s=1 n=1 htn ∆S̃tn
For self-nancing strategy Ṽt = V0 + G̃t

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


In this setting one can consider one-to-one period submodels.

Submodel starts in some set A ∈ Pt

Ending nodes are in the sets from Pt+1 which builds A
In the model there is a arbitrage opportunity if and only if there is
such opportunity in one of submodels.

The model is complete if and only if all submodels are complete.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Fundamental theorems

Theorem (First Fundamental Theorem)

There is no arbitrage opportunity if and only if there exists an equivalent

martingale measure, i.e. the probabilistic measure Q, such that all
discounted price processes are martingales

h i
EQ S̃t+s | Ft = S̃tn

Theorem (Second Fundamental Theorem)

The arbitrage-free model is complete if and only if the martingale

measure is unique.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Conditional expected value

XT  FT -measurable

E [X | Ft ]
Ft -measurable random variable

Formal denition: for all A ∈ Ft :

XdP = E [X | Ft ] XdP


Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Partition P0

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Partition P1

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Partition P2

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Partition P3

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


E [aX + bY | Ft ] = aE [X | Ft ] + bE [Y | Ft ]
If X1 ≤ X2 , then E [X1 | Ft ] ≤ E [X2 | Ft ]
E [X | F0 ] = E [X ]
If X is independent on Ft , then E [X | Ft ] = E [X ]
If X ∈ Ft , then E [X | Ft ] = X
If Y ∈ Ft , then E [XY | Ft ] = Y E [X | Ft ]
(Tower property I) Let s < t . E [E [X | Fs ] | Ft ] = E [X | Fs ]
(Tower property II) Let s < t . E [E [X | Ft ] | Fs ] = E [X | Fs ]

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Stochastic process Xt is a martingale if

E [Xt+s | Ft ] = Xt

It is equivalent with
Xt = E [XT | Ft ]
where T  nal moment

E [Xt+s | Ft ] ≤ Xt

E [Xt+s | Ft ] ≥ Xt

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Lets draw a dice many times. Yn = the result of n-th draw.

Xt = Y1 + · · · + Yt−1 + Y (t) − at
We have

E [Xt+s | Ft ] = E [Y1 + · · · Yt + Yt+1 + · · · + Yt+s − at − as | Ft ] =

= E [Y1 + · · · Yt | Ft ] + E [Yt+1 + · · · + Yt+s | Ft ] − at − a(s) =
= E [Y1 + · · · Yt − at | Ft ] + E [Yt+1 | Ft ] + · · · + E [Yt+1 | Ft ] − as =
1 1
+ · · · + − as =
= E [Xt | Ft ] +
1 1
= Xt + s − as = Xt + −a s
6 6

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Forward contracts

An agreement to buy (or sell) a specic commodity or asset at

specied moment of time T for predetermined price O (delivery

It as a right as well as a commitement.

At initial moment no money nor security are exchanged. The initial

value of the contract is zero.

Suppose t  initial moment, T  date of the delivery, S  the price

of the underlying asset

What should be O  the delivery price (forward price)?

Payo function: F (ST ) = ST − O

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Forward price

Arbitrage pricing
The contract is equivalent with the portfolio in which at T there is 1
stock (S ) and −O euros. Thus its value at t is

St − OP(t, T )

If the value is zero then

Ot =
P(t, T )
If r = const
Ot = St (1 + r )T −t

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Forward price

Martingale pricing
Value of the contract
Q ST − O Q ST Q 1
E | Ft = E | Ft − OE | Ft

The value is zero, thus

h i
EQ BT | Ft S
Ot = h i= h t i
1 1
EQ BT | Ft Bt EQ BT | Ft

Ot is forward price  a fair delivery price at moment t.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Similar to forward contracts.

Can be closed in any moments.

Collateral (margin) and clearing house.

Taking position (long or short) is free.

Each day futures price Ut is quoted. The amount of funds in the

margin account changes with the changes of futures price.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Bank account B
Undelying asset S
Futures price U
Strategy H(t) = (H0 (t), H1 (t), H2 (t)), where H2 (t)  number of futures
contracts (from moment t − 1 to t ).

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Value and gain

Before transaction:

Vt = H0 (t)Bt + H1 (t)St + H2 (t)∆Ut

After transaction:

Vt = H0 (t + 1)Bt + H1 (t + 1)St

If strategy is self-nancing the both values are equal.

We have

Vt = H0 (t)Bt + H1 (t)St + H2 (t)∆Ut

= H0 (t) [Bt−1 + ∆Bt ] + H1 (t) [St−1 + ∆St ] + H2 (t)∆Ut =
= H0 (t)Bt−1 + H1 (t)St−1 + H0 (t)∆Bt + H1 (t)∆St + H2 (t)∆Ut =
= Vt−1 + ∆Gt

Gain process:

∆Gt = H0 (t)∆Bt + H1 (t)∆St + H2 (t)∆Ut

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Discounted value and gain

Before transaction:

Ṽt = H0 (t) + H1 (t)S̃t + H2 (t)∆Ut /Bt

After transaction:

Vt = H0 (t + 1) + H1 (t + 1)S̃t

If strategy is self-nancing the both values are equal.

We have

Ṽt = H0 (t) + H1 (t)S̃t + H2 (t)∆Ut /Bt =

h i
= H0 (t) + H1 (t) S̃t−1 + ∆S̃t + H2 (t)∆Ut /Bt =
= H0 (t) + H1 (t)S̃t−1 + H1 (t)∆S̃t + H2 (t)∆Ut /Bt =
= Ṽt−1 + ∆G̃t

Gain process:
∆G̃t = H1 (t)∆S̃t + H2 (t)∆Ut /Bt
Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance
Discrete models

Risk-neutral measure

If there is no arbitrage, then there is risk-neutral measure Q, such that

h i
EQ ∆G̃t | Ft−1 = 0

for any trading strategy.

Q ∆Ut Q Ut − Ut−1
E | Ft−1 = E | Ft−1 = 0
Bt Bt
and h i
EQ Bt | Ft−1
Ut−1 = h i
EQ Bt | Ft−1

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Risk-neutral measure

If B is predictable (standard assumption) then Ut−1 = EQ [Ut | Ft−1 ].

Thus under martingale measure Q
Discounted prices of assets are martingales

St h i St+s
S̃t = = EQ S̃t+s | Ft = EQ | Ft
Bt Bt+s

Futures prices (not discounted!) are martingales

Ut = EQ [Ut+s | Ft ]

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Futures vs. forward

Ut = EQ [UT | Ft ] = EQ [ST | Ft ]
If interest rate is deterministic
Ut = EQ BT | Ft = BT = St = Ot
BT Bt Bt

If interest rate is deterministic, then futures prices and forward prices are
the same.
In other case the dierences between Ot and Ut contains information
about possible changes in interest rates.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Derivatives on futures

Model for pricing derivatives on futures: model futures prices

indirecdirectly or directly.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Binomial model
Le us consider a node k at moment t. Interest rate is constant, r.

1 +r −d u−1−r
q= 1 −q =
u−d u−d

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Binomial model

Rates of return of futures prices

u d
ū = d¯ =
1+r 1+r

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Binomial model

Martingale probabilities

1 − d¯ ū − 1
q= 1 −q =
ū − d¯ ū − d¯
Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance
Discrete models

Option on futures

Let 0 < S < T. Consider a call option on futures prices with delivery at
T. The execution moment is S and the execution price is K.
X = (US − K )+
To price we use direct binomial tree with parameters ū and d¯.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Let B be the cumulative distribution function for binomial distribution:

X n
B(k; n, p) = p i (1 − p)n−i

for k = 0, 1, /ldots, n and B(k; n, p) = 1 for k > n. Let B0 be its

B 0 (k; n, p) = 1 − B(k; n, p)

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Let A be the rst index k such that U0 ū A d¯S−A ≥ K . Then the price of
the option at t= is

S0 ū i d¯S−i − K q i (1 − q)S−i =
X0 (1 + r ) =
= S0 ū i d¯S−i q i (1 − q)S−i − K q i (1 − q)S−i =
i=A i=A
= S0 ¯ 1 − q))S−i − K
(ūq)i (d( q i (1 − q)S−i =
i=A i=A
= S0 B 0 (A; S, ūq) − KB 0 (A; S, q)

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


X0 = (1 + r )−S S0 B 0 (A; S, ūq) − (1 + r )−S KB 0 (A; S, q)

− S ln d¯
& K
A= ū
ln ¯

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

The model  change of a numeraire

Three instruments: bank account B and two stocks S1 and S2

Assume that S2 > 0
S1 (t) ˜ S2 (t)
Discounted prices B̃t = 1, S˜1 (t) = Bt , S2 (t) = Bt

S2 as numeraire: B̄t = Bt
S2 (t) , S¯1 (t) = SS12 (t) ¯
(t) , S2 (t) = 1

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Value and gain

Value at t before transaction:

V̄t = H0 (t)B̄t + H1 (t)S̄1 (t) + H2 (t)

Increase in gain from t −1 to t:

∆Ḡt = H0 (t)∆B̄t + H1 (t)∆S̄1 (t)

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


At t −1 before transaction:

V̄t−1 = H0 (t − 1)B̄t−1 + H1 (t − 1)S̄1 (t − 1) + H2 (t − 1)

After transaction

V̄t− 1 = H0 (t)B̄t−1 + H1 (t)S̄1 (t − 1) + H2 (t)

For self-nancing strategy V̄t−1 = V̄t− 1.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


V̄t = H0 (t − 1)B̄t + H1 (t)S̄1 (t) + H2 (t) =

= H0 (t − 1) B̄t−1 + ∆B̄t + H1 (t) S̄1 (t − 1) + ∆S̄1 (t) + H2 (t) =
= H0 (t − 1)B̄t−1 + H1 (t)S̄ 1( t − 1) + H2 (t)+
+ H0 (t − 1)∆B̄t + H1 (t)∆S̄1 (t) =
= V̄ (t − 1) + ∆Ḡ (t)

Thus the condition for self-nancing is:

V̄t = V̄0 + Ḡt

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Arbitrage opportunity

V0 = 0
VT ≥ 0
P(VT > 0) > 0
Dividing by S2 :
V̄0 = 0
V̄T ≥ 0
P(V̄T > 0) > 0

ḠT ≥ 0
P(ḠT > 0) > 0

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Martingale measure

Let Q be a martingale measures, i.e.

h i
Sn (0) = EQ S̃n (T )


S2 (T , ω) B0
Q̄(ω) = Q(ω)
S2 (0) BT (ω)


Q̄(ω) S2 (T , ω) B0
Q(ω) S2 (0) BT (ω)

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

  X Sn (T , ω) X Sn (T , ω) S2 (T , ω) B0
EQ̄ S̄n (T ) = Q̄(ω) = Q(ω) =
S2 (T , ω) S2 (T , ω) S2 (0) BT (ω)
ω∈Ω ω∈Ω
1 X Sn (T , ω) 1
h i
= Q(ω) = EQ S̃n (T ) =
S2 (0) BT (ω) S2 (0)
Sn (0)
= = S̄n (0)
S2 (0)

Thus Q̄ is a martingale measure for S2 as a numeraire.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Forward measure

Suppose that S2 is a zero-coupon bond maturing at T , P(·, T ). Then

S2 (t) = P(t, T ).
Then S2 (T ) = P(T , T ) = 1
We have a forward measure:

Q̄(ω) 1
Q(ω) P(0, T )BT

Prices expressed in units of S2 , S̄n , are martingales:

Sn (0) Sn (0)   Sn (T )
S̄n (0) = = = EQ̄ S̄n (T ) = EQ̄ =
S2 (0) P(0, T ) P(T , T )
= EQ̄ [Sn (T )]

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Pricing with forward measure

Let X be a random variable that represents payos at moment T.

Martingale pricing formula with S2 as a numeraire:

X0 = P(0, T )EQ̄ X̄ = P(0, T )EQ̄ [X ]
For any moment t:
Xt = P(0, T )EQ̄ X̄ | Ft = P(0, T )EQ̄ [X | Ft ]

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Binomial model
u = 1.2, d = 0.9
Interest rate can be r = 10% or r = 0%

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Risk-neutral measure

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

All prices

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

Martingale measures
Martingale measure

22 4 21 2
Q(ω1 ) = = Q(ω2 ) = =
33 9 33 9
11 1 12 2
Q(ω3 ) = = Q(ω4 ) = =
33 9 33 9

Forward measure

4 1 2 1
Q̄(ω1 ) = = 0.4301 Q̄(ω2 ) = = 0.2151
9 0.8540 · 1.21 9 0.8540 · 1.21
1 1 2 1
Q̄(ω3 ) = = 0.1183 Q̄(ω4 ) = = 0.2366
9 0.8540 · 1.1 9 0.8540 · 1.1
Conditional probabilities

2 1
Q̄(ω1 | {ω1 , ω2 }) = Q̄(ω2 | {ω1 , ω2 }) =
3 3
1 2
Q̄(ω3 | {ω3 , ω4 }) = Q̄(ω4 | {ω3 , ω4 }) =
3 3

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models

A call option with the strike price K = 100.

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

Discrete models


X0 = Q̄(ω1 )X (ω1 ) + Q̄(ω2 )X (ω2 ) + Q̄(ω3 )X (ω3 ) + Q̄(ω4 )X (ω4 ) =
=0.8540 [0.4301 · 44 + 0.2151 · 8 + 0.1183 · 8 + 0.2366 · 0] =

2 1
X1 (ω1 , ω2 ) = 0.9091 · 44 + · 8 = 29.0909
3 3

1 2 8
X1 (ω3 , ω4 ) = 1 ·8+ ·0 =
3 3 3

Paweª Kliber Stochastic Finance

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