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6/6/2019 Japan Sweden Society Kansai

EGM and MIDSOMMAR FEST, June 26th, 2004

This year’s Midsummer Fest was a clear success with more than 50 participants despite
it being an indoor event, which in a usual Swedish setting would seldom be the case. But
the decision was chosen wisely as the backyard of KRAC was still wet and too risky to
plan in case new showers were to appear.

Midsummer is traditionally celebrated in the period of June 21-26 between a Friday and
Saturday that appear in that period, related to the culminating “longest” day of the year in

(Click on pictures below to enlarge)

The preparations started at 14:00 with greenery

collections for the majstång (i.e. maja means
decorating with green), or midsummerpole,
under the supervision of Mr. Morgan Sohtell and
Ms. Anna Ellerstedt and the highly appreciated
support of several volunteers. The result
became a beauty in itself considering also the
limitation of greenery and flowers that could be
used – keeping in mind that the original version
depicts the raising of a midsummerpole clad with
different flowers and herbs and as the saying is,
the girls used to collect seven flowers and place
under their pillows, dreaming of their future
husbands…..and the dancing rituals around the
midsommerpole is to give a magic power during
the night of midsummer…..

At 16:00 and prior to the festivities we had an Extraordinary General Meeting to the
members to both shed some light on still pending not fully transparent expenses that were
to be reported according to the previous AGM as well as agree on the change of fiscal
year from previous calendar year reporting as well as introducing of our new
boardmember Ms. Anna Ellerstedt as Mr. Morgan Sohtell soon will have to leave
according to his international assignment term in Japan. We took great pleasure in that
our Governor of Hyogo prefecture and President of JSSK, Mr. Ido, could participate in this
event. Mr. Hans Rhodiner, Managing Director of JSSK, headed the meeting.

The celebrations started at 17:00 and all were glad to enjoy the KRAC prepared
smörgåsbord where servings of graved lax, herring, Jansson’s temptation, meatballs,
potatoes, fresh dill, and bread, were accompanied by the likewise compulsory Aquavits
that were of various kinds this year, collected by Mr. Asaki.

After an opening address by Governor Ido, the rituals followed by introduction of the
Swedish schnapps song “Helan går” under the lead of Mr. Rhodiner. Thereafter the
dancing around the pole by all participants followed several songs. In addition to the
smörgåsbord and schnapps, pastry and coffee was served.

Many thanks to the organizers that had made a great event, appreciated by the JSSK
board, all members and its guests.

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6/6/2019 Japan Sweden Society Kansai

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