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Reflection Questions 

What did you learn about writing and about yourself as a writer through writing 
this piece? 
What I learned about writing when developing this essay is that it takes time and the 
skill to manage that time wisely. When developing a research paper, it takes time to 
collect and evaluate multiple pieces of evidence that best fit the topic being discussed. 
Along with managing time well, developing research papers also take patience. Writing 
a research paper, it does take time and one may get impatient and just want it to over 
with. For myself, I had to keep in mind that it takes patience if I want the final paper to 
exceed my expectations as a writer.  
What is the one thing you want people to particularly notice when they look at 
this piece? 
What I want people to notice when they look at this essay is that it is indeed a research 
paper and that with the evidence and evaluations that have been provided, they would 
be able to pick a side of the topic that they believed to be true.  
What would you change if you had the chance to do this piece all over again? 
If I had the chance to do this research paper over again, I would have included more 
sufficient evidence to help develop all sides of the topic more clearly. I felt as if the 
specific evidence I used at certain points in the essay were not as strong as I needed 
them to be. If I had used more evidence that I would have liked to, then the ability to 
explain this topic in the essay would have been an easier task.  

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