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Firs t Nam e Surnam e

House # S treet, Barangay
Town/City, Province
0912 345 6789
sam pl e@em ail .com

M s./M rs/Mr./Dr . Principal ’s nam e

XYZ National High School
Lum ban, Laguna

Dear M r./Mrs.,

Good day!

M y nam e is (nam e) and I want to appl y as Teacher I at (nam e of

school ).

Las t (year), I graduated as a Teacher on (nam e of sc hool ) with a

GWA of (GWA). R ecentl y, I also passed the Lic ensure Exam ination
for Teachers with a rating of (LE T R ating) .

I took m y prac tic e teaching at (nam e of school ) . Am ong m y fellow

prac tice teachers, I was the one who got the highes t score on m y
dem o teaching. After graduating, I was a teacher at (nam e of
school ) for one year. Currentl y, I am teaching at (nam e of school ).

Despite of not having m uch e xperience on teaching, I can assure

you that I am qual ified to be a teacher on y our sc hool .

I am technol ogicall y literate and I can use m y knowledge on

science and m odern technol ogy to create an effec tive l earning
environm ent that can capture the interes t of the c ontem porary
learners .

I have attached a copy of m y res um e for your consideration. I am

l ooking forward to hearing f rom you abou t this appl ication. Thank
you and God bl ess.

Respec t full y yours,

(Your Nam e)

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