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Reflection Questions 

What did you learn about writing and about yourself as a writer through writing 
this piece? 
When writing this piece, I learned that different pieces of text may not always say what 
the meaning of it is clearly. When analyzing texts to later write about, I know that I 
would have to evaluate the text line by line if I have to in order to fully understand 
what the text is trying to state.  
What is the one thing you want people to particularly notice when they look at 
this piece? 
One thing that I want people to notice when they look at this piece is the essence of 
letting go and what that really means. I want people to understand, with the texts 
analyzed, that letting go is necessary.  
What would you change if you had the chance to do this piece all over again? 
If I had the chance to do this piece over again, I would not have taken so much of the 
time given on thinking of what I should write. Overall, I am content of how this piece 
came together but I would have liked to use my time a bit more wisely.  

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