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This DEED is entered into and executed by HERMOSILA EUMAGUE SALBORO, of legal
age, Filipino, married, and a resident of barangay Magatas, Sibulan, Negros Oriental, hereinafter
called the HEIR-VENDOR, in favor of,

SPOUSES RUFINA M. BINAG and PACIFICO BINAG, likewise both of legal ages,
Filipinos, and resident of Barangay Tubigon, Sibulan, Negros Oriental, hereinafter referred to as


That Agapita Despojo married to Crispino Morales is one of the registered owner of
undivided portion of a parcel of land known as Lot No. 4421 of the Cadastral Survey of Ayuquitan,
situated in the Municipality of Ayuquitan (now San Jose), Negros Oriental, covered by Original
Certificate of Title No. 13534, consisting of Ninety Six Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Five
(96,465) Square Meters, more or less;

That Agaspita Despojo Morales died intestate sometime ago, leaving without any
testamentary will nor debts not settled until the present and upon her death she was survived by her
only children and compulsory heirs, namely GABINA, JULIANA ENGRACIA and
MAGDALENO, all surnamed MORALES;

That owners of the aforementioned parcel of land, Lot No. 4421 have agreed to partition and
subdivided the said land into several sublots, and one of them is Lot No. 4421-B-2, consisting of
THIRTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED THIRTY ONE (13,731) square meters, more or
less, as shown in the survey plan;

That this Lot No. 4421-B-2 was awarded to the Heirs of Agapita Despojo Morales and since
then and until the present the co-owners of the Lot No., 4421 have occupied and personally
cultuivated their respective shares without objection from any co-owners;

That invoking the provisions of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, the herein HEIR-
VENDOR have settled and adjudicated unto herself the 0ne fourth (1/4) portion of the above-
mentioned parcel of land, Lot No. 4421-B-2; in accordance with her rights, interests and
participations thereof, excluding the rights of the other co-heirs;

That for and in consideration of the sum of THIRTY THOUSAND pesos (Php30,000.00),
Philippine currency, in hand paid by the Vendees herein; and receipt in full is hereby acknowledged
by the herein Heir-vendor to her entire satisfactions, and that by virtue of these presents, the herein
Heir-Vendor, DOES HEREBY SELL, TRANSFER, and CONVEY unto the Vendee, their heirs and
assigns, in a manner absolute and irrevocable, all the vendor’s shares, rights and interests over the
aforementioned parcel of land; free from all lien and encumbrances;

That the Heir-Vendors declare that their shares over the above-mentioned parcel of land are
not tenanted nor worked upon by an agricultural lessee for they are all in actual possession of the
said parcel of land and that due notice was given to all persons affected by this transaction in
compliance with the provisions of the New Civil Code pertaining to the rights of the redemptioner
and preemptioner, but nobody signified their intentions to exercise the said right; and that this
transactions is in consonance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
of the government for the said parcel of land belongs to the retention limits of the vendors.

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DEED OF HEIRSHIP AND SALE over a portion of Lot No. 4421-B-2, Page (2).

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto affixed our signatures this ___day of

November 2011, at Sibulan, Negros Oriental.


(Vendor) (Vendee) (Vendee)


1. ____________________________ 2. _________________________________


Republic of the Philippines)

Province of Negros Oriental)s.s.
Mun. of Tayasan……….…)

BEFORE ME, this ____day of November 2011, at Tayasan, Negros Oriental, personally
appeared the Heir-Vendors and the vendee who exhibited their respective Community Tax
Certificates Nos. to wit:
Name Com. Tax Cert. Nos. Date and Place of Issue
Juliana D Morales ____________ ______________2011, at Sibulan, Negros Oriental;
Rufina Binag ___________ ______________, 2011, at Sibulan, Negros Oriental;
Pacifico Binag ____________ ______________, 2011, at Sibulan, Negros Oriental;
All known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing document consisting of two
(2) pages, including this page of acknowledgement and all pages are duly signed by the parties,
together with their two instrumental witnesses; and that they acknowledged to me that the same is
their free act and voluntary deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date, month, year, and place first above-written.

Doc. No. _______;

Page No. _______;
Book No. ______;
Series of 2011

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