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DATES & January 3, 2019 & 8:30-9:30 QUARTER 1st Quarter

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets and the real
number system.

B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real
numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies.

C. Learning Competencies/ The learner describes well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, and the null
Objectives: set and cardinality of sets.
Write the LC code for each (M7NS-Ia-1)
a. Describe well-defined sets, and null set
b. Identify the elements, subsets and cardinality of a set.
c. Appreciate the importance of sets

II. CONTENT Sets: An Introduction


A. References Patterns and Practicalities on G7- Math

1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pgs. 1 - 7

2. Learner’s Materials Pages Pgs. 1 - 3
3. Text book Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Motivation
Presenting New Lesson In the following collection of objects, find the one that is out of the
1. boat, kalesa, car, bus, airplane
2. carabao, chicken, cow, pig, goat

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Ask the students to look at the objects below and answer the ff. questions:

a. Which objects belong together?

b. How many numbers/elements are there in each set?
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of  A set is a collection of objects ,things or symbols which are clearly defined
the Lesson .In the objects above the sets are;
1. Set of school supplies 3. Set of things worn by girls
2. Set of gadgets 4. Set of things worn by boys
The groups are called sets for as long as the objects in the group share a
characteristics and are thus, well defined. We have four well-defined sets in
the objects above.
 .The individual objects in a set are called the members or elements of the
set. Example: three of the elements in set 1 belong to a set of school supplies
(ruler, ballpen, and notebook ).Can you name elements of other sets? The
symbol “∈” is used to indicate that an
object is an element or member of the set.
 When we define a set,if we take pieces of that set, we can form what is
called a subset. For example, we have the set { 1,2,3,4,5}.
A subset of this is { 1,2,3,},another subsets are { 3,4}, {2,3,5} or even {
1 }. However, {1,6} is not a subset, since 6 is not in the parent set.
A symbol for subset is ⊆
 The universal set U is the set that contains all objects under consideration
.At the start, “objects” is our universal set
 The null set is an empty set. Example: If H is the set of boys in an
exclusive school for girls, then H is called empty set since there were no
boys in that school.The null set is a subset of any set. The symbol ∅ or {
} will be used to refer to an empty set or null set.
 The cardinality of a set is the number of elements contained in that set.
Example: In the objects given, the cardinality of set of gadget is 3, set of
things worn by boys is 2. The cardinality of a set A is written as n(A).

D. Discussing New Concepts and Do what is asked:

Practicing New Skills #1 a. Is the given set well-defined? Justify your answer.
 {subjects in Grade 7 } Yes/No
because __________________

 { popular actors } Yes/No

b. Which of the following are empty sets and why?
1. Triangles with four sides. It is an empty set because _______
2. Pandas in the Philippines .It is an empty set because _______
E. Discussing New Concepts and Identify the elements, subsets and cardinality of the given set.
Practicing New Skills #2 1. L = {letters of English alphabet up to h}
2. V = {all the vowels of English alphabet}
3. A = {all even numbers less than 10}
4. B = {all odd numbers less than 10}
F. Discussing New Concepts and
Practicing New Skills #3

G. Developing Mastery State whether each of the following sets is well-defined or not. Explain.
(Leads to Formative Assessment) 1. The set of happy people.
2. The set of tires for a car.
3. The set of good teachers.
4. The set of counting numbers.

H. Finding Practical Application of Do the following exercises. Write your answers on the spaces provided:
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living 1. Give 2 examples of well-defined sets in real life situations.
I. Making Generalization and Terms to Remember Notations and Symbols
Abstractions about the Lesson
1. A set is a well- defined 1.Uppercase letters will be used to
group of objects, called name sets and lowercase letters will be
elements that share a used to refer to any element of a set.
common characteristic. For example, let M be the set of all
2. When a set is contained in objects on activity. We write,
another set B, we say M={ballpen,notebook,crayon and
that set A is a subset of set ruler}. The symbol “ ∈ ” is used to
B indicate that an object is an element or
3. The universal set is the set member of the set
that contains all objects
under consideration 2 if .A is a subset of (or is included
4. The null set is an empty set.
The null set is a subset of in) B, then we write ,
any set.
5. The cardinality of a set A is 3.Universal set is denoted by U.
the number of elements
contained in A. 4.The symbol ∅ or { } will be used
to refer to an empty set or null set.

5.The cardinality of a set A is written

as n(A).
J. Evaluating Learning Consider the sets:
A= {1, 3, 5,}
B= {2,4,6, }
C= {0,1,2,3,4,……}
D= the odd numbers less than 7
E= the whole numbers less than 7
Answer the following;
_____a. Name the elements of set A
_____b Name the elements of set C
_____c. Is set D a subset of set C? Why?
_____d. Is set C a subset of set D? Why?
_____e. Which of the sets are subsets of set C?

K. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who required
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisors
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/ discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


LSB Teacher

Noted by:

Head Teacher 1

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