Eiken Grade 2 Interview Flow

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E - Examiner
S - Student

E: Hello
S: Hello
E: Can I have your card please?
S: Yes, here you are.
E: Thank you.

E: Please have a sit.

S: Thank you.

E: My name is (complete name of teacher). May I have your name, please?

S: Yes, My name is ___.
E: Miss/Mr. (family name of student), this is the Grade 2 test, OK?
S: Ok.
E: How are you today?
S: I'm fine

E: Ok. Now, let's start the test. Here's your card. (give card to student)
S: Thank you!

E: First, please read the passage silently for 20 seconds

S: (student reads passage)

E: All right. Now, please read it aloud.

S: (student reads it)

E: Now, I'll ask you four questions

No. 1
No. 2

E: Now, Mr. /Ms. (family name of student), please turn over the card and put it

No. 3
No. 4

E: All right, Mr./Ms. (family name of student), this is the end of the test. Could
I have the card back, please?
S: Here you are.
E: Thank you.

E: You may go now.

S: Goodbye!
E: Goodbye. Have a nice day!
S: Thank you!

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