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Consideration of numerical methods in next generation Eurocode 7 (EN 1997)

- current state of the amendment

Conference Paper · June 2018


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Andrew Lees
Tensar International


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Consideration of Numerical Methods in Next Generation Eurocode 7
(EN 1997) current state of the amendment
A.S. Lees
Senior Application Technology Manager, Tensar International and Director, Geofem Limited, Nicosia,
H. Walter
HTLuVA Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria

7 should be extended, among other issues, to cover numerical

methods in day-to-day practice for inclusion in EN 1997-1. Such rules have been regularly sought during
stakeholder feedback. This work would make use of the background research being undertaken by SC7/EG4.

Currently the first part of EN 1997, EN 1997-1, is being redrafted. It will contain general aspects of ge-
otechnical design, including s
to be, final draft will be available in May 2018.
This paper gives an overview over the goals of the updated version of EN 1997 and the steps and organisa-
tion of its development.
will be pre-
sented in more detail. For the verification of ultimate limit states a dual factoring approach will be recom-
mended, requiring two analyses with different combinations of partial safety factors. Among other recom-
mendations, the need for validation of the models will be highlighted with the recommended level of
validation depending on the geotechnical category. The updated EN 1997-1 will be open to reliability-based

1 INTRODUCTION The work programme should be finished in 2020

if funding by EC and EFTA is provided in time.
The complete Eurocode suite of European Standards Among the tasks listed by CEN TC250 were the
is about to be redrafted. The basis for this is Man- establishment of ear rules for using advanced
date M/515 of the European Commission (EC) numerical methods in day-to-day practice
Mandate for amending existing Eurocodes and ex- flected the fact that the implementation of many as-
tending the scope of structural Eurocodes pects of the current EN 1997 using numerical meth-
ods is unclear, in spite of the increasing use of such
European Committee for Stand- tools in everyday design.
ardization focus- There are some advantages to performing ge-
es on ensuring the standards remain fully up to date otechnical design using numerical methods which
through embracing new methods, new materials, and include simultaneous checking for limit states in
new regulatory and market requirements. Further- multiple forms, verifying serviceability and ultimate
more, it focuses on further harmonization and a ma- limits states (SLS and ULS) with one analysis model
jor effort to improve the ease of use of the suite of (using incremental methods) and more accurate sim-
standards for practical users. ulation of ground behaviour and soil-structure inter-
The full TC (Technical Committee) 250 work action
programme is comprised of 79 distinct tasks in four In preparation for the work programme, TC250/
overlapping phases. Six tasks refer to EN 1997 (all SC7 formed a number of Evolution Groups com-
parts) and are to be accomplished by so-called pro- prised of experts from across Europe to recommend
ject teams (PTs) supported and controlled by TC 250 to the sub-committee improvements to EN 1997 in
/ Subcommittee SC 7, organised into Work Groups key technical areas. These areas included character-
(WGs) and Task Groups (TGs). istic values, water pressures and pile foundations, for
example. Evolution Group 4 (EG4) provided rec-
ommendations in the area of numerical methods. final document in May 2020.
The new draft of EN 1997 is comprised of three
3.2 EN 1997-1 Tasks
The new part 1, EN 1997-1, covers the basis of Project Team PT1 have been in charge mainly of re-
design of geotechnical constructions, including rules organising the content in three parts and harmonisa-
for analysis, both for serviceability limit states (SLS) tion of the design. Their findings concern mainly
and ultimate limit states (ULS). One of the subsec- factoring combinations for ULS design
tions sets rules for numerical analyses which is the groundwater effects
focus of this contribution. review of National Annexes
All the information given here about the contents review of design provisions in execution
of the draft of EN 1997-1 and other parts of the re- standards.
vised Eurocode is preliminary and subject to change. Project Team PT 2 has been responsible for
It is based on the contents of the draft versions draft of EN 1997-1
available in November 2017 (CEN 2017a, b). reduction in number of National Choices
enhanced ease of use
reliability discrimination
2 GENERAL ASPECTS (geotechnical complexity, validation
methods, etc.)
Several categories of Eurocode-users have been groundwater pressures
Practitioners compe- numerical models
tent engineers alignment with EN 1990.
dience of the Eurocode suite. These project teams worked concurrently to pro-
Main requirements for the amendment according duce a first draft in April 2017 and a second draft in
to the Mandate are: October 2017.
Rules for assessment and strengthening of
existing structures
Rules for robustness 3.3 EN 1997-3 tasks
Reduction of the number of Nationally De- The drafting of EN 1997-3 will be accomplished
termined Parameters by two project teams: Project Team PT 4 is respon-
Improvement of ease of use sible for spread and pile foundations, slopes and
Incorporation of recent developments. ground improvement, whereas Project Team 5 deals
with retaining structures, anchors and reinforced
The whole revised Eurocode suite is based on EN soil. Among their tasks is adding widely accepted
calculation models to Eurocode 7 so that users do
EN 1990 gives the principles and requirements for not have to resort to non-normative (typically na-
safety, serviceability and durability of structures that tional, not international) documents (CEN 2015).
are common to all Eurocode parts and are to be ap-
plied when using them. Since the content of EN
3.4 Organisation of EN 1997-1
1990 shall not be repeated in other Eurocode parts,
EN 1990 will have to be used much more frequently The amended EN 1997-1 contains the following
by engineers than now. main clauses:
Basis of design
3 DRAFT OF EN 1997 Geotechnical analysis
3.1 Time line
A final draft of the revised EN 1997- Testing
stages before publication of the standard are a public
identical to the main headings of EN 1990 and speci-
fy the application of the rules in EN 1990 to ge-
A first draft of the revised EN 1997- the
- corresponding headings in EN 1990 and are more in
common with the other Eurocodes. Consequently,
EN 1997 should be easier to use by those accus- documentation of assumptions, including
idealisations and limitations
-clause about numerical demonstration of existence of sufficient
methods. ductility for calculation models that as-
sume ductile mechanisms
review and validation according to the ge-
version of EN 1997 are summarised in the following otechnical category.
sections of this paper. Suitable measures for validation are listed in Ta-
ble 1.

4 BASIS OF DESIGN Table 1. Suitable measures for validation

(CEN 2017a).
Consequences classes introduced in Annex B of Geotechnical Measures for validation depending on GC
the current EN 1990 have been moved to the main category (GC)
text of the latest draft of EN 1990 and govern the re- GC 1 - Literature reference that the calculation model
quired level of reliability for structural and geotech- has been used for similar conditions
nical design. Five classes have been defined (CC0 to - Local experience shows that the calculation
CC4) but classes CC0 and CC4 are beyond the scope model is suitable for the local conditions
- When using calculation models contained in
of the Eurocodes. EN 1997-3, confirmation that the design falls
The concept of geotechnical categories has been within the limits of application stated in EN
revised. they are now explicitly based on conse- 1997-3.
quence classes on the one hand, while on the other GC 2 - Documentation showing that the assumptions
hand, geotechnical complexity classes with three for the calculation model used are relevant for
levels have been introduced which are independent the specific site and structure
GC 3 - Calibration of the calculation model for the
of the consequences of failure. They are established specific site
based on criteria like soil properties, construction - Sensitivity analyses for all relevant parame-
technique and soil-structure interaction. The classifi- ters.
cation is based on the most adverse design situation
and may be modified during the design process if Four types of calculation models are distin-
justified, e.g. by new information from ground in- guished: empirical models, limit equilibrium meth-
vestigation. The assignment to a geotechnical cate- ods, limit analysis methods and numerical methods.
gory is based on a table combining consequence
classes and geotechnical complexity.
The required amount of ground investigation, val- 6 NUMERICAL METHODS
idation of analysis models, design checking and exe-
cution supervision, and monitoring, etc. is based on Most of the material in this sub-clause of EN 1997-1
the geotechnical category. (Geotechnical category 3 implements the recommendations of EG4. In consul-
is not necessarily beyond the scope of EN 1997 an- tations with users of EN 1997 during the re-drafting
ymore.) process, it has often been suggested that more guid-
Depending on the consequence class, partial safe- ance on the use of numerical methods should be
ty factors may be amplified or reduced by a factor, provided and more prescription on the selection of
either on actions or on ground strength properties. constitutive models, for instance. This is not possible
For the verification of limit states four methods because EN 1997 is not a guidance document but ra-
are foreseen: ther a set of rules for safer design. Given the almost
Verification by the partial factor method limitless scope of numerical methods and unforesee-
Verification by prescriptive measures able scientific developments in this field during the
Verification assisted by testing lifetime of the next generation of Eurocodes, it has
Verification by the Observational Method been possible to provide only a rather generic set of
rules. Heavy reliance is still placed on the compe-
tency of designers using such analysis tools.

This clause is new in the amended EN 1997-1 and 6.1 General

The importance of user competency is reaffirmed
in the general section on numerical methods, along
-1 as well as the materi- with validation of analysis outputs and the use of
al about numerical methods. Among the general parametric studies to help determine the reliability of
requirements for calculation models are: outputs.
With conventional analysis methods, e.g. limit ifying ULSs involving ground failure but its effect
equilibrium or limit analysis, once the calculation on structural forces is rather unpredictable, so it is
method has been selected, taking due cognisance of less suited to verifying ULS of structural elements
its assumptions, limit state verifications are affected alone.
by a small number of parameters. Simple application
of partial factors is usually sufficiently reliable for 6.3.2 Action effect factoring approach (EFA)
routine design by deterministic methods. However, Action effects are the output from calculations,
due to the complexity of numerical methods, there such as pile axial load or wall bending moment. Ex-
are many influences on the prediction of limit states cept for a small factor on variable actions, input pa-
and simple reliance on partial factors could be dan- rameters remain at their characteristic values so EFA
gerous. It is therefore a requirement to consider the has the advantage of allowing the numerical analysis
sensitivity of limit state verifications to a number of to be performed with more representative input pa-
aspects, including: rameters. Outputs are factored and then compared
discretisation of geometry, including dis- with resistances to verify ULS. It is suited to the ver-
continuities; ification of structural ULS but may provide insuffi-
initial stress states; cient reliability in cases where lower than expected
preceding construction stages; ground strength has a significant effect on structural
boundary conditions; forces, e.g. forces in stabilisation measures to a mar-
drainage conditions (including permeabil- ginally stable slope. In such cases, MFA provides
ity); more reliable design values of structural forces.
ground constitutive behaviour (including
stiffness, dilatancy, anisotropy, yield crite- 6.3.3 Resistance factoring approach (RFA)
ria and flow rules); Verification of ULS by numerical methods can
strength and stiffness of structural ele- involve RFA in two forms. Firstly, resistances can
ments. be determined independently by, for example, full-
scale testing or independent calculation, and outputs
of structural force compared with resistance to verify
6.2 SLS ULS (e.g. design value of soil nail force from nu-
A short section on SLS hints at the improved pre- merical analysis obtained by EFA compared with
dictions of deformations that can be obtained with design value of resistance measured by pull-out
advanced constitutive models with non-linear stiff- test). Secondly, resistance can be calculated by nu-
ness, for example. It also highlights the difference merical methods by simulating a particular failure
between SLS verification and best-estimate predic- form, e.g. increasing the vertical displacement of a
tions of deformations (using estimates of mean val- spread foundation until failure occurs to obtain bear-
ues of material properties). A common error by ing resistance as output. Its design value can then be
some users of numerical methods is to compare the compared with the design value of applied load to
output from SLS verification analyses with site mon- the foundation to verify the ULS of bearing failure.
itoring data, for example, expecting reasonable The former is suited to ULS verification in struc-
agreement even though cautious values of ground tures such as axially-loaded piles, ground anchors,
and structure parameters, geometry, sequencing, etc soil nails and rock bolts where resistance is often
and full permanent and variable loading may have measured by testing and the use of MFA would be
been adopted in the model. Such comparisons less reliable due to the uncertainty in soil-structure
should be made with best-estimate predictions. interface parameters. The latter is suited to cases
where verification of the ULS of particular, relative-
ly simple failure forms is desired but not suited to
6.3 ULS more general verification of multiple failure forms.
Partial factors are applied to actions, material pa-
rameters and resistances in the Eurocodes. Depend- 6.3.4 Dual factoring approach
ing on the approach to verifying ULS, values greater Since no single factoring approach is sufficiently
than one are applied to one or more of these. There robust to verify ULS by numerical methods across a
are pros and cons to each approach as summarised in range of geotechnical structure types, a dual factor-
the following three sub-sections. More detail and il- ing approach to the determination of design values
lustrative examples are provided by Lees (2013, of structural forces is recommended in the new draft
2017). of EN 1997-1, with ground failure verified by MFA,
as described in Figure 1. In many cases, design val-
6.3.1 Material factoring approach (MFA) ues of structural forces obtained by EFA will be the
Factors are applied to input parameters (material most onerous and these will be used to verify struc-
strength and some actions) such that design values tural ULS.
of output are obtained directly. MFA is suited to ver-
MFA (recommended) MFA (alternative)
construction Material factoring approach with strength reduc- Material factoring approach with
Action-effects factor-
stage tion, starting with characteristic values of ground design values of ground strength
ing approach
strength parameters parameters from the start

Char. ground strength,

initial -factor on unfav. Design ground strength, actions
Q G Char. ground strength, actions and water levels
stage and water levels
variable actions, char.
water levels

D to
stage 1 Multiply action effects Char. ground
variable loads and reduce ground Design ground strength, actions
to obtain design strength, ac-
if ULS clear- G strength parameters to design val- and water levels. Obtain design
values of structural tions and
ly non- ues. Check output for any geotech- values of effects of actions E d,MFA
forces Ed,EFA water levels
critical, no nical failure, obtain design values of
ULS stage effects of actions Ed,MFA

D to
stage 2 Multiply action effects Char. ground
variable loads and reduce ground Design ground strength, actions
to obtain design strength, ac-
if ULS clear- G strength parameters to design val- and water levels. Obtain design
values of structural tions and
ly non- ues. Check output for any geotech- values of effects of actions E d,MFA
forces Ed,EFA water levels
critical, no nical failure, obtain design values of
ULS stage effects of actions Ed,MFA

D to
stage 3 Multiply action effects Char. ground
variable loads and reduce ground Design ground strength, actions
to obtain design strength, ac-
if ULS clear- G strength parameters to design val- and water levels. Obtain design
values of structural tions and
ly non- ues. Check output for any geotech- values of effects of actions E d,MFA
forces Ed,EFA water levels
critical, no nical failure, obtain design values of
ULS stage effects of actions Ed,MFA

Continues through any subsequent stages in the same way. ULS in structures and geotechnical elements like piles and anchors verified
for the least favourable of Ed,EFA and Ed,MFA in all construction stages.

Figure 1 Procedures for ULS analyses with numerical methods

However, in some cases, design values obtained with multiple construction stages using factored
by MFA will be more onerous (e.g. in marginally ground strength and actions may have hard-to-
stable slopes) and these should be sued to verify predict consequences on subsequent constructions
structural ULS, hence the dual (EFA and MFA) ap- stages with higher or lower degrees of conservatism
proach. The same applies for design values of axial than intended.
force in piles, soil nails, ground anchors and rock Consequently, rather than apply factors at the start
bolts, the most onerous of which would be compared of an analysis, it is recommended in the new draft of
with design values of axial resistance for these struc- EN 1997-1 to run analyses with characteristic values
tures. throughout the construction sequence and to reduce
ground strength, apply factors to actions and adopt
design water regimes in separate adjunct stages at
6.3.5 Applying partial factors to input parameters critical phases in the construction sequence.
The first stage of many simulations using numerical The strength reduction may be performed simply
methods in geotechnical engineering involves estab- by substituting the material model parameters for
lishing in situ stresses. Were these established with those with a lower, factored strength or by means of
factored ground strength could lead to unrealistic a stepwise strength reduction procedure, if available
stresses that influence outputs. Similarly, analyses
( , 2012; Tschuchnigg et al, by a consequence factor. For conventional analyses,
2015). the combination of Design Case and set of partial
Once the design value of ground strength is material factor will be specified in EN 1997-3 for
reached, ULS in the ground is verified by obtaining each of the types of geotechnical construction.
equilibrium in the calculation and interpreting from The partial factors depend also on the type of de-
deformation output that a failure mechanism was not sign situation: for transient situations, the partial ma-
obtained. Design values of structural forces from terial factors may be reduced by an additional factor
MFA are also obtained. Strength reduction may be under certain circumstances; however, the recom-
continued beyond this point to determine the most mended value of this factor is 1.0. For accidental and
critical geotechnical failure. seismic design situations, there is a separate table of
It is permitted to combine ground strength reduc- partial material factors.
tion with structural strength or resistance reduction If additional factors to the partial material factors
to help identify potentially critical collapse mecha- are applied, care must be taken that the resulting
nisms of combined ground and structure failures. combined factor is not less than 1.0.
The dual factoring approach for numerical meth-
ods involves Design Case 3, i.e. factors on variable
6.4 Numerical methods in EN 1990 actions combined with factors on material parame-
The current draft of EN 1990 contains a sub- ters (partial factor larger than 1.0 and multiplied by a
clause about non- consequence factor) and Design Case 4 (EFA). The
least favourable of the resulting effects of actions are
addresses mainly numerical methods. The recom- design actions for the structural elements, including
mendations there deal with the necessity of valida- anchors, piles, soil nails etc.
tion of the models against benchmarks, of basic tests
on materials, of physical reference tests and mesh
sensitivity tests. Further it is stated that key parame- 6.6 Reliability based methods
ters should be entered into the limit state function Whereas the draft of EN 1990 has a strong focus on
characteristic values and other parameters should be the semi-probabilistic concept in the partial safety
entered as mean values. A sensitivity study should format and has strong restrictions on the use of reli-
be carried out in case of non-linearity between the ability-based methods for verification of limit states,
resistance and the variables influencing the re- EN 1997-1 will be more open in this respect. A more
sistance to determine the most sensitive input pa- general treatment of geometrical entities in geotech-
rameter and how to apply the partial factors given in nics (e.g. joint spacings and directions) than origi-
the Eurocodes. nally foreseen has been permitted in the main text of
Although some of these recommendations are ra- EN 1990. (The informative Annex C of EN 1990
ther vague, they are in line with the requirements contains a section about reliability-based methods.)
and recommendations in EN 1997.

6.5 Partial factors for ULS
In the draft of EN 1990 (CEN 2017b) the partial fac- The latest draft of part 1 of Eurocode 7, EN 1997-1
tors on actions are grouped into four so- -
sign C . new section on numerical methods. For ultimate lim-
In Design Case 1 the partial factors on actions are it state design two combinations of partial safety fac-
larger than 1.0, e.g. 1.5 on variable actions. Design tors should be analysed to help ensure sufficient re-
Case 2 is a combined verification of strength and liability against ultimate limit states occurring in the
static equilibrium and requires two calculations. In ground and structural elements for different types of
geotechnics, it is used for verification of safety geotechnical constructions.
against uplift. Design Case 3 has a partial factor of Other requirements and recommendations in EN
1.0 on permanent loads and is used in connection 1997-
with the material factoring approach. Design Case 4
has partial factors on action effects instead of on the analyses were also covered in this paper.
actions directly.
In Design Cases 1, 2 and 4 the partial factors
should be modified by a consequence factor for con- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
sequences classes 1 and 3.
In the draft of EN 1997-1 (CEN 2017a), which This contribution is based on work by the members
covers geotechnical resistances, three sets of partial of Evolution Group 4 and Project Teams 1 and 2 and
material factors are foreseen: factors of 1.0, factors the corresponding Task Groups as well as numerous
larger than 1.0 or factors larger than 1.0 multiplied
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comments and suggestions by the engineering com-

munity. All this input is gratefully acknowledged.


CEN 2015 Tender documents
CEN 2016:
CEN 2017a: prEN 1997-1, Eurocode 7: Geotech-
nical design Part 1: General rules, draft October
CEN 2017b: prEN 1990, Eurocode: Basis of
structural and geotechnical design Main element
Complementary element, draft October 2017.
Lees, A. (2013) Using numerical analysis with
geotechnical design codes, in Modern Geotechnical
Design Codes of Practice (eds. Arnold, Fenton,
Hicks, Schweckendiek and Simpson). IOS Press,
Lees, A. (2017). The use of geotechnical numeri-
cal methods with Eurocode 7, Proceedings of the
ICE Engineering Analysis and Computational Me-
chanics. In press.
Potts, D.M. and Zdravkovic, L. (2012) Account-
ing for partial material factors in numerical analysis,
62(12): 1053-1065.
Tschuchnigg, F., Schweiger, H.F., Sloan, S.W.,
Lyamin, A.V. and Raissakis, I. (2015) Comparison
of finite-element limit analysis and strength reduc-
tion techniques, 65(4): 249-257.

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