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Diana Jaime


Effective Communication for Today’s Leader

Behavior Yes No

1. I seek adequate blocks of time to engage in peaceful dialogue to solve conflicts in a productive way. x

2. I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my bosses and/or directors. x

3. I usually communicate clearly, directly, and respectfully with my co-workers. x

4. I usually listen carefully and respectfully to understand my managers and/or directors. x

5. I usually listen carefully and respectfully so I can understand my co-workers. x

6. At work meetings, I try to listen carefully, with understanding and respect for all involved. x

7. I set aside periods of time to establish my goals and evaluate my performance. x

8. I dedicate sufficient time to establish goals and evaluate my collaborators’ performance. x

9. If I need to bring a matter to a colleague’s attention, I do so in a clear, direct, respectful way. x

10. I give positive recognition to my colleagues well done activities to motivate them to keep improving. x

Total number of answers 9

Interpretation of self-diagnosis results:

• Fewer than 5 answers checked “yes,” indicate your communication is deficient,

which can generate conflicts among people, as well as frustration and lack of
• 6 to 8 answers checked “yes” indicate you have good communication, but it could
improve. Remember that the work environment is characterized by peace and the
assurance of achieving results.
• More than 8 answers checked “yes” indicate your communication as excellent.
Thanks to this, your coworkers and collaborators feel motivated and willing to keep
improving because the organization objectives are clear, and feedback is given so
they can improve their performance
My communication is effective because I am able to transmit the message in a clear and
understandable way to the people around me, without creating confusion, doubts or
erroneous interpretations. I establish a positive contact, by treating others with respect and
empathy. Thanks to this they trust me and the feedback I give them helps them to improve.

Questions for reflection:

1. What positive behaviors could you identify in the way you communicate?
I can give my point of view with total clarity. It allows me to influence and transmit
positive attitudes in others. It helps me to promote relationships between
coworkers, collaborators and managers. It helps strengthen my personal
relationships with others. I practice the recognition and appreciation of the ideas of
others, this makes them feel valuable through listening, attention and interest about
their opinions or demonstrations. Every day I learn something new when
communicating with others. It gives me confidence in myself.

2. What behaviors of yours do you feel need improving?

Provide feedback to a person from different perspectives to show what he does very
well and accelerate his professional career, but also what he needs to improve
because it slows down his growth. I need the feedback process to be close and
continuous, so that when implemented correctly, relationships of trust are
generated. Start with the positive points to not affect his self-esteem, instead
empower them to improve and encourage them to continue with their positive

3. How do you think your way of communicating affects people and results?
The lack of communication generates misinformation, and the fact of working
uninformed causes ignorance of where failures occur or who generates them, thus
causing conflicts to erupt. If the messages do not reach the recipients on time or
enough messages are sent, problems and misunderstandings arise. All that affects
productivity and performance.

Poor feedback can cause an unexpected departure from a collaborator. Good

feedback can make a working group more interpenetrated and achieve its objectives.

4. What factors do you think influence the way you communicate with others?
Not all communication is talking, which means that the bodies of people do not
always say what their mouths say. I must be aware of my posture, gestures and
actions that my body does when I speak and get them to be coordinated.

The level of readiness for any communication dictates how effectively you will make
yourself understood. Even for such simple things as text messages or casual
conversations, I have to think about what I want to say and how I want to say it in
Use appropriate language depending on who you are talking to. I must adapt to the
public so that both receive the maximum benefit from the exchange.

The environment greatly affects communication, can cause distractions, discomfort

or monotony. It is best to communicate in an environment that is spacious,
comfortable and relevant to the topic you speak.

5. What conclusions can you make based on these observations that will allow you
to improve your communication as a leader, both in the work environment and in
your personal environment?
Having good communication in the workplace is one of the fundamental pillars of
motivation. An employee who has the opportunity to express their opinions feels
heard and therefore valued. Motivated employees feel a greater loyalty to the
organization, and this is one of the keys to retain the best talent and to optimize

I must speak accurately and persuasively, but I must also listen. Keep eye contact
and listen to everything the other person says so that you can respond directly
instead of saying what you were going to say anyway. When people listen they learn
from each other, they communicate more effectively and honestly.

Effective feedback, both positive and negative, is very helpful. Feedback is valuable
information that will be used to make important decisions. Effective feedback has
benefits for the giver, the receiver, and the wider organization.

After that analysis, choose at least one behavior that you think you can improve,
and identify at least 3 concrete actions that you can do to improve the behavior
you chose.

I must strengthen the way I give feedback as it is part of the communication process
generated among managers, collaborators and coworkers achieving the evaluation
on the development of the assigned tasks, in order to expose various points about
their work performance and guarantee the continuous improvement.

• It must be a constant process, where the effort and good performance of

the collaborator is recognized or those weaknesses that can be solved in a
timely manner are quickly detected.
• It is important to allocate at least one monthly space, to give feedback.
• It is important to maintain objectivity and explain positive or negative
behaviors, based on facts, data and concrete examples, and not on personal
interpretations and opinions.
• Provide feedback in a personal way to increase the confidence and affectivity
of the process itself.
• Be clear about the goals and expectations you have and / or expect, so the
feedback becomes more objective and realistic. The goals must go according
to the position held, must be measurable, achievable and oriented to results
in a certain time.
• I must enhance the human talent of the collaborators, generate learning and
promote continuous improvement.
• Continuously listen, motivate and encourage my colleagues and coworkers.

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