Mechanisms Controlling Pork Quality Development The Biochemistry Controlling Postmortem Energy Metabolism - 2007 - Meat Science PDF

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Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16

Mechanisms controlling pork quality development: The

biochemistry controlling postmortem energy metabolism
T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard *

Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University, 915 W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907, United States

Received 23 March 2007; received in revised form 2 April 2007; accepted 2 April 2007


Pale, soft and exudative (PSE) pork represents considerable economic losses for the industry due to its limited functionality and unde-
sirable appearance. During the past several decades, exhaustive research covering various aspects of the food chain has established geno-
typing procedures, recommended handling practices, and quality indicators in order to reduce the incidence of inferior pork quality.
Despite these efforts, there is still a relatively high occurrence of PSE pork. Development of pork quality attributes is largely governed
by the rate and extent of postmortem pH decline. The combination of high temperature at low pH or abnormally low ultimate pH causes
denaturation of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins, resulting in paler color and reduced water holding capacity. The pH decline is
closely related to muscle energy availability and demand at or around slaughter. The postmortem degradation of glycogen through gly-
cogenolysis and glycolysis provides ATP to help meet energy demand and decreases pH by generating lactate and H+. Therefore, the flux
of metabolites through glycolysis, the involvement of energy signaling pathways that modulate glycolytic activity, and the inherent
metabolism of different fiber types are critical factors influencing pH decline and pork quality. Further, recent work implicates adenosine
monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) as a major energy sensor for the cell, and thus may be involved in the control of post-
mortem metabolism. The intent of this paper is to review the biochemistry controlling postmortem energy metabolism in pig muscle and
explore new information generated using genetic mutations in order to define the fundamental mechanisms controlling the transforma-
tion of muscle to meat.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pork; Biochemistry; Glycolysis

1. Introduction texture due to enhanced water binding capability. Con-

versely, PSE pork is characterized by pale color, soft tex-
Increased health-consciousness among consumers has ture, and low water-holding capacity, and has limited
led to significant changes in pork carcass attributes over functionality in further processing. Surveys indicated that
the past several decades. Swine producers have focused in pork produced in the USA in 2003, 15.5% was PSE
selection pressure on improving carcass merit, resulting in (Stetzer & McKeith, 2003). The inferior quality attributes
increased lean growth and higher yielding carcasses. How- of PSE pork are estimated to cost the pork industry $100
ever, extreme variation in pork quality, ranging from dark, million annually (Carr, Kauffman, Meeker, & Meisinger,
firm, and dry (DFD) to pale, soft and exudative (PSE) 1997).
pork, has also become more prevalent. DFD pork has a Due to the considerable economic losses, PSE pork has
dark, unattractive appearance and a firm, dry, and sticky been a significant source of research attention. Early stud-
ies established that the development of PSE pork was lar-
gely due to an increased rate of early postmortem
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 765 494 8280; fax: +1 765 494 6816. glycolysis, indicated by elevated muscle temperature and
E-mail address: (D.E. Gerrard). rapid pH decline (Briskey, 1964). More recently, the extent

0309-1740/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
8 T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard / Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16

of glycolysis and ultimate pH have been implicated (Sellier cle does not have the means to remove waste products, lac-
& Monin, 1994). Further research has established measur- tate and H+ accumulate and lower the pH. As the
able indicators of quality, and yielded molecular diagnostic breakdown of ATP exceeds its synthesis by glycolysis, less
techniques and control methods. Yet, despite the extensive ATP is available and the formation of actomyosin bonds
efforts to improve pork quality, Cassens (2000) concluded shortens sarcomeres and increases muscle tension, signal-
that little progress has been made. A greater understanding ing the onset of rigor mortis. Rigor mortis is complete
of postmortem metabolism during the conversion of mus- when the ATP supply is exhausted; thus, actomyosin cross-
cle to meat and the mechanisms of enhanced and extended bridges cannot be broken and the muscle is relatively inex-
glycolysis are critical to characterizing pork quality tensible. Muscle tension will eventually decrease with
development. postmortem storage as a result of degradation of myofibr-
illar proteins and loss of structural integrity.
2. Conversion of muscle to meat The rate and extent of pH decline during the conversion
of muscle to meat significantly impact the development of
Transitions between rest and exercise require that mus- fresh meat quality attributes (Fig. 1). Normally, pH
cle is a dynamic tissue with the ability to adapt to dramatic declines gradually from 7.4 in living muscle to roughly
changes in energy expenditure. Muscle contraction is a 5.6–5.7 within 6–8 h of postmortem and then has an ulti-
rapid, energetically demanding process that requires the mate pH at 24 h (pHu) of about 5.3–5.7 (Briskey & Wis-
splitting of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in order to meet mer-Pedersen, 1961). However, muscles with a hastened
energy requirements for muscle contraction and relaxation, pH decline exhibit rapid glycolysis and produce large
sequestration of calcium and maintenance of ion gradients. amounts of heat, which slows carcass chilling. This results
The most efficient means of generating ATP is through in a rapid muscle pH decline to less than 6.0 during the first
mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, but the ATP concen- hour after slaughter and an ultimate pH of 5.3–5.7. The
tration in muscle supplies enough energy for only a few onset of rigor mortis at high temperature and low pH
twitches. Therefore, additional reactions must be able to causes the denaturation of approximately 20% of the sarco-
buffer energy levels when other metabolic processes are plasmic and myofibrillar proteins (Honikel & Kim, 1986),
not able to meet ATP demand. and the reduction in myosin head length is sufficient to
Phosphocreatine (PCr) is present at a higher concentra- draw thick and thin filaments closer together, leading to
tion (18–19 lmole/g) than ATP (6.6–6.8 lmole/g) in pig increased expulsion of water (Offer et al., 1989). Greater
longissimus (Bendall, 1973) and can be quickly utilized in precipitation of sarcoplasmic proteins is largely responsible
a chemical reaction to rephosphorylate ADP to ATP by for paler pork color, while denaturation of myofibrillar
the enzyme creatine kinase. Additionally, myokinase cata- proteins explains the reduced water holding capacity in
lyzes the conversion of two adenosine diphosphate (ADP) PSE muscle (Joo, Kauffman, Kim, & Park, 1999). In con-
to adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and ATP. Together, trast, an extended pH decline proceeds at a normal rate
these reactions allow muscle to quickly increase energy pro- but continues to a low pHu of roughly 5.3–5.5, resulting
duction in order to keep cellular ATP constant and main- in ‘‘acid meat’’. Abnormally low pH reduces the net charge
tain homeostasis. Aerobic metabolism and PCr are able of myofibrillar proteins, and the attraction moves filaments
to satisfy energy demand when oxygen is adequate and closer together and forces water out of the myofilament lat-
muscle is working slowly, but if contraction proceeds rap- tice (Irving, Swatland, & Millman, 1989). Moreover, sarco-
idly, oxygen becomes limiting and the muscle will resort to plasmic protein solubility declines with decreasing pHu and
anaerobic glycolysis to supply the energy needed for con- contributes to paler pork color (Joo et al., 1999). The rate
traction. Similarly, the removal of blood during the slaugh- and extent of postmortem pH decline significantly influence
tering process eliminates the oxygen supply and forces
metabolically active muscles to adapt to new physiological
The basic biochemical reactions and physical changes
underlying the conversion of muscle to meat are well recog-
nized. ATP production is necessary to keep the muscle in
the relaxed state, but postmortem muscle has a high rate
of ATP turnover (Bate-Smith & Bendall, 1949). Initially,
ATP is replenished by the creatine kinase and myokinase-
catalyzed reactions. Once 70% of the PCr pool has been
degraded, ATP levels rapidly decline (Bendall, 1951), and
muscle glycogen must be degraded (glycogenolysis) and
metabolized in anaerobic glycolysis in order to rephospho-
rylate ADP to ATP and prevent the formation of perma-
nent actomyosin crossbridges. Anaerobic glycolysis also Fig. 1. Various pH declines occurring postmortem and associated pork
produces lactate, H+, and heat. Because postmortem mus- quality characteristics. Modified from Briskey (1964).
T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard / Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16 9

protein characteristics and thus critically affect pork quality lean percentage (Aalhus, Jones, Robertson, Tong, &
development. Sather, 1991; Herfort Pedersen et al., 2001; Leach, Ellis,
Sutton, McKeith, & Wilson, 1996; Rempel, Lu, Mickelson,
3. Major genes and aberrant postmortem metabolism & Louis, 1995). The leaky Ca2+ release channels of HAL
mutant pigs may contribute to leanness and heavy mus-
Postmortem acidification is closely related to the energy cling by causing spontaneous muscle contraction and
status of the muscle at slaughter. The decline in pH greater energy utilization, leading to work induced muscle
depends on the initial concentration of PCr and glycogen hypertrophy and limiting fat deposition (MacLennan &
(Bendall, 1951), which may vary widely under different Phillips, 1992).
experimental and commercial conditions. A variety of fac- The positive effect of the mutant allele on performance is
tors, such as stress, stunning method, muscle type, and diet, negated by an increased risk for stress-induced death and
affect muscle energy level and its utilization postmortem. high susceptibility to acute stress prior to slaughter, which
However, in order to develop more comprehensive and may be manifested in an accelerated rate of pH decline and
sophisticated strategies for reducing the variation found the production of PSE pork. An MH episode triggers a
in pork quality, the biochemistry underlying postmortem massive stimulation of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism
metabolism must be fully defined. that depletes energy resources, generates metabolic waste
products, and disrupts cellular and extracellular ion bal-
3.1. The halothane gene ances. The larger muscle fiber area and lower capillary den-
sity of homozygous mutant pigs (Essen-Gustavsson,
Early studies utilized certain breeds and lines within Karlstrom, & Lundstrom, 1992) further compromises their
breeds in order to model PSE development. This tendency ability to cope with metabolic stress, and contributes to an
to produce PSE pork was closely associated with porcine enhanced rate of glycogenolysis and glycolysis, evidenced
stress syndrome, a condition synonymous with human by reduced ATP, PCr, and glycogen levels, and higher lac-
malignant hyperthermia (MH). Eikelenboom and Mink- tate levels and lower muscle pH at exsanguination (Essen-
ema (1974) demonstrated that MH susceptible swine dis- Gustavsson et al., 1992; Fernandez, Neyraud, Astruc, &
play hypermetabolism, elevated body temperature, and Sante, 2002; Lundstrom, Essen-Gustavsson, Rundgren,
muscle rigidity upon exposure to the anesthetic halothane. Edfors-Lilja, & Malmfors, 1989). Clearly, the mutant
Stress and excitement are also sufficient to provoke an MH HAL genotype increases the frequency of PSE meat by
episode, and can result in the enhanced rate of postmortem accelerating the early postmortem rate of glycogenolysis
metabolism associated with PSE pork. Exposure to halo- and glycolysis, leading to a more rapid pH decline.
thane gas was used to screen for stress susceptible swine,
and the genetic component has since been referred to as 3.2. The RN gene
the halothane (HAL) gene. The HAL locus has two alleles:
the normal dominant allele (N) and the mutant recessive Greater availability of glycogen may contribute to an
allele (n). extended pH decline by providing additional substrate for
MH susceptibility associated with the HAL gene is due glycolysis. Sayre, Briskey, and Hoekstra (1963) showed
to a defect in the ability of the muscle to adequately regu- the Hampshire breed had more than twice the amount of
late myoplasmic Ca2+ concentration. The causative poly- muscle glycogen compared to other breeds. Monin and Sel-
morphism is the single substitution of T for C at lier (1985) suggested that the higher muscle glycogen stores
nucleotide 1843 in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor were mainly responsible for an extended pH decline post-
(RYR1), leading to an amino acid change from arginine mortem, resulting in pale meat with a low pHu, low water
to cysteine (Fujii et al., 1991). The RYR1, or Ca2+-release holding capacity, and reduced technological yield, and
channel, is the primary mechanism by which Ca2+ stored in referred to this as the ‘‘Hampshire effect’’ in order to distin-
the sarcoplasmic reticulum terminal cisternae is released guish it from the PSE meat produced from a rapid pH
into the sarcoplasm to initiate muscle contraction. The decline at elevated temperatures. Monin & Sellier (1985)
Ca2+ release channels in MH susceptible pigs are hypersen- recommended that the muscle metabolites glycogen, glu-
sitive to agents that stimulate opening (O’Brien, 1986), thus cose, glucose 6-phosphate, and lactate should be combined
allowing longer open time probability and resulting in into a single measure termed glycolytic potential (GP) in
enhanced Ca2+ release and greater twitch tension (Mickel- order to reflect all of the compounds in the muscle capable
son et al., 1988; Mickelson et al., 1989). The abnormal of being converted to lactate, thus indicating the muscle’s
channels flood the cell with Ca2+ and overpowers the sar- capacity for extended postmortem glycolysis. A single
coplasmic reticulum ATPase pumps that resequester cyto- point mutation, Rendement Napole (RN), is responsible
plasmic Ca2+, resulting in sustained contraction and for the elevated muscle GP (>180–200 lmol/g muscle),
metabolism. extended pH decline, and greatly reduced technological
This defect in Ca2+ concentration has important conse- yield that was first found in the Hampshire breed (Le
quences for production and meat quality traits. Pigs homo- Roy et al., 2000). There are two alleles, the dominant allele
zygous for the HAL gene have higher carcass yield and (RN) associated with elevated muscle glycogen and infe-
10 T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard / Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16

rior quality, and the wild-type recessive allele (rn+) the elevated glycogen content may be an indirect conse-
(Le Roy, Naveau, Elsen, & Sellier, 1990). Additional alleles quence of altered muscle oxidation, and the role of the
in the PRKAG3 gene may play a significant role in glyco- AMPKc3 isoform may be to ensure that glycogen content
gen variation, including the 199I allele which is correlated in muscle is restored by maintaining a high glycolytic
with lower glycogen and lactate, higher ham and loin pH potential through shifting the metabolic fate of fuel toward
and improved color scores, resulting in improved meat fat oxidation and glycogen storage (Barnes et al., 2004).
quality (Ciobanu et al., 2001). Nonetheless, high glycogen levels in RNcarriers do not
The mutation responsible for the RNgene is an R200Q appear to alter the rate of glycogen utilization. RNcarri-
substitution in the PRKAG3 gene that encodes for the ers and wild type pigs exhibit similar glycogen degradation
muscle specific isoform of the regulatory c-subunit of aden- during exercise (Andersson, 2003) as well as similar rates of
osine monophosphate activated protein kinase (AMPK) early postmortem pH decline (Monin & Sellier, 1985).
(Milan et al., 2000). AMPK monitors the energy charge Estrade et al. (1994) reported no differences in either glyco-
of the muscle fiber and prevents high energy phosphate gen phosphorylase or debranching enzyme activity, further
depletion. AMPK is allosterically inhibited by PCr and supporting that the RN allele increases glycogen avail-
ATP and activated by 5 AMP. Therefore, increased rates ability without altering the rate of utilization. Thus, the
of ATP utilization during muscle contraction activate mutant RN genotype generates pork of inferior technolog-
AMPK, which is hypothesized to phosphorylate proteins ical quality by increasing glycolytic potential and extending
involved in triggering fatty acid oxidation and glucose postmortem pH decline, resulting in pork with a low pHu.
uptake (reviewed by Winder, 2001). Transfection experi-
ments performed with mice revealed that the PRKAG3 4. Rate limiting enzymes
R225Q is a loss of function mutation that eliminates allo-
steric regulation by ATP/AMP resulting in increased basal Clearly, glycogen degradation through glycolysis
AMPK activity (Barnes et al., 2004). Additionally, the impacts pork quality development. Enzymes catalyzing
adenosine monophosphate kinase gamma-3 subunit the reactions of glycolysis influence the rate and extent of
(AMPKc3) is more highly expressed in mouse fast twitch pH decline by directly controlling the conversion of metab-
white glycolytic muscle compared to fast twitch red oxida- olites through the pathway (Fig. 2). The properties of the
tive muscle, but is virtually undetectable in red muscle (Yu, rate limiting enzymes glycogen phosphorylase, phospho-
Fujii, Hirshman, Pomerleau, & Goodyear, 2004). fructokinase, and pyruvate kinase have been studied in
The expression profiling of AMPKc3 supports evidence an effort to explain the aberrant glycolysis leading to PSE
that the RN mutation influences the compositional and his- development.
tochemical traits and metabolic enzyme activities in a mus- Glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen debranching
cle-type dependent manner. Lebret et al. (1999) found the enzyme catalyze the complete degradation of glycogen.
RN mutation had no effect on red semispinalis capitis mus- Glycogen phosphorylase cleaves its substrate by addition
cle. However, enhanced glucose uptake due to an increase of inorganic phosphate at a-1,4 linkages of the outer chains
in the translocation of GLUT4 to surface membranes of the glycogen molecules, yielding glucose 1-phosphate.
(Kurth-Kraczek, Hirshman, Goodyear, & Winder, 1999) Then, phosphoglucomutase catalyzes the isomerization of
and faster resynthesis of glycogen after exercise (Anders- glucose 1-phosphate to glucose 6-phosphate, which can
son, 2003) may explain the up to 70% increase in muscle then proceed through glycolysis. Once phosphorylase
glycogen localized mostly to abnormally enlarged sarco- reaches the fourth glucose from the branch point, a trans-
plasmic compartments of type IIB white fibers observed ferase shifts the maltotriosyl group to the main chain, and
in RN carriers (Monin, Brard, Vernin, & Naveau, 1992; glycogen debranching enzyme breaks the a-1,6 linkages,
Estrade, Vignon, Rock, & Monin, 1993). Furthermore, a releasing free glucose. The main chain and remaining outer
twofold increase in branching enzyme activity and a ten- branches are again susceptible to breakdown by
dency toward increased glycogen synthase activity may phosphorylase.
contribute to elevated glycogen levels and differences in Sayre et al. (1963) found similar levels of phosphorylase
the molecular structure of glycogen (Estrade, Ayoub, Tal- in swine exhibiting fast and slow rates of glycolysis
mant, & Monin, 1994). postmortem. However, in skeletal muscle, glycogen
The relatively high glycogen content of RN carriers phosphorylase exists in two forms: the less active, non-
might be expected to further enhance glycolytic metabolism phosphorylated form (GP b) and the more active, phos-
in IIB fibers. Curiously, RN carriers possess enhanced phorylated form (GP a). Hence, differences in the fraction
oxidative metabolism, indicated by higher citrate synthase of phosphorylase in the a form could plausibly explain the
and b-hydroxyacyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase activities, abnormal glycolysis observed in PSE muscle. Early in vitro
decreased lactate dehydrogenase activity, higher relative studies indicated a strong relationship between pHu and
area of IIA fibers and lower relative area of IIB fibers (Leb- the amount of phosphorylase in the a form (Scopes,
ret et al., 1999). Mice with the PRKAG3 R225Q mutation 1974). In support, Ono, Topel, Christian, and Althen
also exhibited higher skeletal muscle oxidative capacity (1977) demonstrated an enhanced GP a activity in PSE tis-
without altered fiber type composition, suggesting that sue, and Schwagele and Honikel (1988) determined a
T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard / Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16 11

Glycogen activity strongly decreased when the temperature decreased

from 39 and 42 °C to 4 and 15 °C. Therefore, the activity of
glycogen phosphorylase debranching enzyme does not block rapid glycolysis and
pH decrease when the temperature is high, but rapid cool-
Glucose Glucose 1 - Phosphate ing could limit the activity and thus limit glycogenolysis.
Phosphofructokinase (PFK) catalyzes the conversion of
hexokinase phosphoglucomutase
fructose 1-phosphate and ATP to fructose 1,6-bisphos-
Glucose 6-Phosphate phate and ADP, which is the committed step in the glyco-
lytic pathway. In an in vitro glycolytic system, PFK was
phosphoglucose isomerase
still active under the extreme PSE conditions of 37 °C
Fructose 6-Phosphate and pH 5.35 (Scopes, 1974). Moreover, total and specific
PFK activities were not significantly different in pigs with
phosphofructokinase (PFK)
45 min longissimus muscle pH values ranging from 5.3 to
Fructose 1,6- Bisphosphate 6.8 (Schwagele & Honikel, 1988). Therefore, activation of
PFK does not readily explain the differences in glycolytic
rates between normal and PSE muscles. Interestingly, Alli-
son, Bates, Booren, Johnson, and Doumit (2003) observed
Glyceraldehyde Dihydroxyacetone an inverse relationship between PFK capacity and fluid
3-Phosphate phosphate loss, and reasoned that PFK may become partially dena-
Triose phosphate
isomerase tured and inactivated by 20 min postmortem in muscles
that experience a rapid pH decline. Therefore, it appears
glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase
that increased PFK activity is not the reason for enhanced
Bisphosphoglycerate glycolysis in PSE muscle.
Pyruvate kinase catalyzes the irreversible conversion of
phosphoglycerate kinase phosphoenolpyruvate and ADP to pyruvate and ATP. Sch-
3-Phosphoglycerate wagele, Haschke, Honikel, and Krauss (1996b) demon-
strated that, compared to normal muscle, pyruvate kinase
phosphoglycerate mutase
isolated from PSE muscle of halothane susceptible pigs
2-Phosphoglycerate exhibited a tenfold increase in phosphoenolpyruvate utili-
zation. Interestingly, the activity of pyruvate kinase from
enolase normal muscle was low at pH 5.5, whereas the enzyme
Phosphenolpyruvate from PSE muscle maintained 70% of its maximum activity
under these acidic conditions. Schwagele et al. (1996b)
pyruvate kinase determined that this shift in pyruvate kinase activity was
Pyruvate due to phosphorylation of the enzyme, resulting in an addi-
tional, more acid stable isoform. It is not clear whether the
lactate dehydrogenase additional, more stable isoform is present in live animals or
Lactate if it is generated under postmortem conditions. Neverthe-
less, in pigs free of the HAL gene, pyruvate kinase capacity
Fig. 2. Enzymes and metabolic intermediates of the glycolytic pathway.
was not correlated with longissimus pH, purge, drip loss or
paleness, and in all samples, pyruvate kinase lost more than
higher total activity (GP a and GP b) in PSE-prone mus- 88% of its activity at pH 5.5 compared to pH 7.0 (Allison
cles. However, Ensinger, Rogdakis, Muller, and Faber et al., 2003). Although the role of pyruvate kinase in HAL
(1982) could not establish differences in the activities of sensitive pigs is not completely understood, it appears that
GP a and GP b in muscles of normal and PSE muscles. enhanced pyruvate kinase capacity is not responsible for
More recently, Schwagele, Buesa, and Honikel (1996a) altered postmortem metabolism in PSE muscle from pigs
reported no significant differences in the structural and free of the HAL gene.
kinetic characteristics of GP a and GP b from muscles of For the most part, the inherent properties of the rate
normal versus HAL sensitive pigs. Thus, the characteristics limiting enzymes are not different in normal versus PSE
of glycogen phosphorylase are not likely to be the main muscles, and thus other mechanisms must be responsible
factors facilitating altered metabolism in PSE muscle. for the aberrant glycogenolysis and glycolysis observed in
Because postmortem glycogenolysis may stop in the PSE muscles. Muscle possesses a complex system of both
presence of residual glycogen, it has been speculated that feedforward and feedback regulation in order to precisely
glycogen debranching enzyme may influence the rate and modulate metabolism, and differences in relative levels of
extent of glycogenolysis and glycolysis. Kyla-Puhju, Ruus- glycolytic regulators could contribute to altered postmor-
unen, and Puolanne (2005) reported that the activity of tem glycolysis. Specifically, the modulators of rate limiting
debranching enzyme was only weakly affected by pH, but enzymes could manipulate enzyme activity according to
12 T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard / Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16

energy demand of the cell, and this would affect flux rates of glycolysis were assumed to experience minimal
through the glycolytic pathway and contribute to altered antemortem stress, glycogen phosphorylase would exist
postmortem metabolism. predominantly in the b form. Moreover, following exsan-
Rapid rates of postmortem glycolysis are associated guination, the relatively high levels of ATP and low levels
with low levels of glycogen and high levels of glucose of AMP (Kastenschmidt et al., 1968) and IMP (Klont &
6-phosphate, indicative of increased phosphorylase activity Lambooy, 1995) would be insufficient to activate GP b.
(Briskey et al., 1966; Kastenschmidt, Hoekstra, & Briskey, After the first hour postmortem, changes in the relative
1968; Moesgaard, Quistorff, Christensen, Therkelsen, & concentrations of allosteric activators may permit GP b
Jorgensen, 1995). Glycogen phosphorylase activity is regu- activation. Therefore, the accumulation of G6P after one
lated both by phosphorylation and allosteric mechanisms. hour may be the result of increased glycogen breakdown
Phosphorylase kinase exists in two forms, phosphorylase due to glycogen phosphorylase, or a decrease in the activity
kinase a and b (PK a and PK b), which are both capable of PFK or other enzymes downstream.
of converting GP b to the active GP a form. Maximal acti- The regulation of the other rate limiting enzyme, PFK is
vation of phosphorylase kinase is achieved through phos- less complex. Similar to GP b, PFK activity depends largely
phorylation of PK b to PK a and Ca2+ binding. The on the energy status of the muscle cell. As the ATP/AMP
hormones epinephrine and glucagon induce increases in ratio decreases, PFK activity is stimulated. PFK is also
cAMP that lead to phosphorylation of PK b to PK a, activated by hexose bisphosphates and inorganic phos-
and PK a is active at the concentration of Ca2+ in resting phate. Moreover, ATP is required for the transfer of a
muscle. Exposure or susceptibility to stress would permit phosphate group from ATP to fructose 6-phosphate.
epinephrine mediated activation of PK a and subsequent Rapid depletion of ATP in fast glycolyzing muscles (Kas-
activation of GP a, resulting in increased glycogenolysis. tenschmidt et al., 1968) could compromise the ability of
The cAMP cascade provides a link between epinephrine PFK to catalyze the formation of fructose 1,6-bisphos-
and glycogen degradation, whereas Ca2+ couples muscle phate. This would suggest PFK is exerting some glycolytic
contraction with glycogenolysis (Drummond, Harwood, control. However, in the case of slow glycolyzing muscles,
& Powell, 1969). Compared to PK a, PK b requires a the imbalance between fructose 6-phosphate and fructose
higher Ca2+ concentration for activity (Connett & Sahlin, 1,6-bisphosphate becomes apparent after 60 min, and Kas-
1996). The Ca2+ concentration in the sarcoplasm during tenschmidt et al. (1968) suggested this may be due to
contraction is sufficient to activate PK b, resulting in con- decreasing muscle pH and partial inactivation of PFK.
version of GP b to the more active GP a form. Preslaughter In contrast, flux through pyruvate kinase appears to be
stress places an increased demand on muscles for contrac- largely governed by the concentration of the substrates
tion, and this could also be responsible for increased glyco- phosphoenolpyruvate and ADP and product ATP. The
genolysis by mediating the conversion of GP b to GP a by high levels of ATP present in slow glycolyzing muscles
means of Ca2+. Similarly, in the case of the HAL gene, the may exert some control over PK early postmortem. How-
enhanced Ca2+ release may trigger activation of phosphor- ever, in fast glycolyzing muscles, lactate production ceased
ylase and stimulate glycogenolysis. in the presence of residual glycogen, glucose 1-phosphate,
The relative concentration of several modulators related glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), and fructose 6-phosphate,
to cellular energy charge and substrate availability regulate whereas subsequent intermediates were present at low lev-
the activity of GP b. The levels of inhibitors, including els (Kastenschmidt et al., 1968). This implies PFK is more
ATP, ADP, and glucose 6-phosphate, are usually sufficient likely than PK to be a site of glycolytic control.
to inhibit GP b in resting muscle, but their effect may be Altogether, previous studies suggest that the relative lev-
overcome by increases in AMP and inosine monophos- els of glycolytic regulators contribute to altered postmor-
phate (IMP), and lead to GP b activation (Connett & Sah- tem glycolysis. Specifically, the modulators of rate
lin, 1996). Furthermore, the sensitivity of GP b for each limiting enzymes manipulate enzyme activity according to
factor is dependent on the concentration of substrate (gly- cellular energy status, and this affects flux through the
cogen and inorganic phosphate) and product (glucose 1- pathway. Glucose 6-phosphate levels fall during the first
phosphate). In contrast, GP a is active in the absence of 60 min, and subsequently increase, indicating an imbalance
AMP, although activity is enhanced by low concentrations between glycogenolysis and glycolysis. Therefore, different
of AMP and high concentrations of IMP. The other allo- enzymes may be rate limiting at different times during the
steric modulators have little effect on GP a activity. conversion of muscle to meat.
In muscles exhibiting normal rates of glycolysis, glucose
6-phosphate levels tend to decrease during the first hour 5. Control of postmortem glycolysis by AMPK
postmortem and increase thereafter (Kastenschmidt et al.,
1968; Hammelman et al., 2003). This suggests that glyco- AMPK is particularly attractive for augmenting post-
gen phosphorylase may be unable to supply adequate glu- mortem metabolism primarily because in vivo studies show
cose 6-phosphate for the subsequent reactions of the AMPK is activated in ischemic cardiac muscle and hypoxic
glycolytic pathway, resulting in a rapid utilization of the skeletal muscle (Kim, Solis, & Cartee, 2004). As outlined
glucose 6-phosphate pool. If animals exhibiting ‘‘slow’’ above, when muscle (cardiac or skeletal) is placed in a
T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard / Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16 13

low oxygen environment, the primary source of energy pro- metabolism are quite different. To that end, this same
duction defaults to anaerobic glycolysis, thereby increasing group (Shen et al., 2006a) used pre-slaughter transporta-
the AMP:ATP ratio rapidly. This, in turn, allows AMP to tion as a stressor and monitored AMPK activity and
bind to AMPK making it a better substrate for phosphor- energy status of pig muscle postmortem. Similar to the
ylation by its upstream kinase, AMPKK. Activated mouse data, AMPK activity reached maximum levels
AMPK can impact glycolysis in two manners. First, quicker in transported pig muscle than in control pigs, or
AMPK can activate phosphorylase kinase, which then those rested after transport. Consistent with these findings,
activates glycogen phosphorylase and promotes glycogen- the (AMP + IMP):ATP ratio was greater in the trans-
olysis. Second, AMPK can phosphorylate phosphofructo- ported pigs arguing AMPK activation through cytosolic
kinase-2 which catalyzes the formation of fructose AMP concentrations. These researchers subsequently
2,6-bisphosphate. This product is an allosteric activator showed an association between early postmortem AMPK
of PFK-1, a key rate-limiting enzyme of glycolysis. Thus, activation and PSE development in commercial pigs and
AMPK activation indirectly increases flux through glycol- suggested that the rapid glycolysis occurring in muscle of
ysis making it a strong candidate for modulating meat HAL pigs was in part from increases in AMPK activation
quality development. early postmortem (Shen et al., 2006b). These data clearly
Shen and Du (2005) first investigated the involvement of show an association between AMPK activation and aggra-
AMPK in regulating, or modulating postmortem metabo- vated metabolism postmortem. However, much more work
lism by studying exercised wild-type and AMPK-knockout is needed to understand exactly how AMPK works in
mice treated with or without the AMP analog 5-amino-4- dying muscle tissue.
imidazolecarboxamide riboside (AICAR). These scientists We have attempted to study muscle metabolism further
showed heavily exercised mice and those exercised mice using the HAL and RN mutations separately and in com-
treated with AICAR had significantly lower (more rapid) bination – rapid metabolism together with abundant gly-
muscle pH values at 24 h postmortem (Fig. 3). Conversely, cogen supply (HAL/RN mutant) – to provide additional
mice lacking a functional AMPK gene, whether exercised insight into the control of glycogenolysis and glycolysis
or not, had higher ultimate muscle pH values, even higher (Copenhafer, Richert, Schinckel, Grant, & Gerrard,
than wild-type, non-exercised mice. These data closely 2006). As expected, the previously documented effects of
reflected trends in AMPK activity suggesting that aug- both genes were evident: the HAL mutation elicited has-
mented postmortem glycolysis in mouse skeletal muscle is tened metabolism, as evidenced by lower ATP levels at
partially controlled by the status of AMPK phosphoryla- 0 and 30 min, and rapid degradation of glycogen and
tion antemortem. To eliminate the effects of AMPK activa- accumulation of lactate early postmortem compared to
tion in living muscle on postmortem metabolism, Du et al. control; whereas the RN mutation resulted in much
(personal communication) infused muscle with compound greater glycolytic potential due to elevated glycogen
C immediately antemortem. In good agreement with their levels.
aforementioned data, postmortem glycolysis and muscle Additional investigation yielded more insight regarding
pH decline was inhibited. These data strongly support the biochemical events within the glycolytic pathway. Free glu-
role of AMPK in modulating postmortem muscle cose, released by the action of debranching enzyme on gly-
metabolism. cogen, was independently affected by HAL and RN
At a glance, these data appeared to shed much light on genotype. The HAL mutants exhibited increased glucose
the 50 year debate as to what may be controlling extended accumulation indicative of more rapid glycogen degrada-
postmortem glycolysis in pig muscle. However, conditions tion and early postmortem metabolism, whereas the
whereby mouse and pig muscle undergo postmortem increases in the RN mutants occurred to a greater extent
and after 60 min postmortem. Rapid rates of glycolysis
were associated with decreased glycogen as well as high
concentrations of glucose 6-phosphate, indicating
increased phosphorylase activity. G6P concentrations
decreased in the HAL mutants during the first 30 min
and remained at a similar level thereafter. Meanwhile, in
the HAL/RN mutant, G6P concentrations tended to
increase in the first 30 min, then decrease through 60 min,
indicating the combined effects of the HAL and RN max-
imize activation of glycogen phosphorylase by enhancing
Ca2+ concentration and glycogen availability. Despite large
differences in G6P between HAL and HAL/RN mutants,
pH decline and lactate accumulation were similar early
postmortem. Glycogen phosphorylase and debranching
Fig. 3. Muscle pH values at various times postmortem from mice treated enzyme were capable of aggressive glycogenolysis to supply
differently prior to euthanasia (Shen & Du, 2005). adequate G6P for the reactions of glycolysis. Additionally,
14 T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard / Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16

high glycogen levels did not aggravate rapid postmortem lower pH than the normal genotype but not the HAL
metabolism. mutants. Previous studies have also indicated that the
From 60 min to 24 h postmortem, G6P increased only in mutant HAL allele tends to lower ultimate pH. Therefore,
normal and RN mutant genotypes. The accumulation of substrate availability alone does not explain variation in
G6P after 60 min confirmed that glycogen phosphorylase ultimate pH. Data from this study show that elevated gly-
activity was adequate to meet the demands of glycolysis cogen does not aggravate rapid early postmortem glycoly-
and that either glycogen phosphorylase activity was sis, nor does it fully explain low ultimate pH. The
increased or phosphofructokinase activity was reduced. diminished ATP in muscles undergoing rapid glycolysis
Similar residual glycogen levels as well as the slowing of suggests phosphofructokinase may be rate limiting during
glycolysis with time, indicated that increased G6P is likely aggressive early postmortem metabolism. Moreover, the
due to reduced phosphofructokinase activity. accumulation of glucose and glucose 6-phosphate in mus-
Interestingly, RN mutants possessed higher phosphocre- cles with normal rates of glycolysis suggests phosphofruc-
atine concentrations than all other genotypes (Fig. 4). tokinase may be rate limiting after 1 h postmortem.
Ponticos et al. (1998) observed that a fall in PCr:creatine Thus, depending on the pace of postmortem metabolism,
ratio leads to increased AMPK activity, which results in enzymes may become rate limiting at different times during
a concomitant decrease in muscle CK activity. The pro- postmortem metabolism. Regardless, this is a truly valu-
posed inactivation of CK by AMPK may be an energy con- able model for studying adverse pork quality development.
servation mechanism that prevents CK from consuming Further analyses of muscle tissues from the aforemen-
ATP for the rephosphorylation of creatine. Presence of tioned study showed that AMPK activation was greater
the mutant RN genotype also resulted in an increase in in muscle from RNpigs compared to all other genotypes
ATP concentrations. The constitutively active AMPK in (Park et al., submitted). Curiously, classic data from Milan
the RNmutant genotype appears to decrease CK activity et al. (2000) reported that AMPK activation in RN-pigs is
and preserve energy levels more efficiently in the first greatly reduced compared to wild type pigs. The reason for
30 min postmortem. This may have several ramifications this discrepancy is not readily apparent but may be related
in extending postmortem proteolysis. First, it could pro- to sampling time or muscle type. In our studies, samples
long glycolysis by having greater adenosine levels in the tis- were collected immediately post-stunning from the longiss-
sue longer. Second, this could delay maximal rate of imus muscle, however, details regarding sampling proce-
glycolysis, which would likely occur at a reduced carcass dures in the Milan study are somewhat sketchy. Our
temperature allowing for extended glycolysis. And third, data, however, are corroborated by data from the AMPK
the increase in inorganic phosphate may increase the buf- RN mutant mice, where increased AMPK activation is
fering capacity of the muscle, and again, allow for extended observed in that muscle as well. Clearly, establishing
glycolysis. whether AMPK is activated in RN mutated pig muscle,
The RN allele is typically associated with increased in either living or dying muscle is critical for our under-
glycolytic potential and lower ultimate pH. However, at standing of how AMPK may modulate postmortem muscle
24 h postmortem, RN and HAL/RN mutant pigs exhibited metabolism.
Another intriguing observation merits discussion is that
AMPK activation is blunted in the presence of the HAL
12 gene (Park et al., submitted). Thus, if it is true that AMPK
modulates postmortem energy metabolism as reported by
RN Shen et al. (2006), then the state of AMPK prior to slaugh-
10 a
HAL ter may be more important than what happens to the
HAL/RN enzyme after death. This scenario is further complicated
Phosphocreatine (umol/g)

8 by the fact that we observed greater glycolytic potential

in the double mutant, in the absence of AMPK activation.
b Given that increased GLUT-4 production, the primary
b b means of glucose uptake in the muscle, is only observed
in muscle with activated AMPK, it is difficult to imagine
4 how greater glycogen is accumulated in the muscle of
c HAL/RN mutants. At present, the only possibility is that
c c phosphorylation of AMPK may not be the only mecha-
nism by which AMPK modulates energy balance in muscle.
Additional studies are needed to support this hypothesis.
0 Taken together, the aforementioned review shows that
0 min 30 min
postmortem metabolism in skeletal muscle is quite compli-
cated and largely affected by the state of the tissue prior to
Fig. 4. LS means of postmortem longissimus muscle phosphocreatine death. Regardless of the complexity, however, numerous
concentrations in halothane and RN genotypes. (Copenhafer et al., 2006). genetic models, molecular techniques and commercially
T.L. Scheffler, D.E. Gerrard / Meat Science 77 (2007) 7–16 15

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