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Reflection Questions 

What did you learn about writing and about yourself as a writer through writing 
this piece? 
What I learned about writing is that it takes a lot more than just collecting evidence to 
prove an argument. It takes the ability to evaluate the evidence reasonably and 
justifiably to help build up more points towards the side one is arguing for. With that, I 
learned that, as a writer, it is how I evaluate evidence and express my thinking that 
help prove the side I am arguing for.  

What is the one thing you want people to particularly notice when they look at 
this piece? 
One thing that I want people to notice when they look at this piece is that they 
understand clearly what I was trying to state about reverse racism. I would want 
people to read this essay and develop a broader and more open mindset when it 
comes to what reverse racism actually is.  
What would you change if you had the chance to do this piece all over again? 
If I had the opportunity to do this piece all over again, I would have managed my time 
wisely. When writing this essay, it all came down to time for me. I did not manage my 
time well therefore, I rushed myself in the process of collecting and evaluating 
evidence in order to finish on time. I felt that I did not meet my expectations as a 
writer that I have for myself for this essay and that I could have done a lot better if I 
had just managed my time wisely.  

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