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Outside Innovation - Page 4

Case Study #6 – Koko Fitness

2. The five steps of customer-led innovation
Koko Fitness is a start-up which introduced its first product in
spring 2006. The company develops integrated software for
Once you realize how inventive your customers naturally are, exercise equipment. Customers are issued with a key which they
you then need to find ways to harness that resource to power then plug into the fitness equipment when they go to the gym.
your corporate growth. There are five steps involved in taking The Koko software tracks the person’s fitness program and
advantage of customer-led innovation: automatically configures a personalized training program which
will help them meet their fitness goals. Progress is then tracked
The five 1 Identify and watch your leading customers and the person’s training program is modified based on progress
steps of 2 Provide your customers with tools to use to date.
customer-led Case Study #7 – Zopa
3 Build and nurture customer communities
Sometimes described as the eBay of banking, Zopa is an online
4 Empower customers to show off their stuff
business (based in the United Kingdom) which allows would-be
5 Let customers engage in peer production borrowers and would-be lenders to find each other. Most of the
borrowers are self-employed businesspeople who don’t meet
the traditional requirements of financial institutions. The lenders
5 Steps of Identify and watch are people who want to lend money to help others meet their
Customer-Led Innovation 1 your leading customers goals while at the same time still getting a reasonable return. As
of April 2006, Zopa has arranged more than 63,000 loans,
The fastest and best way to innovate is by harnessing the
garnered loads of positive press attention and secured $15
creativity and ideas generated by your smartest customers – the
million in venture capital to launch in the United States.
ones who are passionate and knowledgeable about your field. If
you watch these customers using your product or service in their 5 Steps of Provide your customers
Customer-Led Innovation 2 with tools to use
normal contexts and talk to them about what they’re actually
trying to achieve, some very valuable insights can result. If you can make it easy for customers to design their own
With a little luck, you may find you can let your best customer’s customized solutions based around your products and services,
inventiveness drive your business forward. Probably the best then you can learn what they really want to achieve. Usually the
way to actually do this will be along these lines: best way to achieve this in practice is to provide customers with
1. Study how customers are acting “in situ” – that is how they design tools they can use for themselves without needing any
actually use your product to try and achieve their aims. Watch input from you.
what people are doing in real life situations. Instead of asking Providing a toolkit customers can use for themselves has some
“What do you want from us?”, focus instead on the answers tremendous advantages:
to: “What are you actually trying to achieve here?” n You transfer to your customers what is often the hardest step
2. Immerse your entire organization in deep knowledge of the in any product development program – specifying exactly
customer – most likely by making everything you know what people want or need.
available through a Web site. Some companies put pictures n You allow customers to create highly tailored and customized
of actual customers on the walls of their offices. Others solutions which leverage your know-how and their in-depth
develop “personas” – profiles of typical customers – and subject knowledge.
circulate these to everyone.
n Many customers appreciate a self-service option.
3. Work to discover what people care about most passionately
– rather than simply what they like or dislike about your n Your own employees can use these same tools to create
offerings. Understand what they want to do and where their customized solutions for others.
emotional connections lie. n You end up with something which is customer configurable
4. Look at what you can do to streamline those customer-critical and made-to-order – both qualities which add value.
scenarios – how you can better help them achieve their These co-design tools can take many different forms, depending
goals. Obviously if you know what your customers are on your line of business. Some common options include:
actually trying to do, you can then think creatively about how 1. Configurators – interactive software programs which enable
you can simplify the way they achieve that using your customers to use successive sets of menus to decide on the
products and services. This may involve fundamentally optimal solution for them.
redesigning your business processes or even your entire
2. Do-it-yourself construction kits – where people can take
business model. If that’s what’s needed, make it so.
parts or components and assemble them in whatever
5. Let customers co-design their ideal scenarios and solutions combination they prefer.
– and get them involved in designing products they will love.
3. Do-it-yourself workshops – where you teach customers how
6. Build your brand around the customer experience you to make their own things.
provide – because from a customer perspective, the
4. Co-design tools – where people participate in activities which
customer experience is your brand. Ideally you want your
end up articulating their vision of a perfect solution.
brand promise, the customer experience and the customer
scenarios to align and match up. When that happens, you 5. Knowledge-based platforms – which allow customers to
create a business that can go from strength to strength on the come up with workable products without needing to know a
basis of creating highly satisfied customers. lot of background information.

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