Revealing Stock-Recruitment Relationships in Lobsters and Crabs: Is Experimental Ecology The Key?

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Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

Revealing stock–recruitment relationships in lobsters and crabs:

is experimental ecology the key?
Richard A. Wahle∗
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, West Boothbay Harbor, ME 04575, USA

As is true for many fish and invertebrate fisheries, stock–recruitment relationships remain poorly understood for most
commercially important species of lobsters and crabs. This paper gives a critical overview of advances in assessing the
relative importance of pre- and post-settlement processes to the recruitment of 14 commercially and/or ecologically impor-
tant lobsters and crabs. Three case studies (western rock lobster, Panulirus cygnus, blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, and the
American lobster, Homarus americanus) are used to illustrate where standard fishery survey methods, combined with field
experiments, have provided insights into the form of stock–recruit relationships and the ecological processes that influence
them. It is notable that larval supply-dominated cases, such as that of P. cygnus, may be less common than those dominated by
post-settlement processes, such as C. sapidus, in which strong compensatory processes lead to non-linear spawner-to-recruit
or juvenile-to-recruit relationships. In other cases, such as H. americanus, the influence of post-settlement controls remains
controversial. Significant settler or juvenile-to-recruit linkages have been reported more often than spawner-to-recruit rela-
tionships, most likely because pre-settlement processes often mask the latter. Innovative field experiments, early life stage
monitoring and spatial modeling have improved our understanding of the influence of competition, predation, cannibalism,
sociality and movements to the demography of some of these species. Field experiments have been more widely used by
American and Australian than European investigators. Ecological experiments are not a panacea, though, and can lead to
misinterpretation, especially of the relative importance of mortality and emigration. Uncertainties about age and the relevant
spatial scale at which to evaluate stock–recruitment relationships have posed further challenges. This review underscores the
need to design ecological studies at a geographic scale that will better reveal the stock–recruitment relationship.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Recruitment; Density-dependence; Mortality; Dispersal; Decapod; Experimental ecology

1. Introduction from the time of hatching to initial larval settle-

ment, and (2) post-settlement processes, operating
In marine species with complex life histories, in- for the remainder of benthic life from early juve-
volving larval dispersal and settlement to the seabed, nile stages through adulthood. All commercially
a host of physical and biotic processes influence exploited marine decapod crustaceans, such as lob-
the fate of a cohort, both before and after settle- sters, crabs and shrimps have complex life histo-
ment. It is convenient to divide these processes into ries. However, differences in life history traits such
two parts: (1) pre-settlement processes, operating as age and size at maturity, fecundity, larval du-
ration and dispersal can dramatically influence a
∗ Tel.: +1-207-633-9659; fax: +1-207-633-9661. species’ ecological success and resilience to harvest-
E-mail address: (R.A. Wahle). ing.

0165-7836/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
4 R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

Much of the focus of fisheries stock assessment ods have fallen short or have been misleading are
is on determining the extent to which the reproduc- emphasized. The concluding section identifies major
tive potential of the adult population is realized as voids in knowledge and outlines possible directions
subsequent recruitment to the next generation. Eval- for future research.
uating this so-called stock (or spawner)-to-recruit The species reviewed represent a cross-section of
relationship (SRR) for most species of crabs and commercially important, and relatively well studied,
lobsters has remained an elusive goal. In an earlier crabs and lobsters around the world. One of them
review of decapod fisheries, Cobb and Caddy (1989) is only lightly exploited (Carcinus maenas), but is
remarked that, “There is little information on the included because it has been the subject of exten-
spawner–recruitment relationship, but understanding sive experimental work on pre- and post-settlement
it may lead to a better understanding of the underlying processes. The literature search was conducted us-
dynamics of the population”. They further proposed ing Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts biblio-
that “The next major step forward in understanding graphic database from 1982 to 2001. In this paper, the
decapod population dynamics will come from exper- term recruitment is used in its general sense as the
imental manipulation in the field”. number of individuals surviving to a particular age,
Over the past two decades, much ecological re- size or life stage. Where I refer to recruitment to har-
search on crabs and lobsters has focused on determin- vestable size it is made explicit.
ing the relative importance of pre- and post-settlement
processes to recruitment (e.g., Caputi and Brown, 1.1. Fisheries versus ecological approaches
1993; Eggleston and Armstrong, 1995; Pile et al.,
1996; Wahle and Incze, 1997). For commercially ex- At the outset it is necessary to be clear about the
ploited species this work has augmented traditional differences in scientific perspectives of fisheries sci-
fishery survey methods with methodology and theory ence and marine ecological literature. Much marine
developed with non-commercial species that tend to ecological literature over the past two decades has
be more experimentally tractable (e.g., Roughgarden focused on assessing the relative importance of pre-
et al., 1988; Underwood, 1997). The net result has and post-settlement processes in determining demo-
been to improve stock assessment methods and ob- graphic patterns. Experimentally tractable taxa such
tain a better mechanistic understanding of recruitment as barnacles (e.g., Roughgarden et al., 1988), colonial
processes. Now, more than a decade since Cobb and invertebrates (e.g., Hughes, 1990) and reef fishes (e.g.,
Caddy’s review, it is helpful to take a critical look Doherty and Fowler, 1994) with widely dispersed
at the contribution of experimental ecology to our larvae, but sessile or sedentary adults, have provided
understanding of decapod population dynamics. insights into the role of larval supply and dispersal
This paper presents a review of the literature on 14 on patterns of adult populations. The recognition of
species of crabs and lobsters: five spiny lobsters, three “supply side ecology” as a major determinant of de-
clawed lobsters, and six brachyuran and anomuran mographic patterns has helped broaden the context
crabs. The first section provides an overview of (1) in which marine ecologists view benthic populations
spawner-to-recruit and juvenile-to-recruit relation- and communities (reviewed by Caley et al., 1996).
ships reported for these species, (2) the application of Post-settlement processes such as competition, preda-
experimental ecological approaches and (3) the eco- tion and disturbance, which had previously been the
logical processes inferred from these studies. The sec- focus of investigation (e.g., Paine, 1974; Sousa, 1980;
ond section profiles three case studies, two of which Connell, 1983), could now be viewed in the context
illustrate opposite extremes in the dominance of pre- of larval supply (e.g., Raimondi, 1990; Schmitt and
and post-settlement processes to adult recruitment. Holbrook, 1999). Two major advances resulted. First,
The third is a more controversial case that likely falls there was explicit recognition that most studies were
somewhere in between. Along the way, experimental conducted at such a small spatial scale that the lar-
approaches that have been particularly illuminating val settlement and recruitment to local populations
to our understanding of recruitment processes are was decoupled from the reproductive performance of
highlighted. Equally, areas where experimental meth- resident adults and were largely dependent on larval
R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32 5

delivery processes (Roughgarden et al., 1988). This benthic dispersal. At present, few examples exist in
view acknowledged the existence of the metapopula- which the consequences of population exchange for
tion: an aggregate of open subpopulations intercon- resilience and sustainability have been evaluated, even
nected in marine species mostly by larval dispersal theoretically for decapods (e.g., Botsford et al., 1998;
(Hanski and Gilpin, 1997). Second, the long-standing Fogarty, 1998; Stockhausen et al., 2000). It is there-
ecological debate over whether marine populations fore worthwhile to assess how experimental ecological
were resource limited could now be recast in more methods, combined with fishery survey approaches,
spatial terms as a question of the status of local, open have advanced our understanding of the demography
populations on a continuum of density-dependent and of large-bodied crustaceans.
independent controls varying in space and time (e.g.,
Raimondi, 1990; Forrester, 1995). However, as field
studies have generally been conducted at the level of 2. Overviews
the local population and rates of exchange between
these populations are still poorly understood, Caley 2.1. Spawner-to-recruit and juvenile-to-recruit
et al. (1996) remarked, that “linking empirical studies relationships
with population dynamics theory can still only be
done at a relatively small spatial scale”. Evidence for density-dependent population regula-
By comparison, fisheries science has had a longer tion has traditionally been sought by evaluating either
history of recognizing the importance of larval supply spawner-to-recruit or juvenile-to-recruit relationships
in determining cohort success (Hjort, 1914; Sinclair, (Fig. 1a). In stock assessment, it is conventional to
1988). In fact, much of the focus of traditional fish- fit negative density-dependent models such as com-
ery stock assessment has been to evaluate the relation- pensatory and over-compensatory functions (Fig. 1b;
ship between spawning stock or juvenile abundance Beverton and Holt, 1957; Ricker, 1954, respectively).
and subsequent recruitment to harvestable stages in Simple power or linear functions are also employed
order to assess the degree of density-dependent regu- in cases that exhibit weak or non-existent density ef-
lation, i.e., the extent to which per capita survival or fects, respectively (Hilborn and Walters, 1992). In
reproductive yield depend on population size (Ricker, the literature reviewed in this paper, a full range of
1954; Beverton and Holt, 1957; Cushing and Harris, density-independent to dependent relationships were
1973, reviewed by Fogarty et al., 1991; Myers et al., found for large decapods.
1995). Due to a largely correlative approach, however, Among the 13 commercially exploited species
the fisheries literature has often lacked a mechanis- reviewed, there were only four species with unchal-
tic understanding of cause–effect linkages influencing lenged spawner–recruit relationships (Table 1a and
recruitment. Although fishery stock assessment sur- b): the blue crab (C. sapidus), tanner crab (Chio-
veys may be conducted at large spatial scales to de- noecetes bairdi), king crab (Paralithodes camtschati-
termine the relationship between spawning stock and cus), and western rock lobster (P. cygnus). In the
subsequent recruitment to the fishery, standard fishery first three cases the relationship was found to be
surveys often miss the early life stages. Furthermore, either compensatory or over-compensatory. In the
political boundaries often preclude a comprehensive case of P. cygnus, though, early indications of a
assessment of a population. On limited budgets, ef- strong over-compensatory spawner–recruit relation-
forts to elucidate causal mechanisms from either di- ship (Morgan et al., 1982) were not borne out by
rect observations or experiments have been relatively later research (see case 1). Over much of this species’
rare. It has been argued that experimental approaches range there is no significant spawner–recruit relation-
can help evaluate complex relationships often con- ship, except in one offshore archipelago of Western
founded in fishery survey data (Peterson, 1990), but Australia where the spawning stock was especially
neither large-scale fishery surveys nor small-scale eco- depleted (Caputi et al., 1995a). In this case, as well
logical experiments have yet provided an adequate as for blue crab in Chesapeake Bay (Uphoff, 1998),
understanding of the causes and demographic con- the spawner–recruit relationship was enhanced if en-
sequences of population exchange, via planktonic or vironmental factors, presumed to affect larval supply,
6 R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

delivery, survival and subsequent recruitment. For 6 of

the 13 commercial species surveyed, postlarval settle-
ment or fishery recruitment trends were successfully
predicted from environmental variables including tem-
perature, rainfall, net along-shore transport, winds and
sea level (an index of El Niño Southern Oscillation).
Drinkwater et al. (1996) noted, however, that Amer-
ican lobster catches correlated well with temperature
anomalies up to the mid-1980s, but did not predict a
more recent population boom (see case 3).
Even greater success has been achieved with
juvenile-to-recruit relationships (Table 1). Eight of
the 13 commercially exploited species in this survey
were reported to have significant juvenile-to-fishery
recruit relationships. The western rock lobster, P.
cygnus, is perhaps the most famous example in
which a settler-to-recruit relationship is used as a
forecasting and management tool (Caputi et al.,
1995b,c, 1998, see case 1). Significant settler or early
juvenile-to-fishery recruit relationships have also been
reported for the Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus ar-
gus (only in Cuba), blue crab, C. sapidus, tanner crab,
C. bairdi, and Norway lobster, Nephrops norvegicus
(Table 1a). For several species, settler-to-fishery re-
cruit relationships have not yet been established, but
the demonstration of significant settler-to-older juve-
Fig. 1. (a) Pawlik diagram illustrating the difference between nile relationships or a geographical correspondence
spawner-to-recruit and juvenile-to-recruit relationships. If recruit- between settlement “hot spots” and strong harvest
ment is defined as the number of individuals entering the adult areas may bode well for harvest forecasting in the fu-
(spawner) stage, for example, then the spawner–recruit relation- ture (e.g., New Zealand rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii
ship is the quantitative link between adults and their offspring as
adults (follow the arrows from quadrants 1 to 4 in the diagram).
(Breen and Booth, 1989; Booth et al., 2001); American
The juvenile–recruit relationship is the link between juveniles and lobster, H. americanus (Incze and Wahle, 1991; Incze
adults of the same cohort (quadrant 4). (b) The form of two mod- et al., 1997; Miller, 1997; Steneck and Wilson, 2001)).
els conventionally used to describe and evaluate density-dependent The strength of density-dependent controls varies
spawner or juvenile-to-recruit relationships: the Beverton–Holt by species, and even regionally within species. For
model (B–H) is an asymptotic, compensatory, function; the Ricker
model (R) is dome shaped and over-compensatory.
example, there was evidence of strong density-
dependence for the blue crab, C. sapidus in Delaware
Bay where an over-compensatory young-of-year-to-
were included in the regression (Table 1). On the fishery recruit relationship was reported (Kahn
other hand, a compensatory spawner–recruit relation- et al., 1998). A somewhat weaker, compensatory
ship reported for the American lobster by Ennis and (Beverton–Holt) relationship was found for blue crabs
Fogarty (1997) remains “tenuous”, to quote the au- in Chesapeake Bay (Lipcius and Stockhausen, 2002).
thors, because of uncertainty of size at age and the For H. americanus a compensatory relationship was
source of larvae. reported between planktonic postlarval abundance
Key environmental factors alone satisfactorily pre- and subsequent stock size (Fogarty and Idoine, 1986),
dict postlarval settlement, if not catch, in several cases although there is some debate over the validity of this
(Table 1). This presumably reflects the overriding in- relationship (see case 3). Nearly linear power func-
fluence the physical environment can have on larval tions described for P. cygnus reflect an even weaker
Table 1
Reported spawner-to-recruit, spawner and/or environment-to-recruit, and juvenile-to-recruit relationships for the (a) lobsters and (b) crabs surveyed in this reviewa
Species Location Spawner-to-recruit Spawner and/or environment-to-recruit Juvenile-to-recruit

Source Function x/y variables Source Function x/y variables Source Function x/y variables

(a) Lobsters
Spiny lobsters
P. cygnus W Australia Morgan et al. Ricker Spawning Caputi et al. Power Spawner Morgan et al. Ricker Postlarval
(1982)b stock/postlarval (1995a) catch rates, (1982)b index/juvenile catch,
index sea level, spawning stock
Caputi et al. Power Spawning Caputi et al. Power Spawner Caputi et al. Power Postlarval index,
(1995a) stock/postlarval (1998) catch rates, (1995b) juvenile
index sea level, catch/commercial
rainfall/ catch

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

Caputi et al. Power Postlarval index,
(1995c) juvenile
Caputi et al. Power Postlarval index,
(1997) juvenile
P. argus Bahamas – – – Eggleston Linear Wind, lunar – – –
et al. periodicity/
(1998a) postlarval
Florida – – – – – – Forcucci Linear Postlarval
et al. (1994) settlement/juveniles
Cuba – – – – – – Cruz et al. Linear Juvenile
(1995) index/commercial
P. marginatus Hawaii – – – Polovina and Linear Sea – – –
Mitchum level/catch
J. edwardsii New – – – – – – Breen and Linear Postlarval index/age
Zealand Booth (1989) 1+, 2+, 3+
Booth et al. Linear Postlarval index/age
(2001) 1+, 2+, 3+
Clawed lobsters
H. americanus NE US, Ennis and Beverton– Egg Drinkwater Linear Temperature/ Fogarty and Beverton–Holt Planktonic
Canada Fogarty Holt production/ et al. (1996) landings Idoine
(1997)b fishery (1986)b
Incze and Linear Planktonic
Wahle (1991) postlarvae/juvenile
Incze et al. Linear Planktonic
(1997) postlarvae/juvenile

Table 1 (Continued )
Species Location Spawner-to-recruit Spawner and/or environment-to-recruit Juvenile-to-recruit

Source Function x/y variables Source Function x/y variables Source Function x/y variables

Miller (1997) Linear Planktonic

spatial postlarvae/
correlation exploitable stock
Steneck and Linear Juvenile/commercial
Wilson (2001) spatial catch
H. gammarus Europe – – – – – – – – –

N. norvegicus Europe – – – – – – Nichols et al. Linear-note Larval

(1987) inverse production/parental

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

relationship female stock
(b) Crabs
C. magister NW US, – – – McConnaughey None given Net Eggleston and Linear Postlarval
Canada et al. (1992) (inverse) along-shore Armstrong settlement/early
transport/ (1995) juveniles
year index
McConnaughey None given Net
et al. (1994) (inverse) along-shore
C. pagurus North – – – – – – – – –
C. sapidus Eastern US Lipcius and Ricker Spawner/fishery Uphoff Ricker Spawner Olmi et al. Linear Planktonic
Van Engle recruitment (1998) stock, water (1990) postlarvae/juvenile
(1990) temp/recruit abundance
Kahn et al. Ricker Spawner/fishery Pile et al. Linear and Early/later juvenile
(1998) recruitment (1996) non-linear stages
Lipcius and Beverton– Spawner/larvae, Kahn et al. Ricker Young-of-year/fishery
Stockhausen Holt, postlarvae (1998) recruits, “large”
(2002) Power crabs
Lipcius and Linear Larvae/postlarvae
C. maenas North – – – – – – – – –
C. opilio E Canada, – – – – – – Moriyasu Linear Post-season trawl
Alaska et al. (1998) catch/legal catch the
next year
C. bairdi Alaska Zheng and Ricker Spawning Rosenkranz Linear May–June Hilsinger Linear Pre-recruit
Kruse (1998, biomass/fishery et al. (1998) NE (1982) catch/legal catch
1999) recruitment winds/fishery
P. camtschaticus Alaska Zheng et al. Ricker Spawning – – – – – –
(1995) biomass/fishery
Tenuous or not borne out by subsequent research.
Independent and dependent variables in the relationship tabulated as x/y. Recruits defined in the broad sense as individuals reaching a later stage of development (y) from an earlier stage (x).

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

10 R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

compensatory relationship. Evaluating relationships servation areas with fished reference areas (DeMartini
between finer subdivisions of age can reveal the tim- et al., 1993). Although population manipulations have
ing of onset of density-dependent processes in the life illuminated factors influencing post-settlement mor-
history (e.g., Hilsinger, 1982; Breen and Booth, 1989; tality and movements, several questions often arise:
Incze and Wahle, 1991; Eggleston and Armstrong, (1) Are sufficient unmanipulated control treatments
1995; Pile et al., 1996; Incze et al., 1997; Wahle and included in the experimental design? (2) Are the
Incze, 1997; Moriyasu et al., 1998; Moksnes et al., manipulated densities realistic? (3) Does the manipu-
1998). lation introduce unintended artifacts and can they be
These findings bear out Cobb and Caddy’s (1989) accounted for? (4) Do hatchery or lab-reared individ-
observation that environmental “noise” often over- uals behave the same as wild stock?
whelms the spawner–recruit signal in crabs and lob- Resource manipulation experiments (e.g., shelter,
sters (e.g., Caputi et al., 1995a). As in other species habitat or food additions or removals) have been con-
with complex life cycles, spawner–recruit relation- ducted widely with crabs and lobsters to assess the
ships exist in theory (Hilborn and Walters, 1992), impact of changes in a resource on local population
but the difficulty in resolving the relationship stems densities, either by larval settlement, immigration
from the fact that (1) the spawner–recruit relationship or survival (Table 2). Few studies have examined
involves two generations: the parents and resultant the joint effects of food and habitat (Marx and
offspring at some benthic stage, and (2) biological and Herrnkind, 1985), probably because habitat was
physical factors operating between spawning and re- judged to have an overriding influence on lobster and
cruitment can confound a clear functional relationship. crab distributions. Habitat manipulation experiments
have examined the spatial configuration, size, shape
2.2. Experimental approaches and connectivity of habitat patches in the benthic en-
vironment (P. argus—Eggleston and Lipcius, 1992;
Tables 2 and 3 list the range of experimental and Lipcius et al., 1998; H. americanus—Bologna and
other methodologies relevant to recruitment studies Steneck, 1993; C. sapidus—Eggleston et al., 1998b;
of the 14 decapod species surveyed. Experimental Michaeli and Peterson, 1999; Hovel and Lipcius,
interventions (Table 2) fall into five major categories: 2001). Habitat scaling is particularly important to
population manipulations, resource manipulations, evaluate because of the non-linear effects of habitat
predator inclusion/exclusion experiments, tethering area and structural complexity on population density
experiments, and mark-recapture experiments. Table 3 or survival (Eggleston et al., 1998b; Lipcius et al.,
lists other investigative approaches that have been 1998; Hovel and Lipcius, 2001). For recruitment stud-
helpful in understanding post-settlement dynamics: (1) ies at any scale, it is important to determine whether
collectors for larval and postlarval settlement stages; habitat enhancements (including artificial reefs) aug-
(2) benthic sampling methods for post-settlement ment recruitment or simply cause a concentration of
stages other than commercial traps; (3) novel meth- individuals (Bohnsack, 1989; Castro et al., 2001).
ods in age determination; (4) gut content analysis of Predator exclusion or inclusion experiments have
predators. been employed to distinguish losses related to pre-
Population addition or removal experiments with dation (both inter- and intra-specific) from emigra-
crabs and lobsters have been conducted in most cases tion losses (Table 2; especially Eggleston and Lipcius,
to assess the efficacy of population enhancement 1992; Iribarne et al., 1994; Eggleston and Armstrong,
(Bannister et al., 1994; Bannister and Addison, 1998; 1995). A latent difficulty with these types of experi-
Van der Meeren, 2000), evaluate early post-settlement ments relates to potential artifacts of the enclosure on
survival or determine inter- and intra-cohort effects the behavior of both predator and prey that could alter
on growth and survival (Ford et al., 1988; Eggleston prey densities and measured survival rates. In these
and Lipcius, 1992; Butler and Herrnkind, 1997; experiments, the challenge is to design the exclosure
Iribarne et al., 1994; Fernandez, 1999; Wahle and in such a way as to minimize these artifacts and run
Incze, 1997; Wahle et al., 2001). One case listed in parallel control treatments that mimic the experimen-
this category involved the comparison of no-fish con- tal treatment in all ways except the predator treatment.
Table 2
Experimental methodologies related to settlement and post-settlement processes for the crab and lobster species surveyed in this review
Species Location Methodology

Population Resource Enclosure/exclosure Tethering Mark-recapture

manipulation manipulation
Spiny lobsters
P. cygnus W Australia Ford et al. (1988) – – – Chittleborough and Phillips
(1975), Ford et al. (1988)
P. argus Florida, Eggleston and Marx and Herrnkind Eggleston and Herrnkind and Butler Forcucci et al. (1994), Butler
Bahamas, Lipcius (1992), Butler (1985), Eggleston Lipcius (1992) (1986), Smith and Herrnkind and Herrnkind (1997), Butler
Mexico, Cuba and Herrnkind (1997) et al. (1990, 1992), (1992), Eggleston et al. et al. (1997), Acosta (1999)
Eggleston and Lipcius (1992), Mintz et al. (1994),
(1992), Mintz et al. Acosta and Butler (1997),

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

(1994), Butler and Lipcius et al. (1998), Acosta
Herrnkind (1997), and Butler (1999)
Herrnkind et al.
(1997), Sosa-Cordero
et al. (1998)
P. marginatus Hawaii DeMartini et al. – – – –
J. edwardsii New Zealand – Butler et al. (1999) – Butler et al. (1999) –

Clawed lobsters
H. americanus East US, Wahle and Incze Bologna and Steneck Lavalli and Barshaw Wahle and Steneck (1992), Krouse (1981), Robichaud
Canada (1997), Wahle et al. (1993), Wahle and (1985), Barshaw and Barshaw and Able (1990) and Cambell (1995), Wahle
(2001) Incze (1997), Palma Lavalli (1988), Wahle and Incze (1997), Cowan
et al. (1998), Castro et al. (2001) (1999), Comeau et al. (1999)
et al. (2001)
H. gammarus Northern Bannister et al. Robinson and Tully – – Bannister et al. (1994),
Europe (1994), Bannister and (2000), Linnane et al. Bannister and Addison
Addison (1998), Van (2000) (1998)
der Meeren (2000)
N. norvegicus Northern – – – – Bailey (1986)
C. magister NW US, Iribarne et al. (1994), Fernandez et al. Iribarne et al. (1994), Fernandez et al. (1993b) –
Canada Fernandez (1999) (1993a), Iribarne Eggleston and
et al. (1994), Armstrong (1995),
Eggleston and Fernandez (1999)
Armstrong (1995),
Fernandez (1999),
Morgan et al. (1996)

Table 2 (Continued )
Species Location Methodology
Population Resource Enclosure/exclosure Tethering Mark-recapture

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

manipulation manipulation
C. pagurus North Europe – – – – Bell et al. (2003)

C. sapidus East US, Gulf – Moksnes et al. – Hines and Ruiz (1995), Pile Fitz and Wiegert (1992),
of Mexico (1997), Morgan et al. et al. (1996) Blackmon and Eggleston
(1996), Eggleston (2001), Etherington et al.
et al. (1998b), (2003)
Blackmon and
Eggleston (2001)
C. maenas North Europe – Hedvall et al. (1998), – Dumas and Witman (1993), Munch-Petersen et al. (1982)
Moksnes and Moksnes et al. (1998)
Wennhage (2001)
C. opilio E Canada, – – – – –
C. bairdi Alaska – – – – –

Paralithodes Alaska – – – – –

a No-fish conservation area.

Table 3
Additional methodologies providing insight into settlement and post-settlement processes for the crab and lobster species surveyed in this review
Species Location Methodologies
Larval, postlarval collectors Dive, trawl, suction sampling Aging methods Gut analysis

Spiny lobsters
P. cygnus W Australia Phillips (1972) Jernakoff et al. (1994) Sheehy et al. Howard (1988)
P. argus Florida, Bahamas, Cruz et al. (1995), Herrnkind and Butler (1994), – –
Mexico, Cuba Herrnkind and Butler Field and Butler (1994),
(1994), Forcucci et al. Forcucci et al. (1994), Butler
(1994), Lipcius et al. (1997), et al. (1995), Lipcius et al.
Eggleston et al. (1998c), (1997), Childress and
Stockhausen et al. (2000) Herrnkind (1997), Herrnkind
et al. (1997), Acosta and

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

Butler (1997), Butler et al.
(1997), Acosta (1999)
P. marginatus Hawaii – Parrish and Polovina (1994), – –
Polovina et al. (1995)
J. edwardsii New Zealand Booth and Tarring (1986), Breen and Booth (1989), – –
Breen and Booth (1989), Booth et al. (2000, 2001)
Booth et al. (2000, 2001)
Clawed lobsters
H. americanus East US, Canada Incze et al. (1997), Palma Hudon (1987), Able et al. Wahle et al. Hanson and Lanteigne
et al. (1998, 1999) (1988), Wahle and Steneck (1996) (2000)
(1991), Lawton and Lavalli
(1995) (review), Palma et al.
H. gammarus Northern Europe – Howard (1980), Robinson Sheehy et al. –
and Tully (2000) (1996, 1999)
N. norvegicus Northern Europe – Gonzalez-Gurriaran (1987), Hillis and Tully Armstrong et al. (1991)
Bailey (1986), Maynou et al. (1993a), Belchier
(1996) et al. (1994)
C. magister NW US, Canada Fernandez et al. (1993a), – – –
Eggleston and Armstrong
(1995), Eggleston et al.
C. pagurus North Europe – Robinson and Tully (2000) – –

C. sapidus East US, Gulf of Van Montfrans et al. (1995), Pile et al. (1996), Pardieck Ju et al. (2001) –
Mexico Morgan et al. (1996), et al. (1999), Etherington
Eggleston et al. (1998b), and Eggleston (2000)
Guillory et al. (1998)

Table 3 (Continued )

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

Species Location Methodologies

Larval, postlarval collectors Dive, trawl, suction sampling Aging methods Gut analysis

C. maenas North Europe Moksnes and Wennhage Moksnes and Wennhage – –

(2001) (2001)
C. opilio E Canada, Alaska – Lovrich et al. (1995), – Jewett (1982), Waiwood
Sainte-Marie et al. (1996), and Elner (1982),
Comeau et al. (1998), Robichaud et al. (1986,
Moriyasu et al. (1998) 1991), Livingston
(1989), Lilly (1991),
Lovrich et al. (1995)
C. bairdi Alaska – – – Livingston (1989)

Paralithodes Alaska Blau and Byersdorfer (1994) – – Livingston (1989)

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32 15

Tethering has been widely used in predation stud- et al., 1996; Incze et al., 1997). More detailed discus-
ies to assess how relative predation rates vary with sion of the variety of trawl, diver visual survey and
prey body size, habitat quality and location (Table 2). suction sampling methodology is beyond the scope of
The most rigorous tethering experiments include video this review, but references are listed in Table 3.
monitoring or controls for artifacts of the experimental Age determination is a challenge specific to crus-
manipulation, and give some assurance that the rec- taceans. Having an accurate and reliable indicator of
ognized artifacts of tethering do not interact with the age would remove the uncertainty of identifying age
experimental treatment effect (see Peterson and Black classes in crab and lobster populations. Body size
(1994) for discussion). It is important to recognize that may be an adequate proxy for age where individu-
tethering experiments provide a relative measure of als grow quickly and cohorts remain in distinct size
predation “potential”, not necessarily a measure of ab- groups (e.g., Panulirus). For slower growing species
solute predation rates. In some cases, predation rates (e.g., Homarus) resolving age groups by size becomes
may also be inferred from gut content analysis of the confounded by heritable and environmental effects on
predators (Table 3, Livingston, 1989; Armstrong et al., growth (Nelson et al., 1980; Pollock, 1993; Sheehy,
1991; Lilly, 1991; Robichaud et al., 1991; Hanson and 2001; Wahle et al., 2001). The “age pigment”, lipofus-
Lanteigne, 2000). cin, occurring in crustacean brain tissue, has been ex-
Mark-recapture experiments have been traditionally plored with some success as an alternative aging tool
used with decapods to assess movement and growth in several decapods (Table 3), but the method must
(Table 2), but have been applied more frequently over be used judiciously as there remain questions about
the past decade to assess population size and dy- environmental effects on this indicator (Sheehy et al.,
namics (Table 2, especially Fitz and Wiegert, 1992; 1999; Wahle et al., 2001; Ju et al., 2001).
Forcucci et al., 1994; Bell et al., 2003). Most re-
cently, an effort has been made to separate losses into 2.3. Ecological processes
mortality and emigration components (Etherington
et al., 2003). Often the greatest challenge in applying Post-settlement processes operating on the 14 de-
mark-recapture methods for population studies is in capods reviewed have been inferred from experiments
satisfying sometimes restrictive assumptions regard- and population surveys and are listed in Table 4.
ing movements out of the study area, catchability, tag Table 5 identifies cases in which mortality, growth
loss and mortality and behavior artifacts related to and/or movements have been explicitly shown to be
tagging (for discussions see Phillips (1990), Bannister density-dependent. Predation on early benthic stages
et al. (1994), Etherington et al. (2003) and Bell et al. is perhaps the process most widely inferred to in-
(2003)). fluence the demography of these crabs and lobsters.
As for sampling and survey methodologies, over Fishes, brachyuran crabs and octopi were most of-
the past two decades there has been much experi- ten cited as predators of juvenile stages. Evidence
mentation with various types of passive larval and of predation stems from direct observation, gut con-
postlarval collectors in the development of abundance tent analysis of predators, tethering experiments and
indices for early life stages (Table 3). Various types of predator exclusion experiments (Tables 2 and 3). A
plastic meshes and other artificial materials are effec- consistent theme is that small-bodied early life stages
tive at attracting settlers (e.g., Phillips, 1972; Palma tend to be associated with the protection afforded by
et al., 1998; Blau and Byersdorfer, 1994; Booth and structurally complex habitats, and emerge from those
Tarring, 1986; Cruz et al., 1995; Van Montfrans et al., habitats as they outgrow vulnerability to predation.
1995). In other cases, natural substrates placed in Reports of cannibalism were exclusively found
deployable–retrievable units are equally or more ef- among the crabs surveyed (Table 4). Inter-cohort
fective (Eggleston and Armstrong, 1995; Incze et al., cannibalism in blue crab, C. sapidus (Hines and
1997; Moksnes and Wennhage, 2001). Sometimes, Ruiz, 1995), Dungeness crab, Cancer magister (e.g.,
however, the most cost effective strategy is to apply a Fernandez et al., 1993a,b), and snow crab, Chio-
standardized sampling method in the naturally occur- noecetes opilio (Lovrich and Sainte-Marie, 1997),
ring settlement habitat (Wahle and Steneck, 1991; Pile has been invoked as a possible explanation for
Table 4
References in the literature to post-settlement processes inferred to be operating in the crab and lobster species surveyed in this review
Species Location Post-settlement process

Interspecific predation Cannibalism Habitat or shelter Food Disease/algal Sociality

limitation limitation toxins
Spiny lobsters
P. cygnus W Australia Howard (1988) – – – – –

P. argus Florida, Herrnkind and Butler – Marx and Herrnkind Marx and – Eggleston and Lipcius
Bahamas, (1986), Eggleston (1985), Eggleston et al. Herrnkind (1992), Mintz et al.
Belize et al. (1990), Smith (1990), Eggleston et al. (1985) (1994), Childress and
and Herrnkind (1992), Mintz et al. Herrnkind (1997)
(1992), Eggleston (1994), Herrnkind
et al. (1992), et al. (1994), Butler

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

Eggleston and et al. (1995), Lipcius
Lipcius (1992), Mintz et al. (1997), Butler
et al. (1994), Acosta and Herrnkind (1997),
and Butler (1997), Herrnkind et al. (1997),
Butler et al. (1997) Lipcius et al. (1998)
P. marginatus Hawaii – – Polovina and Mitchum – – –
J. edwardsii NZ Butler et al. (1999) – – – Butler et al. (1999)

Clawed lobsters
H. americanus NE US, Lavalli and Barshaw – Fogarty and Idoine – Castro and –
Canada (1986), Barshaw and (1986), Wahle and Angell (2001)
Lavalli (1988), Wahle Incze (1997), Peeke
and Steneck (1992), et al. (1998)
Lawton and Lavalli
(1995), Palma et al.
H. gammarus Northern Van der Meeren – Howard (1981) – – –
Europe (2000)
N. norvegicus Northern Armstrong et al. – – Bailey – –
Europe (1991) (1986)
C. magister NW US, Fernandez et al. Fernandez et al. Fernandez et al. Iribarne – –
Canada (1993b), Eggleston (1993a,b), Armstrong (1993a,b), Eggleston et al.
and Armstrong (1995) et al. (1994), and Armstrong (1995) (1994),
Fernandez (1999) Armstrong
et al. (1994)
C. pagurus North – – – – – –
C. sapidus East US, Pile et al. (1996), Hines and Ruiz Eggleston et al. – – –
Gulf of Eggleston et al. (1995), Moksnes (1998b), Etherington
Mexico (1998b) et al. (1997), Hovel and Eggleston (2000)
and Lipcius (2001)
C. maenas North Dumas and Witman Moksnes et al. (1998) Hedvall et al. (1998), – Goggin (1997) –
Europe (1993) Moksnes et al. (1998)
C. opilio E Canada, Waiwood and Elner Sainte-Marie et al. – – – –
Alaska (1982), Bailey (1996), Lovrich and
(1982), Robichaud Sainte-Marie (1997),
et al. (1986, 1991), Dutil et al. (1997)
Lilly (1991)
C. bairdi Alaska Jewett (1982), – – – Sparks (1982) Stevens et al. (1994)
Livingston (1989)
P. camtschatica Alaska Wespestad et al. – Loher et al. (1998) – Kuris et al. –

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

(1994), Loher et al. (1991), Tester
(1998) and Mahoney

Table 5
Explicit references to density-dependent mortality, growth, or dispersal in the crab and lobster species surveyed in this review
Species Location Density-dependent processes
Mortality Growth Dispersal

Spiny lobsters
P. cygnus W Australia Morgan et al. (1982), Ford Phillips (1990) Phillips (1990)
et al. (1988), Phillips (1990),
Caputi et al. (1995a,b,c)
P. argus Florida, – – Forcucci et al. (1994), Butler
Bahamas, et al. (1995), Herrnkind et al.
Belize (1997), Butler et al. (1997)
P. marginatus Hawaii Polovina (1989) Polovina (1989) –

R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

J. edwardsii NZ Breen and Booth (1989) Breen and Booth (1989), –
Pollock (1991)
Clawed lobsters
H. americanus NE US, Fogarty and Idoine (1986), Nelson et al. (1980), Wahle Wahle and Incze (1997),
Canada Ennis and Fogarty (1997), et al. (2001) Incze et al. (1997)
Wahle et al. (2001)
H. gammarus Northern – – –
N. norvegicus Northern Hill and White (1990) Bailey (1986), Pollock –
Europe (1991), Hillis and Tully
(1993a,b), Tuck et al. (1997)
C. magister NW US, Fernandez et al. (1993a), – Iribarne et al. (1994),
Canada Higgins et al. (1997), McMillan et al. (1995)
Iribarne et al. (1994),
Botsford and Hobbs (1995),
Botsford et al. (1998)
C. pagurus North Europe – – –
C. sapidus East US, Gulf Hines and Ruiz (1995), Pile – Pile et al. (1996),
of Mexico et al. (1996), Kahn et al. Etherington and Eggleston
(1998), Uphoff (1998), (2000), Blackmon and
Etherington et al. (2003) Eggleston (2001),
Etherington et al. (2003)
C. maenas North Europe Moksnes et al. (1998) – Moksnes and Wennhage (2001)
C. opilio E Canada, Sainte-Marie et al. (1996), – –
Alaska Lovrich and Sainte-Marie (1997)
C. bairdi Alaska Zheng and Kruse (1999) – –
P. camtschatica Alaska Zheng et al. (1995) – –
R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32 19

over-compensatory juvenile-to-recruit relationships size-specific shelter availability, but did not explore
in these species. Cannibalism by older cohorts on the effect of varying size-specific mortality outside
younger ones can cause population cycling, a dom- shelter. Survival during emergence is determined not
inant feature of the dynamics of at least two of the only by the size-specific probability of having shelter,
crabs reviewed here: C. magister (Botsford, 1986; but also by the size-specific probability of mortality
Botsford and Hobbs, 1995) and C. opilio (Sainte-Marie without it (Fig. 2a). The bottleneck model predicts
et al., 1996). In field experiments, habitat refuges, low survival for individuals that must leave shelter
such as vegetation or crevices among shells, play at a size still vulnerable to predation. Size-specific
an important role in mitigating post-settlement mor- predation rates, however, are likely to vary in time
tality by cannibalistic individuals (Fernandez et al., and space. If predation rates are relaxed, emergent
1993a,b; Eggleston and Armstrong, 1995; Pile et al., prey may experience high survival even if they have
1996; Eggleston et al., 1998c; Moksnes et al., 1998; no shelter. This has important implications for re-
Etherington and Eggleston, 2000). These brachyurans cruitment because survival is not solely a function of
feed opportunistically, and tend to be more fecund shelter availability as the Caddy and Stamatopoulos
and settle at much higher densities than their lobster (1990) model suggests. In some species shelter lim-
counterparts (Williams, 1984; Pollock, 1997), so it is itation at intermediate and large sizes may also have
perhaps not surprising that density effects are stronger sublethal consequences such as inhibiting the moult,
and that cannibalism is a more important source of and thereby growth and egg production (Beck, 1995,
early mortality (Tables 1 and 3). 1997). Therefore, demographic bottlenecks at inter-
For most lobsters and crabs, the importance of mediate body size may be an important population
predation to mortality is best viewed in the context regulatory mechanism in crevice dwellers such as
of seabed habitat. There are numerous examples in lobsters and crabs.
which size-specific rates of survival have been related There are fewer examples of food limitation on
to the joint effects of habitat complexity and the type, survival of crabs and lobsters. Nonetheless, there are
size and abundance of predators, e.g., C. sapidus numerous field reports of growth and body size be-
(Pile et al., 1996; Lipcius et al., 1998; Hovel and ing inversely density-dependent, mostly in lobsters
Lipcius, 2001), H. americanus (e.g Lavalli and (Bailey, 1986; Breen and Booth, 1989; Polovina, 1989;
Barshaw, 1986; Barshaw and Lavalli, 1988; Wahle and Phillips, 1990; Pollock, 1993; DeMartini et al., 1993;
Steneck, 1992), P. argus (e.g., Butler and Herrnkind, Hillis and Tully, 1993b; Tuck et al., 1997; Wahle et al.,
1997), Panulirus marginatus (Parrish and Polovina, 2001). Food supply has been shown to influence habi-
1994). Settling in a protective habitat may bring tem- tat use in P. argus (Marx and Herrnkind, 1985) and C.
porary safety, but as juveniles grow they must emerge sapidus (Mansour and Lipcius, 1991). To the extent
from the nurseries to satisfy demands for larger shel- cannibalism can be taken as evidence of food limita-
ters or food. This brings renewed risks that can lead tion, there may be many more examples among the
to heightened rates of mortality and a demographic crabs, although these studies have focused more on
bottleneck during emergence. the mortality consequences than the growth effects of
For lobsters and crabs that require the shelter of inter-cohort interactions (Tables 4 and 5).
structurally complex habitats early in life, a demo- Disease and other pathogens are still poorly un-
graphic bottleneck may be defined as the heightened derstood as a source of post-settlement mortality
risk of mortality at an intermediate body size resulting influencing cohort success in large decapods. Re-
from outgrowing available shelters before outgrowing ports of disease are infrequent (Table 4). Local mass
the predation risk outside shelter (e.g., Wahle and mortalities of king crab (P. camtschatica) have been
Steneck, 1992; Wahle, 1992; Beck, 1995, 1997; attributed to toxic algal blooms (Tester and Mahoney,
Lipcius et al., 1998). The interaction of size-specific 1995). Recently in southern New England, separate
shelter availability and predation risk is illustrated events of mass mortality and an outbreak of shell dis-
in Fig. 2, which is an adaptation of a similar model ease remain unexplained (Castro and Angell, 2001).
described by Caddy and Stamatopoulos (1990). Social aggregations unrelated to mating are only
They modeled the mortality consequences of varying observed among spiny lobsters (Table 4). Solitary as
20 R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

Fig. 2. Demographic bottleneck model describing the interaction between the size-specific probability of having shelter once settled and
the probability of surviving without it. (a) In general, the breadth of available shelters (Psh ) will vary in space (and in time if biogenic).
The probability of surviving without shelter (Pns ) may vary in space and time as predator diversity and abundance vary. (b) The probability
of survival (Psurv ) is a U-shaped function indicating the highest risk of mortality at an intermediate body size. The bottleneck may be
more or less severe depending on size-specific shelter availability and mortality risk without shelter. (c) Survivorship starting with 1000
individuals under four scenarios of shelter availability and predation risk.

juveniles, they become increasingly social as they ma- ple of a species with large mating aggregations among
ture, and live in aggregations within the same shelter, those reviewed is the tanner crab, C. bairdii (Stevens
a behavioral attribute that can both mitigate shelter et al., 1994). The significance of social aggregations
limitation and deter predators (Table 4, Childress and to the stock–recruitment function remains unclear, but
Herrnkind, 1997; Butler et al., 1999). The only exam- may be an example of positive density-dependence if
R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32 21

sociality breaks down at extremely low levels of abun- tive to the dispersal range of individuals can give mis-
dance (Allee, 1931; Myers et al., 1995). leading information if it is not recognized that indi-
Movements and migrations have been widely stud- viduals disperse or move to alternate habitats as they
ied among crabs and lobsters. Seasonal patterns grow, so that declines in density do not necessarily
of activity, inshore offshore migrations, as well as mean declines in overall abundance (Incze et al., 1997;
counter-natant migrations by spawners, are well de- Etherington and Eggleston, 2000).
scribed in the literature for many of the species The demography of P. cygnus is now recognized
reviewed. Evaluating smaller scale movements dur- to be largely driven by pre-settlement processes. The
ing the early post-settlement stages has been more settlement index and oceanographic indices are suffi-
of a challenge though. Post-settlement dispersal may cient to explain most of the variation in the catch at
be an important means of mitigating crowding ef- most locations (Caputi et al., 1995b,c). The catch of
fects (Table 5, Pile et al., 1996; Incze et al., 1997; older juveniles or “whites” a year before harvest is
Etherington and Eggleston, 2000), but distinguishing used to refine postlarval (puerulus) index-based pre-
post-settlement dispersal from mortality remains a dictions. The postlarval-to-catch relationship is best
challenge (Forcucci et al., 1994; Pile et al., 1996; described by a power function, indicating weak but
Incze et al., 1997; Wahle and Incze, 1997; detectable density-dependence over the intervening
Butler et al., 1997; Moksnes and Wennhage, 2001; year. Little more has been published on the nature of
Etherington et al., 2003). density-related processes in P. cygnus.

3.2. Case 2: Blue Crab—Callinectes

3. Case studies sapidus—post-settlement dominated dynamics

3.1. Case 1: Western Rock lobster—Panulirus Of the decapods reviewed here, few have stronger
cygnus—supply dominated dynamics evidence of the dominance of post-settlement pro-
cesses than the blue crab, C. sapidus. A number of
The case studies begin with the western rock lob- surveys and experimental manipulations reveal their
ster, P. cygnus, because although the species is now strength and scope. Two lines of evidence present an
largely managed on the basis of the recruitment fore- instructive contrast to P. cygnus. First, there is evi-
casts from pre-settlement information (postlarval and dence of strong compensatory and over-compensatory
oceanographic indices, Table 1), research conducted in dynamics from stock–recruitment relationships
the 1970s and early 1980s initially suggested stronger (Table 1b). Second, over the past decade a number
post-settlement density-dependent controls than are of important experimental approaches have been de-
now recognized. The suggestion of strong density ef- veloped that elucidate the post-settlement processes
fects may have been due in part to a misinterpreta- influencing these relationships (Tables 2–5).
tion of experiments conducted at the time (Ford et al., Blue crab life history contrasts with that of spiny
1988; Phillips, 1990). Losses to local reef popula- lobsters in having a shorter larval life (weeks as op-
tions, as evaluated from mark-recapture experiments, posed to months), with consequently far less dispersal
were initially taken to be mortality (Chittleborough potential (hundreds versus thousands of kilometers).
and Phillips, 1975; Morgan et al., 1982). In retrospect, Ovigerous females migrate downstream to the mouth
it became evident that some of the assumptions of the of estuaries to hatch larvae. Larvae are exported to
mark-recapture analysis were not satisfied and that the shelf waters and then reinvade estuarine waters where
losses were more likely due to emigration (Phillips, megalopae settle to shallow sea grass nurseries (Olmi
1990). This is an important lesson in experimental et al., 1990; Johnson, 1995; Morgan et al., 1996).
design because throughout the subsequent literature There is a much greater chance that larvae will re-
on post-settlement processes in crabs and lobsters re- cruit to the natal estuary because of the more restricted
searchers have been faced with the same challenge of dispersal, thereby enhancing the possibility of a sig-
distinguishing mortality from emigration losses. Sur- nificant spawner-to-recruit relationship. Benthic juve-
veys targeting only one habitat or a small area rela- niles, initially restricted to vegetated habitats, undergo
22 R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

an ontogenetic habitat shift becoming more emergent mortality during the early juvenile stages remains
and mobile with size (Pardieck et al., 1999). unclear (Blackmon and Eggleston, 2001).
Based on trawl surveys, significant spawner-to- Other field and laboratory experiments implicate
recruit relationships have been documented in the cannibalism as an important source of post-settlement
Delaware (Kahn et al., 1998) and Chesapeake (Lipcius density-dependent mortality in blue crabs. Noting
and Van Engle, 1990; Lipcius and Stockhausen, 2002) that young-of-year crab abundance was not a good
estuaries. Each case suggests strong density-dependent predictor of 1-year-old abundance in trawl surveys,
mortality during early benthic life. The potential for Hines and Ruiz (1995) carried out field tethering
post-settlement density-dependent controls may be experiments in which 75–97% of the mortality was
even stronger in Gulf of Mexico estuaries, although related to cannibalism on juveniles. Mortality of
there is less direct evidence. Van Montfrans et al. tethered crabs was lower in shallow than deeper wa-
(1995) noted that settlement was “up to a 100-fold ters, with greater body size in shallows suggesting
greater for Gulf than Atlantic coast estuaries implying refuges in space and size. Laboratory mesocosm ex-
population limitation by post-settlement processes periments have provided more insight into the nature
in the gulf and greater recruitment limitation in the of blue crab cannibal–prey dynamics. For example,
Atlantic”, a conclusion later echoed by Guillory et al. Moksnes et al. (1997) found that cannibalism began
(1998) in a review of Gulf of Mexico blue crab at the megalopa stage and that the effect of older age
fisheries. classes varied with size, habitat and predator density.
Numerous field experiments have been con- Other mesocosm experiments with larger blue crabs
ducted with blue crabs to elucidate the nature of indicated negative effects of high density on foraging
post-settlement processes. One approach has been to activity (Mansour and Lipcius, 1991).
examine settler–recruit relationships on much finer Effects of habitat structure in the landscape have
temporal scales than is typically done by standard been gaining greater attention in recent years and are
annual or semi-annual stock assessment surveys. For proving to be complex for blue crabs. For example,
example, Pile et al. (1996) evaluated the relation- sea grass patch size has different effects on early
ships in density between first juvenile crab instar (J1) and late stage juvenile blue crab survival. Whereas
and subsequent stages (J2–9) from a 10-year time Eggleston et al. (1998b) found that J1 crab recruit-
series of monthly or semimonthly suction samples ment was higher in large patches where predatory
at a single sea grass nursery site during the larval grass shrimp were rare, Hovel and Lipcius (2001) re-
settlement period. Although strong compensatory vealed an opposite effect: mortality rates of tethered
relationships were observed, it was not possible to juveniles was the greatest in larger patches where
distinguish mortality losses from emigration, preclud- cannibalistic adults were more abundant. Contiguous
ing inferences about cohort survival. Nonetheless, tracts of sea grass can act as corridors for adult crab
tethering experiments revealed higher predation rates movement, thus determining the clam flats where they
on small juveniles in the open than in vegetated forage (Michaeli and Peterson, 1999). These exam-
habitats up to the J8 stage. From the J9 stage on- ples demonstrated the value of large-scale multi-site
wards, survival was high regardless of habitat. While and multi-scale field studies to our understanding
these results underscored the value of vegetated habi- of the mechanisms influencing the fate of cohorts
tat to early survival in blue crabs, the question of and the interconnectedness of subpopulations after
the extent of post-settlement dispersion remained settlement. It will be important for future studies to
unresolved. disentangle the effects of habitat attributes such as
Subsequent multi-site monitoring of settlement area and connectivity to cohort survival.
in North Carolina lagoonal bays confirmed the im-
portance of post-settlement dispersal through sec- 3.3. Case 3: American lobster—Homarus
ondary planktonic resuspension, especially during americanus—supply or habitat limitation?
storm events, to sites landward of initial settle-
ment (Etherington and Eggleston, 2000). Whether The question of recruitment versus habitat limita-
post-settlement dispersal mitigates density-dependent tion has been controversial for the American lobster.
R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32 23

A strong influence on arguments in favor of compen- shore (Fogarty, 1998). Pelagic sampling and more re-
satory dynamics grew out of a postlarval-to-recruit re- cent modeling of larval transport are beginning to pro-
lationship analyzed by Fogarty and Idoine (1986) from vide insight into the relative contribution of local and
a 20-year data time series gathered by Scarratt (1964). distant sources of recruits to American lobster popula-
By assuming postlarval abundance could also be used tions (Harding et al., 1983; Incze and Naimie, 2000).
as a proxy for spawner abundance, they inferred from Meanwhile methods have been developed to fill
this analysis that, because of strong compensatory gaps in our understanding of linkages between early
effects, brood stock abundance would have to be and later life stages. In the absence of long time series,
reduced drastically before recruitment would be nega- one strategy has been to evaluate linkages in space. For
tively impacted. Their conclusion was consistent with example, Miller (1997) related differences in lobster
the relatively stable landings over previous decades in landings along the Nova Scotia coast to a consistent
many regions (Drinkwater et al., 1996), as well as with coast-wide pattern of postlarval abundance. Similarly,
behavioral studies on shelter competition and reports in the Gulf of Maine, regional differences in benthic
of the relative scarcity of nursery habitat (reviewed juveniles correspond to the spatial pattern of landings
by Lawton and Lavalli, 1995). Notwithstanding the (Steneck and Wilson, 2001), confirming long-standing
possibility that the Fogarty and Idoine (1986) analy- patterns in the size composition of the catch in the
sis may not have satisfied the assumption of a closed northeast Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy (Huntsman,
population, their hypothesis was consistent with pre- 1923).
vailing notions of habitat limitation for large decapods If regional differences in the catch stemmed from
(Caddy, 1986; Caddy and Stamatopoulos, 1990). long-standing differences in settlement, does it fol-
Then, during the 1980s, a region-wide boom in low that it will be possible to forecast harvests from
lobster landings spread from the Canadian Maritimes temporal fluctuations in settlement? Suction sampling
through New England that continues in the east- methods have opened a window on quantitative rela-
ern Gulf of Maine today (ASMFC, 2000; Steneck tionships between larval supply and the abundance of
and Wilson, 2001). This cast more serious doubt on juvenile lobsters from settlement to greater than the
the notion of habitat limitation, supporting instead age of 3 years (Able et al., 1988; Wahle and Steneck,
hypotheses that environmental forcing may play a 1991; Incze and Wahle, 1991; Incze et al., 1997, 2000;
stronger role in determining fishery recruitment than Wahle and Incze, 1997). Forecasting to the harvest,
previously thought. However, an exhaustive analysis however, remains a challenge because of the long time
of correlations between temperature and subsequent lag between settlement and the harvest (5–9 years),
harvests at appropriate time lags indicated that the the absence of accurate aging tools and the poor un-
boom could not be accounted for by temperature derstanding of variability in size at age. Thus, even
anomalies (Drinkwater et al., 1996). Other possible though an American lobster settlement index has been
environmental correlates have not been comprehen- maintained for more than a decade in New England
sively tested. During the 1990s, US National Marine (Wahle and Incze, 1997; Incze et al., 1997; Wahle, un-
Fisheries Service (NMFS) trawl surveys were also published data), complete abundance projections are
indicating a widespread increase in stock abundance only available from 1998 onwards (Wahle, unpub-
and egg production (ASMFC, 2000). However, stock lished data), hardly long enough to put forecasts to a
assessment models continued to warn, as they had rigorous test against landings at this time.
for decades, that lobsters were overfished (ASMFC, The importance of post-settlement processes to the
1996, 2000). It has become increasingly clear to fish- shape of any emerging settler-to-fishery recruit rela-
eries scientists, managers and the industry that current tionship for the American lobster remains to be seen.
stock assessment methods were inadequate to forecast It will be important to assess mortality associated with
trends in the harvest (Acheson and Steneck, 1997; density-independent and density-dependent processes.
ASMFC, 2000). Only recently has metapopulation Field experiments have been helpful in this regard.
modeling suggested that the resilience of intensively Small lobsters are vulnerable to predation outside the
fished nearshore stocks may be due to larval subsidies safety of shelter-providing habitats like cobbles and
from lightly exploited segments of the population off- boulders and the association with shelter relaxes with
24 R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

size (Lavalli and Barshaw, 1986; Wahle and Steneck, to the benthos. There are more examples in which
1992; Wahle, 1992). Cannibalism has not been ob- environmental indicators of the strength of transport
served in nature in the American lobster, although it processes, either with or without spawner abundance,
has in captivity, underscoring the need to take care predict recruitment strength better than spawner
in drawing conclusions from laboratory experiments abundance alone. It follows that we should find even
alone. more examples of significant juvenile-to-recruit rela-
As for density-dependence, field studies that com- tionships, because the benthic recruits have already
bine long-term sampling, habitat manipulation and passed through the filter of the pelagic environment.
‘saturation’ seeding experiments suggest that larval The few examples of significant spawner-to-recruit
supplies are rarely sufficient to saturate available shel- relationships have occurred where the spawner popu-
ters at the time of settlement and that survival rates lation has either been depleted enough to overwhelm
are high while lobsters are in the cryptic phase. As co- the environmental noise (e.g., P. cygnus, Caputi et al.,
horts age, however, shelter availability is more likely 1995a), or where a relatively tight linkage has existed
to be at a premium and lobsters must move to alterna- in space and time between larval hatch and recruit-
tive sites (Wahle and Incze, 1997; Incze et al., 1997, ment to subsequent benthic stages (e.g., C. sapidus,
2000; Palma et al., 1999). This may represent a demo- Lipcius and Stockhausen, 2002), more typical of rel-
graphic bottleneck (Fig. 2) for the American lobster in atively short-lived caridean shrimp (Cobb and Caddy,
this region, but the mortality consequences of emer- 1989).
gence remain difficult to quantify. It is possible that Post-settlement density-dependence seems to be
this may be a critical stage at which recruitment to the more the rule than the exception among the taxa sur-
fishery is regulated. On the other hand, if mortality veyed. For virtually all the species in which juvenile-
risks at the time of emergence are low, the bottleneck to-fishery recruit relationships have been documented,
may be weak leading to a more linear relationships non-linear relationships provide the best statistical
between settlement and recruitment than might have fit. These range from power functions for the species
been conceived by Fogarty and Idoine (1986). with the weakest density effects, such as P. cygnus,
It is possible that mortality risks to emergent Ameri- to Ricker functions among the species, such as C.
can lobsters have relaxed over the past two decades, as sapidus, for which fecundity, larval retention and
many commercially exploited ground fish have been settlement is high, and for which there is evidence
depleted in the Gulf of Maine (Witman and Sebens, of strong density-dependent post-settlement canni-
1992; Jackson et al., 2001). If that is true, it is also balism. Still, there are a number of commercially
possible that mortality during density-related disper- exploited species for which we have little information
sal from nursery habitats may be lower than at earlier on stock–recruitment relationships.
times when predators were larger and more abundant. Field experiments have provided direct evidence
It is, therefore, as important in the case of the Amer- of the relative importance of pre- and post-settlement
ican lobster as it was in the previous two cases to processes to recruitment, and nature and strength of
design studies that differentiate mortality and emigra- post-settlement density-related mechanisms. Except
tion. In the meantime the jury is still out as to whether for quasi-closed populations such as blue crabs in
changes in predation or some other environmental fac- large estuaries, spatial patterns of settlement in most
tor(s) may be linked to the recent surge in American of the lobsters and crabs reported here relate to larval
lobster abundance. transport processes far more often than they relate
to the location of the parent stock. Post-settlement
survival is strongly influenced by the three-way inter-
4. Conclusions and future research action of predation risk, habitat quality and body size.
As a result, refuge habitat is more often a limiting fac-
The rarity of significant spawner-to-recruit rela- tor than food, especially among small individuals still
tionships in crabs and lobsters is likely a result of the vulnerable to predators. That is why it is necessary
vagaries of the pelagic environment and its influence to understand the nature of demographic bottlenecks
on larval supply and survival before juveniles recruit in terms of the joint effect of habitat availability
R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32 25

and critical predator–prey interactions. Some of the veyed here that forms social aggregations for reasons
most recent work on habitat effects are going beyond other than mating. Spiny lobsters become social af-
small-scale structural complexity and are beginning ter their early cryptic juvenile stage and sociality may
to assess landscape scale effects such as patch area, mitigate crowding as they grow. Experimental work
inter-patch distance and connectivity. Early findings has demonstrated clear survival advantages of living in
suggest that it is not valid to simply scale up mortality groups (Childress and Herrnkind, 1997; Butler et al.,
rates observed in small-scale experiments. 1999).
Experimental interventions have provided useful in- Age determination remains a challenge unique to
sights into post-settlement processes, but they are not crustaceans and continues to frustrate efforts to follow
a panacea. This is especially true where estimates of cohorts through a population. Sheehy (2001) recently
mortality are confounded by dispersal-related losses. pointed out the spread in size with age can be another
Post-settlement movements create special challenges contributor to stock–recruit relationships being misin-
for the study of large-bodied benthic decapods that terpreted as compensatory. Continuing developments
set them apart from more experimentally tractable in the use of “age pigments” and tagging Bannister
sessile or sedentary species. Benthic movements may et al. (1994) may shed some light on this perplexing
occur almost immediately after settlement while still problem. In addition to those discussed above, there
in the postlarval stage or after an initially sedentary are several other emerging areas of research that will
and cryptic early benthic phase. Dispersal may miti- contribute to our understanding of post-settlement pro-
gate crowding effects in many species and, thus, can cesses influencing recruitment. One such area is the
affect a population’s distribution but not its abun- study of depensatory processes, such as the function
dance. It will be important to design future surveys of social aggregations (Butler et al., 1999), and the
and experiments in a way to differentiate emigra- influence of sperm limitation in populations where
tion and mortality in open populations of crabs and males are selectively harvested. Disease and pathology
lobsters. is another area in which the consequences to survival
Difficulty in the interpretation of spawner- or and recruitment are poorly understood and may be ei-
juvenile-to-recruit relationships has stemmed from ther episodic or closely coupled to population density
a poor understanding of larval subsidies to, or (Castro and Angell, 2001).
post-settlement emigration from, the study area (e.g., Over the past decade or so, a combination of mon-
Fogarty and Idoine, 1986; Phillips, 1990; Pile et al., itoring and experimentation has led to major strides
1996; Ennis and Fogarty, 1997). It is important to in our understanding of recruitment processes for cer-
recognize that in open populations: (1) larval supply tain well studied species, mostly in North America,
is independent of the local spawners; (2) declining Australia and New Zealand. Essential demographic
benthic densities do not necessarily translate to de- information is lacking, particularly of early life stages,
clining abundance, if individuals have moved to areas for commercially important European species such
or habitats outside the scope of sampling. The con- as Homarus gammarus, Nephrops norvegicus and
sequence can be to misinterpret a recruitment-limited Cancer pagurus. Finally, in answer to the question
population as a habitat-limited one. Fogarty’s (1998) posed in the title of this paper, experimental ecology
metapopulation analysis represents one of the first may be best viewed as one of the keys in a three-part
examples in which spatially linked subpopulations strategy proving to be most productive in ecological
have been incorporated into a yield model with im- assessment and forecasting (Bjornstad and Grenfell,
portant implications regarding the resilience of stocks 2001; Brown et al., 2001; Clark et al., 2001): (1)
to harvesting. modeling as a means to put testable hypotheses in a
Cannibalism appears to be exclusively seen in crabs, larger dynamic framework; (2) long-term and com-
although not in all species. Cannibalism is an impor- prehensive monitoring as an indispensable means of
tant density-dependent contributor to post-settlement documenting changes and linkages in distribution and
mortality. Inter-cohort cannibalism may explain cycles abundance of different segments of the life history,
in the abundance of Dungeness (C. magister) and snow and as a means of ground-truthing model predictions;
crab (C. opilio). Spiny lobsters are the only group sur- (3) experimental interventions conducted at times and
26 R.A. Wahle / Fisheries Research 65 (2003) 3–32

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Acknowledgements Bannister, R.C.A., Addison, J.T., Lovewell, S.R.J., 1994. Growth,
movement, recapture rate and survival of hatchery-reared
Support during the preparation of this review was lobsters (Homarus gammarus) released into the wild on the
provided in part by NOAA/Sea Grant. Thanks go to English East Coast. Crustaceana 67, 156–172.
Barshaw, D.E., Able, K.W., 1990. Tethering as a technique for
the organisers of these meetings for their invitation to
assessing predation rates in different habitats: an evaluation
contribute this paper and for travel support. Assistance using juvenile lobsters Homarus americanus. Fish. Bull. 88,
with the literature search was provided by S. Kirby 415–417.
and N. Sosin. The manuscript was improved through Barshaw, D.E., Lavalli, K.L., 1988. Predation upon postlarval
illuminating discussions with M. Fogarty, L. Incze, R. lobsters Homarus americanus by cunners Tautogolabrus
adspersus and mud crabs Neopanope sayi on three different
Lipcius, and R. Steneck, and by thoughtful comments
substrates, eelgrass, mud and rocks. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 48,
on earlier drafts by M. Dunnington, K. O’Donnell and 119–123.
two anonymous reviewers. Beck, M.W., 1995. Size-specific shelter limitation in stone crabs,
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