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1st Long Quiz in Computer2

(Fourth Grading)
Name: ________________________________Score: _________
I. Write a checkmark ( ) if the statement is true. Write
a crossmark (X) if it is false.
__________1. The internet is a worldwide network of computers.

__________2. The internet is used by just a thousand people all

over the world.

__________3. Desktop computers and Smartphone’s are different

devices that can be used to connect to the internet.

__________4. The internet was invented to enhance


__________5. Learning new skills is the only activity that can be

done with the internet.
____________6. A laptop computer can be used to connect to the

__________7. The networks that make up the internet carry many

different kinds of information.

__________8. Communicating with others and researching are

activities that can be done with the internet.

__________9. The tablet, which is medicine for certain illness, is a

device that can be used to connect to the internet.

__________10. In the past, communication between people across

distances used to be very time-consuming.
II. Complete the paragraphs below.
The internet is a worldwide 11. _______________ of
computers. It has millions of networks, which together carry
many different kinds of 12._______________.
The internet was invented in the 1960’s by a group of
13._______________ to find a way to
14.________________ information from one place to
another, in a matter of seconds and without using big and
long 15.______________.

Networks Cables Information Scientist Transfer

III. Name some of the most common devices that can be used
to connect to the internet.

Tablet Cd Headphone PSP

Controller Tv Microphone Film
Speaker Laptop Camera USB
Smartphone Printer Desktop

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