Daniel Albert - Case Closure Letter

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City or Houston _____ (Offs of Inspector General, Legal Department yal ame Sto aay 2 oor June 3, 2019 Mr, Daniel Albert 44731 Loxley Meadows Drive Houston, Texas 77082 Re: Office of Inspector General Complaint: #111-1900172-001 Dear Mr. Albert: The Office of Insrector General ("OIG") has completed its investigation in the above-referenced complaint. After thorough review of all the evidence, OIG found that, you directed a eubordinats to use your City badge to ewipe you into the buiing to faleoly Show you were present when you were not. OIG found you knowingly took paid time off but did not requite the correction to the timekeeping system to deduct it from your leave balances. OIG found youfalsely alleged you were sickinjured to obtain benefit pay when you were out of state. IG also found you collected a fulltime City salary but did not ‘work on a number of workdays. Therefore, OIG sustains the allegations that you violated Section 14-183(a) (7) of the City Code of Ordinances and the City’s Administrative Procedure (AP) 2-4, tiled "Electronic Timekeeping. 1G also finds that you engaged in untruthfulness, both in your timekeeping actions and in your statements to OIG that you had been physically present in your office ‘when you had not, When after your OIG interview you discovered the fallure of your scam to have a subordinate swipe your badge to falsely show your presence in the building, you emailed OIG as follows: using ou meeting Ih sspken abou certain fat about not atending bot camp. 1 woul ike to ‘erat povoussaenen od eplace with is one. Td aend boo cap in Port Bening, GA fom, ‘Jan 21 to Feb 28 and Idd work forthe City remot ate same ine “This list of misconduct is not exhaustive. Com Mentr: Seis Sg ny Dav EIN R.Clan OAM A Bale Oe Mat Sowa cng Tre ‘The City requires you to repay the City for the salary and paid leave you did not ‘earn up to the date you were placed on Relief of Duty without Pay. Because you stated at one point that the miliary orders you provided OIG are incorrect because they discuss your attendance at boot camp but you said you opted out of boot camp, the City fs unable to calculate the amount you owe the City until its receipt of your final or amended orders ‘and your written application for any compensation in connection with your actual military leave. Please provide your final or amended orders (or notice thatthe orders you recently provided OIG are your only and final orders) by June 7, 2019. Ifthe City does not receive the documents by the date requested, the City will be forced to calculate the amount you owe the City assuming you attended no military training at all, Please contact Council Member Le if you have eny questions regarding the next steps. Very tryly yours, Robin E. Curtis, Inspector General Office of Inspector General ce: Council Member Le Human Resources - CNL

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