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20 May 2019

Graduation Speech - Class Of 2019

Welcome friends, family and teachers that are here today to celebrate this final, but
memorable chapter ending. I am so elated to be graduating with the Class of 2019.
When we were in the beginning of our elementary school years we were asked
what we wanted to be when we grew up. Aspirations that scale from being a famous
singer, actress or actor, to becoming an astronaut, a nurse, a firefighter and so many
more. Most importantly, we had a goal. How do we measure the years? Endless class
periods turning our heads to check the time and getting scolded on how we cant read
the clock. Here we are, four years later and some still have no idea know to read a
traditional clock. Although the world is evolving, we are graduating at a time in history
where we are dealing with so many problems and challenges. This class itself has dealt
with many challenges as well. Yes, we have been hit with things that are indescribable,
but we have grown. Grown in ways that I never thought we would.
As we all start to take flight and start a new life for ourselves remember, there
will be many fails and successes. It takes determination and confidence to overcome
those falis, and earn those successes. As some of us go off to college and some simply
clear the slate and open a new chapter remember to live your life with intention. The
things I've gained at Peninsula - tenacity, commitment, determinations, passions, and
patience - and i hope you have as well. All of these things we will take with us on this
journey through life. You will soar, I will soar, we will soar to chase our dreams and
live throughout them. As the amazing H Jackson Brown Jr said, “Never give up on what
you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with
all the facts.” With that said, still make good decisions, whatever that may mean to you.
Just remember, your teachers are just an email or phone call away if you need
some life advice. If you need someone to cheer you up because you made some pretty
bad decisions, talk to Ms. Kurtz because she always seems to turn the bad into good.
Need a laugh? Call Mr. Newton for those “good” dad jokes. Someone has to laugh at
them. In all honesty, listen to your teachers! They have so many amazing and life
changing things to say. They really do care.
As a “theatre geek” I am inspired by something the amazing Mrs. Beloate said to
me one night before a show when I started to doubt everything I knew. “If I didn't
believe in you I would have never put you on that stage from the beginning” So here is
something I gained from that interaction. Go throughout life like it is a stage and play
a role that you have to stay true to, and always remember the truth, that truth is

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